Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1882: envy, jealousy, hate

Under the Changsheng monument. ????????????

Xiao Yun condenses the longevity seal.

Just in a flash, the long-lasting seal condensed into shape.

That longevity road pattern was also led by Xiao Yun, condensing into one after another.

This immediately caused an uproar.

"Who is this person!" Those who were feeling under the Changsheng Tablet couldn't help but stop.

They all widened their eyes and stared at the young man next to him.

"Oh my God, there are already six longevity patterns, which are two more than Qiu Yufeng of the top ten sons!"

When the sixth **** pattern was condensed and formed by Xiao Yun, the exclamation sounded through Jiuxiao and spread throughout Yuntian City.

You know, when the gods spoke, the sound waves could crush the virtual god.

At this point, so many true gods spoke, and Sonic immediately spread to all directions.

"Who, who is the one who embodies the six Longevity Gods?" At present, some elders were surprised and startled.

Gods gather in Yuntian City.

However, they also came with elders of various ethnic groups.

It's just that the elders of all ethnic groups get together, and there is no interaction with the younger generation.

Now the sound wave sounded, immediately shocking these people.

Suddenly, there are many gods in the city who cast their godly knowledge on the hanging island, to see who has gathered the six longevity gods.

Of course, no one is more surprised than Wang's people.

But they know deeply what it means for a foreigner to consolidate six longevity gods!

However, after condensing the six Taoist patterns, the celestial seal of the eternal life is continually gathered with the godet patterns to condense into a complete Taoist pattern.

"This ... is this man the descendant of Wang's family?" Someone could not help but exclaim.

"Shhhh, keep quiet, beware of Wang's people asking you for trouble. This person's breath is not so good as Wang's children." Someone said immediately.

Soon, the seventh pattern of the gods condensed.

In the Longevity Seal, there are seven Longevity God lines.

However, there are also constant patterns of longevity being drawn to condense into road patterns.

"No sign of stopping?"

Seeing this, everyone in the field held their breath and waited quietly.

At this time, the gods of the Changshengtai and Changshengyu were also awakened.

Many people look around.

After seeing the cyan Changsheng stamp on Xiao Yun's head, the pupils could not help shrinking.

"This man is so strong that he can gather so many long-lived gods."

"Yeah! I gathered the two long-lived **** patterns before and felt that the power of the Yuanshen was exhausted. I couldn't continue to consolidate the third one. This guy actually condensed seven. It is a demon, is he still human?" Road, Xiao Xiang Xiao heart is extremely defamatory.

"Seven!" At this moment, Qiu Yufeng's eyes flashed.

He is the one with the most concentrated longevity in this group of people.

However, it is only four and a half.

"How could his primordial **** be so powerful?" Ni Cang's son was also surprised.

You know, he just gathered the four divine patterns.

However, at the back, he felt weak and unable to continue to gather.

This is still the top ten boys.

Not to mention those ordinary people.

"I feel struggling to condense two lines of God. This guy hasn't stopped meaning yet. Who is he, why doesn't it seem to have been seen before?"

At the moment, the deities of the elders on the Changsheng platform all set their sights on Xiao Yun.

"How can an outsider reach this point?" Wang Yousheng frowned, and murmured, "unless he already understands Changsheng Avenue."

"But, how can an outsider learn in such a short period of time? Even the top gods are difficult."

"Unless he had practiced Changsheng Avenue long ago." Wang's children commented.

"Impossible. My Wang's Changsheng Avenue never spreads. How can he practice?" Said one of Wang's children.

"Perhaps, he has encountered the remnants of Changsheng Avenue?" Wang Yousheng judged so.

"This person ... seems to be able to control this eternal life pattern?" While these people were discussing, Wang Changtian was carefully feeling the breath of Xiao Yun.

When he felt away, he had some clues.

He remained calm and continued to sense.

Obviously, at this time even the worldly heroes like him had a little more interest in Xiao Yun.

"It's this kid!" In the distance, a slightly fat elder's eyes flashed.

This is the previous treasurer, Wang Yunhai.

At this point, after Xiao Yun appeared, he couldn't help showing surprise.

"I said he was weird." But in surprise, he also showed his proper expression.

He had previously seen a trace of Xiao Yun.

Just at this moment, there are also long-lived regular patterns drawn, which must condense into road patterns.

If this longevity road pattern is successfully condensed, it is the eighth road.

"I drop a grandfather, this guy is condensing the eighth longevity pattern?"

"This ... is this guy still human?" Ren Tianming couldn't help crying.

"Yeah! It's not manpower to do it." Ren Tianxing didn't even boast.

"If Xiao Gongzi is here, I wonder how many he can gather?" Liu Wuxiang laughed.

"I see at least five." Ren Tianming said.

"I see six." Liu couldn't laugh.

"I see, there are endless possibilities." Ren Tianxing said, his eyes narrowed.

At this moment he could not help thinking of the young man.

But Ren Tianxing's heart was more sigh.

At this time, Xiao Yun, I don't know if he had been tortured by the princely injury to destroy Daoji!

At this time, the eighth God pattern condensed and formed.

Then, the patterns of the longevity rules were gathered, and the ninth **** pattern was also condensed.

"Animals, how can this be so difficult for me to gather together? He has gathered nine ways, but also has a free look."

At the moment, someone is sad.

"Oh my God, this is not fair!" Someone even shouted, stamping his chest.

They feel **** is unfair.

Nine gods are gathered together calmly, but they are all dead together.

"Longevity ... what is longevity and living with heaven and earth is for longevity!" Xiao Yun's mind was completely immersed in the avenue.

He had forgotten everything, and naturally he did not know that he would attract the attention of the gods when he condensed the eternal gods.

There is also the sorrow and indignation of the gods.

"But how to live with heaven and earth ... will heaven and earth really be immortal?"

Xiao Yun's mind turned.

By Changsheng, he thought of Tiandi Avenue.

His condition is constantly improving.

Even, Xiao Yun's realm was also rising. Unconsciously, he stepped into the half-step heavenly realm.

Xiao Yun's way is constantly improved, to urge Xiao Yun to step into the paradox.

This is Wu Dao!

Once realized, Xiuwei will leap forward.

"This kid's realm is improving." At present, many people feel Xiao Yun's breath fluctuation.

"His mother, condensing the longevity seal can also improve the realm?" After sensing the fluctuation of Xiao Yun's breath, the gods could no longer bear it.

Someone sweared.

"I want to die!" Someone almost spit out old blood and exclaimed sadly.

They condensed the eternal life and death to death.

This guy is okay ~ ~ Actually he has also improved his realm and stepped into the half-step heavenly realm from true god's perfection.

None of them want to watch.

Because the more you look the more depressed.

This is person to person, person to person!

In front of Xiao Yun, the top ten boys were overshadowed.

"I want to kill him!" Said a true **** with his eyelids rolled over.

It can be imagined how Xiao Yun was envious and envious at this time.

"I want to, too." However, there is a true **** beside him.

Of course, this is just a joke.

In fact, they all stared at Xiao Yun with expectations.

It seems that when they want to see it, they have gathered nine longevity patterns. What else can this young man do?

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