Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1892: This young man has a secret ...

On the spectator seat, Xiao Yun's breath continued to rise.

He is about to touch the paradox.

Now in nearly a hundred games of Lien Chan, his realm is constantly improving.

Hundred battles seem to be very simple.

However, during this battle, Xiao Yun was constantly evolving, verifying various avenues.

At the same time of this verification, various avenues have become more integrated with him.

In this way, this time it is incorporated into the mixed Yuan Avenue, naturally it seems to be the case.

When the various avenue **** patterns are fused, then the law of Shinto begins to condense.

At half-steps, God has already begun to touch the laws of Shinto.

But that's not perfect.

Nowadays, various avenues are integrated into the mixed Yuan world.

Re-aggregating new rules.

"This is the law of the mixed avenue, not a separate avenue. However, the mixed avenue contains various avenue rules." Xiao Yun was so clear-minded that he had everything he wanted to do next. The definition, only in this way, will not be confused when practicing, and naturally you can go a thousand miles.

In the mixed world, a series of divine patterns interweave, turning into rules like a chain.

This is the law of Shinto.

True God, with one thought, the mystery of Shinto comes out.

Going one step further, just under one mind, the laws of Shinto follow.

The laws of Shinto contain more perfect Shinto myths.

That aggressiveness, stability, will surpass the true god.

In this world, the **** pattern is constantly intertwined and has been formed.

"The rule is formed." Xiao Yun was moved.

Today, he is considered to be in the paradise.

Even, Xiao Yun felt that he was working hard, and he could hit the gods.

He tried to shock directly.

However, when consolidating the complete laws of Shinto, Xiao Yun's body, the remaining laws of God and King began to be restless.

"No, I can't step into the heavens and gods realm if I can't fully integrate this rule of gods and kings." Xiao Yun gave up and continued to consolidate the rules of Shinto.

First of all, if it continues, it will let back the already-absorbed rule of God.

This will cause trouble.

Secondly, there is Ren ’s deity in this city. If he makes the rule of this monarch restless, some **** kings and monarchs will inevitably feel it.

If so, things will really be out of control.

Even if he wanted to impact the heavens, he had to find a place where nobody was.

After stabilizing the prototype of the rule, Xiao Yun exhaled deeply, and then his eyes opened.

"Oh, congratulations to Ling Daoyou for entering the quasi-god realm." Opposite, Wang Yousheng toasted with a smile.

"It's just four days, and Ling Gongzi stepped into the quasi-sky **** state from the half-step **** state, which is really a Wizard of the World." Qiu Yufeng next to raise a glass.

At this moment, he also has to admit that this young man is really talented, not something he can match.

"Congratulations to Ling Daoyou for entering the quasi-sky **** realm."

Suddenly, the gods of all races raised their glasses and rejoiced in Xiao Yun.

Wang Changtian also raised his wine glass, exposing meaningful eyes to Xiao Yun.

It seems that he also has a sense of seeing the young man in front of him now.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun smiled, raised a glass, and signaled to everyone.

After drinking, Xiao Yun's eyes rose and he looked forward.

At this point, Ren Tianxing was fighting with people on the battlefield.

At this time, Dao Yun was perfect, and he seemed to be transformed into Dao.

This is to change the trend of anti-chaos.

"It seems that this Ren Tianxing is also going out of his own way." Seeing this, Xiao Yun's mouth showed a smile.

At the beginning, Ren Tianxing had discussed with Xiao Yun.

Now that the latter has made such progress, Xiao Yun is naturally pleased.

On the battlefield, Ren Tianxing shot with all his strength, and the uprising of uprising and broken upheaval merged, and the gods and mansions penetrated the void, like a giant cyclone to devour the world.

Not only that, he is like a boulevard, turning into a world.

In this world, there is a strong anti-chaos broken virtual mystery.

In this way, the powerful heaven and earth divine power fell down, crushing the opponent's divine pattern.


One and a half days of the Goddess of the Golden Wing Orcs was defeated and was defeated.

Then, a half-step Tianshen of the Ren clan shot, and wanted to teach Ren Tianxing's anti-rebellion eyes.

However, the gap between the two is clear at a glance.

Ren Tianxing not only has his own understanding of the mystery of the eye of anti-chaos, but also has an opinion on the avenue itself.

He has already merged the mystery of Shinto with himself, and turned into a avenue.

In this way, Ren Tianxing has won several games in a row, and few are in the half-step heavenly realm.

In the end, he stepped down by himself, because he realized that he wanted to take advantage of it.

Liu Wuxiang also shot, and he also improved.

In addition, Ren Feiyang also shot, and he fought against God.

His combat power is also impressive, because it surpassed the past.

Half of the gods, quasi gods, gods of heaven, almost all of them tried to learn.

The consultation ended on the fifth day.

"Hehe, I am very happy to be with you this time. After half a month, the secret place of longevity will be opened. You must remember to go out."

Finally, Wang Changtian stood up and announced the end of the discussion.

In this way, the gods dispersed.

"Farewell." In a few words, Xiao Yun and Wang Changtian said goodbye.

"I don't know why, I feel that Ling Ling has some similarities with Brother Xiao." Looking at the back of Xiao Yun, Ren Tianming muttered.

"They are all amazing talents, unfortunately!" Ren Tianxing sighed. "If Xiao Xiao was not injured and participated in this discussion, would he shine again?" Talking about the past, he repeatedly Shaking his head, now a few months have passed, although Renshi did not win Xiao Yun.

But what about Xiao Yun, who suffered a road injury?

Can his practice improve?

This is worrying.

"Xiao Gongzi Jiren has his own sky, and hope that when he sees him in the future, he has got rid of the rule of God." Ren Feiyang said.

"Well." Ren Tianxing nodded.

People of all races have left.

"Let him be proud for a while." The golden-winged beasts looked depressed, but they didn't attack.

This is Wang ’s territory. If he rushes, he is obviously disrespectful to Wang.

Furthermore, if they make a shot at this time, others will say that they have a narrow heart.

Therefore, the Golden Wing Orc and Ren Feitian and others have to wait for the opportunity first.

The monks of all races left.

But Wang Changtian is still on that high platform.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the void in the distance.

There, Xiao Yun was flying to a courtyard.

That was the VIP courtyard arranged for him by Wang.

"Master, why are you so kind to Lingyun?" Wang Yousheng asked with a little suspicion.

It stands to reason that his son is arrogant and indifferent to the elders in his clan, how can he be so kind to others?

Even if this Xiao Yun is talented, what does he do with him?

"This youth is not easy." Wang Changtian said, "Moreover ~ ~ he still has secrets."

"Secret?" Wang Yousheng looked surprised and asked.

"After a few days, you can know." Wang Changtian's eyes flashed, but he didn't say much.

Seeing Wang Changtian didn't say it, Wang Yousheng didn't dare to ask further.

However, the corner of Wang Changtian's mouth had some meaningful smiles.

"Wait for so many years, is that the breath?" Wang Changtian muttered to himself, a fiery light appeared in those deep eyes.

An ambition seemed to amplify a little in the fiery light.

"It's just ..." However, his eyes lightened suddenly, and he seemed to think of something, which made him a little daunted.

This fear, in the end, suppressed the fieryness and ambition in his eyes a little.

In the end, Wang Changtian was sinking into the water, so he looked out at the sky ahead. No one knew what he was thinking.

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