Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 816: Yin Yang Eye

"Siyuan Mountain!" Xiao Yun looked at the holy mountain, and the blood in his body couldn't help boiling.

He had an inexplicable feeling at this time.

It seems that this time, we can leave.

"Ready to get into the mountains?"

After gazing at the giant mountain ahead, the elders of various ethnic groups turned towards Xiao Yun.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were full of kindness. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

It was the exact opposite of that before.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and hurried away.

The elders of all ethnic groups have sealed the sin in their own body, even if their own breath has been restrained to a limit before they can go far away. With the last experience, everyone has believed that Xiao Yun can successfully break the origin Seal of the mountain.

call out!

Xiao Yun crossed the void and appeared near Siyuan Mountain.

The mountain is very high, exuding a vast breath.


After taking a deep breath, his palm moved, and Siyuan bow appeared in his hand.

"Inducing the potential of the heavens and the earth!" Gu Bow was as heavy as a mountain in his hand, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and an eyebrow appeared in that eyebrow.

After the sound of a soft drink rang out, the Quartet moved, and the vastness of the world gathered towards Xiao Yun.

The endless source of origin gasified around him.


At this time, Siyuan Bow flashed, and each rune was activated.

At the moment, there was a cyclone agitation over the ancient bow, and they began to absorb the Qi of the source frantically.

The vast world is blessed on this bow.

In this way, Xiao Yun set up the arrow string and began to pull the bow.


The bowstrings moved slightly, dazzling light bloomed, and a ripple rippled.

Accompanied by a vast and ancient atmosphere fluctuations.

That kind of fluctuation is awe-inspiring.

Then the bowstrings kept being pulled apart, and the voice of Long Yinhu Xiao was soaring through the sky.

Seeing this, the practitioners of all races couldn't help holding their breath, and stared tightly forward.

Finally, Long Bow stretched the full moon, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.


Xiao Yun's mouth opened, and a broken word spit out from his mouth.

call out!

The next moment, when the bowstring moved, an arrow turned into a streamer hole pierced through the void and headed straight for Siyuan Mountain ahead.


The arrow flickered, and the void ahead seemed to shatter.

Then everyone could clearly see the seal was torn apart.

"Get in quickly." When the seal cracked, Xiao Yun said to the crowd.

"I'll get in there first, please wait here, please." The chiefs of the three clan spoke, and walked towards them.


Suddenly, there were 20 elders from each ethnic group entering Siyuan Mountain.

Some heavenly pride also followed.

Looking at those people entering, Xiao Yun flashed his eyes, and retracted the arrow of Siyuan, but also plunged into that Siyuan Mountain.

There is a seal blessing in Siyuan Mountain, which must be forcibly removed when entering.

If anyone is inside, Xiao Yun can rely on Siyuan to make the traction of the holy mountain easy.


As the seal healed, Xiao Yun's body also entered the Holy Mountain.

At this time, the elders of all ethnic groups turned their eyes and looked towards this ancient holy mountain with curiosity.

This holy mountain, they have never seen it!

"It's similar to what was written on ancient books."

The chiefs nodded slightly.

However, they did not dare to release God's thoughts too far.

Because in them they felt a lot of obscure breath fluctuations.

Obviously there are many strong people here.

It would be extremely troublesome to provoke these horrible existences.

When Xiao Yun landed, everyone's eyes moved slightly, and their eyes fell on the young man.

"Go." Xiao Yun didn't say much and took everyone directly to the mountain.

From time to time on the way, there are sources of origin.

There are various strange beasts.

There is no lack of king level among them.

Seeing this, the elders of all ethnic groups were shocked.

If they walk here and meet these beasts, the two sides will fight, and even if they win, the sin in the body will be inspired, and then there will be big trouble. Fortunately, there is Xiao Yun. The ancient beasts retreated.

Xiao Yun didn't dare to stop.

Because the source order can be herd, but it does not mean that it can be herd.

He could only command those beasts of condemnation.

Moving forward all the way, it was extremely smooth. With the formation of the road, everyone entered the top of Siyuan Mountain.


Elders of all races appeared under that.

Looking at the altar, even the emperor took a deep breath, and his face was completely calm.

"Is this the ancient altar?"

"There is a giant tripod there!"

"This is Siyuan Ding. Legend is that it is a town artifact of Siyuan Mountain!" The elders of the three major races were all surprised.

Although I know a little about this sacred mountain in ancient books, but now I come here in person, I still can't help but be shocked.

The coercion emanating from the altar made them feel breathless and had the illusion of facing the gods.

"Unfortunately, there is no **** now."

Many elders sighed slightly.

Xiao Yun looked up at the altar in front of his eyes, and his eyes blinked slightly.

For him, why not be shocked by such miracles?

But at this time he was thinking of looking for a way out, and did not have much thought to imagine those ancient past.

"You all have to stir your breath and follow me into the altar." Xiao Yun glanced at the altar and said to the elders immediately.

The next moment, he strode forward and had already walked to the altar.

The elders of all races followed.

They trembled on this altar, even the emperor did not dare to care.

After a short while, the crowd ascended the steps and reached the altar.

The air of Siyuan lingers in front of it, as if there is an air dragon circling, a huge ancient tripod will also appear in front of it.

The ancient tripod is very high, with an ancient atmosphere, emitting a momentum that can shatter the mountains and rivers.

"That way out?" Seeing this, many people were surprised.

"Well." Xiao Yun said, "It should be in Dingnai, I have already explored it before."

"I think there is only a way out here." Some elders nodded slightly.


When Xiao Yun's mind moved, Siyuan caused a light pattern to bloom, wrapping up the practitioners of all races.

"Follow me." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he turned towards Siyuan Ding.

Elders of all races followed.

Everyone flashed into the whirlwind of Ding Nai.

After entering, the elders were curious.

But everyone was afraid to speak rashly.

Gu Ding is extraordinary and seems to be able to sense their sin, so everyone has suppressed their breath to a low point.

"There is still a world in this tripod?" The air swirled, making the elders of all ethnic groups suspicious.

It was just a moment when everyone felt a different place, the traction of the cyclone dissipated, and their bodies followed the ground.

Then, the richness started to blow his nose.

"This is not Qiyuan's Qi?" When the Yin and Yang Qi entered the nose, the elders of Yinling and Siyuan were surprised.

"Although it is not the spirit of Siyuan, the Tao Yun contained in it is stronger than that of Siyuan."

Some elders' eyes were hot.

"If you practice here, I should be able to get rid of the puppet of the emperor and reach another realm." Some elders began.

Everyone looked around, and the eyes were full of fiery color.

"This breath of yin and yang flows, and the power is clear. Is it the legendary yin and yang air?" The old head of the Siyuan tribe has a shining light in his eyes. As the Siyuan tribe, he knows the air of the heaven and earth so he can see it at a glance. This is the spirit of yin and yang.

"There is still an altar ahead." Soon the crowd discovered the altar ahead.

And Xiao Yun walked towards it at this time.

Seeing this, elders of all ethnic groups followed.

When he came to the altar, Xiao Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Whether we can find a way out is here.

"Is there a way out?" An elder asked.

"Here is the uprising of heaven and earth, and there must be only one Kěnéng exit."

Xiao Yun turned around and greeted the elders of various ethnic groups, "Lords, follow me!"

At the moment, the light lines on his brows flickered, covering the royals of the three races.

There are fourteen people.

The elders on the landing steps were careful and even their steps became very light.

Because on this they felt a breath of avenue.

That breath seems to contain the rules of heaven and earth, which can wipe out everything.

After a short while, everyone entered the altar.

A huge yin and yang cyclone also appeared in front of everyone.

"This is it?" The eyes of the elders of the Siyuan clan exposed their eyes, "It is said that the eyes of Yin and Yang can communicate with the heavens and the world."

This made him move.

If so, then they should leave this condemned land.

"Sure enough, there is a barrier." After just a little joy, everyone felt an amazing fluctuation.

No one dares to move on now.

Even Xiao Yun stopped.

At this moment, his eyes turned, and he stared at a large array in the open space in front of the yin and yang eyes.

The big burst seemed like yin and yang.

Two arrays of eyes, with a clear layout, one yin and one yang, seem to be able to dominate the world and encompass everything.

"This is the array method." Xiao Yun flashed his eyes and turned back to the crowd, "The last time I failed to open Siyuanjing because I was not enough. I think if you open it, you should be able to unlock the secret here, Maybe find a way out. "

"This is Siyuanjing."

The eyes of the old clan of the Siyuan clan were fiery, and they were now handed to Xiao Yun.

There are 6,000 pieces in it.

"Okay." Xiao Yun took the spar, and then said, "I'm going to open this pattern, you go back to the edge first."

"Well." The elders of the three races receded.

Siyuanjing was injected into those two arrays.

This time Xiao Yun put a thousand in each array. UU reading books


When Shiyuan spar was injected, the runes began to dazzle near the two eyes.

Finally, those runes squirmed, as if the river was flowing.

If you look closely, Yin and Yang are flowing.

A shocking wave also spread from that pattern.

"The formation was touched?" Seeing this, the elders of the three major races all jumped inside.

The patterns flowed, Xiao Yun began to retreat, watching the changes silently.

"This formation method is also yin and yang, which seems to correspond to the eyes of yin and yang ahead." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he seemed to discover the mystery.

At this time, the formations on the altar evolved into a yin and yang cyclone, and began to float slowly in the air. When this formation appeared, the restraining force from the eyes of the yin and yang in front of it began to slowly dissipate, and there also bloomed A yin and yang cyclone.

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