Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 411: Baihuahai

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

According to the map above, Song Ning separately refined the panacea that can suppress cultivation in the period of Huashen, Yuanying and Dandan. He can suppress cultivation at will because of the cultivation method, but the small It is different from Xiaofen and the Black Wind. The breath of the three of them is exposed and cannot be restrained at all. If you take the three of them and go out like this, it is really too shocking. Moreover, the Black Wind is a human monk, and Xiaofen is a sword Ling, it is estimated that a few of this combination will not be found when looking at the entire Orchid Continent.

While Song Ning was still practicing alchemy next to Qinglongding, the black wind had recovered, and he exhaled for a long time, lying on the ground, looking at the sky, and muttering in his mouth: "This day is so happy."


For different people, the definition of happiness is also different. For the Black Wind, being able to follow one person is happiness. For Xiaofen, killing bloodthirsty is also happiness.

But in Xiao Ke's view, happiness is very simple. That is how he follows Song Ning. Whether it is crisis or ease, as long as he can look at Song Ning like this, this is happiness.

The black wind climbed from the ground, pacing seemed to want to go around.

"Dark wind, don't go around." Song Ning said.

The footsteps just taken by Heifeng immediately withdrew and looked at Song Ning puzzled.

"The other party will certainly conduct a search. In my" domain ", the other party cannot search, otherwise it will be found that it will inevitably cause some trouble." Song Ning said.

Heifeng responded, smiled, and returned to his original position to sit and wait for Song Ninglian.

Song Ning's expression was slightly more serious. If there was no previous battle, he still didn't know the difference between the spirit realm and the fairy realm. On the same day, he saw the six disciples of Tianzong outside the Imperial City of the Falling Feather Kingdom and thought that the strength of these six people The strong, even Xuxian is not in the eyes, but today, it is indeed a bit too arrogant.

Song Ning does not deny that he has the strength to fight against Xu Xian, but it is only the strength of World War I, not the strength to win. Just now Song Ning has found that he has no hope of defeating the Bai family, so he used the technique of Xian to split the ground. Shake a trick.

"It's okay to pretend. I really want to use this fairy technique to kill people. It's still far away." Song Ning sighed. Finally, he released a sentence saying that he shouldn't kill the unrelated people, but actually he wanted to kill him. It can't be killed, and that kind of palm is already going to be shattered. Song Ning said that to scare the talents.

Now he knows that he will be repulsed after casting the "cracked ground", so this technique can no longer be used.

Song Ning didn't really deal with Xu Xian monk, and I don't know what level of the two Bai family's Xian Xian was, but at the moment these are not what Song Ning cares about most. What Song Ning cares about most is that he has never been concerned. After arriving in this demon field, he felt discomfort all over his body. This kind of physical discomfort made him unable to fully exert his strength, and even the progress of cultivation was very slow.

In addition to practicing spiritual power, Wen Daoqi also needs to realize the difference between the spiritual realm and the fairy realm in order to be able to make a breakthrough. The deeper the understanding, the stronger the breakthrough will be.

It's just that at the moment, Song Ning still knows very little about the fairyland. If this matter is passed on, it may become a joke.

"The two of you took this panacea." Song Ning threw Xiaopan and Heifeng one panacea: "This Lingling Pill will be repaired to suppress Yuan Ying, Xiao Ke is now Yuan Ying, so No need to suppress it. "

Xiaohan picked up the Elixir and stared at it for a while: "I am taking the Elixir for the first time."

"You can do it if you don't want to eat it, but you can only turn it into a burning sword and stay in the storage ring." Song Ning smiled.

Xiao Fen was so scared that he swallowed the Elixir: "No!"

After the black wind took the pill medicine, the spiritual power began to decline. After a while, Xiaofu's spiritual power also declined. Until the fall of the semi-divine period, the decline of cultivation practice stopped. Both looked at themselves now. I was very surprised, as if it had been over again.

"Go." Song Ning finished, and took the three people beside him in the static motion field, but in order to avoid being discovered by the Bai family, Song Ning chose to fly at low altitude.

There was a gleam of ‘domain’ around Song Ning. He removed the ethereal domain, and now only the static domain remains to control the flight speed of several people.

Heifeng also felt quite wonderful about this. Before Song Ning used the Yuyu Sanshi, he didn't have much idea yet, but now he seems to think of something. On the battlefield, he seems to have seen this Yuyu The three methods are similar, but what is it, he is too long to remember.

During the flight, Song Ning looked at the terrain below, while recalling the matter about the previous medicine, that the bone relieving Dan can take the constitution of the person taking it. Reminiscent of the previous, Song Ning can now determine that Dan Someone wants to give the white core medicine. If the white core is really taken down, the white core's physique will be taken away.

"Baixin is the saint of the fairy fairy family. It is reasonable to say that the fairy fairy family should attach great importance to Baixin. Now that the people of the fairy fairy family come here to buy the Elixir, is it possible to achieve the purpose of protecting Baixin?" But he didn't know much about the ins and outs of this matter, and he couldn't sort it out.

"It seems that this time I have to investigate Bai Xin's relatives by the way." Song Ning sighed.

"Master, who is that white core? You seem to care about her, is it the one you like?" Xiaohan asked haha.

Song Ning was not angry, but just shook his head and denied: "It's not a person I like, but a sister of my brother. You were sleeping in the fairy ruins, and I met them."

Song Ning said, with recollection in his eyes, when Bai Ting regarded him as a brotherly sentiment in place, a truce would last for ten years in a sentence. No.

Thinking about how to investigate, Song Ning found that they were close to their destination.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Xiaohan couldn't help but be full of surprises: "Look at the master, the fiery red flowers are like blood waves."

Heifeng whispered a few times without knowing the corner of his eyes. He said that the sky-burning sword is really bloodthirsty. Even the red sea of ​​flowers can be seen as a good blood wave.

Xiao Kejing sat next to Song Ning. After seeing the sea of ​​flowers, she also felt a little relaxed and happy.

"This is a sea of ​​flowers. It is said that the flowers here do not wither all year round, so there are monks to see flowers all year round. No hands are allowed here, so you should pay attention when you look at the flowers. Don't dispute with people." Ning said, and pointed to the most densely crowded area below: "I didn't expect there will be a Huakui election today. All female practitioners may be selected as Huakui. The two of you are so beautiful and you are not allowed to be elected."

[The author's off topic]: 1 chapter

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