Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 592: He is Xiao Yun [Please ...

In the restaurant, Meng Tian dropped to the ground, and also wailed.

At this time, if you look closely, you can see that his fist knuckles are broken and there is blood left.

It was wounded by one finger, leaving clear marks, with a north hole in the bone, and a broken finger.

Obviously, the young man in the corner just now defeated Montian Fang, who had used the grave Wuhun with one finger.

This shocked the audience. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Until the two breaths passed, these people did not return to God.

They just stared at Xiao Yun.

Such a combat power, I'm afraid that only the genius of Yuan Dan's Seven Peaks really has it?

Putting Mengtian a finger, Xiao Yun looked very indifferent, without a special expression.

All he saw was a slight glance at the front, and his fingers moved slightly, that is, he picked up the beautiful jade chopsticks and clamped a piece of meat on the table, and handed it to the beautiful bowl next to him, "Come, this is an ice dollar The wolf meat of the demon wolf can be shocked. "

Xiao Yun's voice was very light. He held the corner of his sleeve with one hand and passed the ice wolf demon wolf with the other hand, looking very gentle.

"No, I do n’t eat meat, but I will be fat when I eat meat." After seeing it, Yan Shifei was panicked. She quickly stretched out her hand to resist Xiao Yun ’s hand out of chopsticks, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. He said, "I'll just eat this heart orchid."

After speaking, she picked up a green leafy leafy leaf.

"I'm not afraid of being fat. Anyway, you are very thin now. If you are fuller, I think it will be even more charming." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, his eyes glanced naturally at the beauty next to him, which was full of happiness. Then he laughed.

"I don't want to."

Yan Shifei smiled sweetly and said, "If you get fatter, you will not want me anymore if you become ugly."

"Why don't I want you?" Xiao Yun smiled slightly, seeing Yan Shifei like this, he was not reluctant to eat the meat himself.

In the restaurant, one man and one woman smiled and ate sweetly.

Looking at it, nothing seems to have happened just now.

"I'm going, is this a show of affection?" Seeing this, the people in the restaurant were going to look past.

These two people treat them as air!

"He acted as if he didn't pay attention to Montessori's veins!" Someone exclaimed.

Just now this Montblanc still exists.

However, this young man didn't seem to take it into his eyes at all, and turned a blind eye later, as if he had repelled a blocking dog. Everything was so natural. Such a move made the entire practitioners show their faces. Weird expression.

At the same time, everyone became more curious about the youth's identity.

So bold!

Who has such strength?

"Who is this young man?" Everyone looked at each other and wanted to ask Xiao Yun's identity.

The man from Montessori stayed in place.

At this time, these people felt very aggrieved and speechless.

I have seen arrogant people, they have not seen such arrogant people.

You hit someone, but it was as if nothing had happened. Where did you eat?

I go!

You also talked to sister Wèntí to lose weight.

The people in Montessori cried when they saw Xiao Yun's move.

This feeling of disregard is harder than beating them.

Especially Montana, he felt like he was going to collapse.

What kind of thing is this?

Shouldn't that young man stand up now and despise himself severely?

It stands to reason that this is how the face is beaten!

But people ignored him directly, which made him very hurt.

At this point, even if the young man came and laughed at him fiercely!

But none of this happened.

At this time, Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei were still tasting those delicacies.

The two are still discussing Wèntí.

At this time, Meng Tianfang had expelled the breath of mysterious true fire in his body.

He just didn't know what to do after hearing the conversation between the man and the woman.

Is it to stand up, run over, and then take a shot to get back where you are?

Or just lie down and wait for him to snarl?

"What's wrong with me? Expecting others to ridicule?" Meng Tianfang felt almost nervous.

Who would think that people come to despise it!

But he felt very aggrieved at this moment.

It's really too mean.

In this complex mood, Montian Fang was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Because he did n’t even do anything.

"God, are you okay?"

"My brother will not die?"

A few people of the Montes's family saw that Meng Tian could not get up, and hurriedly came to him, and said timidly.

"I'm going, you're dead." Seeing several clan people asked, Meng Tianfang rolled his eyes, and said angrily.

"Then why didn't you get up?" Meng Tianfang scolded him, and the man said suspiciously.

"Cool on the ground!" Mentian Fang rolled his eyes and said.

"Cool on the ground?" The eyes of the two clan people turned with suspicion.

"Yes, that's cool." Meng Tianfang said.

But at this moment all his grievances were crying.

The people in the restaurant looked at the scene stupidly.

Everyone felt that this was the strangest play they had seen.

Provocative people cannot lie on the ground.

Is this a trick?

The man who beat his face should have been brave and powerful, but was eating there?

Is this ignoring everyone?


Suddenly, the sound of chopsticks falling off the table suddenly sounded.

When everyone's eyes moved, they saw Xiao Yun pick up the paper on the table and wipe his mouth, then immediately got up.

Beside, Yan Shifei also got up.

Look at this, they are finished.


Xiao Yun got up, took Yan Shifei's jade hand, and then exited the corner.

Then the two took a very leisurely pace and walked forward.

Seeing the two coming, the atmosphere of the audience became strange for a moment.

"Will he still shoot?" Many people were suspicious, but also full.

Everyone seemed to want to see what this young man would do next.

That Montana lay on the ground at this moment. He heard the footsteps and felt very nervous at this moment.

Should I get up and try again?

But judging from the confrontation just now, I am not an opponent at all!

"Should I get up and report my brother's name?"

"If the name of my brother is reported, it will certainly be fearful."

Just when Meng Tian was thinking about it, Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei had passed by them.

A man and a woman walked in, very indifferent, without looking at the people next to them.

Seeing Xiao Yun coming, the people of the Mongolian family pursed their lips, and actually took the initiative to step aside.

At this moment, everyone felt that this young man was unfathomable, not that they could provoke him.

In this way, Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei came to the stairs soon.

From start to finish, he didn't look at the sky.

"No shot?" Seeing this, everyone in the audience stumbled.

Is this too funny?

How could this happen?

"This person hasn't put this blindfold in his eyes at all!" Many people sighed, and Zhīdào met a real expert.

It's not that he doesn't shoot.

But Meng Tianfang wasn't enough to let him shoot.

"I'm going, are you leaving like this?" Hearing Xiao Yun's anger at this moment when he heard Xiao Yun had gone, he jumped up from the ground, he felt very aggrieved, and then coldly moved the front Xiao Yun, who was about to go downstairs, stared and screamed in anger.

"After dinner, don't go, what are you still doing here?" Xiao Yun paused slightly and said back.

His words are very light, this temperament makes it feel that it should not be mortal.

"Yeah, shouldn't you leave after eating?" Listening to Xiao Yun's words, Meng Tianfang also slightly hesitated.

Because the other person's words were so bland, it felt as if nothing else had really happened.

Even Meng Tianfang has such an illusion, as if he had never shot before.

"Well, no, no shot. Who was I injured?"

Meng Tian's eyes flickered, and his face was staggered.

Then his eyes grew dark.

"Boy, you hurt me, do you want to leave like this?" Meng Tianfang looked gloomy, staring at Xiao Yun coldly.

"Does the dog bite you? Do you still want to bite it back?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a icy arc radiated from the corner of his mouth. "Dogs that stop the road, just kick them away. What if you know him in general? Didn't you lose your worth? "

His words were very light, and he was not polite.

"What, the dog that blocked the road?" Wen Yan said, anger appeared in Meng Tian's eyes, "Who are you, Zhīdào?"

"Who are you? I don't want Zhīdào." Xiao Yun said lightly. "I'm only Zhīdào. I have given you a chance just now. If you are entangled again, then you will blame me for being ruthless. I don't care what you are. character."

"Boy, my brother is Montaigne, the genius of the 100 generations of young men in the battlefield of Xuanyuan. It is enough to ask the top four. Now you have time to beg for mercy, otherwise I will let my brother interrupt your feet, hum, Just because you want to have such a beauty? "

Meng Tianfang sneered coldly, "This woman should be our brother's plaything!"

Hearing, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and there was a cold light in it.

"I don't think I'll do it, you won't converge."

Waiting for the words to fall, a sense of sensation suddenly permeated from Xiao Yun's body.

"Why, aren't you afraid of death?" Meng Tian put a cold face, but her hair was a little hairy.

Because the chill emanating from Xiao Yun surprised him.

"Look for death." Xiao Yun's mouth moved slightly, and then his fingers moved forward slightly.


Refers to the flash of light, passing through the void, when even radiating towards the sky.


Then, a scream came out, only to see Mengtian let his knees break, kneel on one knee, and let out a mourn.

The blood on his knees was endless, and it was penetrated by Xiao Yun with one finger.

"Next time, don't be so arrogant." Xiao Yun said lightly, and left with Yan Shifei.

In the restaurant, there were only Rénmen who looked at each other.

so cool!

Just one sentence!

This person actually shot directly ~ ~ Abandoned Meng Tianfang one knee.

Isn't he afraid of that montage?

"Who the **** is this person?" Exclaimed in the restaurant.

"This person seems to be Xiao Yun!" Said Xi Di, with a monk.

"Xiao Yun?" So the eyes were wrong.

"Is that Xiao Yun from the South Famine?" Everyone asked.

"Well," said a man from Xishan, "I've seen the back view from a distance."

Looking at it just now, this person did not recognize Xiao Yun.

But at this point Xiao Yun walked down the stairs and saw the back, the person felt a little familiar.

Moreover, Xiao Yun seems to be accompanied by such a beautiful person.

"Is he Xiao Yun?" Wen Yan said that everyone in the audience stumbled with a weird expression on his face.

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