Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1714: Huangquan Avenue [...

There are flowers swaying under the river embankment.

Many of them are Soul Eater flowers.

But when Xiao Yun and others arrived, Soul Eater had left.

The only weird flower still swayed.

This is a flower rooted in the void.

And this flower is Huang Quanhua!

It has a breath of avenue on it.

& n + pig + pig + island + fiction + www + z +; even Xiao Yun felt that there seemed to be a barrier preventing him from moving forward.

Regarding this flower, the information given by the King of Hundred Wars is also mentioned.

This is a barrier to the Huangquan River.

It is also a test.

Although the Soul Cry Beast retreated, but wanted to enter the Huangquan Embankment, it still had to pass the test of the Huangquan River.

This flower is like a barrier between the Huangquan River and the outside world. Don't rush it, or it will cause Huangquan River to take the initiative to attack it, but it is not so simple.

"Huang Quanhua!" Looking at the swaying flowers, even Xiao Zhan couldn't help but stare.

In this flower, he felt the breath of the avenue.

Even when he carefully sensed away, it seemed that a Huangquan Avenue had evolved in front of him, and his mind seemed to sink into Huangquan and cause people to fall into reincarnation.

"This Huangquan flower is like the spirit of the Huangquan River. It is closely related to the Huangquan River. If you want to enter the Huangquan River, you must pass through the Huangquan flower. Then you stay here first. "Xiao Yun turned around, and now Xiao Zhan and others said.

"Huang Quan doesn't just represent death, but also new life. I want to try this Huang Quan way."

Ling Xi stared at the light and said.

For some reason, she is inexplicably familiar with this Huangquan way.

And all this may be related to her reincarnation.

"Also." Xiao Yun nodded and said, "It's just dangerous, you have to think about it."

"Since you choose to practice, why fear danger?" Ling Xi smiled a little.

Xiao Yun nodded.

Ling Xi is also a person with great ambition, so naturally he will not be afraid.

"The way of Huangquan has nothing to do with my way, so I will protect the law for you." Xiao Zhan said.

Everyone's way is different.

Knowledge advancement and retreat is not cowardice, but a clear positioning of yourself.

Sister Ren's chose to protect Xiao Yun by the side.

Xiao Yun is taking a step forward.

At the same time, he left Siyuanling outside.

"Don't leave a spiritual body." Xiao Yun was moved.

Spiritual body ...

Only the spiritual power of the spiritual master can unite the spirit body.

Moreover, only after reaching the heavenly realm can the spiritual body be united.

Xiao Yun is already a demigod, and it is not difficult to unite the spirit body.

The mind is released, and the virtual body is united with the true element.

Soon, the road was dazzling, and a figure gathered in front of Xiao Yun.

Just between the two breaths, a man who looked exactly like Xiao Yun appeared.

This is the spiritual body.

The strongest person in the sky can unite the spirit body.

But the spiritual body didn't have much consciousness, like a puppet.

But the spiritual body that Xiao Yun condensed at this time is not the same.

This spiritual body is lifelike, and there is still the breath of life.

At first glance, it looks like a real person.

This is why Xiao Yun realizes the meaning of life and makes this spirit come to life.

In addition, this spiritual body also has its own consciousness.

This is Xiao Yun's stay.

But this awareness does not last long.

After a certain period of time, the spiritual consciousness will dissipate.

Even the strength of the spiritual body will gradually weaken.

The same is true.

"This spirit body has the same original soul power as me. With his presence, you can also procure the original source order. In this way, even if the soul crying beast is now able to resist one or two." The purpose is to prevent the appearance of the Soul Crying Beast. After all, even if Xiao Zhan has the **** king soldier, he cannot fight the Soul Singing Beast after all.

You know, if you swallowed the Supreme Supreme previously, you were not able to defeat the Huangquan Taoshi!

So Xiao Yun had to defend.

Siyuan Ling flashed and lost his mind.

Although he is a spiritual body, he still opens up the sea of ​​knowledge.

The source of Siyuan was submerged, and a strong source of Qiyuan bloomed, covering Xiao Yun's spirit.

"With this spirit, it will indeed be better." Seeing this, Xiao Zhan nodded slightly.

Although he was pretentious, he didn't dare to enlighten him at this time.

Then Xiao Yun's deity continued to move forward.


The Huangquan flower in front of it seemed to feel something. Its flowers swayed, and a yellow road pattern was rippling.

At first, this pattern rippled across the river like ripples in the river.

But after rippling, it turns into a channel, an abyss, and a world of Huangquan, and people are introduced into the world that represents death.

Xiao Yun knew that to enter Huangquan Embankment, he had to first enter this Huangquan virtual world.

Otherwise, he could not touch the Huangquan River.

Not to mention getting those real Huangquan waters.

Huang Quan's heaven and earth evolved, with a breath of death emanating from it.

Xiao Yun strode forward and stepped into it.

Even the name of Huang Quan makes the gods taboo.

But he looked back.

For the water of Huangquan ...

Of course, even if he goes to the place of condemnation, it does not mean that the three major protoss must be rescued.

He can still enter it.

You can also go to that holy mountain and find the mystery you want.


At the time, Xiao Yun had promised that the three major gods would save them.

Now that a promise has been made, it must be done.

Even if it is to go to soup and fire!

From the beginning of cultivation, Xiao Yun had a firm heart.

He had a spirit of arrogance, and refused to bow his head, not to mention sneaking a trick.

Because he has his own Word.

Xiao Yun is Xiao Yun!

For his own way, for that promise, he had no regrets!

So at this moment he strode forward and stepped into the Huangquan heaven and earth.

Followed by Ling Xi.


A ripple rippled, Xiao Yun disappeared out of thin air.

Ling Xi was also gone.

The volume of the Huangquan Road pattern was restrained and dissipated slowly that day.

Then there was only one Huangquan flower swaying in the void ahead.

It's so calm here, nothing seems to have happened.

Such a mysterious flower makes Xiao Zhan an eye-opener.

On behalf of this death, Huang Quan is connected to the underworld.

When Xiao Yun stepped into the Huangquan world, he felt the breath of death covering him.

At this moment, Xiao Yun felt that he was aging rapidly.

The breath of death began to envelope him.

"Is this the way of Huang Quan?" Xiao Yun was shocked inside.

That breath made him feel fear.

No one is afraid of death.

Unless he really looks nostalgic.

Xiao Yun still has a lot of nostalgia, naturally does not want to die.

"Death uprising, after all, is just upset, the life and death of man should be in his own hands." After a little fear, Xiao Yun immediately threw that thought away.

He began to stabilize his Tao.

As long as the Tao adheres, what is the meaning of death?

Huang Quan's road is dazzling, wrapping Xiao Yun, the breath of death will erode Xiao Yun's vitality.

"Hunyuan Heaven and Earth!" Xiao Yun immediately started the Hunyuan Heaven and Earth.

This world is working ~ ~ the beginning of the mystery pervades.

Everything in the world is at the beginning and belongs to the mixed Yuan.

Junyuan ...

This refers to the time when the heavens and the earth are beginning to open, and there is no way out yet.

Junyuan is the ancestor of Wandao.

It can be said that the mixed yuan includes what death, what Huang Quan, and so on.

Although Xiao Yun has not fully comprehended the Yuanyuan Avenue, he has also surpassed many Avenues.

Now that the mystery of the beginning is working, the breath of death is immediately resolved.

Of course, this resolution cannot be comprehensive.

After all, Xiao Yun only touched the fur of the mixed Yuan Avenue.

But this also temporarily kept him awake, was not swallowed by that Huangquan Avenue.

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