Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1911: Panic

In the hall, the three kings of the Wang family were all afraid.

Even the ambitious Wang Changtian suppressed his inner desires a little bit.

"How's it?" At this point, Changshengye spoke on the platform.

He still looked light and light, and looked like he could master the world.

He is confident that if these people show Xiao Zhantian's pictures, they will converge.

Of course, he didn't know how scared Xiao Zhantian would be to these people.

I don't know Xiao Zhantian's words in the Starry Sky and God's Way, as he said to the three.

Even Changshengye didn't know how Xiao Zhantian Xiu was.

After all, Changshengye's reincarnation is too early.

Therefore, he can only guess that Xiao Zhantian has already proved the emperor.

"Since Xiao Xiao is in trouble, that is, what I am waiting for, Master, what can you tell me?"

His Royal Highness, Wang Yunfan's eyes flickered, and he took the lead to restore his expression.

However, the light in his eyes toward Xiao Yun was full of awe.

If Longevity makes them afraid, Xiao Yun scares them.

Changshengye has an amazing father.

However, his father's life and death are unknown.

Xiao Yun is different now, but his father is still alive!

Moreover, the eyes just made them scared.

You know, this Wang Yunfan is Tianzun, and he is about to step into the supreme realm.

It was so, he felt a palpitation.

"What realm has this Jiuxiao emperor reached?" Wang Yunfan was thinking in his heart.

"That seems to be just his reincarnation!" Wang Changtian was also fearful.

At this point, he was no longer proud.

In ancient times, Jiuxiao Supreme was not only honored, but also emperor.

Of course, few people know about such things, but Wang Changtian does.

"The three of you are all talented people. If you do not practice emperor, how can you gain a foothold in the nine days?" Changshengye said.

Looking at the expressions of these three people, Changshengye already knew that the deterrent effect was achieved.

Xiao Yun was also slightly relieved.

"Yes!" Wang Yunfan hurriedly said, "I will definitely try to cultivate and not lose face to the young master."

"It's so good!" Changshengye nodded, and then his eyes flashed, "Hai Lao, you can go with us!"

"Yes!" Wang Yunhai nodded quickly.

At this time, his face was fiery.

Owner of his own house, and actually had the emperor's son as a friend, he was finally relieved.

You know, the Emperor Jiuxiao was also a personal person in the nine days, and he must know more great figures.

Therefore, if those enemies want to do something, the emperor will be able to sense it.

In this way, when encountering difficulties that can't be solved, it is presumed that these emperors will still shoot.

"Okay, then, you're going to flip it over, and we'll set off in a few days," Changshengye said.

"Yes!" Wang Yunhai nodded.

"So, you all go down!" Said Changshengye.

"Yes!" At present, Wang Sanjie nodded and said yes.

"It seems that the young master has cultivated Yunhai as a lineage." Seeing this, Wang Yunfan sighed.

He knew that his previous attitude was obviously what the young master noticed.

"Evidence of longevity ..." Wang Changtian was a bit distracted.

Originally, in his opinion, the young master of his family must have a complete longevity sutra. If he could seize it, he might be able to preach the longevity.

In this way, the Great Emperor is just around the corner.

He even has a higher level of confidence.

But now he's been splashed with cold water.

Wang Sanjie retired.

Xiao Yun and Changsheng Turtle settled in a nearby mansion.

Changshengye and Xiao Yun sat in a living room.

"It seems that your father really shocked these three people this time." Changshengye's mouth showed a rare smile.

The effect this time exceeded his imagination.

"It seems my father is really strong." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

If not, how can we deter His Holiness through time and space?

"Your father, at least, is also the emperor." Changshengye said.

"Well," Xiao Yun glared, and murmured, "I will step in, too."

He still vaguely remembers what his father said at the time, expecting their father and son to fight together side by side, fighting the Quartet!

Now, he is also looking forward to this day!

"I will never embarrass you." Xiao Yun thought secretly.

"Name the Emperor!" Changshengye's eyes were slightly condensed, and they seemed to pierce through the void, and those eyes were full of complex emotions.

For him, that was not enough.

"Then we have to leave the Wang family?" Phantom blinked at this moment.

Just now, that scene was so shocking that even it was excited.

His Holiness Wang, who wanted to detect Xiao Yun's truth and reality, was stunned by the fact that it was very inspiring.

"The Wang family naturally wants to leave." Xiao Yun said, "No matter what, I have to leave Tianxing God Realm, look for the concubine, and Ling Xi."

This is something he will not change.

Moreover, there is no room for delay.

"So too." Phantom Nodded, and then said, "Why not take a Venerable out?"

"Sovereign!" Changshengye eyes condensed and said, "I don't know if the power of the major star domains will limit this power."

His Holiness is too strong.

If it is a war in the realm, it will cause great damage.

The realm will be battered.

As the will of the realm, naturally such characters will not be allowed to come in easily.

Otherwise, it will cause turmoil in this realm.

"The Supreme Master also has to cultivate. If they follow me and wait, they are afraid that they will delay their practice. I don't know if they are willing to follow." Xiao Yundao said.

If these three people are loyal, it will be a great help to become the emperor in the future.

If it is unfaithful, it is a scourge to be with you.

Furthermore, as a Supreme Master, who wants to be reconciled to others, who doesn't want to step into the Supreme Realm earlier?

"Let's look at the situation first," said Changshengye. "Wang Yunhai, that's fine."

From the beginning, he felt that the old man seemed a little loyal.

"This person is OK!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Three days later, Wang Yunhai came here, waiting for the call of Changshengye.

This old man is really loyal and devoted to the longevity turtle.

Because Wang's ancestors were servants of the longevity turtle.

They have the ancestral teachings, they must be loyal for generations, and they should be based on the longevity of turtles.

In fact, in ancient times, this was not necessary at all.

Because the pulse of the long-lived turtle can completely control the birth and death of the Wang family.

The kind of life and death in the palm is like the life and death of those living in the land of condemnation.

But now, the long-lived turtle father's breath is completely absent, like ridicule.

And the real eternal life world at that time ~ ~ also collapsed.

In this way, Wang's people were regained freedom.

However, in Wang Yunhai's heart, he is still a servant of the longevity turtle.

Even if he has stepped into the state of His Holiness.

Over the years, he has also firmly believed that there will be another day in the Lord.

He also firmly believes that the young master is not dead!

Now that Changshengye is born, he must be excited.

"Ready!" Chang Shengye overlooked Wang Yunhai above the hall and said lightly.

"Old slave, you can leave at any time!" Wang Yunhai said respectfully.

"Okay!" Changsheng Ya nodded slightly, and then said, "Hai Lao, you are also an old servant of my longevity. However, my father has a great enemy in the world and the future is uncertain. Freedom, have you ever thought about living a free life? "

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