Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 841: Wanzu Collection

Seeing these teachers and brothers asked, Xiao Yun did not hide it.

"I fell into an ancient forbidden area and gained some opportunities in it, so my strength has improved." Of course, Xiao Yun did not talk about the encounter with the three major protoss, just that it was an extraordinary place. Not accessible to ordinary people.

After all, the three major protoss are too shocking and shocking, and once they are passed out, they will make the whole world uproar.

"It's good to be alive, and good to be alive!" Wu Dianzhu said repeatedly.

The people next to him also said, "Brother Xiao will not be dead this time, and he will be blessed."

Everyone was not very concerned about the things in that ancient forbidden area.

For them, Xiao Yun is the best thing to be alive.

"By the way, Xiaoshimei?" Guo Ziwen asked with a flash of his eyes.

Suddenly, everyone focused their eyes on Xiao Yun.

The atmosphere of this space seems to freeze for it.

I remember in particular that the **** pattern of Xiao Shimei was pulled out and the last breath was weak, and Xiao Yun fell into a space crack together.

At this time I saw Xiao Yun, but not my sister.

An uneasy premonition grew from the hearts of all.

"Sister Xiaomei was damaged and she fell asleep now." When referring to Xiaoshi, Xiao Yun looked completely, but there was a firm flash of light in his eyes, "I will let her recover someday, surely Will do."

At that time, Xiaoshimei gave up her life, and refused to leave him.

Such love makes Xiao Yun's life unforgettable.

In this life, even if he went to Tang Wuhu, he would wake up the little sister.

"Sleeping?" Guo Ziwen looked sad.

Wu Zong's disciples all sighed.

But Wu Dianzhu nodded slightly.

As long as it hasn't been ridiculed.

There is no chance to wake it up.

"By the way, what happened after I fell into the cracks in the space?" Xiao Yun frowned and hurried to the teachers and brothers.

"After you fell into a crack in the space?" Wen Yan said, Wu Dianzhu and others also looked dignified.

That battle was the concubine of Wu Zong, and I always couldn't help sighing when I remembered it.

"Ren Zongzhu was arrested ..." Wu Dianzhu couldn't help but sigh, and told Nan You about it.

"Ren Zongzhu was arrested?" Xiao Yun frowned.

When he left, he was burning a lot of sources, and it was already close to running out of oil. It was expected that he would lose.

"Shi Fei, they are also caught in the cracks in the space?" But when Xiao Yun learned that Sister Yan Shi was caught in the cracks in the space, Xiao Yun couldn't help shaking, as if he had been hit by a thunder, his face changed. It turned pale.

"Why are you doing this again?" Xiao Yun looked sad.

At the same time, the faces of the two peerless women also came to mind.

"When you were in a crack in space, they were also distraught, so they made such a decision." Zhao Zheng sighed slightly.

To Sister Yan, these people are also quite respectful.

The two women had nothing but such integrity.

"I hope you will be safe." Xiao Yun looked at the void and took a deep breath.

The two followed from Fengyue Kingdom and followed in the footsteps of Xiao Yun.

During this period, Xiao Yun had been working hard to cultivate and did not give them much care.

It never occurred to them that the two would meet him this farewell.

"Don't be too sad," said Ji Wu. "Since you can be safe in the cracks of space, they must also have a chance to survive. If there is a fate, you will naturally meet."

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

To this day, he can only see God's providence.

Stuck in a crack in space, I don't know where I will reach it even if I survive.

With Xiao Yun's cultivation at this time, it is impossible to deduce the life and death of sisters Yan.

"How about Wu Zong?" Xiao Yun frowned, and continued to ask.

Originally, Wuzong won the first place in the Zongmen rating event, and became the Zongmen who was the heyday of the southern part of Tiandu.

However, in the first battle of Nan You, Ren Zong was arrested, and the old Sovereign was injured. The overall strength of Wu Zong obviously declined.

This decline is not as simple as ridiculing two ordinary disciples.

"After the Nanyou World War I, Wu Zong is now ranked last among the eleven forces in the southern part of Tiandu."

Wu Dianzhu sighed quietly.

"Ranked at the bottom?" Wen Yun said, Xiao Yun frowned.

"Not only that," said another elder. "Once we got the first place, we could get a lot of resources, but because our strength plummeted, many forces refused to allocate resources that should have belonged to our Buddhism. Encroach on the original resources of Wu Zong. "

"What?" Xiao Yun was angry.

The final rating event.

This is a grand event to change the pattern of southern Tiandu.

It's not just the ranking changes.

Resource allocation will also change.

Takezon came first when regaining some resources.

In this way, it is natural that there should be some resources allocated to the gate.

This is the rule.

But these people dare to refuse now?

There are also flagrant encroachments on Wu Zong's resources.

This is simply a provocation against Wu Zong.

It is not difficult to imagine how difficult the situation of Wu Zong was after the First World War.

"Which gates refused to divide the resources, and which gates invaded my Wuzong resources?" Xiao Yun blinked his eyes and hurled to Wu Dianzhu. There was a cold flash of light in those eyes, and these people dared to fall down and rob. When Dang!

"The resources are convenient, and there are some disputes." Wu Dianzhu said, "As for those who are robbed while on fire, there are many, such as the black cloud magpie, soul sect, Lianyuan sect, Sirius Mountains, which are closer to Wu Zong in these four directions. Power. "

"Is this Quartet power?" Xiao Yun said in a condensed state, saying word by word, "When I become a strong man, I will come to the door and let them spit out everything. When told them to know, Wu Zong is not so So bullied! "

"Well." Wu Dianzhu nodded, his old eyes flashed with relief.

He wouldn't care if someone said so.

But Xiao Yun spoke, but he seemed to see infinite hope.

This young talent is unique, once he grows up, he can definitely dominate.

Taken's disciples are also very excited.

In the past few months, Wu Zong's power has been weakened. Not only has he been crowded out, but many teachers and brothers have taken up other forces in the door. It made them see hope again.

"As long as I wait together and work hard, I will achieve something!" Xiao Yun said.

Subsequently, everyone trembled, and Xiao Yun went back to adjust his interest rate.

In ten days, the battle for hegemony will begin.

Therefore, it is also important to adjust your status to the best at this time.

Wu Zong's disciples also started to adjust their interest rates.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

During this period, Xiao Yuanxun branded a map of the forbidden area of ​​Shenyuan to Xiao Yun.

After ten days of interest rate adjustment, Xiao Yun suddenly recovered to the five-point perfection of Yuan Ying.

As for Wu Zong's disciples, his strength is slightly low.

First, at this time it was only five months before the battle of Nanyou.

It took them almost a month to hurry.

There were only four months of cultivation during this period.

During these four months, too many things happened in Wuzong, which made people unable to practice in peace.

However, there are also some people who have reached the fourth level of Yuanying.

However, such people are in the minority and the majority are in Yuanying triple.

Of course, this refers to the disciples of the Xiao Yun generation.

As for individual elder disciples, some people have also reached the sixth level and the seventh level of Yuan Ying.


On this day, the bell towered suddenly at the southern city of Shenyuan.

In the city, countless ray of light across the sky.


The sound of breaking air resounded through the air.

Because today will be the opening day of the forbidden ground of God.

The race for hegemony will begin.

At this time, in that mansion, Wu Zong and Han's people gathered together.

As for the people of the Xiao clan, they would not participate in the battle for hegemony of any of these people.

This grand event will be attended by those younger clans, or branch children of the larger clan, in order to prove themselves and become famous all over the world.

As for the clan geniuses of the major ancient clans, they have already become famous in the capital. They do not need to be famous in this way. They do not bother to participate in the war of thousands of ethnic groups. Of course, without those people participating, this grand event is still very much watched.

The sky is vast.

There are too many arrogant heavenly pride.

Moreover, one or two anti-celebrity characters who can compete with the geniuses of the major clans can appear in each battle of ten thousand races.

Therefore, for this grand event, the big clan in Tiandu, the great religion also attaches great importance to it, and they want to recruit a few good geniuses to join their own clan or sect. Only by continuously inputting this young blood, a force can Can flourish.

"Yuan Ying's Fivefold Success?" On the wide ground, when his eyes fell on Xiao Yun, Xiao Yuanxun nodded slightly.

Perhaps this level is not very high.

However, from the overall strength of those young disciples of Wu Zong, we can see that Xiao Yun has been regarded as a top genius among them.

Moreover, he knew that Xiao Yun came from outside the capital.

The people there have a low starting point, and it is not easy to get to this step at this age.

"It turns out that he has the Five Elements of Yuan Ying." At this time, the Han clan's eyes turned to Xiao Yun's eyes.

Of course, compared with Xiao Yun's cultivation, these people are more curious about Xiao Yun's identity.

Let these strong men of Xiao's side always accompany him. Obviously, Xiao Yun and Xiao's relationship is profound.

Otherwise, wouldn't this dignified infant market powerhouse waste time here?

But they are of low status and dare not ask more.

"Now the battle for hegemony is about to begin. This is a collection of bells. Let's gather together."

Xiao Yuanxun glanced around and said.

Since Xiao Yun is going to participate in the battle for hegemony, Xiao Yuanxun also wants to watch the results.

Suddenly the crowd left the mansion and headed outside.

At this moment, in Shenyuan Nancheng, a huge school yard.

Here is a high platform suspended in the air.

This high platform is ancient, with a radius of 10,000 meters, with runes engraved in it, flashing with colorful lights.

Looking from a distance ~ ~ It looks like a god's tower is hanging.

Opposite the suspended platform, there are giant pillars standing like sharp blades.

At this moment, a strong man with a heavenly palace stands on this suspended platform.

Headed by an elder wearing a moon white robe.

This man has a long beard, his eyes are as deep as the stars, he stands so high on the platform, but has the momentum to look down on all directions.

Below the suspended platform, people are constantly coming together.

These come from all directions.

Some people land directly on the school grounds.

Some people also fell on some stone pillars opposite the suspended platform.

These stone pillars are large, and each one can be used by nearly a thousand people.

But not many people dare to settle on these pillars. ()

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