Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1599: I am heaven and earth

In front of the Tao of God, Xiao Yun began to seek.

Find your own way.

To this end, he thought a lot, thinking that the gods can not be eternal.

He began to analyze, looking for his own way.

"The gods are also forced to seal themselves. All this is because as long as the beings in this heaven and earth are limited by the power of heaven and earth!" Xiao Yun blinked his eyes.

Although Xiao Yun has not evolved a real world.

& [Pig] [pig] [island] novel ww.zuhmnbsp; But he evolved the magical world, and within his magical world, he is the master.

As such, within their heaven and earth, is the power of heaven and earth the master?

"If so, even if it becomes a god, it is still difficult to get rid of the shackles!" Xiao Yun shook his head slightly.

This was not what he wanted.

"I should get rid of the shackles of this world!" Xiao Yun murmured, murmuring, "But what is this?"

Although he was a little enlightened, he was still at a loss.

How easy is it to get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth?

"Then, what should I do now?" Xiao Yun began to sink into groaning.

This groaning, I do not know how long.

Later, Xiao Yun evolved his magical powers. Around him, heaven and earth evolved, and there was a tumultuous atmosphere in it.

This boundless supernatural world is like the prototype of heaven and earth.

There was also a mighty shock.

Although it is just a prototype, Xiao Yun feels that it can evolve into a real world.

"If it really becomes a world, I will be the master of this world!" Xiao Yun muttered.

He was groaning and deducing.

After reaching this realm, the vision is broadened, and some things can be deduced by virtue of supernatural power evolution.

"If heaven and earth are formed, can I get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth avenue when I am integrated into this heaven and earth?" Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

Although there was no answer, he felt he could try it.

It is a right way to at least transform the supernatural world into the real world.

Because in this world, everything is contained.

Such as samsara uprising, life ... and so on.

Heaven and earth contain everything!

It's just that this road is even more difficult.

"Since you have to preach, you have to prove the strongest way, which is the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!" Xiao Yun's eyes showed a firm light.

What is the way of swallowing the sky and the way of life are very strong!

But, how can it be compared to Tiandi Avenue?

"All I want is the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and his mind woke up from that feeling.

Then, his eyes moved, and he continued to look forward to the Tao of God.

"But I don't know, here is the way of heaven and earth I want!" Xiao Yun muttered, Xuan was about to release his mind.

Beware of the release of God, the breath of the Tao of God is sensed by Xiao Yun.

Time is quietly passing.

There are people here from time to time.

But they all touched the Tao of God.

Occasionally someone saw Xiao Yun, and after seeing the latter touching the Tao of God, he did not bother.

The god's way station passed by one by one, but Xiao Yun did not find the god's way station he wanted for a long time.

"Is there no way of heaven and earth here?" Xiao Yun looked suspiciously.

Although suspicious, Xiao Yun was still feeling.

Release your mind and let the god's way pass by.

"This breath ..." Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened and he found something.

Ahead of it, there are a number of Taoist towers emitting hazy light patterns in the depths of the numerous Taoist towers.

This Tao of God's Tao is not conspicuous. It is shrouded in hazy light patterns, and the atmosphere of the avenue is not emitted.

But when he saw this Daotai, Xiao Yun's heart moved.

"That's it!" Then Xiao Yun's mind moved toward the stage.

Only if it matches the breath of this Taiwan, can it enter.

Simply put, it is to get the recognition of this Taiwan.

With a change of mind, Xiao Yun seemed to have evolved a hazy world and headed for that platform.

Ripples rushed ahead, opening a gap.

"It's done!" Xiao Yun was moved.

Subsequently, a roll of light pattern inside the Tao of God wrapped Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun was introduced to the Tao of God.

The Tao of God is wide.

After Xiao Yun settled down, he just saw a stele.

The stele towered up into the sky, and the road was surrounded by road patterns.

Xiao Yun appeared in front of the stele.

Other than that, there is nothing else here.

"The heavens and the earth are not open, it's hazy!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and she crossed her knees beside the stone of God's Road.

Later, he released his mind and sensed the stele ahead.

If you want to realize, you must first sense it!

Xiao Yunru was released into the chaos at the moment, and did not miss it.

Heaven and earth seemed to be silent.

Xiao Yun just sat there, and time passed quietly.

There was a loud voice from the nearby gods.

This is someone who realized that the magical avenue caused Taoming.

On this platform, there are many geniuses who are Yuwen's.

At this time, in front of them, there was a round of Jinyang suspended in the void.

Jin Yang looks like an eye, blooming with a striking light.

Under these eyes, Yu Wenhao was crossing his knees.

At this point, the sound of the Dao shocked, with golden runes blending into his brows.

"Sound, seven!"

"The son of Hao is just so powerful. He actually has seven sounds. This is close to perfection!"

Seeing this, many children of Yuwen's eyes are envious.

"Only seven!" At this moment, Yu Wenhao's eyes opened, revealing a trace of regret, "Compared to Chengtian, one less!"

He sighed slightly, then immediately got up and rushed forward.

In front of that, there is already an extension of the Golden Bridge leading to Daoshan ahead.

"Go!" Then he drank softly and headed for Jinqiao.

Behind him are many young people of Yuwen's following.

People of all ethnic groups gathered at the foot of Daoshan one after another.

The Yuwen family, the Optimus family, and the giant spirit group came together.

"Hehe, the sound of the Tao is so loud that it is comparable, so now it depends on who comes to Daoshan first."

Yu Wen laughed loudly.

"Good!" Qin Xinghe nodded.

In front of them was a towering Daoshan.

The mountain is surrounded by roads, but you can also see the ladder that leads to the mountain.

There are obstacles on the top, you need a certain amount of strength to pass through, and you can log in to the mountain.

It's simple!

The stronger you are, the faster you can get to the top.

"Get off!" Waiting for a light drink, Qin Xinghe and others walked together towards the same ladder in front.

The following ethnic groups follow.

At this time, many people have been gathered near this mountain, all are climbing.

Within the stele of Xiao Yun, the light pattern squirmed.

Today Xiao Yun's mind has been integrated into the stele.

What he saw was a scene opened by heaven and earth.

In the chaos, heaven and earth opened up, stars gathered, and the sun and moon hung high.

The Tao is condensed, everything is born ...

This scene is so clear.

Xiao Yun's perception of heaven and earth is a little more.

At the time of comprehension, his own miraculous heaven and earth were also floating and evolving.

However, he has not been able to evolve the stars.

But his magical heaven and earth, the hazy area is expanding, Xiao Yun's mind gradually merged with this magical heaven and earth.

In the past, for him, the hazy area in the magical world was also boundless and seemed unsearchable.

It seemed that it had nothing to do with him.

But at this moment, after realizing the scene at the beginning of the day and time, his mind gradually controlled the area.

He has a little more connection with this magical world.

This connection can be regarded as an improvement, laying the foundation for the true evolution of the world in the future.

"Now my mind can completely control this supernatural world!" Under this fusion, Xiao Yun's mind blended into the area where the mixed spirit was located.

And within this supernatural world, those supernatural powers are also up and down.

The power of samsara reincarnation has also gradually strengthened.

It seems that the previous reincarnation uprising was not enough because the magical world was not complete enough.

"Now I haven't got enough realms. After I become a god, I can ascend again!" At last, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed.

His mind retreated from the stele.


The stele resounds, and the sound of Tao sounds shakes.

This sound was so thorough that it shocked in all directions, even those who climbed the mountain in the distance heard it.

Hey, hey, hey!

Uh, uh ...

The sound was thorough, one after another.

The sound resounded, as the heavens and the earth resonated, the whole Shenxu Daoshan was shocked.

"This sound has the taste of a boulevard!" At this time, Yu Wenchengtian who was climbing the mountain brow with a brow, showing the solemn color.

"What avenue does this person understand?" Suddenly, the geniuses of all ethnic groups moved.

Because at this moment many people are still enlightening.

It can be said that there has been a sound in this area.

However, the sound was not very strong, and after logging into Daoshan, it was almost difficult to hear.

However, at this time, the voice suppressed the voice of everyone, so clear and loud.

So the geniuses of all races were moved.

Even the genius of the Four Great Palaces stopped the pace of climbing.

"who is it?"

Chu Yunfei's brows were also raised, looking back.

The road sounded loud and loud.

"Nine sounds!"

"This is truly perfect!"

"Who it is, who it is!" Exclaimed.

"The sound of the road is nine, and such a character has already completed the rhyme.

At this time, Qin Xinghe also moved.

"Which power would it be?" Everyone speculated, without any clue.

"I think it should be the genius of the Four Palaces!"

"At least it's June's talents!"

"Only those with strong blood of God can understand the perfect way!"

"It seems that there is a strong enemy this time!" Jiuyang Holy Palace, the three geniuses were also condensed.

At this moment they climbed together.

"No matter who it is, after entering Daoshan, there will be a battle and it will be revealed!" Said one of the young people.

"Hmm!" The crowd nodded, and moved on.

At this time, Xiao Yun was still cross-legged under the stone monument.

Although his mind was withdrawn from the stone tablet, he was still merging the proceeds.

The magical world was restrained, but it turned into a pattern, imprinted in Yuan Ying.

At the same time, after the nine ringings, a pattern was submerged in Xiao Yunyuan's infant.

In addition, in Xiao Yun's body, there are all kinds of ambivalence derived.

This is the ambition of mingling in the place of mingling.

Although he experienced Yuan Ying collapse ~ ~ experienced Nirvana, these mixed Yuan Qi is still there.

At this time, the mixed Yuanqi squirmed and rolled, as if a chaotic world had evolved around him.

This chaotic flow is becoming more and more vast.

If there is an outsider, it is really like seeing a chaotic land evolving.

And his Yuan Ying also has the flicker and fusion of mixed Yuan Qi.

It wasn't until an hour later that Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying thoroughly blended the patterns of those mixed elements.

"Now, there is some progress!" After integrating these, Xiao Yun's eyes opened, showing satisfaction.

This time, although he didn't realize any powerful magical powers, he felt that he had taken a step further from Tiandi Avenue.

So he's happy with it.

After his eyes opened, he was at a loss, and the tumbling buzz of the outside world was immediately restrained.

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