Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 144: Failure

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

In the sky, Liu XIII let out a long sigh of relief. He was too shocked. Until now, he could n’t understand what Song Ning ’s blue flame was. He burned Liu XIV and Liu XV instantly. After all, there is no scum left. If he didn't move fast, he might have died on the spot.

"Obviously, it was only the early stage of foundation building, but it had the strength to be able to kill the great consummation in the later stage of the formation of the dandan ..." Liu Thirteen thought for a long time, and suddenly felt that Song Ning's power seemed to be on that sword, which was too Weird.

He remembered Tang Zishan said that Song Ning was injured in the early stage of the battle and the middle stage of the battle, but almost died, but now he can instantly kill the final stage of the battle. If it is not the problem of the sword, it is completely unclear.

But no matter what the reason is now, Liu Thirteen is not willing to think about the scene just now.

Liu Thirteen regretted it very much: "If I knew that, I would have played with Li Qingling in advance, and it was worthwhile."

As soon as the sigh came out, I heard a faint voice from my ear: "You can go to **** and have fun."

Liu Thirteen was so terrified that he jumped in mid-air and jumped a dozen feet. When he saw the face of the speaker, his face was green.

"Song, Song Ning!"

The cold light flashed under Song Ning's feet and looked at Liu Shisan coldly: "Do you think you can run away?"

"The second stage of Yujianshu!" Liu Shisanxin's heart was ashamed, and Song Ning was so powerful. It was not uncommon to know how to master Yujianshu, but I am afraid that the youngest and middle-aged man who can master the second stage of Yujianshu is Song Ning.

Between Song Ning's words, he pulled out the Burning Sky Sword.

With a sword swinging, Liu Thirteen dodged quickly. This slash was not a slash of the sky, but an ordinary attack. However, after this ordinary attack, Song Ning tapped his finger and broke his empty finger.


Liu Thirteen was not beheaded with a sword, but wanted to run away, but was hit by a force of spirit, and his body of blood rolled over.

Where does he dare to confront Song Ning at the moment? This cut is not the blue flame, what if it is the next cut?

In the high sky, Liu Thirteen escaped in the front, while Song Ning chased and fought in the back, and his broken finger continued to wave, but every time he felt wrong, he could only hurt Liu Thirteen, but he could not kill him.

Many monks on the ground felt funny when they saw this scene. At first, they thought they were wrong, but they soon realized that it was n’t their dazzling, nor the spirit that had recognized the problem, but it was really happening in the sky. In the early stage of building the foundation, he chased the farce of the late Dandan.

A monk in the late Great Tandan perfection, chased by a monk in the early stage of the foundation run, this kind of thing may be the first time since ancient times.

But how dare Liu Xian turn back to confront Song Ning at this moment? Now thinking of coming at Liu Shisan, Song Ning just doesn't want him to die too fast, so he hasn't used any tricks, as long as he can drag him back to Liu's house, then he won't die.

If he knew that Song Ning had been experimenting with broken fingers at this moment, I am afraid he would choked himself with old blood.

In the later period of the Great Dharma monk, in the mid-air, Song Ning could not beat it, and if he wanted to run, he was also at ease. This is why Song Ning would chase over without any dependence.

If it is usual, this Liu Xian ran the best, he will not chase forward, but now it is different, Lu Sheng died tragically because of him, he can not not avenge.

Twenty consecutive broken fingers failed. Although Liu Xian was injured, the injury was not serious. Song Ning took the panacea while attacking. This scene fell in Liu Xian's heart. He couldn't help but hesitate.

Could it be that Song Ning can't?

The strong attack of the blue flame before, even in the later stage of the formation of the Great Constellation, may not be able to show it. Is Song Ning only able to show it once, now it ca n’t show it?

Liu Xian had all kinds of guesses in his heart. There is still a long distance from the Liu family at this moment. If he is chased by Song Ning in this way, he might be killed by life. Moreover, when Liu Xian wants to come, Song Ning ’s hatred for him should be Endlessly, I haven't been able to make a move for so long, it seems that it really is not working.

"Hahaha, Song Ning, are you okay? Have you been chasing me all the time, I thought you were so powerful, it seems that your attack can only be performed once." Liu Shisan paused in midair.

Instead of attacking Song Ning immediately, he kept a distance from Song Ning and watched its changes.

Song Ning looked at Liu Shisan indifferently, with a broken finger brewing in his hand.

In the confrontation and midair, the scene was seen by the monk below.

"Hey, hello, did you see that? The one who just chased the great completion of the later period of Jiedan just now seems to be playing against him."

"How is it possible? It wasn't the slap in the early stage of the foundation that would be taken to death?"

The following disciples who do not know the school are going out to perform their tasks.

Liu Thirteen waited for a few breathing kung fu and did not see Song Ning attacking, so he settled his mind.

"Look, look, it's going to fight, it's going to fight." A few people below were excited.

The wind blows.

Song Ning felt a trace of power in this wind, weak, but everywhere.

Liu Shisan moved his body and raised his hand to Song Ning: "Three fingers!"

Several monks below looked awkward. The entire Fallen Nation, only the Liu family attacked with their fingers. This turned out to be the Liu Dajie's late Dadan monk!

In the face of Liu Thirteen's attack, Song Ning slowly closed his eyes, he felt the flow of power around him, and he finally knew why he had been unable to display his broken finger.

Just as Liu San's three clear fingers hit, Song Ning raised his hand and broke a finger.


Spiritual collision, breaking the empty finger borrowed almost all the power of the Sanqing finger, and even with Song Ning ’s own spiritual power, directly penetrated Liu Shisan ’s heart, and the remaining power of the Sanqing finger hit Song Ning. , Song Ning's body retreated dozens of feet, and when he stabilized, the blood in his body turned.

Song Ning finally understood that the use of the power of breaking the sky was to borrow power, to borrow the power between heaven and earth, but now he cannot understand the true meaning of the sky breaking finger, so he cannot borrow the power of heaven and earth, and can only borrow the spiritual power of others, if not Liu Shi Sanquan exerted the Sanqing finger, and Song Ning could not use the power of breaking the sky to use his power to fight back.

Thinking of this, Song Ning once again sighed. Before that finger at the Li family was really lucky. If there was a handicap, Li Qingxue died ...

Song Ning's body descended to the bottom, and the strength of Daquan in the later stage of Xin Dao Jie Dan was different. Even the remaining spiritual power of San Qing Zhi could hurt it.

He landed on the ground, meditating in situ, trying to take out the Elixir, but found that the Elixir had been used up.

At the moment, standing next to Song Ning, the three monks who had just watched lively were standing. The highest level of these three men was nothing more than Huiling period. They stared at Song Ning in a daze. They did not dare to move, nor did they run, no Running and frightened.

Seeing the three of them, Song Ning said, "Three of you, come here."

The two men and a woman and three monks were so scared that they fell on their knees with a bang!

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