Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1863: Awkward situation

Rebellious God eyes!

This is an extremely magical eye.

Not only are they extremely powerful, they can reverse the world and break the void.

Even the Rebellious God's Eye can see some of the things that happened to a low-level practitioner, even the future corner.

At the beginning Ren Tianyuan saw a corner of Xiao Yun's future.

Not to mention this half step god?

But at this time, Ren Zhiyuan saw Xiao Yun's previous events and only saw some fragmented pictures.

Looking at the future corner, it is even impossible to detect, it seems to be blinded and undetectable.

For a half-step prince, this is unimaginable.

You know, he is about to step into the realm of quasi-gods!

Seen by Ren Zhiyuan like this, Xiao Yun was slightly uncomfortable.

But he was still calm.

When he came, he was ready.

Rebellious God eyes!

Xiao Yun also knew about the supernatural powers of the clan.

However, Xiao Yun had to bet for the little sister.

"He has an acquaintance. He wants to see him in the clan." Ren Xian conveyed the message and simply explained Xiao Yun's intention.

"Uncle Ren, this is my friend." Next to it, Ren Tianxing also spoke to Ren Zhiyuan.

From this look of Ren Zhiyuan, Ren Tianxing felt what the former had discovered.

According to the news, Ren Tianxing already knew Xiao Yun's people who had come to the world of God.

Therefore, he was afraid that Ren Zhiyuan would have any ideas.

"Haha, heaven, my father and I have also made friends. You are my nephew. Since this son Xiao is your friend, then it is my nephew of Ren Zhiyuan. You can rest assured that everything will be arranged by your uncle. Seeing this, Ren Zhiyuan laughed loudly, and seemed to see Ren Tianxing's thoughts.

"Thank you so much for Uncle Ren." Wen Yan said, Ren Tianxing smiled and said in a private voice, "This uncle is personal and can be trusted."

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

"So, everything is in trouble for seniors." Xiao Yun arched slightly.

"You're welcome." Ren Zhiyuan said, "You are also a personal hero, and you have a bright future. Since you are a friend of the sky, call me Uncle Ren, so as to save your life."

"So, Xiao Yun would respect him better than obey him." Xiao Yun smiled.

"Let's go!" After turning over the guest, Ren Zhiyuan took everyone to the Ren clan.


In another void.

Here is a golden giant flying boat.

At this moment, above the flying boat, Li Jinwen and others were looking at the distant void.

"This time, there are four **** kings. If they are decisive, they can completely take down the **** of any god." Li Jinwen's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth evoked a proud arc. "At that time, Xiao Yun's treasure That is, the thing in the bag, but I don't know if he can have a god-level soldier? "

Rare sight of the Supreme Soldier.

Nor are they true gods.

Even if he Li Jinwen is a personal masterpiece in the branch of the golden wing beast.

But do those **** kings cut meat?

So his goal is to be a **** soldier at the level of prince.

"This battle will definitely succeed." You Ziying next frowned, saying confidently.

How can the four **** kings not deal with one person?

"If it succeeds, that's fine." Wing Fong looked hopeful.


Just at this moment, a sudden flash of silhouette in front of him.

"Someone!" At the moment, Yuzi's eyes blinked.

"It is the **** king of my family!" The deities of several Golden Wing Beasts couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's Uncle Wen!" You Ziying also found the comer.

There, the four **** kings flickered and appeared in the blink of an eye near the flying boat.

"Did you succeed?" Li Jinwen murmured secretly.

"It seems wrong, depending on the situation!" Li Chenghai's eyes lightened.

At this time, it was obvious that the gloomy faces of the **** kings could be found.

If you succeed, how will you look like this?

In amazement, they hurried out of the flying boat.

The figure flashed ahead, and the four **** kings had arrived.

"Uncle, how's it going?" Yu Ziying said to one of the gods.

Li Jinwen also asked.

"It was already going to work, but unfortunately, Ren Zhiyuan is here." The **** king named Guang Youguang condensed and said, "It is a pity!"

He was full of regret.

"Ren Zhiyuan?" Li Jinwen's eyes narrowed.

"He stepped into the semi-principal realm and wanted to reach the semi-principal realm. It wasn't me who could wait."

Li Quan said.

Although he was about to step into the realm of God, he didn't dare to entrust it.

Even a half-step gap is vastly different.

"Failed?" After hearing that, Li Jinwen's eyes were lost.

You Ziying is also a look of disappointment.

"What then?" Li Jinwen asked after a slight loss.

"Watch it first," said King Li Quan of the Golden Wing Orc.

"The talents of the Rebellious God Eyes are different. Considering the past and the future, if this Xiao Yun enters the Ren clan, I am afraid that we will not have it!"

Youzi sighed.

In the face of Arcana, how many people are unwilling?

"Ah." The King of the Golden Wing Beasts sighed. "Hateful, if it weren't for Ren Zhiyuan's shot, we would have succeeded."

He looked regrettable.

That's the treasure!

"I knew so, please ask the patriarch to come forward," murmured quietly.

However, who wants to let Zhibao go?

With a little regret, several **** kings left here.

After all, if Ren's gods came after them and they wanted to leave, it would not be so easy.


At this time, Xiao Yun went to Ren clan with Ren Zhiyuan.

"I already know about you." On the flying boat, Ren Zhiyuan's eyes flickered, and Xiao Yun said, "Your friend has stepped into the real state of God. Now in Renshi, he can be regarded as trained. Several ancestors have high hopes for her, you can rest assured. "

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

With half a step of the king speaking, he was also relieved.

"However, your identity is also embarrassing." Suddenly, Ren Zhiyuan turned his eyes to Xiao Yun and said meaningfully.

"What?" Ren Tianming frowned, and asked quickly.

He was afraid of what would happen to Xiao Yun.

Ren Tianxing also listened sideways.

Zhiyuan Renxian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"You should know why the people of the Golden Wing Beast and the Phantom Eyes will attack you?"

Ren Zhiyuan didn't say it explicitly, just said to Xiao Yun.

"Know." Xiao Yun was so clever. After discovering the identity of the God King who came to ambush, he guessed the cause of the incident.

"You must know the reason why a man is guilty and guilty of his sin." Ren Zhiyuan said, "The human heart is unpredictable.

"So ... you have to be careful when you join our tribe, and you have to be prepared for every kind of heart."

His meaning was clear.

Even if Ren Zhiyuan didn't have this mindset, it would be difficult to guarantee that others would not be misled.

After all, Ren Zhiyuan couldn't control the thoughts of others.

"Xiao Yun knows." Xiao Yun nodded, arching, "Thank you, Uncle Ren for reminding."

At this time he also knew his embarrassing situation.

But since here, Xiao Yun has no reason to retreat.

Retreat ...

This is not Xiao Yun's style, nor is his Tao.

His purpose is to make a point forward, for the sake of conviction ~ ~.

Today, he just wants to see Xiaoshimei.

This is his belief and goal at this time. How can he retreat?

"You don't have to be polite." Ren Zhiyuan laughed. "You are the friend of Tianming and Tianxing, and you called me an uncle, I will naturally protect you."

"Furthermore, I see that you are talented, not a fish in the pool. It will surely rise in the future. Uncle Ren is looking forward to this!"

He is also full of expectations.

This Ren Zhiyuan is a proud man.

He has his own integrity and his own Tao.

Therefore, even though Xiao Yun was pregnant with heavy treasure, he did not move.

Instead, he looked forward to seeing the rise of this youth.

"Thank you Uncle Ren for your love." Xiao Yun arched his hand, and he could feel the bright light of Ren Zhiyuan.

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