Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1857: Xiaoshimei's elimination ...

"In the clan, there is indeed a woman named Ren Kexin." Ren Tianxingdao, "but she does not seem to be a person in the heavenly **** domain."

"Well," Xiao Yun nodded, "She is indeed not a person in the Star God Realm."

When Ren Tianxing's eyes moved, Xiao Yun's eyes were different.

"How?" Xiao Yun asked this.

"According to my brother, the woman is from the Nether." Ren Tianxing said meaningfully.

Hearing that Xiao Yun's face changed slightly.

"Yes, it really comes from the lower world." Xiao Yun then nodded and did not hide.

He also knew that Ren's eyes were very mysterious, but he could see something clearly.

Such as the future corner, or the past.

It would be normal if the **** king of Ren's family or the king discovered something in this way.

Shinto is unpredictable. It is difficult for Xiao Yun to hide his ascending identity.

"Brother Xiao rest assured, Girl Xin is all well within the clan, after all, it is in the celestial deity domain, and there are not many gods in each race."

Ren Tianxing said.

"So she got some resources within the clan."

True gods such as Ren Kexin who have survived the calamity will naturally be cultivated.

Furthermore, the **** robbery that Ren Kexin crossed was also unusual. Because of Xiao Yun, she went through the gate directly.

The ferocity that was crossed at that time contained the mystery of heaven, and the endless patterns of heaven fell down.

This is a hardened body in heaven, and it can benefit people who pass by. There are many benefits, not comparable to ordinary people.

The elders of Renshi must feel the extraordinaryness of Ren Kexin.

"That's good." Xiao Yun was relieved when he heard that.

"Oh, you can rest assured, my brother said, there are many people in the clan who love her, and no one wants to provoke her." Ren Tianxing laughed.

"Heart loves you?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened slightly.

Seeing this, Ren Tianxing seems to be a bit wrong.

"That Ren Kexin is his confidant ... isn't this confidant his woman?" Ren Tianxing was secretly secretive.

Xiao Yun groaned.

Some people admire Xiaoshimei, this is a poster child.

Now he is in a real state of God, and people of all tribes in the sanctuary do not know where it is.

It can be said that he came here alone, and if there is anything, it will be very troublesome.

"You must not act rashly." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, "Everything needs to be improved."

"Thank you Brother Ren, I don't know if you can let the noble brothers arrange it, I want to see Kexin," Xiao Yun said.

"There is no problem with this." Ren Tianxing's eyes flashed, and then he said, "So, I'll go with you, so I can take care of it."

If Xiao Yun were left alone, he would be afraid of any problems.

"It's so good." Xiao Yun nodded slightly, and if Ren Tianxing went with him, things would be easy.

"So, you and I are going to flip over and leave." Ren Tianxingdao.

"Okay, retreat first, fuse the exchanges and start." Xiao Yun said.

"Very good." Ren Tianxing nodded, and then said, "Brother Xiao, what do you think of my anti-rebellion eye?"

"For example, what's wrong."

He moved in his heart and began to ask Xiao Yun for advice.

"The Shinto mystery of the God of Rebellion is very strong. It can be said to be one of the most powerful ways, but the strength of the way itself is also extremely important."

Xiao Yun said.

"My foundation?" Ren Tianxing asked Mulu.

"Only by itself is the road strong," Xiao Yun said.

"Like yourself, as you said?" Ren Tianxing asked.

"The Tao needs to be explored step by step, not one touch at a time." Xiao Yun said, "You are now borrowing the power of the rules of heaven and earth. If you want to progress, you can turn into heaven and earth, and you are heaven and earth ... Finally, you are above the heaven and earth. Xiao Yun began to see some experience and pointed out the direction for Ren Tianxing.

"Exceeded from heaven and earth?" Wen Yan said, Ren Tianxing stared at the light and said, "It should be so."

He began to meditate, and his mind was deducing.

"If I become heaven and earth ..."

Ren Tianxing had an idea.

It was just that he was confused and felt unable to move forward.

Now Xiao Yun is pointing, he feels that the road is suddenly bright.

"Perhaps, I can fuse the two mysteries of God's Eye." Ren Tianxing muttered to himself, meanwhile, his mind was deducing various possibilities.

"Perhaps, I can directly transform the eyes of God into the world of anti-chaos?"

He moved inside.

In this way, he will completely break away from the chaos and break the inherent thinking.

Thinking of this, he was extremely excited, and it seemed that an avenue of infinite possibilities was present.

"Bento is so."


Ren Tianxing is constantly deducing.

"It seems that he has realized something." Seeing this, Xiao Yun smiled slightly and stepped back.

He also began to feel.

Martial arts indoor.

Xiao Yun also began to merge the exchanges after he spread the dowry.

"Thousands of avenues are built on the rules of the world of the world."

Xiao Yun's mind turned and Yuan Shen deduced.


The true God initially touched the rules of Shinto.

God is in control of Shinto rules.

God King can bring in the rules of Shinto in Heaven and Earth Avenue.

All these are based on the heavens and the earth, and understand the rules of the avenue among the heavens and the earth.

Everything seems to be working fine.

Since ancient times, practitioners of all races have also practiced this way.

However, after Xiao Yun's remarks, he found that this was not the way out.

This will limit personal growth.

"In the beginning, with the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, it will indeed bring great benefits, such as the King of God ... If he pulls the rules of Heaven and Tao into the rules he comprehends, then he will have a terrific combat power, and he will be able to reach In the end, the avenue of heaven and earth will be restricted, and even if it becomes supreme, it will never be able to surpass it. "

Xiao Yun deduced the avenue and saw the restrictions.

"If Ren Tianxing, even if he changes now, he will become a Tao in the future, it will be difficult." Xiao Yun deduced again, trying to evolve Ren Tianxing's Tao.

"However, if he realized that he was the Tao and cut off the past completely, he would have a chance to escape."

Xiao Yun's mind was extremely clear.

His understanding of the avenue became clearer.

"If I go down the mixed road, it's really good." Xiao Yun deduced himself.

But soon, he also found the problem.

"The end of the avenue ~ ~ It's too difficult to be detached." At the end of the deduction, Xiao Yun felt that even if the rules of the mixed Yuan avenue were fulfilled and Wandao evolved, it would still be difficult to get rid of the constraints of the heavens of this world He wanted to be truly detached. It was too difficult. At most, he was transformed into Tao and his combat power surpassed his peers.

"However, this is a future thing. Today, my level is too low to perform too much. Maybe after the emperor, can I be detached?"

As soon as the mind moved, Xiao Yun abandoned his obsession.

Detached ...

It's been too long, and it's not what he should think now.

Now he should go invincible.

Only then can you have the chance to defeat the Emperor and protect your loved ones.

This is his mission and goal.

As for detachment ...

Wait for the emperor to speak!

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