Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1613: Yuwen's Wrath

Xiao Yun's defeat of Qin Zhong made Xiao's children have more confidence in him.

At this time, others were also divided.

However, everyone has a half-hour break after the end of World War I.

After Xiao Yun's victory, there was a flash of light, immediately introducing him into a mysterious space.

There is a vast atmosphere of heaven and earth in it, which can make up for the loss of World War I.

First of all, after entering into this mysterious space, Xiao Yun had a pattern of Shenxu into his Yuan Ying.

The pattern of this god's fair contains the breath of Shinto.

"This pattern can help people to understand the Shinto!" Xiao Yun's eyes brightened when the pattern of the Shenxu merged into Yuan Ying.

If there are more such patterns of Shinto, he will better understand Shinto.

In this way, stepping into the state of demigod is just around the corner.

This is also a reward for the winner.

Xiao Yun merged the patterns of the god's ruins and constantly felt the breath in them.


And at this time, outside.

Within the Optimus family, within a market platform.

Inside a cave market at the top, the light pattern flashed, and then Qin Zhong's eyes, who had been crossing his knees, suddenly opened.

"Abominable, Xiao Yun, actually caused me to lose the opportunity to condense the lines of God in the Shenxu!" Qin Zhong could not help but growled when his eyes opened.

As he withdrew from the realm of Shenxu, the light patterns in his cave market also dimmed.

In this way, the roaring sound was shaken and heard by the people of Optimus.

"What's wrong?" The Qingtian practitioners stunned and hurried to the market platform in front of them.

"It is the son of Qin Zhong!"

"He came out of the Shenxu Realm?"

"Is it better than it is over, and the God's Market Enlightenment is over?" Some demigods showed curiosity.

But counting time, it doesn't seem to be time!

At this time, Qin Zhong walked out of the cave market.

As he stepped on the steps, his eyes moved slightly, and he turned uncomfortable as he turned toward the cyclone that was spinning in the void ahead.

He had already come to the end.

With his combat power, even if he can't reach the top ten of the Holy Martial Arts list, he can rush into the top two hundred. The top hundred still have a chance.

But because of Xiao Yun, he had to break his life card and left the boundary of Shenxu.

"Abominable guy!" Qin Chong's eyes killed the sky.

But in the end he had to sigh, so he retracted his eyes and walked down the market.

"Chong'er, what happened?" At this time, the old demigod of Optimus stepped forward and asked.

Everyone was staring at Qin Zhong, waiting for his answer.

From the expressions of this younger generation, it was clear that something had happened in the boundary of Shenxu.

"I was forced to break my life card and left the boundary of Shenxu!" Qin Zhong said with a little anger.

"Forced to break the life card?" Wen Yan said, several elders were all eyes closed, said, "What happened?"

You know, they are the big clan.

This Qin Zhong is also a gifted child.

In the realm of Shenxu, how many people dare to target him?

How many people can target him?

This will never be the case unless it is an enemy.

Because of this, it is easy to cause a war between the two races.

"It's Xiao Yun!" Qin Zhongmu condensed, and simply said things about the battlefield of Tao.

"This Xiao Yun defeated you?" Wen Yan said, all the elders of Optimus are frowning.

"This boy is actually so strong?" The son of Longshan looked dignified.

He thought that this younger generation was only relying on the magic soldier.

Even if he has some talent, he is not too bad.

After all, although Zhou Qiwen was strong, he was not invincible.

Qin Zhong is not necessarily weaker than Zhou Qiwen.

That Qin Xinghe can completely crush Zhou Qiwen.

So they are not worried that their younger children will be defeated by Xiao Yun.

But at this moment it sounded that things were not as simple as they thought!

"This kid does have a bit of strength." Qin Zhong looked indifferently.

Now that he wanted to come, he was still shocked.

Especially those words that Xiao Yun made when he shot strongly made him difficult to calm for a long time.

"The divine power is vast, but it can break mountains and rivers, but after all, the divine power is an external force, not its own. Even if it has the power of a avenue, it is also nothing." Being in the vein of God is tantamount to hiding a treasure. What if I don't dig into this vein of treasure? "

He shook his head.

The children of the Protoss rely on the power of this blood to excel.

If he even gave up this divine power, could he be superior?

The reason why the protoss is so noble depends on this bloodline power.

If you lose your bloodline power, is n’t that just a mortal?

"No ..." Qin Zhong shook his head and let him give up his blood power, which he couldn't accept.

"He's so powerful?" Seeing Qin Zhong's emotions fluctuating, all the clan beside him frowned.

"Um." And Qin Zhong was slowly throwing away the thoughts in his heart at this time.

"So what happened in the realm of Shenxu?" Said a clan elder, "how did all the people of Yuwen's family fall?"

Although they did not enter the realm of Shenxu, they also got the news.

"Yu Wenshi ..." When it comes to this, Qin Zhong's face became even more ugly.

Seeing this, the tribe's eyes exposed the color of inquiry.

"They were all killed by that Xiao Yun!" Qin Zhongmu condensed, saying word by word.

"What!" Wen Yan said, the faces of the Optimus people suddenly changed, "All were killed by Xiao Yun?"

The crowd looked unbelievable.

"What the **** is going on," Longshan asked.

Qin Zhong nodded slightly, telling what happened.

"Yu Wenchengtian and others have ambushed Xiao Yun, and the chain **** Tian Ye has all come out. He also defeated the Yuan infant, but did not kill it?"

When they heard this, the people of the Optimus clan looked completely blank.

"What measures does Xiao Yun have?" Everyone took a deep breath.

Now it seems that Xiao Yun is even deeper than they thought!

Later, Qin Zhong talked about the battle between Daoshan Xiao Yun and Yuwen's genius.

"It turned out that the people of Yuwen's were so ridiculed!"

"They are also unlucky. If you do n’t have the lock **** god leaf, you can also break up your life card, but because of the existence of the lock **** god leaf, this Xiao Yun is a panic.

Some demigods took a deep breath, showing their emotions.

This is really the calculation of the organ, but I do not know that I will eventually dig a pit and bury myself!

"This Yuwen Chengtian is also a personal thing, and that Yu Wenhao is also a genius. The two of them are still ridiculed. It seems that Xiao Yun is very powerful."

In feeling, the demigods of the Optimus tribe were dignified.

Although they don't know what happened, they can guess how rich the youth is.

You know, Yu Wenhao still has a lock of Tenjin in his hands!

"It's the same, I just broke my life card immediately after being defeated!" Qin Zhong said.

If it wasn't for fear of Xiao Yun's heart, would he break the Shenxu life card?

"This is a decisive move. Although you lost an opportunity, you saved your life, so you don't have to be too sad. As long as you are alive, you will have a chance later." How many geniuses are there in this world? Very few may reach the end, but many anonymous people have come to the end. "

"Um." Qin emphasized, "Zhonger knows."

"It's so good!" Those clan elders nodded.

For them, this genius has not been ridiculed, it is already lucky.

Yuwen ’s army almost disappeared!

"I hope Xinghe can come to the end." At last, all the ancestors of the Optimus clan looked up, with their eyes open.

Now that Qin Zhong has left the boundary of Shenxu, they can only rest on that Qin Xinghe.

Of course, after Qin Zhong came out, the Optimus people also told the news to Yuwen's family.

They are allies after all.


Today's Yuwen's atmosphere is dignified.

More than 700 geniuses were ridiculed during this trip to the Shenxu Realm.

It is the real genius who can enter Daoshan!

These people are far better than those who have failed to pass the test and have to break the cards.

But they all scorned!

For Yu Wenshi, it is undoubtedly a huge blow.

"What! Are Xiao Yun killed?"

And at this moment, a message detonated the solemn atmosphere of Yu Wenshi.

The demigods with fire and nowhere to go are one by one angry and have their hair spread out, with strong evil spirits.

"The news came from the Optimus, and it should be true!" Said a demigod in the hall.

Subsequently, the veteran informed the clan members in detail.

"So it is." Soon, Yuwen's demigod knew what happened.

"There is nothing he can do with the chain **** god leaf? What kind of means does this boy have?" The half-gods of Yuwen's are dignified.

"This Xiao Yun should have a great chance!" Yu Wen Zhaoran looked indifferently.

"What to do?" Many demigods then looked at each other and said.

"This young man has a magical soldier in his palm, which is unfathomable. If he is to become a god, it is difficult to be killed. It must be eradicated early!"

"He killed me Yuwen's genius, he must be killed, otherwise I will lose his face!"

"Yes, not killing me is not enough to enhance my reputation!"

Within the hall, most of the demigods advocated shots to kill Xiao Yun.

"But it is difficult to destroy him!" Sighed the old man.

At first, the three strong players failed to kill them together. Now, how easy is it to shoot?

"The last time was because of inadequate preparation. I didn't know the depth of this boy. Now I know myself and know one another.

A demigod sank.

"Good." Hearing, many demigods nodded.

"But this matter should ask the elder to come forward." Yuwen said in a deep voice.

"That's nature." Many demigods nodded.

Later, someone went to ask those retreats in the clan.


As a big clan, it has a long tradition and I do n’t know how many people there are.

Every generation comes with some talents.

I don't know how many of them are against the sky.

This time, they are going to invite this kind of Tianjiao who once swept their contemporaries.

That is more powerful than Yuwen obviously.

In the depths of Yuwen's, in a canyon ~ ~, Jinyang is empty and blooms with great power.

At this moment, there is a demigod.

In front of him was an elder with a long hair.

"What! Cheng Tian stunned?" The old man's eyes opened sharply, and the sound was thunderous.

The moment his eyes opened, the world seemed to collapse.

A mighty divine power swept out.

Under this divine power, the bowing demigod felt his breath suffocated, his body trembled, felt that the blood in his body was reversing, and he almost spit out blood.

He is also a strong man of Yuwen's.

But in front of the elder in front of him, he looked like a ant, and seemed to be killed at any time.

This elder is exactly one of the elders of Yuwen's family, named Yuwen Wuji. Not only does he have strong blood of the **** king, he has also swept many geniuses in his time. He is famous for the pure land in June. Sanctuary also has few rivals.

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