
Chapter 1,675 Cosmic Promotion

"The number of three trillion."

Chen Nianzhi suddenly murmured, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

In just one glance at Sheng Wei, Chen Nianzhi saw more than three trillion phantoms of the world.

What’s even more frightening is that these three trillion worlds are only a drop in the ocean in the void of endless dimensions.

"Infinite dimensions, all heavens and all realms, are really as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River."

Chen Nianzhi sighed, once again amazed by the mystery of this dimensional void.

He vaguely understood in his heart that there were countless worlds in this endless dimensional void, and most of them were conceived by themselves. Compared with the world opened by the Earth Immortal, it was just a drop in the ocean.

Of course, the energy level of the dimensional void is limited, and ultimately it cannot compare to the endless chaos.

If a cosmic-level multi-dimensional body stays in the dimensional void, it will be difficult to have a chance to go further.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Celestial Immortals with the foundation of Three Taiyi will choose to increase the dimension of the universe and go to the chaos to absorb the energy of chaos.

After the dimension of the universe increases, almost the energy of chaos evolves into the origin of the universe, and eventually more innate energy can be condensed.

The existence of the Double Taiyi Foundation does not dare to do this, because the universe opened up by the Double Taiyi Foundation is not strong enough.

If it were in the chaos of the ascending dimension, it would not be able to withstand the invasion of the energy of chaos, and the universe would be destroyed on the spot.

It is precisely because of this that when the Nine Heavens were also opened and the Shuang Taiyi foundation broke through the immortals, they could only get two or three innate Qi.

However, San Taiyi's foundation has broken through to the Heavenly Immortal, but he can at least obtain nine innate Qi.

The fundamental reason is that the quality of dimensional energy is far inferior to the mystery of the energy of chaos.

Getting back to the topic, Chen Nianzhi followed the small universe to continuously ascend the dimension, and found that the void of endless dimensions suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the light of the small universe trembled violently, as if it had crossed a certain limit and ascended into a chaotic space.

Chen Nianzhi looked around and found that the surrounding area was filled with endless chaos, and a magnificent fairyland was hovering around it.

"Qingcang Immortal Realm."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, understanding that after the Wanling Universe was promoted, it attached itself to the Qingcang Immortal Realm and was protected by the Qingcang Immortal Realm.


At this time, the universe of Ancestor Wanling erupted with a violent roar.

But in the chaos, the infinite chaos energy poured in, and the universe of the Ancestor of All Spirits made a violent roar, and cracks opened one after another on the cosmic membrane.

"What a powerful energy of chaos."

Chen Nianzhi's heart sank, and there was a bit of shock in his eyes.

"The universe that was transformed from the foundation of Three Taiyi, the ancestor of all spirits, has been severely damaged in this chaos after the dimension was ascended."

"If those universes transformed by imperfect immortals with double Taiyi roots dare to ascend into chaos, they may only end up with the destruction of the universe."

"No wonder even those imperfect immortals dare not break through in the chaos even though they know that after ascending to the dimension, they can condense more than three times more innate energy with the help of the chaotic air flow."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly in his heart, and saw the eyes of Wanling Ancestor shining brightly.

However, he roared violently and used his boundless three-limit mana to bless the world, barely stabilizing the destruction of the universe.

Chen Nianzhi clearly saw that as the universe stabilized, the endless torrent of chaos poured in, and the entire small universe began to expand violently.

Eleven million light years.

Thirteen million light years.

Fifteen million light years.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Nianzhi saw that the universe of Wanling Ancestor had reached 20 million light years.

Then, this small universe began to slowly stagnate, seeming to have reached a certain limit.

This surprised Chen Nianzhi. Generally speaking, if a defective immortal reaches the third level of immortality, the diameter of the universe is generally only 20 million light-years in size.

With the existence of the fourth level of immortals, the diameter of the universe is only about 30 million light years.

The universe opened up by Wanling Ancestor now spans 20 million light-years, which is comparable to a third-level imperfect immortal.

Moreover, Chen Nianzhi understood that the path of Wanling Ancestor did not seem to have reached its limit.


Suddenly, there was a roar from the sky and the earth.

But seeing the Ancestor of Wanling blessing his body with the Yin-Yang Harmony Pot, the infinite power of heaven and earth penetrated the chaos in an instant, and a layer of heaven and earth was slowly opened up.

"The tenth heaven."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, but understood that this was not the end.

You must know the existence of the Three Taiyi Foundation. As long as you still have the energy left after being promoted to the universe, you can at least open up the first heaven, let alone the ancestor of all spirits.

Sure enough, the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Spirits took action again, and another layer of heaven and earth was split open, and a prehistoric sky slowly emerged.

"Eleventh Heaven."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, and then looked at Ancestor Wanling again.

It is far more difficult to create a world in chaos than in a dimensional void, and the pressure to maintain the stability of the original world is also greater.

Generally speaking, most of the three Taiyi foundations have reached their limit at this point, but the ancestor of Wanling has been practicing the three-limit mana for many years, and his plans are definitely more than that.

"Come again."

But when the ancestor of Wanling suddenly roared, the innate divine spear in his hand pierced the sky, and suddenly penetrated the ancient world, and another layer of heaven and earth emerged.

After reaching the twelfth heaven, Wanling Ancestor has not stopped yet.

At this moment, blessed by the power of heaven and earth, Wanling Ancestor is in the most critical moment of his life.

But seeing it attack with all its strength, it penetrated the universe with its boundless power, and the thirteenth level was suddenly penetrated.

Then at the last moment, he tried his best to deliver a fatal blow, forcefully split open the endless chaos, and split open the fourteenth level of heaven.

"It's already the limit."

Seeing this scene, Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly in his heart.

He understood that the Ancestor of All Spirits was exhausted at this moment and could no longer go any further.

However, just after breaking through the realm of immortals, he was able to open up the fourteenth level of heaven and earth. The ancestor of Wanling's background was already very amazing.

The diameter of Wanling Ancestor's universe now has reached 30 million light-years, which is already comparable to that of a fourth-level Immortal with Imperfections.

For ordinary Immortal Immortals, the universe is generally only around the tenth level of heaven. The universe will not be so big until at least the second level of Immortal.


Following a roaring sound from heaven and earth, Chen Nianzhi watched the ancestor of Wanling slowly condense the origin of heaven and earth.

Chen Nianzhi looked around and found that among the fourteen heavens of Wanling Ancestor, one hundred and eight heavenly and earthly yellows appeared on each level.

What's more important is that in each of the fourteen levels of heaven and earth, an innate inspiration has emerged.

This innate spirituality can only emerge when the universe first opens. It is the key to condensing the innate energy. If you miss this opportunity, it will disappear soon.

This thing is an innate thing, it can be used as a guide to condense the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth, and turn it into the innate Qi.

Of course, this is a promotion in chaos. If you are promoted in the void of dimension, the innate wisdom you will get is only one-third of the promotion in chaos.

With the innate wisdom in hand, Wan Ling Ancestor naturally did not hesitate. As Wan Ling Ancestor continued to condense, the fourteen innate Qi finally emerged slowly.

I'm so stuck today, I'm sorry

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