Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1733: Smelt Erdan

Xiao Yun re-entered the place of condemnation.

People from all ethnic groups came to welcome us with great respect.

This made Ling Xi and Sister Ren's curious.

Afterwards, everyone moved together to the palace that was originally built.

It is located on a high mountain near the Siyuan clan.

"The atmosphere of Siyuan, how familiar is the atmosphere of heaven and earth!" Xiao Yunyun sat on the throne of the main hall. He took a deep breath and his eyes were intoxicated.

& nbsp * pig * pig * island * fiction w.zuzd; here, his source of the source is running, absorbing the source of source of madness.

In addition to this, the source of the source is also absorbing the energy of the source.

At the beginning, the consumption was too large, and even this original order was in urgent need of supply.

As for Ling Xi and others, it was because they did not cultivate Siyuan's tactics and could not absorb Qiyuan's energy at all.

But they still felt the breath of holiness.

I can still feel the purity of this breath.

The three stood beside Xiao Yun.

Below are the patriarchs and elders of the three major protoss.

"God made it possible to find the medicinal material to crack the sin pattern this time?" Jin Jiuxiao, the head of the Jinwu tribe, asked with a look on his face.

The patriarchs of the Yinling and Shiyuan clan are also looking forward.

Throughout the hall, the people of the three races set their eyes on Xiao Yun with the expectation of their faces.

This is related to the fate of their three families!

This made Ling Xi and others so mistaken.

"The three ethnic groups are Jinwu, Yinling, and Siyuan. Their ancestors made a big mistake and became sinners. I need to resolve them for them."

Xiao Yun briefed Ling Xi and Ren's sisters on the situation of these three groups.

Later, he stared at the humanity of the three ethnic groups, "I have collected the herbs, and after I have rested, I can start to refine the elixir to relieve your sin lines."

"Are you ready?" Wen Yan said that the patriarchs of the three races seemed extremely excited.

"Can we get rid of sin after all?"

"Finally wait for this day!" The people of the three races were extremely excited.

Because of the lines of sin, their blood was bound, and the tribe's highest achievement could only set foot on the royal road.

Even touching a demigod is useless.

Because demigods cannot continue Shouyuan.

Under the condemnation, their tribe is becoming less and less.

This made the three major families despair.

If the lines of sin can be relieved and the blood can be released, they can confidently set foot on the Shinto.

In this way, their longevity increases, and ethnic groups can continue to spread and spread.

"I don't know what to do, when can elixir be refined?" Someone asked impatiently.

"After half a month," Xiao Yun said.

Now that he has just arrived in the place of condemnation, he needs to recover his energy.

At first, he made several shots, but exhausted his own source of energy!

Although he is already very strong, it is good to have more knowledge in the end.

"Okay, okay!" After hearing the words, the three protoss were extremely happy.

"I don't know what else the God needs us to provide or assist?" Jin Jiuxiao asked.

The old patriarch Gu also smiled, waiting for Xiao Yun to order.

"You can prepare a Baoding." Xiao Yun said.

"Okay!" Gu Lao nodded immediately. "We at Siyuan have an ancestor!"

"This half month, don't bother me." Xiao Yun said.

"Observe God's orders!" The crowd nodded.

After turning over the conversation, the three protoss people stepped back.

Xiao Yun left Gu Xiaoman and the elders of the Siyuan clan.

"I haven't seen you for years, how are you?" He asked, stepping down from the throne.

"Big brother!" Xiao Yuanyuan came up with a little joy.

"Are you Xiaoyuanyuan?" Xiao Yun looked at the woman who was so drowning, and asked with a smile.

Xiaoyuanyuan is really beautiful today.

She had a beautiful face, like a fairy, with a transcendent temperament, and her eyes moved like autumn water.

This made Xiao Yun almost unrecognizable.

It was also her tone that reminded Xiao Yun of the little girl.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yuanyuan seemed very happy to see Xiao Yun remembering herself.

"Oh, I didn't expect your girl to be so big." Xiao Yun said, touching the head of the girl.

He vaguely remembered that this was a little fart boy and he was holding a swallowing tit!

"Ah, they aren't the little girl anymore." Xiao Yuanyuan was immediately displeased when Xiao Yun felt like she was touching the little girl's head.

The girl pursed her lips and ducked away.

"Hehe!" Gu Lao smiled next to him.

Gu Xiaoman also smiled slightly.

Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he drew a little breath to Gu Xiaoman.

"Over the years, these two girls have not missed you!" Gu Lao laughed.

"The fetish is too difficult to raise, so I came late." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Just come, just come." Gu Lao squinted.

Before Xiao Yun came here, he never thought that there would be such a day!

"Brother, why did you go out and bring some beautiful sisters back, my sister has been waiting for you for sixteen years!" But Xiaoyuanyuan pouted and glanced at Xiao Yun secretly. After her three daughters, she murmured, and the little girl seemed very dissatisfied with it, and had a feeling that what she liked was shared by others.

"Ahem." Xiao Yun was embarrassed.

"Little girl, what are you talking about?" Gu Xiaoman's eyelashes blinked. After seeing Xiao Yun's embarrassing look, she was slightly lost, and then she gave her hand a hand, and rewarded her sister with a trembling, said.

"Oh." She was knocked on her head by her sister, and the little girl called out, and quickly touched her own head and said, "Where's the bullshit, sister, you ..."

"Also said?" Gu Xiaoman blushed, with a little anxiety, and was about to make a lesson for Xiao Yuanyuan.

"It seems that this little master and this Miss Gu also have a story!" Ren Keying's heart was dark, and he stared at Xiao Yun next to him with strange eyes.

Ren Kexin frowned slightly.

But she quickly took a deep breath and let go.

It was that Ling Xi, always with a look of indifference, that calm attitude, almost cold and gorgeous, making people unable to guess her mind.

Only Xiao Yun seemed very embarrassed.

Heaven and earth testified that he and Gu Xiaoman really had nothing.

"Oh, Xiao Xiaozi is coming here, and he still needs to prepare alchemy. I won't bother if I have any need. If Xiao Xiao needs anything, just tell me."

Gu Lao laughed.

He also felt that the atmosphere was a little strange here, let me relax first.

"That's fine." Xiao Yun nodded.

Subsequently, Gu Lao took Gu Xiaoman and others away.

When he left, Gu Xiaoman couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yun, but there was a bit of hurt in his eyes.

Xiao Yun shook his head, feeling a big head for a while.

Fortunately, Ling Xi didn't ask much, otherwise I really don't know how to explain.

"This is a very mysterious world, and the fish in it are all comparable to the gods ..." After the people of the Siyuan clan left, Xiao Yun explained the place of condemnation to the three women.

Hearing Xiao Yun's remarks, Ling Xi was also fascinated and curious about it.

Xiao Yun was near and took them away to pick some fruits and catch some Siyuan fish.

"These fruits are indeed very mysterious, they actually contain the flavor of the avenue!" After eating this original source fruit, Ren Keying felt that his flesh and blood were transforming.


Subsequently, Xiao Yun began to cultivate.

A large amount of Qi of Qiyuan was absorbed by him.

Siyuan Ling finally began to gradually recover the breath, and the dim Siyuan **** pattern appeared shiny.

But it is still inadequate compared to before.

The reason why Xiao Yun did not immediately refine the alchemy was also related to Siyuan Ling.

Because this order is the key to controlling the land of condemnation and the three major protoss, he does not want to make any mistakes.

Ten days passed before Siyuanling's gloss returned to normal.

In addition, the connection between Xiao Yun and this condemned land became deeper and deeper.

A feeling I dominated came to my mind.

In addition, Xiao Yun felt that her understanding of Tiandi Avenue was also increasing.

He felt like he was just one step behind, and he could truly set foot in the quasi-God realm.

Even the mixed world can go one step further.

"It's time to start refining alchemy." After half a month, Xiao Yun stepped out of the customs and prepared to refining Erdan.

When Xiao Yun stepped out, the three protoss were boiling.

Almost every tribe was dispatched.

There are not many people in the three major protoss, less than half a million people combined.

But they surrounded the palace where Xiao Yun was.

But these people are all children of the Protoss.

Or the oldest Protoss!

In a suspended platform, an ancient tripod was erected.

This tripod is very tall and can be ninety-nine feet.

This tripod stands on a high platform, just like a hill.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was standing beside Juding.

Originally, the people of the Siyuan clan still thought about whether Xiao Yun would help them.

Only after feeling Xiao Yun's cultivation at this time, they also dispelled this idea.

These old men are very strong, but after all, they are bound by the sin pattern, and they are just the pinnacle of the royal road.

How can it be comparable to Xiao Yun?


As soon as Xiao Yun moved with great efforts, a bunch of gods appeared.

These divine spirits emerged in the air, shining with bright light patterns, and the divine power permeated.

That power suffocated the children of the Protoss.

"So many gods!" When these gods appeared, Sister Ren was shocked.

Because there are too many of them.

Even the clans of the sanctuary can't raise so many gods.

It was also when Xiao Yun was well-connected that many ethnic groups were willing to help.

Otherwise, he can't get all the magic.

"No wonder this **** has been here for so long, so many gods can't be raised by ordinary people!" The three major protoss were also shocked.

You know, God has spirit and power.

How can an ordinary practitioner's connection be inaccessible?

How does an ordinary practitioner obtain the divine essence from a high-priced practitioner?

The difficulties involved can be imagined.

But Xiao Yun did it.

Gods of all races were placed in the tripod.

In addition there are many false gods.

God is drawn into the tripod, and under the tripod is the fire of Jinwu.

This is the divine fire spar provided by the Jinwu tribe ~ ~ which contains sky fire.

For ordinary people, there is no way to make this broken Erdan.

Even Xiao Yun's refining was quite laborious.

The powerful soul power must not only control the magical fire, but also the medicinal power of those gods.

In that tripod, the medicine power rolled, just like the divine power raging.

That power, even quasi-gods, will be torn.

Only then began to refine, Xiao Yun felt that he could not control the power of the magic drug in that tripod.

Where the medicine is soaring, there are blooming rays, there is soaring glory, and evil is raging ...

With this power, his mind will be annihilated.

This elixir cannot be made by ordinary people at all.

"Now I can't make this broken Erdan at all." Feeling that kind of power, Xiao Yun frowned.

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