Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 544: Various inheritances?

When the members of the Famine Alliance came together, the Qin Beijian of the Nanhai Sword School also appeared. (The book is updated fastest and most stable)

This man's eyes were sharp and imposing, even he had reached Yuandan's eighth perfection.

At this time, his strength has improved, which is also quite scary.

In addition, Duan Jiuyou also appeared shortly after, and he stayed in Yuandan Yae's perfection.

It can be seen from this that it is not so easy to step into Yuandan Jiuzhong.

However, Jiuyou seemed to be full of confidence during this period, and a little coldness emerged when Xiao Xiang went to Xiao Yun.

He was confident that as long as he stepped into Yuandan Jiuzhong, Xiao Yun would be suppressed.

In this way, whether it is an animal beast, or other treasures, it will become his possession.

It was only after learning that Xiao Yun was revenge with Xishan religion, Duan Jiuyou frowned slightly.

In this case, Xishanjiao will certainly find a chance to shoot, and he is one more opponent.

When I was looking at that ancient Tianlan, Duan Jiuyou's eyes also had a little bit of jealousy.

Obviously, Gu Tianlan's reputation is far from ordinary people.

Here the strong are around, one by one, and Xiao Yun feels tremendous pressure.

Fortunately, Shi Yilang and Cheng Qian and other brothers came to help, otherwise he would be unable to cope with such a strong enemy.

Soon after, two old disciples of Tianyuanzong gathered here.

They came here with Xiao Yilang, but they only delayed for a while in the place where they were banned.

The two were just Yuandan Seventh, and did not step into Yuandan Eighth.

In addition, the old disciples of the Famine League have also come out one after another.

It is a pity that except for Yin Jiuxing who entered Yuandan Yae, the others failed to break through.

Of course, in addition to receiving these goods, there are still people who have fallen into the ban because their names have disappeared.

Breaking down, there were 63 people in the Alliance for Desolation. Haha

After seeing this data, many people feel inexplicable sadness, but helpless.

Because the path of the practitioner is so difficult, no one can guarantee who will be ridiculed in the next moment?

Finally, Yan Shifei also appeared.

She stepped out of the place where she was restrained, and the lotus strode forward, swaying, and smiling with a smile.

She became more beautiful at this time.

The beauty is so fascinating that even Yang Haixin is worse than that.

Because Yan Shifei is not only charming but touching, she also has a bit of noble temperament permeating.

This is a wonderful combination of fairy and witch, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

But many people know that this is Xiao Yun's woman. Even if this woman looks like a fairy, she can only look at it from a distance.

In the banned place, Yan Shifei absorbed a large amount of heaven and earth essence, and she was tempered. The skin was shiny and shiny, and her eyes became more touching when she blinked. Xiu Wei also stepped into Yuandan's Sixth Success.

Compared with Xiu Wei's promotion, the biggest gain is that her roots and bones have been tempered and her physique has completely changed.

Seeing Yan Shifei also made this progress, Xiao Yun was quite happy.

After the personnel arrived, the monks of all factions gathered together, waiting silently for the opening of Wufu Land that day.

The Xishan religion found a small place to stay nearby, and it was not provoking disputes.

"Brother Yin, when will the heavenly blessing land open?" An Qiye moved his eyes and asked Yin Jiuxing.

"Looking at the banned waves, Wufu Land will probably open in a day or so." Yin Jiuxing's eyes stared at the void in front of him, and said after a slight induction, the mist was lingering in the void, with light ripples flowing.

That was the entrance to the heavenly blessed land.

"A day or so?" After hearing the words, everyone's eyes were full of expectations when they looked forward to the void.

"Which ancient traditions will you go by then?" An Qiye continued to ask.

"There are many ancient traditions in Tianfufudi, but the most famous of them is the ruins of Zhenwumen."

Yin Jiuxing said.

"Zhenwumen?" Xiao Yun next to his eyes lit up and said, "This is a sectarian gate dominated by martial arts?"

The other youths nearby were also curious.

"Yes, this is a martial arts specialty." Yin Jiuxing said, "Before this martial art was abandoned, it was a big faction with a very rich heritage. Among them, there are many powerful people who can be called kings. Already above Yuan Ying. "

"So strong?" Wen Yan said, everyone was interested.

In the eyes of everyone, Yuanying Realm is already very strong. How horrible should the superiors be?

Could the legacy they left behind be simple?

"Of course, inheritance is not suitable for everyone, but you still have to refer to your own needs," Yin Jiuxing warned. "Only if it is suitable for you, can you get the inheritance, or it will be useless even if you go." "

"Um." Everyone nodded, and they also knew that only choosing the right inheritance was king.

Otherwise, the pursuit of the best will result in nothing.

"Can you explain the specific factions there?" Someone continued to ask.


Yin Jiuxing turned his eyes and looked at the old disciple beside him, saying, "Let's talk about each one."

The crowd nodded, and then explained many things in Tianwu Blessing Land in detail.

This explanation is more specific than the last time, including many details, so that people can have a rough outline of the heritage in it, even in some important places to pay attention to everything. and.

After listening to the explanations of the people, the members of the Famine Alliance have benefited a lot.

At the same time, everyone also identified the inheritance they will choose, and then used this to find a companion who went forward together.

Only after you have determined everything, you can move forward smoothly after entering it.

"Oh, Brother Shiro, where will you go after entering Tianwu Blessed Land," Yin Jiuxing finally yelled at Xiao Shiro.

"I'm going to the Zhenwumen ruins." Xiao Yilang's eyes lightened and said, at this time, could there be a bit of sharpness in his slightly lazy eyes, it seems that he was full of the Zhenwumen ruins Expectation, which has the heritage he wants.

"Relics of Zhenwumen?" Yin Jiuxing said with a frown, "I will go to the ruins of Haoxingmen."

There is also the inheritance that Yin Jiuxing wants.

Afterwards, Ye Chen and others all talked about their goals.

"Brother Xiao, are you there?" Xiao Yilang smiled sharply, and turned towards Xiao Yun.

"I will also go to the ruins of Zhenwumen." A smile appeared from the corner of Xiao Yun's mouth, and his eyebrows were raised, his eyes exposing.

For martial arts, Xiao Yun has a very strong demand.

So this time he chose to go to this relic mainly dominated by martial arts.

"Oh, that's good, then we can be considered the same way." Xiao Yilang laughed loudly.

"I will go too." Silent Wu will also go to the ruins of Zhenwumen, and he is very eager to ascend for Martial arts.

However, sister Yan Shifei chose another ruin.

Because that's a martial art that suits women.

Not only that, but the martial arts competition is relatively small, which is a great opportunity for them.

After determining their goals, the members of the Alliance also began to discuss some of the key points in the ruins.

"In the ruins of Zhenwumen, there is a sky martial arts platform, in which there are various martial arts traditions, all of which are left by the strong."

Xiao Yilang said.

"Various martial arts traditions?" Xiao Yun listened carefully, and was also very interested in it.

"Yes, there is the inheritance of Kendo, that's what I need." Xiao Shiyilang flashed his eyes, and when he mentioned Kendo, he couldn't help glancing at the Qin Beijian of the Nanhai Sword School not far away. Kendo masters, I'm sure going there too. "

"Qin Beijian?" Mentioned the name, Xiao Yun's eyes appeared with a chilly chill.

"In addition to Kendo, there are other martial arts traditions, but the most mysterious is the martial arts monument left by a strong man."

Xiao Yilang's eyes narrowed, and he said with a bit of mystery.

"Wu Bei?" Seeing Xiao Yilang's mysterious appearance, Xiao Yun was also interested.

He has seen many so-called martial arts monuments!

These things are indeed rare opportunities for practitioners!

"This martial arts monument contains the true meaning of martial arts that his predecessors learned throughout their lives." Xiao Shilu said, "The true meaning of martial arts is an indispensable thing for any practitioner, and it is also a martial art that anyone can learn. inherited."

"So Gu Tianlan should be interested in this."

Xiao Yilang raised his eyebrows and hurried towards the direction of Xishan Religion, saying, "I think he came for this."

"Gu Tianlan!" When referring to this person, Xiao Yun couldn't help showing his face, this was definitely a rival!

"This ancient Tianlanyuan has the blood of ancient warfare, and its combat power is extraordinary." Xiao Shilu said, "If you meet him, you must be careful."

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, he never underestimated Gu Tianlan.

After communicating with Xiao Shiro, Xiao Yun also knew a little bit about the ruins of Zhenwumen.

Zhenwumen is a big martial art, but unfortunately why it is reduced to an ancient ruin like this Xuanyuan battlefield.

The most important thing is that the martial arts heritage in Wutai that day.

As for the others, it is not so important for the proud of these days.

Because cultivation resources are easy to obtain, but some martial arts inheritance is beyond this village and there is no such shop.

After clarifying some of the situations in Tianwu Blessing Land, Xiao Yun and others began to adjust their interest rates with their eyes closed.

Not only is the Famine Alliance, but other forces next to it are waiting for Tian Wufu to open.

Finally ~ ~ After waiting for a day, the mist in the void began to dissipate.


When the ripples rose, the mist completely dissipated, and a light curtain appeared in the void.

There is an obscure breath in the light curtain.

Looking closely, there are runes flowing inside, and those runes are slowly condensing, and it seems to have evolved an entrance.

When the rune began to flow, the youth who were cross-legged stood up.

"Tianwu Blessing Land is about to open!" After everyone stood up, the exclaiming sound also rang.


When the exclamation sounded, the practitioners of all factions gathered their eyes in the void almost at the same time. "Is Tianwu Blessing finally going to open?" Xiao Yun stood up, and when he looked forward to the void, there was also the expected light in those eyes. What was the harvest in this ancient ruin, but it is closely related to his future future! Thanks to Sky for three thousand book coins.

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