Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1855: Gods of all races ...

Xiao Yun argues with the true gods of various ethnic groups.

After hearing Xiao Yun as Xiao's child, the gods of all ethnic groups were surprised.

But Li Jinwen and You Ziying actually evoked an arc of evil charm in the corners of their mouths.

"Brother Xiao is actually a child of the war clan." Liu Wuxiang stared at the light and asked, "How can Brother Xiao have six reincarnation uprisings?"

However, it was not appropriate to ask, but Liu Wuxiang was really curious, so he said.

"Life is between heaven and earth. As the world goes up and down, there will naturally be some encounters and feelings, and the Tao will follow." Xiao Yun said.

"But why don't you cultivate the tradition?" Chen Wei wondered.

Although Xiao Yun still had the mystery of war at this time.

Obviously, he didn't do it that way.

"Thousands of avenues, although they share the same goal, but they are always superior." Xiao Yun's eyes froze, with a touch of vicissitudes, and said with emotion, "If you cannot be invincible, even if you set foot on this avenue What about the peak? "A vicissitudes permeated.

That feeling is like a Supreme Man who has lived 100,000, or even a hundred years, is feeling.

From this feeling, we can feel that Xiao Yun is full of desire for strength, but also has a bit of helplessness.

"If you ca n’t be invincible, what if you step on the top of your own avenue?" Hearing this, Ren Tianxing's eyes narrowed, and a wave of emotions set in, "Yeah, if you ca n’t be invincible, even if you step on yourself The culmination of this avenue is, after all, a weak person. "

"Just, who can be truly invincible since ancient times?" Liu Wuxiang murmured as his eyes condensed.

"Is it the Dragon Emperor in the Archean period or the Emperor in the late ancient period?"

As soon as Ni Shugong stared at the light, he was still thinking.

Who can be truly invincible since ancient times?

No one can tell this.

But they also knew in their hearts that if they were not invincible, everything would be empty.

Just like in ancient times, so many deities are not yet killed?

"The invincible way is difficult!" After taking a deep breath, Qiu Aang's eyes flashed and he turned to Xiao Yun, saying, "Is Xiong Zhi in the invincible way?"

Others were astonished.

"In the ancient times, the Nine-Day War raged, the major realms collapsed, and countless gods were killed and injured, let alone mortals. Now that the Shinto is flourishing and the Demon is about to move, I should take precautions and cultivate the invincible way. In the preparations for future wars, if anyone is invincible, sweeping the Demon Clan will make all walks of life stable. "

This is Xiao Yun's wish.

This is also his conviction to cultivate invincibility.

"Devil!" When the words came out, the atmosphere inside the hall changed.

Liu Wuping and others are caught in memory.

Most of them are gods of ancient times.

Although many people have not experienced the war, they also know that the Demons are the culprits that caused the collapse of the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms.

"It turned out that Brother Xiao looked so long-term, but I was short-sighted." After hearing that, Chen Wei showed awe.

"If the demons do not get rid of it, the world will be uneasy, but it's just such a big thing, I also seem to be powerless!" Said Xi Yuan.

"As long as everyone has a heart, how can there be powerlessness?" Xiao Yun countered, "How many ancient people, such as my people, demons ...?"

"If the gods of various ethnic groups can work hard and unite, they will definitely be able to resist the demons."

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he said with a loud voice, "If an invincible power can be produced, it may be possible to summarize the disaster."

But he also knew in his heart how difficult it was to come up with an invincible?

Stronger than Emperor, hasn't he failed to kill the Emperor?

"Xiao Gongzi's ambition is so ambitious that he respects you. Here Qiu respects you for a drink." Qiu Ang raised his toast and said solemnly, "If there is a need in the future, as long as Xiao Gongzi says a word, Qiu will be bound." After speaking, he raised his glass, drank the drink, and looked at the happy appearance, it seemed to really respect Xiao Yun.

"It's a blessing for Ni to meet people like Brother Xiao this time. I also respect you." Ni Shugongzi raised his glass.

"My monks all want longevity and want to be invincible. There are too few people like Xiao Gongzi who still care about the world. Chen is ashamed. Here, I respect you. But in the future, Chen will surely work hard. Efforts to reach their peak, so as to fight for the exorcism, do your best. "Chen Wei also started.

Although the divine realm is peaceful now, he also knows that the demon tribe will have another time.

In fact, many gods who know the ancient chaos know that there will be such a day.

It's just that few people think about these things so early.

At this time everyone was thinking about how to improve their strength.

"Oh, come, I'll wait for Brother Xiao's ambition to toast." Liu Wuxiang got up and raised his glass.

He is also full of respect for Xiao Yun.

Such a person, this kind of mind, will set foot on the peak in the future.

"Respect Xiao Xiaozi!" In the hall, hundreds of true gods stood up and raised glasses to Xiao Yun together.

"You are welcome." Seeing this, Xiao Yun also got up and immediately raised his glass in return.

Drink the glass.

Subsequently, the true gods of the various races took their seats.

Closer to home!

"Brother Xiao, you want to cultivate the invincible way, then what is it?" After seated, Liu Wuxiang asked.

At this time, he was full of curiosity about Xiao Yun's path.

"I am the Tao!" Xiao Yun said, his face solemn and solemn.

That looks like an expert sitting upright, giving a feeling of being unattainable, as if facing the avenue.

"Why do I do that?" After hearing the words, Liu Wuxiang frowned.

"Brother Xiao is invited to elaborate." Chen Wei frowned slightly and asked immediately.

The blue sky he cultivated was also the heaven and earth way.

He thought it was strong.

If this is true, few people will be able to compete with it in the future.

The true gods of all races listened to their ears, and hot rays of light flickered in their eyes.

That feeling is really like listening to the avenue.

"My monk, born in heaven and earth, is like a gravel in this world, which is so small that even if he is a god, he cannot control his own life and death. There is a possibility of ridicule. Even if he becomes a supreme, he is still in vain and cannot control himself Destiny ... what if it is heaven? "

Xiao Yun said.

"If you are heaven?" After hearing the words, Ren Tianxing and others were at heart.

This is more than they thought.

"God yourself?"

Chen Wei made waves in his heart.

He cultivates the blue sky.

This is to turn into blue sky.

This is very close to what Xiao Yun said.

However, his blue sky is based on the heavens and earth of the big world. After all, he has not yet reached the realm of heaven.

Now listening to Xiao Yun, his heart touched a lot.

He had this idea before, but was rejected.

Because he felt unable to start.

So he chose to follow the path of his ancestors.

The true gods of all races in the hall were shocked.

This statement is simply appalling.

Even, the son of Ni Shugong and others kept talking.

Because heaven ...

This is a taboo and cannot be discussed arbitrarily. If it is perceived by heaven, it will drop condemnation.

"Finding a way, it's extremely difficult to prove the peak. It's a heavenly way, too ethereal." Liu Wuxiang said.

"Way, I have to go before I know if it is feasible." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Oh, yes, so I will wait for Brother Xiao to reach the top." Liu couldn't laugh.

The other true gods agree, but don't want to talk too much.

Heaven ...

This is a taboo.

Although the practitioner wants to go against the sky.

But what about talking against the sky when the strength is insufficient?

So these people have scruples.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun didn't say much.

He also knows that this is a taboo topic and cannot be overstated.

"Dear brothers, why don't you talk about your opinions on the avenue?" Xiao Yun turned his eyes and smiled at everyone.

He also wanted to brainstorm ideas for continuous verification.

"Oh, since that's the case, let me share my opinions." Yin Xiao got up and smiled.


The gods laughed.

"My ancestors were bred for the fine stones of heaven and earth. People of my clan are born to be close to heaven and earth. Based on this, I can cultivate the silver spiritual body. In addition to the defeated land, our tribe also uses the mysteries of heaven and earth to consolidate the heavenly shield of the gods to resist the Wanfa. "Yin Xiao said.

With these Shinto, the tribe is also extremely powerful and a hegemon.

"That is to say, the aristocracy is also pulling the world upright." Xiao Yun eyes condensed, said.

"Well." Yin Xiao said, "The vastness of the heavens and the earth, the multitude of ways and methods, the heavenly cover of God's Land is covered by the rules of heaven and earth.

When speaking, Yin Xiao is evolving his Shinto.

Suddenly, in the hall, Yin Xiao's body flowed round and evolved into a sky cover.

Inside this sky hood, the light pattern squirms, it seems to evolve a world.

"Under the power of the rules of heaven and earth, I have become a domain and become a Shinto." Seeing this, Xiao Yun's heart moved.

This is indeed a most powerful way.

"This is the mystery of the nobleman's Shinto?" The other true gods were also surprised.

"If you are in full control of this Shinto mystery, you can transform yourself into a **** domain." Yin Xiao said.

He is considered to have no secrets, showing the avenue.

"I am in the Qingtian Avenue, and it has the same effect." Chen Wei got up and evolved his own Qingtian Avenue.


Then, the true gods of each tribe explained their own way to each other.

This is the doctrine. Be open and honest. Only in this way can we make progress together and understand the road together.

Although Xiao Yun understood Yunyuan Avenue, he was also aware of it.

He is right!

This is the goal!

It's not that he's transformed into heaven.

Before you become enlightened, you naturally need to understand Wandao.

This argument lasted for three days.

"Thousands of avenues are built on the basis of this heavenly Tao." Finally, Xiao Yun said, "If you want to surpass your predecessors, you have to jump out of this **** and be a Tao. Otherwise, you want to override others It's difficult to go to "This is his feeling after understanding the avenues of various ethnic groups.

It was also this feeling that made him more confident in his Tao.

For a practitioner, it is also extremely important to be firm and confident.

Because if you do n’t have enough confidence, you will be confused and become enchanted.

"This is my way."

Xiao Yun got up and evolved a world.

Of course, the world is blurry.

Inside, it is like a reincarnation, like a reincarnation.

As long as his mind is moving, he can be transformed into various Shinto worlds.

Although it is all Shinto heaven and earth, what is different from others is that Xiao Yun did not use the power of the rules of the heavens of the world.

That day and time evolved, giving the impression that he is heavenly.

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