
Chapter 1,693 Human Affairs

The owner of Liuxu Villa shook his head, then looked at a general in front of him and said: "General Liu, our Liuxu Villa has always been independent of the world, why are you waiting for the army to attack the territory today?"


General Liu sneered and then said: "Nowadays, rebels are causing trouble in the world, and the imperial court still lacks some money in order to quell the chaos."

"We were ordered to come here in the hope that Master Bai can collect some money and food."

The owner of Liuxu Village frowned slightly, and then said: "Since we are asking for money, it is easy to talk about it. I wonder how much food the general wants?"

General Liu smiled and said immediately: "One hundred thousand taels of silver and three thousand shi of grain will be enough."

The face of the owner of Liuxu Villa changed slightly, and then he said: "My Liuxu Villa has accumulated a hundred years of accumulation, but I can't come up with so much money and food. Can the general be accommodating?"


General Liu laughed lewdly and said in a sinister tone: "It's not impossible to do anything. I've long heard that Miss Bai from Liuxu Villa is the most beautiful woman in Beiwu Continent."

"As long as you donate him, I will cut the money and food in half."


The owner of Liuxu Manor became cold for a moment and said immediately: "It seems that General, you really don't want to talk anymore."

The general had already expected the reaction of Master Liuxu Village, but when he saw him, he said: "Master Bai Village is an innate master, one of the top ten innates in the Beiwu Continent, and the most powerful person in the world."

"I came here today, so I was naturally prepared."

As soon as he finished speaking, General Liu gave an order, and dozens of giant crossbows fired at him.

These crossbow arrows are nearly three feet long. They are more like spears than crossbow arrows. Even the innate Qi of the innate master cannot withstand them.

"court death."

In an instant, the owner of Liuxu Manor looked slightly cold, and immediately turned into several phantoms and flew out, and managed to survive countless crossbow arrows.

Not only that, after dodging several phantoms in an instant, the owner of Liuxu Manor burst out of the air and charged into the depths of the army. In just a moment, he killed more than ten people.

"The catkins follow the wind and the body technique is really extraordinary."

Seeing this scene, General Liu sighed in admiration, then clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Come on, let Master Bai try my dragnet."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand again, and a huge net covering the sky fell down and illuminated the owner of Liuxu Manor.

The owner of Liuxu Manor wanted to escape, but at that moment, dozens of crossbow arrows shot through the air, completely blocking the owner of Liuxu Manor's retreat.


The owner of Liuxu Manor felt a thump in his heart, and suddenly felt something bad.

But at this moment, a figure stepped forward and blocked the dozens of crossbow arrows.



At this moment, Bai Susu and the owner of Liuxu Village exclaimed and opened their eyes unbearably.

Just a moment later, with a clanging sound, everyone found Chen Xianzhu standing there quietly, with dozens of crossbow arrows falling to the ground.

"How can it be?"

General Liu exclaimed, showing a look of disbelief.

The owner of Liuxu Manor also breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but said: "The magical power of King Kong's indestructibility?"

"No, even with the indestructible power of the Vajra, there is no way it can withstand so many broken crossbow arrows."

At this moment, Chen Xianzhu turned around with a calm expression and looked at General Liu with cold eyes.

In his life, no one has ever made him express such great murderous intent. Even when he was besieged by several immortals in the past, he only felt disdain in his heart and had never had such great murderous intent.

Because in this world, the only thing he cares about is Bai Susu. If the person in front of him wants to take advantage of her, he is seeking his own death.

"Death comes——"

In an instant, Chen Xianzhu took out his hand and smashed it with an iron rod. Several soldiers tried to resist, but as a result, more than ten people were beaten and flew away.

With just a few moves, nearly a hundred people were killed, and all of them were shattered into pieces.

General Liu was frightened and immediately said: "Stop him, there must be a cover on him."

However, the soldiers and generals were so frightened that they did not dare to resist Chen Xianzhu and began to flee one after another. Chen Xianzhu held an iron rod in his hand and killed him all the way, finally killing General Liu not far away.

This battle only lasted for half a moment. Chen Xian chased and killed more than a thousand of the three thousand troops, and the rest all broke up and fled.

Afterwards, the owner of Liuxu Village was amazed and couldn't help but comment: "Your physical body is indestructible. I'm afraid even the masters with supernatural powers may not be your opponent."

Chen Xianzhu didn't say much. He held Bai Susu in his arms to comfort her for a long time, and then said bluntly: "The times are rough, natural disasters and man-made disasters come one after another, and hundreds of people have no life."

"I can't control natural disasters, but now I want to control man-made disasters and bring hope to the people of the world."

The owner of Liuxu Manor was silent for a long time, then nodded and said: "The person with the dragon pattern on his body must be a real dragon descending to the earth, and he should achieve great things."

Chen Xianzhu shook his head. The imperial power in this world was only insignificant to him. He really just happened to meet it and wanted to find a glimmer of hope for the people of the world.

However, he didn't explain anything. He just used the money and food from Liuxu Villa to recruit a group of soldiers.

With the help of money and food from Liuxu Villa, Chen Xianzhu soon recruited 800 soldiers. With 800 soldiers, he would send troops to all directions, and he would take the lead in every battle.

In every battle, no one could resist his killing attacks, and he captured the entire Dongyan Prefecture in just three months.

Then he marched eastward, and in a great battle, he achieved the feat of defeating an army of 300,000 men with 3,000 men.

Among them, he single-handedly killed more than 10,000 people in a formation and defeated the army.

After this battle, the princes were horrified. Wherever he sent his troops again, countless cities and armies descended upon the wind.

And wherever his soldiers went, they never made any mistakes. With the people's support restored, it took only three years for the Beiwu Continent to be unified.

After unifying the mainland, Chen Xian abolished corvee one by one, reduced taxes and allowed the people to recuperate, and the people finally enjoyed rare peace and happiness.

Later, Chen Xianzhu abdicated the throne to the owner of Liuxu Villa, and lived in seclusion in Liuxu Villa with Bai Susu.

In a blink of an eye, decades have passed.


In Liuxu Villa, Bai Susu had snow-white hair and an old and withered appearance. She looked at Chen Xianzhu and couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes.

In front of her, Chen Xian put on long gowns one by one, and his appearance remained unchanged for decades.

"I am here."

Chen Xian opened his mouth and turned his head away unbearably.

Decades passed by in a hurry, and he watched his beloved grow old little by little, but the feeling of being powerless gave him a heart-wrenching feeling of suffocation.

Why, why did he meet her when he was most helpless.

"Seventy years later, youth remains the same."

Bai Susu spoke slowly and couldn't help but choked with sobs: "You are an immortal, aren't you?"


Chen Xianzhu was speechless, not knowing how to express his feelings for a moment.

Bai Susu shook her head and showed a wry smile: "I know that we are separated by immortality and mortals, and we are destined not to be together forever."

"No matter what, Su Su is lucky to meet you in this life."

"If there is an afterlife, can I meet you again?"

"Susu is so scared that she will never see you again..."

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