Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1641: Divine Enlightenment

Xiao Yun's victory caused an uproar.

Almost half of the people's eyes showed an incredible look.

The people in Jiuqing Holy Palace are inexplicable.

At this moment, they also have a vague feeling in their hearts. Perhaps this young man really deserves the prospective saint of their Jiuqing Holy Palace.

"This Xiao Yun has actually come to this step!" As for the Qingtian tribe, the practitioner of the giant spirit tribe has a gloomy face.

At this moment, they felt a tremendous pressure.

&% Pig% pig% island% novel ww.nbsp; Originally, in their eyes, Xiao Yun was just an ordinary genius with a king of soldiers.

But at this moment, he suddenly turned into the kind of guy who had overwhelmed his contemporaries.

What is Gaidet?

That is to suppress all the geniuses of the same generation.

Only those who are at the top of the sacred martial arts ranking can deserve this name.

There are too few such characters.

Although the Shenxu Realm will open at regular intervals, a Gai Daijiejie appears every time.

But not everyone is as amazing as Xiao Yun.

Someone can't even compare with Jiang.

Because there are too few such pride.

Even these clans can hardly come up with one.

At least Jiang Youdao is the most outstanding person in the 100-year cycle of reincarnation.

Xiao Yun's ability to defeat him is enough to explain everything.

"This guy has improved again?" And Chu Yunfei was also extremely bitter at this moment.

He knew deeply that Xiao Yun had realized under the smelting of his Shenyang furnace at that time, and he could transform into defeat in order to win.

In this way, Xiao Yun is slightly better.

Now Xiao Yun is fighting with Jiang Youdao, and at a critical time, he is transformed and defeated.

Counting this up, how can Xiao Yunqiang now make him better?

Xiao Yun's victory made Chu Yunfei, who had calmed down his mood, inexplicably upset.

Originally from a very faithful letter, he was also a bit worried.

Worried that the young man would throw him far behind.

"No ... I have merged the remnant soul of the God of Heaven, and I have obtained many mysteries of Shinto. I also know some relics left by God of Heaven, and there are his soldiers in it. With other inheritances, you must be able to sweep through your contemporaries, even if this Xiao Yun is stronger than me at this time? "Chu Yunfei's brows froze tightly, and there was a gloom in his eyes.

At this point he could only comfort himself like this.

The battle of Tao was over, and the Dao Wen shrouding the battle platform of Tao of Shenxu flashed.

An immense amount of Dow shocked.

Then this Shenxu Taotai changed.

The void evolved into a pyramid of ridges.


When the pyramid condensed, Xiao Yun and others were immediately wrapped in the dow pattern, and then dragged into the pyramid.

Everyone fell in an orderly manner, settling in a cave where the ridges condensed.

This is arranged according to the battle of Daotai.

Xiao Yun should be at the top.

And above him is the eye that is constantly spinning, as if communicating with another world.

This is also the source of Shenxu World Avenue.

Those who participated in the battle of God's Ruins were seated on that tower.

As for the others, they can only perceive the mystery of God's Word on the pillar of that Word.

This is why everyone wants to stand out in the battle of the Shenxu Taotai.


Daowei trembled, a avenue pattern shrouded in all directions, and the divine pattern ran down.

At this time, everyone can condense the pattern of the god's Tao, and consolidate the power of their own babies to prepare for the transformation into the genius.

You can also feel the mystery of Shinto.

"Condensing the pattern of the gods can make Yuanying stronger and better transform into the elementary gods. After realizing the mystery of the Shinto, the gods will become more confident in the future!" When the pattern of the Shinto envelopes this path The geniuses of all races in Shanshi were all moved, and they immediately tried to pull these divine patterns into their original babies.

It's an opportunity for them.

Of course, the trails drawn by people inside the tower of the trails are obviously more pure.

The higher the ranking, the more pure Shinto patterns will be condensed.

This is also a reward for those geniuses.

When this god's fairway tower was condensed, everyone's minds were immediately put on the mystery of understanding the Shinto.

Even the top ten geniuses began to close their eyes, absorb the power of the Shinto, and temper their own babies.

Xiao Yun is at the top position, and on top of his head is the eye of Shenxu.

Under this advantage, he absorbed the strongest Shinto power.

The eyes of the Shenxu are flowing, and the avenue released is the purest.

Xiao Yun was absorbing that Shinto breath.

Originally, Xiao Yun had tempered Yuan Ying with the power of Shenchi and the power of Shinto when he entered the Shenxu.

This makes his Yuan Ying extremely powerful.

Now, if the elemental babies are tempered again with the pattern of Shinto released by the eyes of this god, it will go one step further.

Because the Shinto breath here is more pure.

In addition, you can feel the mystery of Shinto while absorbing the breath of Shinto.


The dense pattern of Shinto was drawn by Xiao Yun.

At this moment, the Shinto pattern was poured into him, and was continuously absorbed by Yuan Ying.

While absorbing these Shinto patterns, he also sensed the Shinto breath contained in them.

Shinto is misty.

Especially when the realm has not reached this point, it is difficult to truly sense Shinto.

But Xiao Yun was not low at this time.

He has already set foot in Tongtian Jiuzong's perfection and can enter the semi-godder at any time.

He has even realized the way of heaven and earth.

This realization of Tiandu Avenue has long surpassed many demigods.

Not even many gods have.

Because everyone's way is different.

It is not that when you set foot on Shinto, you can control all the ways.

When the breath of Shinto is constantly being absorbed, Xiao Yun feels that his elementary babies have a touch of divinity, and it seems that they are really about to undergo metamorphosis.

Even his reunited lifeline became deeper.

When the moire flickered, a breath of **** began to permeate.

There is only one lesser mystery of God than true Shinto.

The breath of God, vast and misty, makes people involuntarily want to pursue Shinto.

Therefore, Xiao Yun's mind gradually sinks into the realm of pursuing Shinto.

"What is Shinto?" Xiao Yun's heart asked.

For the current practitioner, becoming a **** is undoubtedly the biggest goal.

But what God is, most people feel a little bit empty.

Xiao Yun also felt a little vague, which was not clear.

"At the beginning of cultivation, when you are training your body, this is shaping the foundation, and then condensing the vitality of the heavens and the earth ... After reaching the magical power, people can evolve the magical power and show all the means that are not available to ordinary practitioners. This is the magical power. After stepping into the heavenly realm, the practitioner is already with hands and eyes, can sense the power of heaven and earth, and can pull the power of heaven and earth into his own use. One **** can reach thousands of miles, even thousands of miles away, and one thought can be blocked. For thousands of miles, this is the sky. "

Xiao Yun is thinking.

Each realm has its own characteristics.

"After entering the semi-god realm, the control of the power of heaven and earth has become more powerful. As long as the mind moves, a realm of heaven and earth can be evolved." Xiao Yun groaned in his heart, although the realm of heaven and earth was also supernatural, but it was clearly The ability of the Tongtianjing practitioners to simply pull the world is much stronger, which is an improvement.

"In this way, Shinto is also going up layer by layer, making continuous progress." Xiao Yun had a certain realization in his heart.

Setting foot on Shinto is more than just a god.

This is actually an ascension of one's control over the Tiandi Avenue.

"Now I understand the way of heaven and earth, beyond the ordinary realm understood by the demigods, that is, by virtue of my realm, it is enough to become a demigod."

Xiao Yun gradually became clear about Shinto.

"But it's not so easy to become a true god." Xiao Yun thought again.

The true God is by no means as simple as understanding the ways of heaven and earth.

God, there should be other requirements.

But Xiao Yun is still vague about this.

Without knowing it, the cave of the **** where he lived flashed, and Xiao Yun's mind was introduced into a world full of the breath of God.

Coming here, Xiao Yun first felt a little for a moment, immediately feeling the breath of all directions.

This is a vast world, and when you look around, you can't see anything.

However, when Xiao Yun's mind moved, there was a flicker of people's figure inside.

This is a man of great physique.

The man stood in heaven and earth, exuding the breath of God.

He had long hair flying, and that turned the world from his hands.

He evolved a magical power, a big hand movement, covering the sky, a sacred breath permeated, blocking all directions.

Xiao Yun just looked up and watched that big hand fall towards himself.

A breath of God poured into my heart.

That's a real power of control.

In this divine power, there seems to be some mysterious power to restrain it.

Under this power, Xiao Yun felt that he had no trace of resistance.

An inexplicable force invaded him, but he couldn't resist.

"Consolidate my world!" Xiao Yun tried to condense the heaven and earth, resisting this power.

But under this power his heaven and earth could not resist.

So he watched as he was shattered by the force.

His heart was broken.


Beware of the collapse of God, Xiao Yun collapsed.

The world disappeared.

Then Xiao Yun's mind reunited.

"This is the power of Shinto?" After thinking about God's reunification, Xiao Yun thought in his heart.

This power is beyond his imagination.

But he wanted to catch it, but he felt indistinct.

Then there was a flash of light before his eyes.

A monk shot.

This man's abundance is like a jade. He crosses his knees under the cliff and is evolving.

That magical power is like heaven and earth, with mountains and rivers emerging inside.

A kind of Taoyun permeated, with an irresistible power.

"There is a power of rules in this heaven and earth?" Xiao Yun's eyes were condensed ~ ~ He was moved, thinking of his magical world.

"But this is not what I thought." Xiao Yun shook his head, the man in front of him didn't give him much inspiration.

It seemed to feel Xiao Yun's heart and mind, and the flash of the picture in front of him disappeared.

In front of him, a world appeared directly.

There is a young man with a talent from a young age.

It only took ten years from the quenching body to Tongtianjing!

Demigod subsequently.

Now the picture is fixed in his quasi-god realm.

Xiao Yun is paying close attention to all this.

He hopes to learn from it.

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