Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 27: start experiment

"Teacher, you are too much, how can you leave me there?"

In the library, Herman was still chattering about what happened yesterday, but when Maester Lemon just glanced at him calmly, he stopped.

His "reverence" for the teacher is about to become a habit.

"Killing me again..." Herman muttered in a low voice, seemingly looking at Eli who was not far away, and wanted to ask for help.

"Okay, you better stop messing with the teacher." Eli said with a smile.

It seemed that Herman was always the one who got hurt.

Today is the second day after the banquet, and they visit the teacher according to the daily procedure.

Lemon was sitting on a chair, as if sitting there, he could have full power. He glanced at Herman, who was unsatisfactory, and at Eli, then took out a pocket from the table and said:

"Eli, this is your reward from the library."

Eli was a little curious and took the pocket.

In the pocket, there are three golden jintars.

"This is?" In fact, he had already guessed what it was.

"This is the reward you obtained from the Earl's donation from the Knights Academy and the monastery. It's not much, but you also know that the library is also very difficult now." Earl Lemon looked at Eli and said.

"Thank you teacher, thank you curator, thank you library." How could Eli dislike little, this is a total windfall!

He can start his potion simplification work early.

"Well, there is also the Earl. If possible, try to maintain a friendly relationship and get to know some important people. It is always helpful to you." Seeing Eli picking up Jintar, he reminded again.

"Got it, teacher." Eli smiled, then he took out two gintars and put the bag back on the table.

"This is?" Maester Lemon didn't seem to understand.

"Teacher, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a chance. If I didn't have Jintar, I would have contributed and bought some new research materials for you, teacher." Eli replied with a smile.

"This can't be done!" Lemon shook his head, he was a bachelor, how could he accept gold coins from students!

"Teacher, it's not much. You accepted me as a student, I still remember it, otherwise I'm just an ordinary librarian now." Eli said again.

He is a man of gratitude.

"Alright then." This time, Maester Lemon didn't refuse, but looked at Eli more kindly.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

within a month.

Eli went to Moore Manor three times to help the Earl train horses and tame about twenty horses, and the process went smoothly without any accident. Eli also got two gintars.

Mainly, the Count's wild horses are not shipped to the racecourse together, but in batches.

After all, the horse farm is so big, and since there are some horses in captivity, it is impossible to allow nearly a hundred more horses to be added.

Eli has no problem with this. Anyway, the manor is not very far from the city, and he can still drop by his secret base.

"It's time to find Roland."

He already had four jintars in his hand, enough for his first round of experiments.

He also hadn't seen Roland for a long time.

three days later.

Rose Chamber of Commerce.

In a simple and not luxurious room on the second floor.

Eli was sitting on the sofa, opposite Roland, a friend he had known for a long time.

However, compared to more than three years ago, Roland at this time is more mature. His black hair and blue eyes are a little less translucent and a little more shrewd than before. He sat opposite Eli and said with a smile:

"Eli, I've found all the materials you want for you."

"Thanks." Eli nodded.

He told Roland about his needs two days ago, and then Roland helped him collect materials using the power of the Chamber of Commerce. In just two days, the collection was completed.

It can only be said that as expected of a perfume and herbal business, if he were asked to collect them, he might not be able to collect them in a few months. This also reflects the importance of connections.

"Hey, by the way, what do you need so many materials for?" On the other hand, Roland was a little puzzled.

"I've been working on some herbal stuff recently, and I think it's very interesting." Eli made an excuse.

"Is that so." Roland nodded. He has now taken over the family's business. He knows more and more people, but there are fewer and fewer close friends. Eli is a very special one.

How special, as if it doesn't care about everything.

It made him feel as if Eli was standing on a higher level looking at the world, but it was very contradictory. How could an ordinary person make him feel this way? He could only attribute his awe to scholars like Eli.

"But friends are friends, I can't give you these materials for free, at least I can't make a loss." Roland already has the self-consciousness of a businessman.

"Of course." Eli smiled and took out four Jintars from his arms, his current net worth.

The experiment of potion transformation must be protracted, and I don't know how long these can support him.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be a rich man." Roland saw Jintar laughing, and then put Jintar away.

"I will arrange for someone to deliver these materials to your home when the time comes." Roland stood up, but added in the next second:

"Hey, by the way, Liuying Street has heard that a high-end venue has opened, and there are even destitute noble girls. Do you want to go together?"

Eli cast a strange glance at Roland, okay, am I that kind of person?


"Call me then."

"You kid has changed so much."

"You haven't changed at all!"

Eli's experiment Because of the money collected in advance, he started the simplification of herbal medicine in advance, but this work was much more difficult and complicated than Eli imagined.

Due to the lack of potions inheritance, Eli has to explore many things by himself, and the progress of the experiment has been stuck in the first stage.

He divided the transformation of potions into three stages, namely the preliminary screening of materials, the specific replacement of materials, and the configuration of potions.

The first stage is the most wasteful of time and money, because he has to spend a lot of time to collect herbs with the efficacy of the original medicine, which can only rely on one experiment.

But it's nothing to Eli, after all, he can learn a lot from it.

As for when the potion will be refined, it all depends on fate, and he is not so anxious.

Three months later, work on Eli's first phase was halted again.

Not because of success, but because of lack of money.

The high-intensity experiment caused the material to be consumed quickly. In just three months, all the materials he purchased were completed. However, due to some unknown reason from the Earl, the horses hadn’t been delivered in the past three months, so he did not have any new ones. Jintar was in the account and could not support the experiment.

Of course, the salary of the library is there, but as a student who is not even a scholar, his salary is so much, which is completely a drop in the bucket.

"You can't steal or rob." On this day, Eli had just finished sorting out books in the library and went to visit the teacher.

Push open the door.

Maester Lemon was swearing and dancing, while in the corner, Herman stood aggrieved and bowed his head.

what happened?

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