Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 443: Above ten pots

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Unconsciously, with tears in her eyes, Song Ning raised her head to stop the tears, but she couldn't stop it anyway.

The woman in the distance was still stroking the piano, but somehow the person who listened to it cried, and she stopped immediately when she was panicked. She overturned the teacup beside her in a panic. Dress.

Song Ning closed his eyes and wiped away the tears with a chuckle: "Why did it stop?"

"Why did you cry?" The woman asked back.

Song Ning shook his head: "If a person you loved loved others before they loved you, even if you shed tears, wouldn't it be too much?"

The woman seemed to hesitate, and after a moment, he smiled freely: "If he loves me now, why should he care about the past?"

Song Ning was stunned. After a while, he laughed with self-deprecation. The laughter fell in the woman's ear, making the woman even more puzzled. This person would cry for a while and laugh, would it be too much?

But somehow, even Song Ning's laughter seemed to be full of goodwill in the eyes of this woman. Unconsciously, she remembered this person's face deeply in her heart.

"Thank you, Daoyou, if you weren't awakening your dreams, I'm afraid I'm still sinking in those past." Song Ning clenched his fists, picked up the jug, and swallowed.

This is more than the tenth jug ...

When wine enters the body, Song Ning suddenly feels that his body is burning like fire. It seems that what he drank was not wine, but fire. The fire spread to his whole body instantly, invisible and untouchable, but it was very hot, like Can completely burn Song Ning's body.

Song Ning spit out blood, and his body fell like a stone from the top of Wangfeng Tower.

The woman was frightened, jumped forward, flew towards Song Ningfei, hugged Song Ning, and then quickly flew towards a compound in Roland City.

Song Ning naturally knew that the woman was holding him at the moment, but the burning wine in his body made it difficult for him to speak. The invisible flame was burning Song Ning's flesh, but just when the flesh was going to be burned, The blood and flesh in Song Ning's body suddenly flashed a cold light. When the cold light flashed, a burst of cold air escaped, hovering inside Song Ning's body, colliding with the invisible fire and canceling each other.

Song Ning's body improved slightly, but even so, the flame kept trying to erode Song Ning's body. In Song Ning's body, it was as if the two forces were fighting. When ice and fire collided with each other, Song Ning's The body also shivered.

"Song Daoyou, Song Daoyou." The woman softly called Song Ning.

Song Ning opened his eyes, with a blur in his eyes. He just wanted to talk, but a mouth was full of blood, and the woman was shocked. However, at the moment she did n’t dare to speak loudly, so she had to hold Song Ning into her room, She put Song Ning on her bed, and the blood in Song Ning's body instantly stained her bed.

"Yun'er, come to my room quickly!" The woman took off her veil and looked nervous, and passed on the voice to her maid. Song Ning saw her appearance in a trance, but she had no strength to think about the woman in front of her now. Who.

She is Chi Ruolan.

At this time, Song Ning's spiritual power collided with the flame, and she was too busy to take care of herself. The effect of Yi Rongdan also disappeared in advance. When Chi Ruolan took a wet towel to wipe Song Ning's body, she found that Song Ning's appearance was changing .

Chi Ruolan was shocked, but then she remembered that Song Ning and Bai Yu faced each other in the air. Bai Yu once said that the other party used Yi Rongdan.

Chi Ruolan's heart beat after she was surprised. Her beautiful eyes stayed on Song Ning's face, even forgetting to wipe the blood on Song Ning's body.

Under Yi Rongdan, Song Ning's appearance appeared, Chi Ruolan did not know why, but she looked at the red cheeks: "It turns out ... it is such a face, I really don't know which woman is loved by you, when Really happy. "

When Chi Ruolan muttered to himself, the door of the room was opened, and Yuner almost shouted as soon as he entered the room: "Miss, who is this? Did you kill someone?"

Chi Ruolan's brow furrowed: "He was seriously injured, you first go to invite the alchemist master in the house, the Liupin master Sipin, please immediately."

Yun'er was stunned: "Miss, isn't that Bai Yu in the house? Why not let him come? Anyway, he is blowing all day long cowhide, if it is ..."

"I told Master Liu Dan to come!" Chi Ruolan seemed angry.

Yuner saw that her lady was really angry, and immediately turned around to find Liu Danshi. After a while, she brought Liu Danshi back.

As soon as Liu Danshi entered the room, Chi Ruolan immediately closed the door and whispered: "Liu Danshi, besides a few of us, I don't want a fourth person to know."

Upon seeing this, Master Liu Dan hurriedly bowed his fist with his fists: "Miss, please, the husband must not be rumored."

Chi Ruolan turned and walked to the bed. Master Liu Dan followed Chi Ruolan. When he saw the **** man lying on the bed, he was shocked: "This, this is ..."

"You don't care who he is, and go to heal him right now, this matter must not be told to anyone!" Chi Ruolan asked again.

Master Liu Dan is the alchemist of the Chi family. Naturally, following Chi Ruolan ’s instructions, he immediately went forward to give Song Ning a pulse. After a moment, he looked at Chi Ruolan: "This person seems to have two forces colliding, not Dan. The medicine can dissolve the two forces in his body from one yin to one yang, and it is impossible to reconcile with external forces. If the spiritual power of ordinary people enters, they may be injured by these two forces in an instant, unless ... "

"Unless what?" Chi Ruolan asked hurriedly.

"Unless it is the Lord of the City, the Lord of the City is cultivated in Wonderland. If it is reconciled with the power of the fairy, it may be better." Liu Dan said.

Chi Ruolan hesitated: "Master Liu Dan, please come back first. Remember, you can't tell anyone about today's affairs."

Teacher Liu Dan said goodbye with fists.

Yun'er looked at Chi Ruolan. She had never seen her own lady so anxious, and at this moment Yuner could also see that she was thinking, she should fight in her heart.

Chi Ruolan was indeed hesitant at this time. If Grandpa came, this might not be so smooth, but if Grandpa was not allowed, I am afraid that Master Song would not pass in front of him.

"What the **** is going on, can't even an alchemist who can refine the six-piece elixir heal himself?" Chi Ruolan thought to herself, but then her pupil shrank suddenly, thinking of Song Ning. The place where the accident happened was in Wangfenglou.

Where is Wangfenglou?

That's where drinking and having fun. Wangfenglou has a maximum of ten pots per person per day. Could it be that Master Song's drinking has risen and exceeded ten pots?

The wine of Wangfenglou, who drank more than ten pots a day, has only two from ancient times to the present. One was exploded and died. The other was burned, turned into ashes, and disappeared into the wind ...

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