Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 919: I am king now!

The sun and moon martial spirits suppressed, and the sky on the battlefield was shaking.

That momentum made Feng Yixue and others on the qualifying platform frown.

"This attack should be Zhu Aotian's strongest blow." Zhou Zhen murmured.

"It's stronger than that blow when dealing with me." Feng Yixue frowned and whispered.

If it were before, everyone would almost think that Xiao Yun would lose.

But at this moment, their eyes were full of expectations when they looked at the platform.

"Can Xiao Yun defeat this attack?" Many people looked curious.

As the sun and the moon suppressed, Xiao Yun's soul moved, and his palm turned into a blade to be cut forward.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

This formula seems to be very simple, but it can split the stars with one palm.

A small palm shot out, tearing the void.


There was a ripple in the palm of the hand.

It contains mysterious fluctuations.

That's the mystery from Zhentian Sanshi.

God of Martial Arts!

Although Xiao Yun did not arouse the divine breath in this moment, this style still contained the essence.

With one hand, the sun and the moon in front eclipsed.

With just one palm, the void rippled, breaking the sun and moonlight.

Then the flash of light hit the sun and the moon.


The loud noise shook the sky, the sun and the moon trembled, and it was defeated and turned into a bit of light.


On the opposite side, Zhu Aotian trembled and flew out, and the Wuhun's light flashed into the sea.


There was a spit of blood in his mouth.

This time he trembled back, his legs and feet were shaking, and he couldn't stand for a long time.

On the opposite side, Xiao Yun strolled, the soul suspended above his head, solemn and solemn, exuding a mighty martial spirit.

That momentum shrouded Zhu Aotian, making him startled.

"You're defeated!" Xiao Yun looked at Zhu Aotian faintly, his eyes exposed.

Although the sun and the moon soul is strong.

But Xiao Yun, who has learned the martial arts of the gods, is comparable.

"I'm defeated!" At this moment, Zhu Aotian's eyes were dim, and Xiao Yun's blow almost hurt his soul just now.

At this point, he had to admit that he was indeed inferior to the young man before him.

Although he felt that he had lost a lot.

When Zhu Aotian conceded, there was a purple dragon pattern on him.


This dragon pattern didn't appear, it seemed to have a real dragon roar.

Then fell into Xiao Yun's waistband.

Xiao Yun's waist card flashed and became more dazzling.

"Alas." Zhu Aotian sighed and swept away towards his rank.

At this time, almost all the practitioners near Jinlongtai stopped.

It was not until Zhu Aotian took his seat that he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

"Zhu Aotian lost?"

"Oh my God! It's as good as Zhu Aotian, but he will lose?"

"How can Xiao Yun's soul be so powerful?"

The sound of exclamation was like one after another, flooding the entire Jinlongtai.

Before that, Xiao Yun fought with his soul, causing many people to shake their heads.

No matter how strong the soul is, after all there are restrictions, how can it be as powerful as its own strength?

But the fact is contrary to everyone's expectations.

This Xiao Yun won.

And it was so simple.

Dignified Zhu Aotian, who possesses the ancient Wu soul, is incapable of enemy.

"Soul martial arts!" On the qualifying stage, Zhou Zhen's eyes flashed with a look of solitude.

At this point, he was full of fear when he rushed to Xiao Yun.

"How can martial arts be performed with the soul?" Lei Zhentian was shocked.

This result made him look impressive, and he had a new understanding of the martial arts world.

"Martial arts does not divide boundaries. It is possible to use the soul to bring martial arts to this point, but it is rare in ancient times!" Some kings from the outside nodded slightly and said, "Well worthy of being the son of the King of War, he has a unique opinion on martial arts, and is a gift Foreigner. "

"I want him to be a genius in the rank of purple dragon pattern because of his accomplishments in martial arts!" The King of Yi in Tiangong is holding his short hair in his hands, and a smile is evoked by the corner of his mouth. Found a mysterious wave.

The fluctuation made him full of longing.

"Victory?" On the high stage, Xiao Yuanxun's tense nerve finally relaxed.

"Oh, victory! Xiao Yun really did not disappoint!" Xiao Yuanrong laughed and looked extremely happy.

Just now he thought Xiao Yun was reckless.

But I did not expect that this younger generation of martial arts with the soul actually defeated Zhu Aotian.

"Is this the first question?" Xiao Feng beside him blinked, and his heart was shocked.

That shot was just too shocking.

How powerful the Sun Moon Spirit is, but it was defeated by a small soul.

It is difficult to imagine that a person's soul can be so powerful.

"Oh, first, Xiao Yun actually claimed the first!" Wu Dianzhu looked at the void in front of him, and the blood in his body was boiling.

"This is my disciple of Wuzong!" Several elders of Wuzong next to him were also happy.

They said to the people next to them.

The youth ahead make them proud.

"This Xiao Yun is victorious?" Someone was happy and some were worried. Xiao Chenglong stared at the battle platform. Until this moment, he still couldn't accept this fact, or he didn't want to accept this fact and defeated Wushu by his soul A genius who could have been number one.

"Is this talent the Zijin Dragon pattern?" Yu Wenquan was also dumbfounded, and his heart set off a stormy sea.

"If he grows up, he may not be much worse than his father." On the other hand, Yao Qingfeng was also dignified.

These three are transmitting.

"War King?" Speaking of War King, Xiao Chenglong's face changed.

At that time, the two words were pressed on top of them like mountains.

"A junior." After groaning a little, then Yu Wenquan looked cold and said, "Isn't he as strong as the King of War, nor did he drink and hate? Besides, he is a child who hasn't grown up yet?" He snorted coldly, in that tone. There is a killer.

"These guys!" This murderousness made Xiao Yuanrong's eyes next to him angrily.

Xiao Yuanxun frowned, but didn't say much.

These people are kings, not that he can be tough.

"It seems that the rumors of that year are true. The king of war did not agree with any of the three clans." The expressions of these three people were clearly received by some nearby kings. He secretly groaned. "There was even news that the King of War was ambushed by the people of these three clans, and finally bleed blood, and almost hated Tiandu."

"It's just that the King of War is extraordinary. He eventually killed and left Tiandu with a baby."

Yi Wang's eyes flickered.

These are rumors and only a few people know about them.

Not only was King Yi contemplating, many kings beside him could not help glancing at the people of the three races.

Because the expressions of these three people are so obvious, it is easy to think of what happened in the year.

Of course, for these things, everyone just groaned a little, and finally the sight was gathered on the golden dragon platform.

At this time on the Golden Dragon Terrace, Xiao Yun's soul had fallen into the sea of ​​knowledge.

He stood on the battlefield like that, his robe dancing in the wind, his eyes narrowed, as if a king was looking down at the square.

A kind of king of the world, who has the power to spread out from him.

That momentum made many people move their hearts slightly and felt an inexplicable pressure.

That looks like I saw a king appear in front of him.

"Who else is going to challenge me?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he swept across the ranking table, and the words were very light, but the momentum in it gave people a kind of prestige. This kind of power is not deliberate, but comes entirely from my temperament.

When the voice fell, everyone's heart trembled.

Previously, many people thought Xiao Yun would lose.

Even the top 20 guys thought they could move forward.

Which way, Xiao Yun actually won.

At this moment, an emotion called dread is breeding in everyone's hearts.

You know, in ranking battles, almost every quota is exchanged for battle.

The position where everyone can sit is the representative of strength.

Xiao Yun's ability to defeat Zhu Aotian is also a representative of his strength.

It means that he can overpower the heroes and enjoy the crown.

It's just that there is still some depression in these people's centers.

Because Xiao Yun won too fast just now.

The victory was incredible, giving them a very illusory feeling.

"I'll challenge you!" On the qualifying stage, Lei Zhentian stood up, his eyes flashed, and he came out from above.

"Okay!" Xiao Yun looked indifferent, then stood up against his shoulders.

"Thousands of mines cover the sky!" Lei Zhentian fell on the battlefield, and he was not polite. The thunder light flickered throughout his body, turning the momentum to the limit, the infinite thunder light flickered, and now it was splitting towards Xiao Yun, and the thunder arc flashed The dazzling light is amazing.

"Lei Dao?" Looking at the falling Lei Guang, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth, and then he stepped out, leaving the Lei Guang to split, but his body walked in there Amongst Lei Hai, such a scene shocked the audience.

"He doesn't resist?" Many people were surprised.

"Is this ignoring Lei Zhentian?" You know, this Lei Zhentian has the cultivation of the palace state!

Can this attack be resisted by ordinary people?

This split is enough to seriously hurt the practitioners in the palace.


However, the thunderbolt fell on Xiao Yun, and the thunderbolt flickered, and it did not strike it.

Instead, Xiao Yun strolled away, stepping out step by step, to come to Lei Zhentian.

"This ..." Looking at the youth who was close to himself, Lei Zhentian set off a stormy sea.

Although he was defeated by Zhou Zhen, he is still confident about his strength.

This blow can at least retreat from ordinary palace repairers.

But now, Xiao Yun actually resisted his attack without stimulating his soul?

What does this mean?

"If you want to fight me ~ ~, I don't think it's better to do this kind of attack, otherwise you won't even get a chance to shoot!" Xiao Yun walked out of the thunder sea, and he frowned, I said to the shocked Lei Zhentian.

At this time, there was a flicker of thunder arcs on Xiao Yun's body.

This kind of attack is very strong, but Xiao Yun's physical strength at this time can already resist this kind of attack.

Coupled with his ability to swallow the sky, most of the Thunder's power has been resolved.

The reason for doing so is to test his overall strength at this time.

"Lei Huang tied the dragon's seal!" When Xiao Yun walked out, Lei Zhentian's eyes were frozen, and he didn't dare to keep his hands.

At the moment, he urged Lei Huang to bind Dragon Seal.


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