
Chapter 1,291 Riji opens the sky

Chen Nian made up his mind and wanted to use his body as bait to destroy the demon clan's power in one fell swoop.

He looked at the immortals and said with a solemn expression: "We should have enough manpower. These trustworthy people can be contacted first."

"Remember, it must be a trustworthy person."

"We would rather invite fewer people than invite untrustworthy people. Otherwise, once the information is leaked, it may cause a catastrophe."

Hearing this, Riji couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, it's just like you said, the people I choose are all people who will be both prosperous and destructive with us. They will definitely not betray us."

When the immortals heard this, they couldn't help but show extremely solemn expressions.

They knew very well that once this battle was successful, they would probably be able to kill at least one or two Earth Immortals from the demon race, or even several half-step Earth Immortals.

Once this move is successful, it may be able to shake up the low-end war situation in Liuchuan Baihai.

You must know that in the entire Xiqi Divine Abyss Sea, the Earth Immortal Ancestors who were in trouble this time were only close to a thousand.

Scattered into thirty-three sea areas, there are only more than thirty people in each sea area.

Ruchuan Baihai is one of the cores of the great catastrophe, but the Earth Immortal Ancestors who suffered the catastrophe here are probably only a hundred people from both sides combined.

Among them, the Liuming Mars Palace accounts for seventeen, and the Tiansha Clan accounts for more than forty. The remaining earth immortals from all sides add up to only fifty or sixty. Among them, there are less than thirty from the demon clan, and the rest are from the human and god clans. .

In this case, if one or two demon clan earth immortals and many half-step earth immortals can be killed, it may really shake the balance of the battlefield a little.

After all, the Qingchuan Ancient Sect was known as the third force in Rukawa Baihai. In its heyday, it only had four half-step Earth Immortals. There were only five Earth Immortals and true dragons in Qianlong Lake in the later stage of Earth Immortals.

"This battle can only be successful, never fail."

Everyone was whispering in their hearts, and they all understood the importance of this battle.

Seeing this, Chen Nianzhi smiled and said: "There is still time now, we can continue to digest the details first, and it will not be too late to wait until Fellow Daoist Riji breaks through to the realm of Earthly Immortal and consolidates his cultivation before taking action."

"The time will be set in a thousand years."

Riji nodded when she heard the words, and then said: "It is better to choose a day than to hit the sun. I am opening the sky today. You can watch me open the sky and create the world. It may be of some benefit to your future practice."

An Earth Immortal opens the sky, looking across a sea area, it is a scene that is rare to see in a million years. Naturally, the immortals did not miss this opportunity and wanted to observe his creation of heaven and earth.

I saw that Riji gathered the supreme power, and the two foundations of the Great Sun Divine Body and the Great Sun Rules complement each other, blooming an unprecedented and shocking power.

In an instant, Qingcang Tiandao felt that there was a mysterious consciousness of Heavenly Dao watching down.

The will of that day noticed the Kaitian Dao Fruit in Riji's body, and immediately tore open a dimensional void, sending Riji into a chaotic void.

"This is...."

When the immortals saw this scene, they couldn't help showing expressions of astonishment.

Chen Nianzhi understood this and immediately said: "The creation of the world was naturally not in the Qingcang Immortal Domain."

"Its location is in dimensional space and does not belong to the same dimension as ours." Following Chen Nianzhi's narration, the immortals probably understood the place where the world was created.

Endless chaos is actually composed of countless dimensions, within which countless starry sky universes are derived, and there are billions of worlds in each dimension.

The endless starry sky, the boundless universe, the vast world, and the vast space and time are all in that endless dimension.

The Immortal Realm exists in chaos, which is the highest latitude among the heavens and the world, and is also the origin of all dimensions.

The Ziyin Realm and even the boundless starry sky where Chen Nianzhi practiced in the past are actually in this endless dimension. Strictly speaking, it is a lower dimension of void.

If we look at it from the perspective of Daluo Jinxian, the starry sky and the universe, and the billions of stars all over the sky, are actually composed of the trillions of stars and the universe in the dimension.

Such as the sun star and lunar star in the universe

Waiting for the stars for nine days.

Its source body is in the original fairyland, and it is at the source point of endless dimensions. What is reflected in the endless dimensional space is the low-dimensional body it has transformed into.

In other words, creatures in the low-dimensional universe cannot understand the sun at the source of the dimension.

Just like ants walking on paper, they think the world is not high or low, and mortals walking on the stars, they think the earth is flat.

As everyone knows, from a higher dimension, the world is far more than that.

Throughout their lives, what they have seen is just a drop in the ocean of this star, and what they have touched is only a corner of the star.

In the endless dimensions, the sun seen by all living beings is just a faint ray of light from the sun star at the source of the dimension.

The same is true for the world created by the Earth Immortal Ancestor. They cannot withstand the torrent of chaos from the high-dimensional source point and cannot create a world in endless chaos.

Therefore, the world they opened up is in the endless chaotic dimension space, not in the chaotic opening where the source point of the endless dimension is.

Strictly speaking, when a monk reaches the realm of Yuanshen, he has the ability to temporarily escape into the cracks of space.

In the lower realm, the Taoist Primordial Spirit can tear open the void, walk in the cracks of the void, and reach the end of the endless void in an instant.

Immortals can even lie high in the dimension of space, and are existences that completely transcend the three-dimensional space.

Unfortunately, most of the Great Thousand Worlds are not qualified enough to withstand the power of immortals, so all immortals have to ascend to the immortal realm.

After the immortals ascended to the Chaos Immortal Realm, they were suppressed by the space rules of the Immortal Realm and could no longer easily tear apart the void. Only the powerful immortals could travel in the endless dimensions.

The big world opened up by the Earth Immortal is a three-dimensional big world artificially opened up in the endless dimensional space.

In the endless chaotic dimension, there are countless billions of realms and oceans. Most of them are naturally created under the tide of time and space, but many of them are created by such powerful people.

"Endless chaos, rising and falling world seas."

"In the future, the earthly immortal world will transform into the celestial immortal universe, or even into the chaotic fairyland. This may be nothing more than a process of dimensionality."

Chen Nianzhi murmured and couldn't help but put his thoughts back.

He looked at the void of the dimension where Riji went, and then said: "The creation of the world by the Earth Immortal involves the mystery of the chaotic space."

"This is a rare opportunity for you and me."

After the words fell, Chen Nianzhi took a step forward and stepped into the dimensional void.

The immortals followed closely behind, and as soon as they stepped into it, they couldn't help but show a bit of surprise.

This is a gap in the void, the surrounding areas are hazy, there is no space and time, only the breath of endless chaos fills it.

Crowded, dull, dark, everything is chaotic and primitive, even space does not exist.

It exists in endless dimensions. There is no distinction between high and low, nor width. It means that even length no longer exists.

It is a zero-dimensional space, or in other words, it is a source of void called "nothing".

There is no space, no time, everything ceases to exist, only the breath of chaos permeates the endless dimensions.

Time and space have no meaning to it.

Until today, a dazzling golden light came to the source of the void. PS: How long has it been since you paid off your debt? Today is the fourth update to pay off your debt!


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