Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1787: Divine Alliance

After calling the gods of various ethnic groups, the deities immediately issued the decree, asking the gods of human races to worship.

This caused an uproar.

The spirits of most of the clans in the sanctuary are extremely angry.

But the devil had the birth of the demon, and they were also wary.

After all, the power of the deities is not comparable to the so-called **** kings and princes.

Fortunately, the deities of Jiang's deity made it unnecessary for all races to panic.

"Gang Zixu really * pig * pig * island * small * says ww.huzu is still alive!"

"Oh, my people have deities, why should we be afraid?"

Suddenly, the gods and practitioners of all races finally felt relieved.

If they were ordinary deities, they would not have such great faith.

But this Jiang's is different.

First of all, the Jiang family is an emperor. They have a strong heritage and are very comparable.

Secondly, Jiang's magical powers have been powerful for several times.

In the same situation, Jiang's deity is naturally stronger than other deities.

So people of all races are finally relieved.

When everyone secretly sighed with relief, the demons had gods walking in all directions and appeared outside the races.

Whenever these gods appear, the law is lowered.

Of course, this is not the law of the Lord.

This is the question of the quasi-god.

The decree hangs, and the **** pattern appears on it, accompanied by bursts of sound waves.

The content is very strong, and still the same as that of the deities.

This time I just came to the peoples and gave a piece of advice.

"After seven days, if you do not submit to my lord, you will be at your own risk!"

"Unsubmit, only die next time!"

"If you surrender to my lord, you can preach eternal life together to create a prosperous world, if not ... My devil's might is not the same.


The advent of decree was accompanied by intimidation and lure.

This made the Sanctuary trembling.

Although some people want to kill these gods directly.

But there are also scruples.

These people came with the quasi-god's will, and naturally have a little bit of background.

In desperation, the gods of these ethnic groups had to call again and wanted Jiang to come forward.

These clans include the Shangguan clan of the Wuhun family.

The Zhou Family who swallowed the sky and soul.

Even though they have a strong foundation, they still feel powerless if they don't have divine respect.

Of course, some clans turned to the demons in fear.

These clans will take refuge in the Demon Clan, among which the lobby of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, Yuwen Clan, Giant Spirit Clan, and Qingtian Clan will be indispensable.


However, those protoss who spread Jiang's news quickly got the news.

Jiang Zixu asked the gods of various ethnic groups to come to the Jiang family for a meeting.

The ancestral land of Jiang.

Outside the secret, in a high mountain.

This is a huge temple.

This temple is extremely mysterious.

If you look from a distance, the divine patterns outside the temple squirm and evolve a huge cyclone. It is like a reincarnation passage, which communicates the six worlds.

This temple has the lines of inscriptions of the deities, so it can be called a deity soldier, so although it is outside the Jiang family, it is not something that ordinary people can commit.

The gods of all races came here.

Xiao's Xiao Yun also came.

In addition, the King of Battles is also here.

That Xiao Ting is sitting in the Xiao family.

Almost every clan sent important figures here.

"Senior Jiang, now I am waiting for you to preside over the big picture!" Said a quasi-princess of Jue.

At this moment his eyebrows were full of worries.

The demon exalted so that the gods could not rest at ease.

"The human race and the demons are not opposite, and there will be a battle at that time." Jiang Zi was sitting on the throne of the temple platform. When his eyes were opened, there were six worlds floating up and down. "You do n’t need to worry, even the gods of the last days We've all experienced it in the 1950s. What else can we worry about? Soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil, and have their own way to deal with it. "

For the situation at this time, Jiang Zixu seemed very calm.

Having said that, the gods of all races are still a little worried.

Because the demons' arrogance is too arrogant, it seems to have a huge heritage, and there is really a tendency to crush the human race.

"Senior Jiang, dare to ask the Emperor to leave any means?" A peak **** king asked.

Suddenly, all the gods in the hall opened their eyes.

If Emperor Heng left behind, they would be relieved.

"In the early days of the ancient times, the Emperor of the Emperor had disappeared, and this seat has only had a few contacts with it!" Jiang Zi stunned his eyes.

At that time, he had been instructed by Emperor Hengdi.

That encouraged him, and the Tao heart became more and more firm, as well. He stepped to the top step by step and finally became a god.

In the end, Jiang Zixu even reached the state of heaven.

If there is no turmoil in the world, he may even have the opportunity to become supreme.

Unfortunately, he never saw Hengdi later.

"So there is no means left by Emperor Heng?" After hearing the words, there was a **** Wang Lu who lost.

Jiang Zi nodded.

"Dare to ask Senior Jiang, can the Emperor be alive?" Another King asked.

The gods of all races are full of expectations.

"I don't know." Jiang Zi regrets words like gold.

This makes the atmosphere of the hall extraordinarily solemn.

"It seems that people of all races have less fighting spirit." Xiao Yun felt secretly in the hall.

The demon is too strong, even the **** king has lost confidence.

Of course, Xiao Yun didn't say much.

Under such a great turmoil, it is inevitable that people will feel unstable.

It's useless to say too much, everything depends on the back.

Jiang Zixu didn't seem to want to say more.

Jiang has been alone since the end of ancient times and has been very low-key.

This is that they have enough knowledge and are not afraid of the demons.

Moreover, in this turmoil, each clan's decision will be their own choice.

Way, you have to go by yourself.

Even if you are strong, you will not be able to make choices for others.

Otherwise, there will only be hidden dangers.

"If you do n’t have an emperor, wouldn't you dare to fight against the demon?" However, in the hall, Emperor Wu Yuan's eyes condensed, glanced at the gods of various races, and he said, "The road is difficult. Yes, if you want to preach eternity and stand on top of that Shinto, how can you only rely on others? "

"How can you have a chance to win if you are not prepared for World War I?"

His tone was deep and stern, so that the spirits of all ethnic groups were shocked.

"Yes, my clan has lasted for several times. It has its own reason. How can I be shocked by the demon clan?"

Although he is only the King of God, he still has no fear of fighting.

If you have fear in your heart, how can you reach the top!

"The demons are mad, and I'll wait for a fight." Changhe Shenjun, who is alive and dead in the spirit of the soul, nodded.

These clans are high and proud.

Naturally, they will not easily turn to the Demons.

of course there are exceptions.

Such as the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

This is a matter of values.

Afterwards, many people nodded, willing to fight against the demons.

In fact, they will come here to meet, just don't want to trust the Mozu.

Although it seems that you can enjoy a moment of safety by relying on the demons.

But once you really trust, then you and your people will be slaves for generations.

If that's the case, what's the use of becoming a god?

So most people still do not want to surrender to the demons.

"Well, now that everyone is unanimously determined to deal with the Demons, then we will form an alliance and confront the enemy together."

Jiang Zi groaned.

Afterwards, everyone discussed how to join forces.

First, keep in touch.

If the demons have a change, they must deal with each race, and everyone will support them together.

Of course, you need to set up a teleportation array before you can make a move.

This is the most important.

If you do n’t have a teleportation team and you want support, you ca n’t be there in time.

When I waited, I was afraid that he would be destroyed.

"So, for everyone's united front, take the oath of origin." After discussing it, Jiang Zixu said to the gods of various ethnic groups.

Swear by origin and tribe.

If you defect in the middle, you will be sworn back by vows.

Even that clan will be affected invisibly, and will decline for a period of time.

"Okay!" The King of Battles nodded.

"When so." Changhe Shenjun nodded.

"That's fine." The prince who swallowed the soul of Tian Wu nodded.

If there is no restraint, once there is a large clan rebellion, it will not only affect morale, but also endanger all ethnic groups.

Although an oath cannot be guaranteed, it can also make all ethnic groups more wary.

After all, if rebelled and violated the oath, the gods who swear on the scene will destroy the **** base, and it is also possible to scorn.

Subsequently, Jiang Zixu took out an ancient plate lingering with the spirit of mixed yuan.

This is a mixed element, although it is worse than mixed element stone, but it is also hard to come by.

Using this thing as a tool and refining as a tool can best make the vows taken.

You know, this thing is close to the avenue!

"It's a mixed sky!" Seeing this, the gods of all ethnic groups were all astonished.

"So, everyone swear!" Jiang Zi said indignantly.

"it is good!"

At the moment, the King of Battles got up first.

Then the gods of all races got up and made oaths with their origins, which were imprinted in the mixed sky.

"So, this seat is sealed." Finally, Jiang Zi got up and sank.

"Please!" The gods of all races looked stunned.

"it is good!"

Subsequently, Jiang Zixu pulled with both hands, condensing the magic trick.

All I saw was the condensed pattern of gods, which turned into a seal, and poured into the mixed sky.


When this divine seal was injected into the mixed sky plate, there was a pattern of mixed yuan creeping.

Suddenly, the seals of gods from various ethnic groups rose up.

I can only see the divine seal floating on the mixed sky, entwined by various patterns of mixed elements.

A breath of avenue permeated.

This is to fuse vows with the will of the avenue.

Only then can the oaths take effect.


Wait for that **** seal to condense, a deed seal containing the flavor of the road condensed into shape.

The deed then flashed into the mixed sky.

Subsequently, the gods of all races felt that they had a little more contact with this mixed sky.

"Okay, the deed is printed!" Jiang Zi concealed his eyes, and put away the mixed sky.

When the deed was printed, the deities of all races were seated.

"Now it's time to build a teleportation array." After the seat, Changhe Shenjun said.

"When so." The other spirits nodded.

No one knows if the Demons will shoot immediately, so it is crucial to build a teleportation array.

Of course, most people hope to build a teleportation array that is connected with Jiang's.

In this way, if it is difficult, you can let Jiang Zixu take the first shot.

Right now, people of all races set about it immediately.

Construct a teleportation array.

This is a very complicated project.

The average person cannot build an advanced teleportation array that spans tens of thousands of miles at all ~ ~ but these gods are different.

They are extremely powerful, and there are strong fronts of all races, and it is not difficult to build a formation.

In this way, the races immediately began to act.


Beitian Mozu stronghold.

Yantian Mozun sat on the constellation, and those eyes twinkled with a fascinating light.

The magic lines linger in it, it seems that Qiankun can change color in a moment.

"O Lord, our people have passed the decree to all races, but very few clans who trust us." A quasi-magic statue bowed.

"The human race has always been so stubborn. Since they are unwilling to take refuge, they will blame this seat for being ruthless." Yan Tian Mo Zun flashed his eyes, the **** pattern flickered, and the heavens and earth were agitating in it. Even the quasi-magic statue below was trembling.

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