Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 647: Continuous breakthrough

Many people are constantly deepening to practice in the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

The more you practice in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, the more helpful it is for the practitioner's achievements.

On the shore of Huoyuan, the deacon's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing his expectations.

"I don't know if these guys can receive the goods!" A deacon laughed.

"Deep into the depths of the fire depth, the real fire inside is the demon fire. If you can use this to temper Yuandan as the source of condensing the Yuanying, then you will have achievements in the future, and you can rely on the demon fire. Many practitioners of the same level dare to fear. "W" novel "Fiction chapters are updated the fastest

The other deacon said sternly.

These people are all powerful firemen, and they have a deep understanding of the demon fire in the fire.

"Someone went deep into Huoyuan for two kilometers and entered China in one fell swoop.

Another deacon frowned, and said, "I don't know if anyone can reach this point this time?"

"Deep in two kilometers?" The deacons next to him shook their heads and said, "It's too difficult. Even if you go deep, there are few people who can last. In the depths of the fire deep, not only are the monsters raging, but also the evil spirits. Charms exist, not ordinary people. "

"Bùcuò, there were too many strong men ridiculed in Huoyuan in those years. Those strong souls remained and turned into resentment spirits. It is too dangerous to practice in the depths, especially below two kilometers, where there are many resentment spirits. This makes this place of great cultivation a dangerous place. "

Several deacon sighed.

There is a strong demon fire in Huoyuan, if you gather the babies in it, you will definitely make a strong person.

It was only that the fire was sealed. Once the Yuan Ying was really condensed, it would lead to the calamity and cause the seal to stir.

The sea of ​​fire below will roll up, leading to endless resentment.

To Zhīdào, some of the grieving spirits are so powerful that they can be swallowed even by the strong infants.

So no one dared to impact Yuanying Realm.

This fire is also forbidden to enter the half-step Yuanying state, fearing that someone will impact this state

Many people feel sorry for this.

Otherwise, this place of fire can create a lot!

"It's been half an hour now, let's see if someone is more than a kilometer away." Deacon Yang next to him laughed.

Although he is not a fireman, he is also very interested at this time.

He also wanted to see where Xiao Yun could go.

"Okay!" Hearing the words, the six deacons nodded, and then they all worked together.


Waiting for the tactics to draw, a huge fire mirror appeared over the fire.

The light flickered in the mirror, and black dots appeared.

Those black spots continued to sink, a total of one hundred and one under the breakdown.

These black spots are exactly the disciples who stepped into the fire.

It was just that the crowd couldn't see what they looked like, and they could only judge how deep these people were into the fire.

Because the mirror that evolved has the scale of the fire depth.

"Someone's 800 meters deep!"

After seeing the black spots, the deacon's eyes turned, and naturally they looked at the bottom black spots.

"Two more at 700 meters and one at 600 meters!"

"Bùcuò, it took so little time to get into this!" Seeing this, the deacons nodded slightly.

Everyone seemed happy with the result.

"But I don't know what Xiaoyun is that black spot?" Deacon Yang stared at those black spots.

For this young man, he has always been full of expectations.


At this time, the people in Fire Deep continued to go deeper.

Of course, some people choose to stop because they can't bear the monster fire that is too strong, and start to quench Yuandan with fire.

"These demon fires are not only violent, they also have a magical power that can dissolve and burn out many defenses."

Xiao Yun kept going down.

At this moment, he walked through the fire deep, like a fire, not happy or angry, just feeling the demon fire in silence.

Only when you have enough knowledge of this demon fire can you better turn it into your own.

As he kept going down, Xiao Yun was absorbing the vast demon fire.

At this time, his Xuanming Wuhun was simply hunger and thirst, and wanted to absorb all the demon fire.

Not only that, but also a dazzling light blooming to absorb those demon fires.

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's fear that the life Wuhun is not enough to suppress these demon fires, I'm afraid that the Wuhun himself has evolved a green branch to absorb all these demon fires. At this time, it just waits for those demon fires to fall In order to understand the sea, the cyclone evolved to absorb it.

"Yuandan's seven major achievements, Yuandan's sevenfold peak, Yuandan's sevenfold success!" As Xiao Yun walked down, his state of mysterious martial spirits continued to improve, the kind of Sùdù, even him I was surprised.

Before he knew it, he had already reached a thousand meters deep in Huoyuan.

At this moment, the demon fire here is even more violent.

Vaguely, those demon fires even spread a force of repulsion.

"It seems that you have to improve the realm first." Xiao Yun secretly murmured, then crossed her knees in the fire deep.

Among these one hundred people, most of them have stepped into the path of fire. Only Xiao Yun's Xuanming Wuhun is no more than Yuandan Seventh. He can reach this point by this, and it is very difficult. Many people have stopped on it.

Xiao Yun crossed his knees in the sea of ​​fire, and the flames of his body circulated around him, submerging into him.

The demon fire was violent, and the space in Huoyuan was burned and twisted.

If people who do n’t understand the flames are here, I'm afraid that they have already been scoffed.

But Xiao Yun calmly, hovering here.

Swallowing the heavenly tactics, constantly absorbing the condensed demon fire, and incorporating it into the sea of ​​knowledge.

The breath of Xuanming Wuhun is rising at a rapid speed.

The cultivation of this Wuhun has been stagnated for too long, and it is time to break through.

At this time, under such a vast supply of demon fire, the Xuanming Wuhun almost stepped into Yuandan Yae in one stroke.

Not only that, on the blue tree of the life Wuhun, a branch was extended at this time, and the raging fire element was flowing.

This is derived from absorbing the demon fire.

A strange young leaf spit out on it, blooming with mist.


The vast atmosphere fluctuated, making this fire deep ripples.

It was just this kind of breath that made Xiao Yun closer to this fire.

Because this time he absorbed the demon fire breakthrough, the momentum clearly contained such a demon fire.

"You can continue!" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and after feeling a breath, he started to continue down.

One meter, ten meters, one hundred meters!

Every ten meters down, Xiao Yun felt a tremendous pressure.

Not only is the monster fire raging, but a horrifying power has begun to spread below.

The power made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Going down, going down!" Shouted excitement inside Tuntian Tower.

Just now it was still sleeping.

But when Xiao Yun discovered the place after breaking through, he was extremely excited.

Such a strong demon fire is too attractive for it.

Xiao Yun's eyes flickered slightly, and he continued to sink.

1,100 meters, 1,200 meters.

Not only that, when he sank, the strength of the Xuanming Wuhun also continued to improve.

Time is quietly leaving.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a day since Xiao Yun and others entered.

At this moment, the deacon beside the fire deep stared at the mirror, and all eyes were relieved.

"One thousand seven hundred and eighty-five meters, one thousand six hundred meters, one thousand four hundred meters, one hundred three hundred meters, and one hundred and twenty meters."

"This is a disciple with several talents Bùcuò!"

"Achieving more than one kilometer can achieve something!"

"This is just the beginning. If they are improving, they may be able to advance a distance of one or two hundred meters."

Several elders laughed with joy.

For them, the disciples who can produce a few talents Bùcuò do not hesitate to do so.

One day passes, two days pass, three days pass!

This time, Xiao Yun stopped at 1,600 meters and hit Yuandan Jiuzhong secretly.

However, after entering the realm of Yuandan Yae, that Xuanming Wuhun has become much more difficult.

At this time, among the mansions in Wuge that day, a young girl appeared.

This is a girl in a long purple dress. She has blue hair and waist, and a pair of jewel-like eyes twinkled with a smart light.

This girl is naturally Ren Kexin.

At this moment, the girl ran into the mountain stream, her eyes seemed to be a little boring.

"This Xiao Yun doesn't know where to go." Ren Kexin, wearing a long purple dress, strolled through the air, she seemed to be flowing and dusty. She pursed her mouth and revealed her unhappiness. She closed her doors these days and soon entered Yuan. Dan Jiuzong's peak.

After a slight increase in strength, the little girl thought, and wanted to find Xiao Yun first to try it out.

It is also good to determine how many wins the next game.

But she searched and found Xiao Yun.

As his eyes moved, Ren Kexin's sight fell in the middle of the front.

"Since he is not here, I have collected all his medicine gardens, so that he will not have any medicinal materials in a short time?" The little girl's eyes turned and she looked ancient and strange, "Yes, just like that, who told him to hit me? That's it. "

Thinking of this, the little girl smiled and turned into a crescent shape, then glanced around, and fell to the medicine garden after seeing no one beside her, and then she urged her to tear the medicine garden into it smoothly. Got inside.

Her eyes are extraordinary, and she can reverse the world. Those powerful matrix laws can't stop her at all.

"Hee hee, I'll sweep your medicine garden first." Ren Kexin's long eyelashes blinked and she glanced at this huge medicine garden ~ ~ I felt very happy, it seemed to me The wickedness is finally about to go out for a little while.

Last time, this girl has been depressed for a long time!

"Oh!" Just as Ren Kexin showed a sly smile on her face, she glanced at this medicine garden, her eyes were bright, and there was a twinkling of fine light, her eyes were staring tightly at the front, and in the herb from among them, she had A furry snow-white beast.

"It's Xiao Yun's little beast!" After looking at the little beast, Ren Kexin's smile on his face looked extremely bright.

Yi Yi was holding a bite of a thousand-year-old ginseng.

The little boy took a sip and left a row of teeth marks on it, then his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a very enjoyable look.

This is a thousand-year-old ginseng, which contains a strong spirit of heaven and earth. At this moment, there is still a dim light.

The little guy is eating right.

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