Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1903: Sudden change


The sound of the Tao sounded, and the Changsheng Cave rose up with endless patterns of gods, to be integrated with Changshengye. ???? E small? Said ???????

Xiao Yun immediately sensed this fluctuation.

"Nirvana is over?" He sensed, seeing Changshengye on the distant platform.

"When I merge this hole, I leave this place." Changshengye spoke to Xiao Yun.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Although he was very curious about the identity of the long-lived turtle, he also knew that it was not the time to ask about it.

After all, there are still Wang's people staring outside!

No one can guarantee that nothing will happen.

You know, this long-lived secret is now in the hands of the Wangs.

Would they sit by and watch someone enter their forbidden area of ​​eternal life?

So time is tight.


In the Changsheng Cave, the Longsheng Turtles are fused in the formation of the Changsheng Cave.

As long as you control this formation, you can control the entire eternal life.


Next to the longevity tree.

Wang Yousheng opened his eyes.

Originally, he was feeling Changsheng Avenue.

But suddenly he felt the boulevard roar, and it seemed that the earth and earth would collapse.

A great fear poured into my mind.

Moreover, he saw that the lines in front of him were scattered, and it seemed to be nothing.

This surprised him.

"What's going on?" Wang's children felt bad.

"The space here is not stable. It seems there is something going wrong. Withdraw, withdraw first." Wang Yousheng's eyes flashed, decisively.

"Okay, okay!" The others nodded again and again.

They also felt that the pattern of the road in front seemed to collapse and become nothing.

That feeling is disturbing.

Right now, Wang's people retreat again and again.

After crossing the Changsheng Bridge, they came to the Changsheng Sea.

At this time, the people beside Changshenghai also felt something strange.

"Wang Daoyou, what happened?" At the moment, these people asked one after another.

"This place should not be stayed for long, withdraw first!" Wang Yousheng said.

"That son Ling? Where is he?" Someone asked.

"He entered into my clan." Wang Yousheng said.

"Secret Realm, Changsheng Cave?" After hearing the words, all the gods were shocked.

"How is this possible?" Many gods looked surprised.

The **** pattern of Changsheng Cave is shrouded, so they did not see Xiao Yun enter.

"Well." Wang Yousheng nodded, and he didn't stop talking and immediately retreated.

Other protoss children also retreated.

"How can this guy enter the Changsheng Cave?" Ren Feitian frowned.

They immediately retreated.

At this moment, no one dares to delay.

The gods of all races 6 continued to withdraw from the sea of ​​longevity,

Ren Tianxing and Ren Tianming also returned.

At this time, those elders also felt the change in this space.

"You guys, this space is unstable, let's exit here!" At this time, the eyes of the Wang's gods sank and they went toward the gods of various races.

"How can this be?" The gods of all races were curious.

"We don't know, but for your safety, leave this place!"

The monarch of the Wang family.

"Good!" The gods of all races frowned slightly, then nodded.

At this point, the Wang family had already issued an order for expulsion, and it was not easy for them to stay here.

Young children of all ethnic groups also continued to gather around the tribe.

"What the **** happened?" Some elders asked.

"I don't know, the space there was suddenly unstable, it seemed to collapse, so we retreated immediately." A deity said.

"How can this be?" Many people were extremely suspicious.

"That Lingyun seems to have entered the Changsheng Cave." Li Chenghai said.

"What!" After hearing the words, Li's God King's eyes showed surprise.

"I suspect this Ling Yun is Xiao Yun." Li Jinwen said to a **** king beside him.

This **** king is Li Quan, one of the **** kings who ambushed Xiao Yun.

"He's that kid?" After hearing the words, Li Quan's eyes were surprised.

"I'm not sure, it just feels like they are too much." Li Jinwen said.

Somehow, he always linked Ling Yun and Xiao Yun.

Because they were all so amazing.

"This Lingyun is indeed a stranger to appear." The **** king of the Phantom Eyes tribe also nodded slightly.


However, without waiting for them to think about it, the space is full of ripples, and it really seems to be breaking up.

"Withdraw!" Wang's deities touched and began to retreat.

Wang Changtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and after glancing at the Changsheng hole, he retracted the eyes.

When his eyes retracted, he deliberately or unintentionally glanced at Wang Yunhai.

After a glance at each other, Wang Yunhai and Wang Changtian both withdrew from this eternal life.

The next moment, they appeared in a world.

This is a wide field.

However, when they looked away, there was a huge cyclone in the void.

The long breath filled the cyclone.

This cyclone is like a secret of immortality.

At this time, the gods of all races were nearby and did not leave.

They also want to know what happened to this long-life secret place.

Some **** kings and princes have released their consciousness and are sensing the wave.

Someone even uses artifacts to try to deduce something.


Inside Changsheng Cave.

At this moment, on that stage, the **** pattern rose and was constantly controlled by Changshengye.

The original space is intertwined with roads and patterns, constantly floating, and the eternal life is restrained and dissipated.

The entire Longevity Secret turned into a space treasure.


In the void, Jangsangye emerged from nothing.

At this moment, there is a tortoise shell-like utensil in its palm.

This tortoise shell is dazzling, like the inner world.

"This is the secret place of longevity?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and asked.

"That's right!" Changshengye smiled, and then a big hand moved, and the tortoise shell blended into its brows.

Then the light and shadow of the void flashed, and the original cyclone dissipated.

Xiao Yun and Changshengye appeared in the sight of the gods of various ethnic groups.

"That eternal life has disappeared!" When the cyclone dissipated, someone immediately exclaimed.

"This ... Isn't that Lingyun? Who is the man in the green robe around him?" Xiao Yun of various ethnic groups immediately appeared in surprise.

At the same time, the Changshengye that suddenly appeared beside him was even more surprising.

"It's the young master!" Below, Wang Yunhai's eyes flashed, and there was a fiery light flashing.

The Qingpao man suddenly appearing in the void, the atmosphere, the outline, are too familiar.

Even after an era, he couldn't forget.

"Sure enough, it is!" Wang Changtian's eyes flashed, and a sharp light flickered.

His eyes were deep, and his expression seemed complicated when he looked at Changshengye.

"This man has a strong, long-lived breath!" Wang's **** king was surprised.

"Who is he?" Wang Yousheng and others were surprised.

Earlier, Ling Yun entered Changsheng Cave, and he was obviously a person. When he came out, there was an extra person.

Moreover, this person has a strong long-lasting breath.

Not only that, he felt an inexplicable awe in his heart when facing this person.

"Is this an ancient existence in the Changsheng Cave?" Some of Wang's children speculated.

"Is this the abnormal fluctuation before the Longevity Secret Realm?"

"The eternal life secretion suddenly dissipated. Was it controlled by this person?"

"Perhaps, the treasure of the eternal life is also obtained by this person."

"Eternal life, there must be a treasure!"

The eyes of the gods of all races are fiery, and the eyes of Xiao Yun and Changsheng Ye are full of greed ~ ~ This is the secret of Changsheng.

Some sea beasts have long-lived breath, and eating them can prolong life.

Don't talk about that longevity lotus.

This is a peripheral thing.

That long hole?

Thinking of this, the **** kings and princes of all races are hot.

They were anxious to take the shot and take the two young men who appeared suddenly in the void.

However, at this time they also had scruples.

Because there are Wang's people nearby.

If it is shot directly at this time, it seems that it does not give Wang's face.

But facing the treasure, they were eager to move, and could not hold back the impulse.

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