Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1751: Bully me no one?

In the Holy Palace of Jiuyang, under the leadership of Yang Hao, there are nine gods together to form a large array. It is necessary to pull out the sealed nine rounds of Shenyang's power against Xiao Yun.

At this point, Xiao Yun came to the top of the mountain.

"Hey, it's done." The Phantom Worm flew to Xiao Yun, hehe smiled.

"Yes, there will be rewards in the future!" Xiao Yun nodded with satisfaction.

"It is the blessing of Xiaoying to serve the son." Phantom Worm said charmingly.

Although it set foot in the quasi-god realm, the future **** is just around the corner.

But now it also understands Xiao Yun's contradiction.

Xiao Yun, who is so powerful, has rarely used Phantom Worm.

Now that I have the opportunity to serve, Phantom Dorothy is very happy.

Because it is afraid that Xiao Yun forgets himself.

Now Xiao Yun praised him, he was relieved.

Xiao Yun didn't say much. When he moved his hand, he rolled Yan Shifei to his side.

At this time, Yan Shifei was also bound by the **** pattern.

These divine patterns are under the cloth of gods, and it is difficult for ordinary people to untie them.

"Hunyuan heaven and earth, return to the beginning of the uprising!" Xiao Yun glanced at the light, engulfing Yan Shifei, Mo Zhengyang and the ghost warrior into his own yuanyuan world.

After involving them in the world of Xiaoyuan, Xiao Yun immediately went back to life.

After the beginning of the uprising, everything in the world seems to be integrated into this mixed world.

First and foremost is the vitality of the day and various mysteries.

Under the mystery of returning to the beginning, the power of the Divine Pattern was weakened and then disintegrated a little.

Everything in the world can't escape the original meaning.

The three Yan Shifei felt that their power was free to operate, and the shackles of that mind also disappeared.

"It's okay!" Mo Zhengyang's eyes condensed, showing joy.

The dying ghost martial artist also opened his eyes.

"You take these elixir!" Xiao Yun took out some elixir to Mo Zhengyang and the ghost martial arts.

This is an elixir made from the dewdrops of life's soul.

Now that Xiao Yun has set foot in the quasi-god state, he also realizes the meaning of life, and the dew of the soul of life contains some power of life.

These dew drops have a magical effect.

"Thank you Xiao Gong." Mo Zhengyang and the ghost martial arts immediately took the medicine.

At this time, Xiao Yun fell on the woman around her.

Now Yan Shifei has restored her freedom.

Looking at the youth in front of her eyes, Yan Shifei's eyes were so charming that she could talk, there was a deep affection.

You can clearly feel her excited mood at this time.

In this mood, the mist in her eyes turned into tears and quietly remained.

She has missed this young man all these years.

I still remember the hopelessness after I got caught in the cracks in space.

She still remembers the ecstasy when Xiao Yun was still alive in the mouths of Xiaoshi and other Tiandu children after she was born.

That day, she burst into tears with excitement, feeling that the world was full of light and full of color.

That day, she was full of expectations, hoping to meet this young man and continue the frontier.

However, Tianyuan and his party fell to her, but she felt despair again.

Especially after being arrested, she thought of the self-death several times when she saw the expression of Na Kun.

Fortunately, Yang Kun, as a **** son, is extremely proud. He enjoys the joy of conquest and the feeling of being worshipped, so he does not act strong against Yan Shifei.

But these days, Yan Shifei felt like she was living in hell.

However, after seeing Xiao Yun at this time, she felt that all the haze had dissipated.

A bright light appeared before her eyes.

She feels how beautiful the world is.

"Aggrieved you over the years." Looking at the woman who was in tears, Xiao Yun took a deep breath, whipping away her tears, and said loudly, "But from now on, as long as I am Xiao Yun alive, no one can bully No one can bully my woman. "The words were powerful, like the oath.

"Well." This voice was in the ear, and all the grievances in Yan Shifei's heart disappeared.

Her long eyelashes blinked, her eyes raised, and she stared at the youth in front of her.

In her eyes only happiness emerged.

Xiao Yun embraced Yan Shifei in her arms and gave her a deep hug.

It was also at this time that the nine gods had already pulled the battle.


The divine power suppressed down, Siyuan Ling was shaken, and the Siyuan heaven and earth evolved from the divine pattern almost collapsed.

"This boy, dare to talk to a woman Qingqing me and me at this time?" After that Shiyuan Ling was shaken, the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace seemed to see the hope of suppressing Xiao Yun, and someone snorted at the moment, yelling at Zhengzheng When Xiao Yun reunited with Shi Fei, her eyes were all cold and cold. Seeing this, they seemed to be eager for Xiao Yun to scoff.

Siyuan trembled and received a huge shock, Xiao Yun felt it too.

At the moment, he let go of Yan Shifei's hand, and his eyes flickered toward the void ahead.

But you can see the evolution of the heaven and earth in the void in the front. The nine rounds of Shenyang evolved into a heaven and earth oven, covering the source of the original order and the whole world.

That divine pattern dangles, and it is also necessary to shroud the void where Xiao Yun is at this time.

The whole world really seems to be turned into a world oven.

"Heaven and earth oven?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he felt a tremendous pressure.

He felt that way when he fought against Chu Yunfei.

But at this time, the oven in this heaven and earth did not know how many times stronger.

At this time in Jiuyang Holy Palace.

Nine regions, each of which rises to the sky.

In addition, a mighty divine power also emerged.

If it goes away, it seems that there are really nine rounds of real Shenyang suspended in the air.

In this way, it is as if the nine gods are suspended in the air.

This momentum has surpassed ordinary people.

Jiuyang is connected to form a large array and evolved into a heaven and earth oven.

This is the ancestral formation of Jiuyang Holy Palace!

"This large array drove nine rounds of Shenyang's power. It was extremely powerful. If in ancient times, even the God King would be smelted." Mo Zhengyang next said in a deep voice.

He is a former hero of Jiuyang Holy Palace. He also knows many things about Jiuyang Holy Palace.

"Can you smelt the God King?" Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen, and a slight arc of the road evoked from the corner of his mouth. "This is indeed a peerless array, but now that the power of Shinto is restrained, his power is limited after all. It ’s not the gods who move the battlefield. I ’m afraid it ’s not easy to melt. ”

Xiao Yun is still full of confidence.

"Jiuyang Zhentian!" At this time, within this large array, the **** Yangyang who stood in the sky began to draw the gods.

The other eight **** sons stand in all directions to cooperate with him.

As for some **** sons, they are swarming beside them and are ready to shoot.

It can be said that at this time the entire Jiuyang Holy Palace was shrouded in immense power.

This is the first time in ten thousand years.

The millions of disciples are looking up at the void, watching the battle.


Under the light of the crowds, Shenyang evolved from the sky, and finally carried down divine power to suppress Xiao Yun.

This Shenyang falls, the endless Shenyang flames roll over, covering the void.

"Today, let me break you Jiuyang Shenzhen!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and under his telepathic sense, Siyuan let out a whistling, suspended above his head.

When the source of Siyuan was suspended above his head, Xiao Yun was completely shrouded in Qiyuan's air.

Yan Shifei was also guarded.

Subsequently, he strode forward, and that Siyuan bow was also pulled.

Shiyuan bow pulled and shot directly at the repressed Shenyang.

call out!

The arrowhead of Siyuan was shocked and penetrated the void.

The place where it passed was broken and the air of the vast source of origin shrouded the world.

Seen from a distance, the arrows are like a rainbow, and the blooming primordial atmosphere is like a storm that drowns out the endless Shenyang flames.

In the end, everyone saw that the god's arrow hit the god's sun.

This is the huge Tianyang formed by the nine rounds of Shenyang.

This side of Tianyang can shroud the heavens and the earth, shining all things, that endless light makes the sky golden.

However, after the arrow of Siyuan passed, the golden light was dim, and the fire was engulfed by the Siyuan heaven and earth evolved by Siyuan Shenwen.

Then, a loud noise came out, and everyone saw the huge Shenyang round explode.

Shenyang exploded, and this oven and the earth shuddered, seeming to collapse.

Nine **** sons in the distance were slightly discolored.

"Can't this suppress him?" Yang Hao frowned.

This time they can say that they shot with all their strength.

You know, the nine gods shot, corresponding to the nine rounds of Shenyang, forming a large array, so that the power of these nine Yangshen array is maximized.

At this time, the oven world has evolved.

In this world, they are like masters, outsiders will be oppressed, and their combat power will be weakened by 10%.

It stands to reason that in this case they completely prevailed!

But at this time their evolved Shenyang was shot.

Of course, Siyuan Arrow also weakened after this attack.

As soon as Xiao Yun's mind moved, Siyuan Arrow returned to the string immediately.

"He has a single method, and we try our best to hold it." Yang Hao's eyes narrowed and he found Xiao Yun's short board. "A few of you go and take those people."

Later, he sent a message to the others in the Jiuyang Holy Palace, asking them to deal with the people sheltered by the swallowed **** tower.

As long as those people are taken down, Xiao Yun will inevitably hold hands under the mouse-bottle, and they will take the initiative.

"Okay!" Six **** sons were dispatched.

Yang Lingtian and others went in that direction together.

"Going to deal with them?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun immediately knew the intention of these people.


Before Xiao Yun's hands, nine rounds of Shenyang over his head evolved into a heaven and earth oven to block the void he was in and prevent him from saving people.

At the same time, a round of Shenyang condensed again, suppressing towards Xiao Yun.

"Do you really think I can be bullied?" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a cold arc.

Then he moved.


When Xiao Yun's mind moved, a ripple rippled from the towering **** tower.

When the ripples rose, the weather swept open a gap.

There are monks stepping forward in this mouth.

The six headed by them all wore golden robes.

On their robes were embroidered Jinwu pictures.

These people are truly Jinwu people!

In addition to ~ ~ Siyuan tribe, the people of the Yin tribe stepped out one after another.

These people are the three strong men who have stepped out of the ground of condemnation.

However, Xiao Yun did not allow them to immediately fall into the ground of condemnation, but temporarily entered the space inside the Tower of Devouring Heaven.

Now when he was at a loss, these people immediately shot.

A total of eighteen gods from the three protoss raced.

As for the demigods, they didn't come out.


When these people were dispatched, heaven and earth changed their colors immediately.

Especially for the Jinwu people, the power of Jinyang diffused from their bodies made the nine rounds of Shenyang on the sky slightly move.

Look at this, the nine rounds of Shenyang seem to be dragged by their breath! Mobile users please visit mobile website

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