Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 912: Bloodline Fighting [Ask for the Moon ...


Duan Yu's hands moved, and Liuli's light flickered, decomposing the sword's qi, and then his hand struck Yin Tianqiu like a sharp blade.

"Fast!" A palm like a jade strikes, and Sùdù's speed shocks Yin Tianqiu.

To Zhīdào, as a swordsman, what he pays attention to is a fast word.

But the other shot, actually made him unable to guard.

The glazed sword light blooming seemed to confuse his perception.

& nbs Island> Fiction www.zuzud; "Is this the mystery of the bloodline of the glazed gold jade?" Yin Tianqiu's pupils suddenly shrank.


Then, his palm like a jade hit him, and he was blown out like a kite.

When he stayed in shape, Duan Yu was already bullying him.


His hand was like a sharp blade, reaching Yin Tianqiu's throat.

"You!" Light and sweet, as if the voice from Jiutian spit out of Duan Yu's mouth.

"The blood of ancient times contains infinite mystery, which is very easy to reach!" Feeling the wave permeated by the hand of Jin Yu, Yin Tianqiu sighed slightly. This mysterious power originates from ancient times and is passed down by the ancient strong. .

As a junior, it is too difficult to surpass.

The blood of this glazed golden jade is a very mysterious one among all kinds of blood!

"But one day, I will surpass you!" With a slight sigh, Yin Tianqiu's eyes flickered with a fortitude, and Jian Wu soul contained the mystery of Kendo, but this was not enough for some ancient power The blood is comparable.

This does not mean that he is inferior to others.

Because Jian Yi can still progress.

Can be blood, but it is difficult to surpass their predecessors.

So even if he loses, he remains confident.

As long as you continue to work hard, you will have the opportunity to surpass others.


A purple dragon pattern flashed and turned into an air dragon submerged in Duan Yu's golden dragon card.

Yin Tianqiu sighed and returned to his seat.

Now defeated by Duan Yu's hands, he is no longer ready to rush.

"Can anyone still challenge me?" When Yin Tianqiu returned, Duan Yu's glazed golden light continued to converge. He glanced around, looked around, and looked at the eleven to twenty youths as he All these people passed by this light couldn't help swallowing.

Even Gu Tianying frowned.

He is the blood of the war, but he can repair the golden body.

Only the golden body tactics are available for the clan, and now he can only condense the golden body hood by looking at the golden armor.

The defense is extremely strong, but it is a bit less mysterious than the glazed golden jade body.

The disintegrating power contained in the glazed golden jade body made him feel worse.

Even the glazes of glass seem to contain huge mysteries.

"After joining the clan, I must become supremely golden!" Gu Tianying blinked.

If the golden body fails, it will be difficult for him to compete with this kind of genius.

When Duan Yu's words fell, no one spoke.

Even that Yin Tianqiu was defeated, who dare to challenge him?

Even many people don't know how Yin Tianqiu lost.

The war just ended too soon.

The crowd even felt that Yin Tianqiu did not do his best to fight.

However, Yin Tianqiu shot just now, but the strength of the sword shocked many kendo masters.

These people, Zhīdào, are not that Yin Tianqiu is not strong, but that the jade is too scary.

"Being ranked in the top ten are all geniuses who are against the sky." Many youths were secretive.

Without a challenge, Duan Yu moved, walked away, and sat on his position.

"Who is going to challenge?" The grand voice continued to ring.

Duan Yuduan sat in his seat, his eyes narrowed, and did not mean to challenge.

It is enough for him to stabilize the top ten.

As for competing with others, he didn't mean it.

If the body of his glazed golden jade has not yet come to fruition, he is not in a hurry to fight for this time.

Almost the top ten are stable.

"Don't you take the challenge?" Such a scene made the elders in the outside world a bit anxious.

"Rest assured, there will be someone competing in the top three!" The king of Yi smiled slightly.

He is not worried about being challenged.

"I'll challenge!" Sure enough, someone got up at this time.

This man is Chen Beiming, who is ranked eighth.


When he got up, the blood in his body was soaring into the sky, with the sound of a dragon's voice ringing through the void.

"Chen Beiming!" Seeing this man standing up, many eyes were fiery.

This is a dragon with blood!

"So strong blood of the dragon!" On the viewing platform, Chen Haolong's eyelids beating, and the dragon's blood in his body was moving.

The blood in Chen Beiming's body made him feel hot, and at the same time, he felt a tremendous pressure.

Chen Bei fell on the battle platform, and his eyes moved to a young man, "Peng Fei, how dare you fight me!"

The high voice sounded all around, and the sound wave was full of domineering, such as the roar of a tiger and a tiger, which shook the eardrum.

"Don't you dare?" Pengfei stood up, his whole body flashed with gold, like Dapeng, and fell towards the battle platform.

"Peng Fei possesses the blood of the ancient sacred animal, Golden Wing Dapeng, and is also the king's constitution!" When Peng Fei appeared on the field, his voice sounded immediately. All eyes are exposed.

Even Xiao Yun felt the blood in his body was boiling.

These people are absolutely geniuses, and the bloodline inherited is very strong. The breath from ancient times permeates this void and makes it inexplicable depression. If ordinary people stand here, they will definitely collapse and become an idiot.


Without too many words, the two are pushing the power of blood to the limit.

A **** sky, behind the dragon evolved.

A golden light flickered, and a wingspan of ten-winged Dapeng appeared, and the feathers flickered like gold.

The strong ancient breath permeated the two.

The volatility swept away like it seemed to be in the ancient times.


A word of battle spit out, and both were moving.

Chen Beiming turned into a dragon, and his claws teared away toward Pengfei rather aggressively.

The dragon growled, and the dragon chanted!

"This is Long Yin Tianbo!"

When this sound wave came out, many people were shocked and protected the eardrum with real yuan.

That horrible sound wave can hurt a practitioner in a palace.


Dapeng spread his wings, and also made a cry, and the sound penetrated the golden cracked stone and fought with Long Yin.

Then Pengfei turned into a golden light, and the evolved giant wings swept forward.

Neither side used the soldiers, but the attack was more terrifying than the puppet kings.

The dragon's claws can tear even the sky, enough to tear many people's armor.

The feathers of Teng Pengfei are as sharp as blades, and they are also extremely powerful.

Wan Yu cracked!

Peng Fei shot, and the light between the wings flickered, as if there were thousands of feathers turning into sharp blades and beheaded towards Chen Beiming.

That pupa fell into battle, and it was inescapable.

Such an offensive is even more aggressive than that of Yin Tianqiu's sword.

Dragon broke nine days!

However, in the face of such attacks, Chen Beiming was not afraid. He turned into a dragon and rose into the air. The sharp claws tore the sky directly and broke the large array under the Pengfei cloth. There are hundreds of feet, so he went to Teng Peng to kill.

The void that this giant claw passes seems to collapse, and it is not difficult to imagine that if this claw falls, can the mountain be safe.

This blow is enough to destroy a giant mountain.

Even Teng Pengfei didn't dare to hit it hard.


Peng Fei turned into an afterimage, avoiding the attack of this tyrant.


The giant claw fell, causing the void to collapse and cracks to appear.

If it wasn't for the support of the battlefield, I'm afraid it would have collapsed at this time.

However, the Peng clan has extreme speed, and Chen Beiming has a hard time hitting him.


In one shot, before he continued his shot, Pengfei had already launched a fierce attack on Chen Beiming.

Every golden light was cut off and surrounded Chen Beiming.


When Chen Beiming's eyes were cold, the giant tail swept away the golden light.

One dragon and one penny, and constantly shot, the void was completely shrouded in gorgeous light.

It's just that they want to compete. It's too difficult.

"This Chen Beiming's offensive is very strong, but that Pengfei Sùdù is too fast to hurt him. Unless he has the real speed to restrain that Pengfei, it will be difficult to succeed!" This battle is like watching the fire,

"The Peng tribe is worthy of being the representative of the speed!"

"That Chen Beiming's attack is also Bùcuò. If you meet other people, I am afraid that few people can compete with it!"

"But he was only afraid of trouble when he met Pengfei. When he was short of blood, he was afraid of losing!" Many people watching the war secretly murmured.

Sure enough, after the battle continued, Chen Beiming was short of blood, and was finally injured by Peng Fei.

This battle ended with Peng Fei's victory.

Peng Fei's victory annoyed Chen Beiming.

However, he did not continue the war.

Because he once fought against the sixth-ranked rogue mountain, but was defeated.

Next, there are strong players.

The sixth-ranked rogue Yunshan challenged the fifth-ranked Lei Zhentian.

The fight between the two people immediately caused an exclamation.

"This rogue Yunshan has the blood of idols.

"Idols like blood, this is the representative of power!"

"I don't know if he and that thunderous sky?" Many people were full of expectations.

"This Lei Zhentian once surrendered the red thunder beast in the palace, and should not be afraid of the rogue Yunshan!" Some people were full of expectations for Lei Zhentian.

Two people fight.

The rogue Yunshan turned into an idol, and the elephant was able to step on the mountain to destroy Yue.

That powerful breath made many people startled.

This genius can really be king among the kings.

When Lei Zhentian fought, the whole body of thunder light flickered, and Tianwei trembled.

The two men fought, I don't know how many rounds have been fought.

Thunder King Binding Dragon Seal!

In the end, Lei Zhentian shot with all his strength ~ ~ The thunder arc flickered and turned into a giant seal under the traction of his hands.

The giant seal has a mysterious texture that seems to bind the world.

Under this giant seal, the nearby air began to freeze, and the rogue Yunshan felt that the flow of power in his body was slowing down.

"My power is restrained?"

The rogue Yunshan shrank his eyes.

He was a tall young man, and his eyes were surprised.


The giant seal suppressed and shook him, and the illusion ghost began to fall apart.

Then he was bound by a giant seal.

"Rogue Yunshan defeated?" Seeing this, many people were surprised that this rogue Yunshan would be so powerful that it would fail?

This Lei Zhentian is really extraordinary!

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