Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1885: Motionless

The gods of all races went to detect Xiao Yun with their hearts. E novel ????

As a result, they all fell into the ghost world evolved from Xiao Yun's Shinto rules.

"In the ghost world, I saw all ghosts roaring." There was a spirit dripping with cold sweat, and he looked at Xiao Yun with a lingering fear.

However, this young man is clearly light and light, and looks like a rule of evolution.

This seems unpredictable.

"This rhyme ... somewhat I feel for the avenue!" Yun Yunei, Ren Tianxing's face looked completely.

He also tried to sense it.

However, before I even touched it, I felt a terrible smell of yin.

So he quickly withdrew his mind.

Now looking at the appearance of those gods next to them, obviously they have suffered a lot.

"What's going on?" Seeing this, Ren Feitian's eyes flashed and asked.

Next to him, a quasi-celestial tribe had just explored Xiao Yun.

"I don't know why, I went to detect and was actually bitten by his avenue." Ren's son said.

"Oh!" Wen Yan said, Ren Feitian's eyes flashed, and Xiao Yun's eyes could not help a little sharper when he looked at Xiao Yun.

Next to that, Ni Cang and others were all astonished.

Due to their identity, they did not probe Xiao Yun.

However, after seeing his own people being rejected, he had an inexplicable anger and wanted to shoot.

"Let me see what you can do." Ren Feitian blinked.

Then, in his eyes, there was a divine pattern squirming, and a Shinto rule swept away towards Xiao Yun.

This Shinto rule is obviously very powerful and more complete, and the momentum is irresistible.

This Ren Feitian, as one of the top ten sons in the Star God Realm, has already stepped into the Heaven God Realm.

You know, most of the deities in the field are peers.

There are only a few people who can step into the Heavenly God Realm, and most of them are still half a step away from the Heavenly God Realm.

But this Ren Feitian, but stepped into the realm of heaven God six months ago, we can see that he is very talented.

"Feitian shot it." Facing this brother, Ren Feiyang felt a little pressure.

However, nowadays, he consciously understands Dadao and is confident that he will not be worse than his brother in the future.

Ren Feitian runs the avenue upright and probes towards Xiao Yun.

Invisibly, there is a strong momentum of oppression.

This oppression caused other gods to immediately recover their minds.

Because they felt an irresistible force.

Moreover, the upheaval in the middle made their minds disordered.

Therefore, no one dares to continue to detect.

After all, this is the **** of the gods. If they are half-step gods, the quasi gods will only be affected if they are peaceful.

As for the gods in the heavenly state, they squinted and did not mean to intervene.

They are also happy that someone will test this Lingyun!

"Tian Shen Jing!" When Ren Feitian shot, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he also felt the rules and mysteries unique to that day.

True divine realm, condensing the gods, initially touching the rules of Shinto, yet not fully controlling the rules of Shinto.

After reaching the heavenly realm, he has begun to control the rules of Shinto.

What is control?

Just like a person condensing strength.

At the beginning of condensing the vitality, I did not know how to evolve it into a martial arts enemy.

After being in control, you can evolve the vitality into various forms of confrontation.

This is a qualitative improvement.

This flying Shinto rule swept through, apparently using it very skillfully.

Invisibly, the void is affected by the rules, but if you look at it with the naked eye, nothing can be seen at all.

Everything is so calm and peaceful in this place, there seems to be no waves.

However, in fact, there are already ups and downs.

"Tianjin Realm has indeed surpassed Real Divine Realm, but it is not so easy to detect me." Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a radian.

"This wine is really good, but unfortunately, it is a little less." He still looked light and light, twisting his glass to Wang Changtian.

But invisibly, he is already running the avenue of the ghosts.

The road runs, Xiao Yun is like a ghost world.


The rules of Shinto against God's Eyes swept through.

Originally, this rule was extremely powerful. It was against the chaos and broken the void.

However, when it was about to reach Xiao Yun, there was an invisible ripple on Xiao Yun's body.

Then, a world of ghosts engulfed all the rules of Fei Tian's avenue.

"Is the rule of Shinto evolved?" At this moment, Ren Feitian's eyes flickered and he felt the ghost world evolved by Xiao Yun.

"It's just that you have a half-step heavenly realm and you have limited control over the rules of Shinto. How can you compare with my heavenly realm?" Ren Feitian grinned.

Then, the power of powerful Shinto rules raged away.


In the magical world that Xiao Yun evolved, the yin wind roared, and the Tao raged. If thousands of yin spirits were roaring.

An aura of breath permeated enough to tremble the soul.

But at this time, Ren Feitian rebelled against this magical world with Shinto rules.


Rebelling against upheaval, let that yin roar, Dao Wen will collapse.

Subsequently, the broken virtual mystery seemed like a thousand and a thousand blades to shatter the magical world of Xiao Yun.

Ren Feitian's Shinto Uprising is really powerful, the rules of Upsurge have passed, and Xiao Yun's Shinto Uprising will collapse.

"Half-step Tianshen, there is indeed a big gap with Tianshen Realm." Xiao Yun was as bright as a mirror.

Shinto realm, it is too difficult to want to leapfrog.

In addition, he is not as good as Yunling Avenue or Six Reincarnation Avenue.

But Xiao Yun remained motionless.

"Since you've come to commit crimes, I'm not polite." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and then he knew the sea, and there was a mighty shock and blended into his devotion.

The deity is the foundation of Shinto.

That Shinto power fits into the heart of the deity, just as it fits into the rules of the avenue.

Right now, the ghostly world that wasn't going to be defeated by the sky shuddered.


Loud tremors, such as the roar of the road.

Of course, this sound cannot be heard by others, only Ren Feitian who broke into the magical world can feel it.

A mighty power that destroyed the world fell down.

Ren Tianxing changed color immediately.

Then, the rules of his anti-chaos avenue began to shatter.

The broken road pattern was broken.

"This ... this divine power is not a half-step god, this, how is this going?" Ren Feitian was shocked.

However, without waiting for him to think about it, the vast boulevard rules have wiped him out.


Endless **** pattern crumbles.

In Yunyu, Ren Feitian's mind shuddered, and a pale blue blood spit out from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were slightly dim.

"My divine thoughts have been destroyed." Ren Feitian stared coldly, staring at Xiao Yun like a hungry wolf.

In this probe, he evolved the rules of the avenue with divine thoughts, but that divine thoughts were eroded, thus hurting the Yuanshen.

Although only slightly injured, it also made him extremely angry.

A **** of heaven was pitted by a half-step **** of heaven.

This is simply a shame!

All this is just born in the blink of an eye.

Even from the beginning to the end, Yuuchi did not have too strong fluctuations.

Because all of this is a confrontation between gods and gods.

This is the god.

A movement of God's thoughts can destroy people invisible.

When they shot, the rules of the avenue evolved in the mind.

Especially the gods, the rules of the avenue are used more tightly.

After seeing Ren Feitian's mouth bloody, the gods beside him couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Ren Feitian, also hit the wall?" Ni Cang blinked and murmured.

"It seems that this Lingyun is stronger than the surface." Qiu Yufeng's pupils also shrank.

"This man ... is not easy!" Ren Tianming was a little curious when he asked Xiao Yun.

"I did not expect that I have such a character in the Star God Divine Realm." Liu Wuxiang's eyes flashed.

"Are you out of your character?" Li Jinwen's eyes narrowed, and he looked a little cold when he looked at Xiao Yun.

In the past few months, he had seen a sudden emergence.

Unexpectedly, another one appeared at this time.

Somehow, he felt a little upset.

"This person cannot be seen through." You Ziying whispered.

Almost all the spirits in the hall moved.

You know, Ren Feitian is a god.

Tianshen shot, but in the half-step Tianshen's hands suffered a dark loss, we can see how extraordinary the other party.

But everyone was silent.

This kind of secret detection is good, if you know it, it will be meaningless.

However, no one has dared to detect Xiao Yun since then.

Even Ni Cang and other figures are wary.

They don't want to lose money, it's too shameful.

After annihilating Ren Feitian ’s thoughts, Xiao Yun still looked very indifferent. It seemed that he had never given birth to him. He did not even look at Ren Feitian. This attitude made Ren Feitian and the two people around him angry It's gritting teeth, anxious to fight with them.

"It's a character." Seeing this, Ren Feiyang smiled.

"Hehe, Ling Ling likes it, I will give you a jar of Changsheng wine." At this moment, Wang Changtian laughed loudly.

He is also the **** of all races who is testing Xiao Yun.

It was just that he remained calm, and then Xiao Yun said.

After that, he motioned with the palm of his hand.

Then, a maid came to Xiao Yun with an altar of longevity wine.

"So, thank you Changtian Gongzi." Xiao Yunlang laughed loudly, and accepted the Changsheng wine without mercy.

"Wow ha ha, an altar!" Xiao Yun knew the sea, and the Phantom Worm laughed.

"Xiao Yunzi, give the old man a little bit too."

"Don't worry." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and said.

"Lingg Zi is very young, but he has achieved this. I don't know which clan he came from?" Wang Yousheng laughed.

Wang Changtian smiled, waiting for Xiao Yun to answer.

The spirits of Wu Yu were all curious.

They also want to know which clan this sudden emerged from.

In the past, they have never heard such a number one!

"Oh, underneath is the Yinling clan. Since ancient times, our clan has rarely walked around the world. I don't know, it is normal." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Yinling tribe?" After hearing the words, many people frowned, and then groaned, "No wonder he previously felt that his Shinto world caused sensations. If there are thousands of ghosts roaring, this is the ancient tribe ~ ~ It's just that the Yinlings rarely walk outside. They thought they were extinct and didn't want to appear at this time. "

"It was originally a Taoist of the Yinlings, but the Yinlings are similar to the Hades, but I don't know if you can have a connection with the Hades?"

A **** of Ren's asked.

"Ming tribe?" Xiao Yun said with a frown.

The atmosphere in Suyu was a little weird.

You know, the ancient wars, the demons scourge nine days and ten realms.

The Hades are allies of the Demons.

It can be said that the Hades are also human enemies.

Mentioning the Ming at this time will naturally lead everyone to cast strange, even hostile eyes.

That Ren Feitian stared at Xiao Yun with hostility.

His tribe spoke, naturally because of what happened just now.

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