
Chapter 1,503 Six Hundred Acres of Fairyland [First update]

At the same time, Divine Lord Xichen, who was above the sky, could not help but feel a slight chill on his face when he saw this scene. The reason why he intervened at the risk of offending a few people this time was because of the piece of ancient iron in front of him.

But now that the Chixiao Ancient Iron fell into Chen Nianzhi's hands, his heart sank slightly.

When the Taoist Zixuan saw this scene, he said calmly: "Does your Excellency want to take this thing away?"


Divine Lord Xichen snorted coldly, swept Fairy Liuyan and others away with a flick of his sleeves, and disappeared into the boundless world.

After he left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Liyan Spirit couldn't help but said in surprise: "None of us saw what she was hiding, how did you know she had this ancient iron from the sky in her hand?"

"I don't know."

Chen Nianzhi shook his head, and then said calmly: "But this person is the person with the highest cultivation level in Liumingxing Palace, and she is the one most likely to bring out the treasure."

"I see."

When everyone heard this, they all nodded slightly.

When things have reached this point, the attack on Liuming Palace has come to an end.

The moment they boarded the Flowing Fire Blessed Land, this ancient blessed land truly changed its owner.

After taking control of the Flowing Fire Blessed Land, Chen Nianzhi immediately asked people to count the treasures of this blessed land.

After some inventory, they found that the blessed land of Liuming Palace was worthy of being the lord of Liuchuan Baihai, and the wealth it had accumulated over tens of millions of years was extremely astonishing.

In this blessed land, the assets can be roughly divided into three parts, namely fixed assets, immortal treasures, immortal treasures, spiritual roots, immortal medicine, immortal scriptures and secret books, etc.

Among them, fixed assets accounted for the majority. It was just a top-quality blessed land. In the long run, it was more precious than a Taiyi Immortal Soldier, so its value was needless to say.

Putting aside the blessed land, there are also a large number of mineral veins, 600 acres of fairyland, and a gate to the void in the Flowing Mars Palace.

The Void Gate is a supreme space treasure refined by Flowing Fire Blessed Land with the help of Immortal Court. This object can allow people to reach almost any place in Qingcang Immortal Domain in an instant.

Even the starry sky universe outside the fairyland can be reached through this portal. The value of such a supreme treasure is naturally difficult to measure. Strictly speaking, its ownership belongs to Immortal Court.

However, it needs to rely on the entire Rukawa Hyakukai earth veins to activate, so it is anchored in Rukawa Hyakukai and cannot move.

Liuming Palace controls Liuchuan Baihai. The owner of Liuming Palace also serves in Xiyuan Xianting, so he is qualified to control this thing on his behalf.

As far as Chen Nianzhi knows, this gate to the void opens every thousand years, and each time it can bring tens of thousands of immortal sources to Liuming Mars Palace.

Although most of the proceeds were divided by the Immortal Court, there were only about 3,000 pieces that fell into the hands of Liuming Mars Palace.

Now that the Chen Clan has become the masters of the Flowing River and the Hundred Seas, they are naturally qualified to take charge of this Gate of the Void.

Apart from the Void Gate, the most precious thing is the Hundred Acre Fairyland.

You know, this is a fairyland. Every inch of its soil is paved with fairy soil, and its value is simply immeasurable.

Many immortal blessed lands have been accumulated for millions of years, but they can only own a dozen acres of immortal fields.

After Chen Nianzhi became an immortal, he obtained the magical method of cultivating a fairyland. However, after cultivating it for hundreds of thousands of years, the resulting fairyland was only a little over sixty acres.

Moreover, the Chen Clan’s Immortal Clan has invested a huge amount of resources and fairy energy in cultivating these sixty acres of fairyland so far, and its value is probably worth millions of fairy sources.

"With these fairy sources and mineral veins, plus these six hundred acres of fairyland, the family will probably be able to own thousands of acres of fairyland within a hundred thousand years."

Chen Nianzhi whispered in his heart, and couldn't help but show a bit of joy.

Currently, of the sixty acres of spiritual fields of the Chen clan's immortal clan, thirty acres are planted with chalcedony golden bamboo shoots, of which more than three thousand have grown to the level of immortals.

Generally speaking, it can bring about 1,500 fairy sources to the family every thousand years. If you expand the chalcedony golden bamboo shoots

On a large scale, if the scale of planting chalcedony and golden bamboo shoots is expanded twenty-fold, then in two to three hundred thousand years, the Chen Clan's income from this area will also be guaranteed to increase twenty-fold.

At that time, the income of 30,000 fairy sources will be brought every thousand years, and about 30 million fairy sources will be brought in every one million years.

This income is very astonishing. Even if Qixuan Taoist occupies a large Xianyuan mine, the income may not be so much every million years.

More importantly, as more and more chalcedony golden bamboo shoots are planted, a very small number of chalcedony golden bamboo shoots will transform and be promoted to chalcedony golden bamboo.

The chalcedony golden bamboo is a rare treasure of the Open Sky. Although it cannot be used as medicine, it can be used to refine the best materials of the Open Sky Treasure.

When there are enough chalcedony and golden bamboos, they are the best materials for refining the "Open Heaven Sword Formation". Therefore, to Chen Nianzhi, the long-term value of these 600 acres of fairyland even surpassed that of the Kaitian Treasure.

The only disadvantage is that it often takes millions of years for chalcedony golden bamboo shoots to transform into chalcedony golden bamboo shoots, so it cannot be realized in the short term.

In addition to fixed assets, Liuming Palace also left behind a large number of elixirs and spiritual roots.

Among them, there are seven Kaitian Spiritual Roots in total. Each one is of immeasurable value, and the elixir is also valuable.

There are also thousands of immortal treasures and treasures. The total value of all these frivolous treasures, even excluding divine objects such as the Chixiao Ancient Iron, is worth more than 30 million immortal sources.

There are more than 10,000 ancient immortal scriptures in the end, most of which are seventh-level immortal scriptures, but the Kaitian ancient scrolls that have reached the eighth-level realm also have nearly a hundred volumes, all of which are from the Flowing Mars Palace. Something to treasure.

Seeing such a huge harvest, Taoist Zixuan couldn't help but hold his hand and said: "All the 30 million-year treasures of Liuming Mars Palace are released here."

Chen Nianzhi nodded, couldn't help but smile and took out four Kaitian spiritual roots, several Kaitian rare treasures, and reproduced all the Kaitian ancient scrolls in Liuming Mars Palace.

After completing this step, he handed it to Taoist Zixuan and said, "Brother has contributed a lot in this battle. This should be regarded as my brother's gratitude."

Taoist Zixuan's face changed slightly, and he immediately shook his head and said, "My dear brother, you helped me overcome the catastrophe that blocked my path and allowed me to set foot in the realm of Taiyi. How dare I have the audacity to take your treasure again?"

"Hahaha." Chen Nianzhi laughed, and then said: "Without the help of my brother, I may not be able to save the two cauldrons of Red Dragon and Black Dragon."

"These treasures belong to this brother." Seeing this, Taoist Zixuan did not refuse.

He took four Kaitian spiritual roots and took the replica of the Kaitian Ancient Scroll.

Then he didn't take other rare treasures from Kaitian, and just said: "You have been enlightened for a short time and your family is relatively weak. You can keep the rest."


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