
Chapter 1,158 Xian Ling’s Reincarnation

Chen Nianzhi glanced at the child and could tell at a glance that he had no spiritual roots.

He shook his head, then smiled slightly, patted the child on the shoulder and said, "Since we have met, we are destined."

"When I look at the child, he should have spiritual roots."


The middle-aged man was overjoyed immediately and quickly thanked him: "Then I will lend you some good words."

He said and immediately took the young man up, only to see a scorching glow blooming on the soul-detecting platform.

The old man in purple robe took a look, and couldn't help but said with satisfaction: "It's actually the wind spirit root. It's easy to break through the golden elixir by taking the path of Xunfeng. After the golden elixir, you can continue to follow the path of Xunfeng."

"You can also choose to re-differentiate into two spiritual roots. It seems that this child has great potential."

"Hahaha, my son really has spiritual roots."

The middle-aged man felt something deep in his heart. He quickly held the child and looked in the direction of Chen Nianzhi, only to find that Chen Nianzhi had left at some point.

Immortals have the ability to defy nature, so Chen Nianzhi spent some of the power of the immortal marks to give birth to the spiritual roots in the dark, which was just a little effort.

After leaving the small town, Chen Nianzhi continued westward. He didn't know how long he had walked when he suddenly looked slightly startled and stopped.

He turned around and strolled into a small town.

But in the courtyard of the small town, I saw a child HD walking on the ground.

The child's body is young and innocent, looking only four or five years old, but there is a rare gentle temperament between his eyebrows.

Looking at the child in front of him, Chen Nianzhi was silent for a long time, and finally sighed.

"Be born as a member of the Chen family, and die as the soul of the Chen family."

"If there is another life, I will be a member of the Chen family again."


Chen Nianzhi sighed and finally said with emotion: "Xianling, you finally got what you wanted."

Looking at the child in front of him, Chen Nianzhi felt extremely complicated. It turned out that the person in front of him was actually the reincarnation of Chen Xianling.

When the Chen family was still a member of the Nascent Soul Clan, in order to repair the Qingyuan Sword, Chen Nianzhi united with several Nascent Soul forces to fight against the Desolate Demon Ridge. As a result, he was plotted by the Old Demon of Transforming Blood.

In that battle, the Chen family lost five Jindan members, including Chen Xianling.

At that time, Chen Xianling's cultivation was already quite astonishing, and he was already the true king seed of his family. If he had not died early, with the support of Chen Nianzhi, it would be impossible to break through to the soul.

Chen Xianling was raised by Chen Nianzhi since he was a child, and he and Chen Nianzhi have a deep relationship. The relationship between the two is that of uncle and nephew, rather than that of master and disciple.

After Chen Xianling's death, Chen Nianzhi felt quite painful in his heart. Unexpectedly, more than 10,000 years later, he would actually see Chen Xianling's reincarnation.

"Finally we meet again."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, smiled slightly in his heart, and walked over.

After carefully looking at the child, Chen Nianzhi showed a hint of surprise.

"Qianyang Dao Body."

The Qian Yang Tao Body is an extremely superior Tao body, which contains the extremely domineering power of Nine Heavens Qian Yang. If the Qian Yang Tao Body is cultivated to the extreme, it can transform into the legendary Qian Yang Immortal Body.

This is a road to becoming an immortal. The Qianyang Immortal Body is extremely domineering, probably even more so than the Tianfeng Taoist's Fengfeng Divine Body.

Chen Nianzhi was a little surprised that Chen Xianling had such a Taoist body in this life, because this kind of Taoist body was so rare.

Chen Nianzhi didn't understand it before, but as his cultivation has become more advanced, Chen Nianzhi has discovered a trace of the secret of reincarnation.

Generally speaking, most monks who can be born with Taoism have a lot of history in their previous lives.

I dare not say it is absolute, but most of the geniuses who have Tao bodies have cultivated to the realm of Yuanshen Taojun in their previous lives.

During the reincarnation of these Yuanshen Tao Lords, they can consume the power of the Yuanshen to give birth to Tao bodies and spiritual roots for the next life.

It is precisely because of this that after entering the Netherworld, the Taoist Lords will be cared for by the ghosts and immortals in the Netherworld.

Because after the Yuanshen Weapon is released, even if it enters reincarnation, relying on the foundation of the previous life, it is very possible to cultivate to the realm of Tao Lord again.

If there are enough opportunities, the possibility of breaking through to immortality will be greatly increased. Once they succeed in ascending to immortality and recover the memories of their previous lives, they will most likely repay the karma of reincarnation.

Chen Xianling actually had a Qianyang Taoist body in this life, which greatly exceeded Chen Nianzhi's expectations and made Chen Nianzhi a little curious.

"Let me see what you have been through!"

Chen Nianzhi whispered, absorbing a bit of Chen Xianling's soul power.

In an instant, boundless immortal energy bloomed, and an earth-shaking power poured into the soul, evolving into the old scene of Chen Xianling's reincarnation.

Time and space are traced back, the old scene of reincarnation is evolved, and Chen Xianling's past life is finally revealed.

This sight made Chen Nianzhi's eyes narrow. He discovered that after Chen Xianling died that year, he only lived in reincarnation for one life.

In other words, Chen Xianling lived for more than 16,000 years in his previous life.

"It seems that this child's previous life seems to be quite extraordinary."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, his eyes quietly looking at Chen Xianling's past life.

In this life, Chen Xianling was reincarnated with the soul of perfect golden elixir, and he was born as a Tianlinggen cultivator with Fire Spiritual Root.

He was born in a magnificent world, and was lucky enough to be born from a Nascent Soul Immortal Clan. There were no big obstacles until he cultivated to Nascent Soul.

Relying on the qualifications of Tianlinggen, he received key training from the Yuanying Immortal Clan. He built the foundation on his own, overcame physical sufferings and cultivated to Zifu, and forged a high-grade golden elixir.

In the end, with the help of several True Lords in the clan, he was lucky enough to obtain a stream of Heavenly Dao Qi and create the Heavenly Dao Nascent Soul.

After creating the Yuanying of Heaven, his talents became more and more unstoppable. Not only did his cultivation progress rapidly, he also realized the rare secret power of Qianyang and broke through the realm of Yuanshen in one fell swoop.

Although the Tianlinggen monk has weak magic power, his cultivation speed is still extremely fast among the Yuanshen. Chen Xianling has only cultivated to the perfection of the Yuanshen for more than 6,000 years.

After that, he struggled. It took him a full ten thousand years of cultivation before he realized the rudiment of a law, and he became the first person in the world in hundreds of thousands of years who was expected to become an immortal.

When he was 16,000 years old in his previous life, Chen Xianling began to strive for the realm of immortality.

Monks with single spiritual roots have weak magic power, and it is extremely difficult to survive the lightning tribulation of becoming an immortal.

Chen Xianling took the risk to survive the Thunder Tribulation of Immortality. Relying on the unparalleled domineering power of the Qian Yang Law, he managed to survive the Thunder Tribulation of Immortality barely.

Unfortunately, after the thunder tribulation, Chen Xianling's physical body was completely destroyed, and his soul was also severely damaged.

After losing his physical body and suffering such injuries, Chen Xianling could only consume the original immortal energy given by heaven to heal his injuries, and created the Qianyang Immortal Fetus.

Although the injury was stabilized in this way, without the original energy that should have been used to integrate into the law, even if the ascension is successful in the future, he can only become a fake immortal and there is no further possibility.

So he decided to enter reincarnation and cultivate to become an immortal and a fruit in another life.

As for the place to become an immortal in this life, he chose Ziyin Realm.


Seeing this, Chen Nianzhi sighed and couldn't help but express a bit of emotion.

The reason why Chen Xianling was born in the Chen Clan of Immortals in this life is because Chen Xianling recovered the memories of his previous life after surviving the tribulation of becoming an immortal.

In his memory, the catastrophe of the Ziyin Realm Demon Abyss has not yet been resolved, and the Chen family is facing boundless disasters.

So in this life, he dispersed all his immortal fetuses and came with Qianyang Dao body, just to be born in response to the catastrophe and to quell the boundless catastrophe in the Ziyin world.

In addition, it was also to meet old friends from previous lives, Chen Nianzhi and Chen Xianyan.

"You have great courage and great talent."

"It's just too late."

Chen Nianzhi shook his head and couldn't help but laugh a little.

Now that the catastrophe in Ziyin Realm has been put down, Chen Xianling is too late.

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