Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 454: Shen Yu Luo Yan is not an exaggeration, even if the moon is too close

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Chi Changjian let out a long sigh of relief. He had agreed with Song Ning before. If Song Ning had an accident just now, he was really not easy to handle.

When the audience's affection for Song Ning hadn't dissipated, Chi Changjian immediately stood up and said, "Now five people have been selected. Below, please invite these five people to come out together and stand in the middle of the test bench, waiting for me This baby granddaughter comes to choose. Whom my granddaughter can like and who can look forward to, this is her personal wish, even if it is me, it can't be controlled. "

When Chi Changjian said this, it was an expression of "whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believe it". When he spoke, Chi Ruolan's Qianying also came in.

Chi Ruolan had been watching a long time ago, but it was very concealed, and no outsiders could even notice it.

On the test bench, two Yuanying monks, a demigod monk, a monk monk, and a monk wendao, among which monk wendao was Song Ning, and monk Huashen was Bai Yu, and Bai Yu stood in body of Song Ning Although he didn't say a word at the time, he was very resentful. Just now, he happily thought that Song Ning was going to die, but he didn't expect that Song Ning was not dead, but instead seemed to understand something. Song Ning was better, he would The more hate it tickles.

But at this time Chi Ruolan came out, Bai Yu's eyes fell on this faint shadow, don't see Bai Yu often appearing in Chi's house, but he rarely saw Chi Ruolan, Chi Ruolan was shallow Out, even on weekdays, even in the main palace, they rarely leave their rooms.

Bai Yu looked at Chi Ruolan. It had been some time since the last time he saw Chi Ruolan, and he felt emotionally that this woman really changed her body shape when she was young, and now Chi Ruolan's figure is even more Bai Yu Yearning.

The appearance of Chi Ruolan pushed the popularity of this contest to a new high. It seems that these people spent money not to watch the contest, but to see the last appearance of Chi Ruolan.

Chi Ruolan is now wearing a pale pink wide-sleeved flow fairy skirt, covered with a veil, and her body is enchanting, like a hibiscus out of water, and slim. She was born with lotus flowers every step of the way, and every time she stepped closer, it was refreshing, not to mention the appearance. This temperament alone was enough to sway the country.

At the moment, many monks left Harala undisputedly, so beautiful, they may not be able to see it once in a lifetime.

Song Ning and Chi Ruolan's eyes crossed, his brow furrowed slightly, as if to say something.

Chi Ruolan's heart tightened, thinking Song Ning recognized her, so she walked to Song Ning and whispered: "Song Daoyou, what do you have to say?"

When Chi Ruolan wanted to come, if Song Ning recognized Chi Ruolan, Chi Ruolan could go on with the trend and the two had known each other for a long time, then this choice of Song Ning was a matter of course.

But who knows that Song Ning said: "If it looks like a fairy, why cover up the veil? It's just a look, it won't look bad if it's seen."

When Song Ning said this, Chi Changjian couldn't help but twitch in the corner of his eye. He couldn't think of it anyway. A person like Song Ning would talk like this. What does it matter if you wear a veil or not? Besides, Song Ning said a few good deals before, let Chi Ruolan choose him, would n’t it end?

Now Song Ning said this, Chi Ruolan was the most surprised. To outsiders, Song Ning is afraid that Chi Ruolan's face under the veil is disgusting, but in Chi Ruolan's view, Song Ning's face Blindness has also reached a certain level, although I haven't seen my face before, although today I changed my clothes, changed my hairstyle, and changed my veil, but this is not the reason why Song Ning could not recognize people in a blink of an eye.

"Song Daoyou, do you want to see my face under the veil? Do you want to see it, or do you want everyone to see it?" Chi Ruolan asked.

Song Ning smiled: "These people are spending money to see Fang Rong. Moreover, if Miss Chi doesn't even show her true appearance, I'm afraid the three people beside me are also worried."

"Oh? Three people?" Chi Ruolan's tone was a little teasing. With her wisdom, she seemed to understand what Song Ning said. At this time, there were four people standing beside Song Ning, but Song Ning said three people. This is clearly the omission of one of them.

Chi Ruolan's question just came out, and Bai Yu immediately said angrily: "Are you blind? Am I not a person?"

Song Ning said lightly: "Bai Daoyou really has a deep understanding of himself."

"Oh, okay, okay! Don't think you have anything to do with the military. I dare not move you. My Bai family is also well-known in the military!" Bai Yu pointed to Song Ning, and he was about to run away.

Song Ning sighed, "Hey, you finished introducing yourself, saying that you are not a person, but now you blame me again, is it interesting?"

Bai Yu's face was bluish and red, obviously Song Ning was anxious, but now he has nothing wrong with Song Ning's words. Song Ning really didn't say anything, he said Bai Yu, if he blames him, he can only blame him Scolded myself.

Giggle ...

Chi Ruolan could not help but when she covered her lips and smiled, she put the veil next, and after this veil, she became the focus of everyone's eyes. When her appearance fell in the eyes of everyone, everyone's eyes It is also difficult to remove.

Shen Yuluoyan is not an exaggeration, even if the moon is too close.

This Chi Ruolan's appearance is very beautiful, but I do not know why, this very beautiful appearance is to give people a feeling of fascination, making people think that this woman should only be in heaven.

Song Ning was dumbfounded at the sight of Chi Ruolan's appearance.

Seeing this expression of Song Ning, Bai Yu sneered: "Have you never seen such a beautiful person? Well, that's all your knowledge is."

However, Bai Yu's words didn't seem to enter Song Ning's ears. Song Ning pointed to Chi Ruolan and said, "Is it you?"

"Fortunately, the girl is not too ugly, Song Daoyou still remembers." Chi Ruolan put on the veil.

After she put on the veil, the eyes of those onlookers suddenly loosened, as if she had been attracted by some kind of witchcraft just now, and now they want to come, even they themselves are deeply shocked.

"Do you know?" Bai Yu exclaimed.

However, Bai Yu was once again ignored like air.

Song Ning looked at Chi Ruolan with a smile on her lips: "I was offended before, Miss Chi, what happened that night ..."

Chi Ruolan raised his hand and held Song Ning's lips: "I won't mention the matter that night. This time, I will recruit the one I chose, and it's you."

After hearing this, Bai Yu felt that there were countless grass and mud horses galloping in his heart. These grass and mud horses did not seem to be happy after running a lap, and they stepped on his heart and ran the second lap, the third lap ...

"What are you two shameless things about, what happened that night? What did you do!" Bai Yu yelled at them.

However, Song Ning took Chi Ruolan's hand as if he were very affectionate, and walked towards Chi Changjian step by step. As for Bai Yu, at that moment, the appearance could be renamed idiot.

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