Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1591: Was found [...

Xiao Yun looked at Daoshan in the distance, and the eyes appeared with expectations.

Shenxu Daoshan is so big that you can't see the whole picture.

The divine pattern in front trembled and ripples appeared, with a force of rules.

Xiao Yun glanced at Daoshan ahead and moved on.

It seems that it is very close to Daoshan, but actually you need to climb a lot of mountains.

"That's Xiao Yun!" As Xiao Yun kept moving forward, someone suddenly opened his eyes in the distance and found Xiao Yun.

& n? pig? pig? island? The novel ww.uua.bsp; this is a total of seven young people, all wearing golden robes.

"Come and tell Chengtian Gongzi!" These were all hot.

"Um!" Several youths left immediately.

They all searched the Quartet by telepathy.

Therefore, Xiao Yun can be found even thousands of miles away.

"Someone spied on me just now?" In the distance, Xiao Yun's mind moved and felt how many air-locks locked him.

There was also a sense of killing in the air machine.

Somewhat calmly, Xiao Yun's mind was also released.

"That's Yuwen's!" Beware of the release of God, Xiao Yun was found three thousand miles away, and there were several people wearing gold robes.

These people's eyebrows twinkled, and a god's eye condensed. Who is the person whose breath is not Yuwen's?

"He found us!" At this time, the youth of Yuwen's also sensed Xiao Yun's heart detection.

"Hum, you go, let us stay with him!" Now a young man hummed.

"Good!" Yuwen's youth nodded.

Soon, two people left and five young people remained.

These young people are the ancestors of Yuwen's family.

"No **** soldiers can be carried within the Shenxu. The five of us are enough to deal with him." The corners of the five men's lips evoked a smile.

Then they waited in place.

As for the other two, they went to notify Yu Wenchengtian and others.

"Don't actually leave?" And in the distance, Xiao Yun had a slight radian at the corner of his mouth after seeing this person from Yuwen's.

Then he fell into lightning and swept away quickly.

The area of ​​Shenxu Mountain Range, the closer to the Shenxu Daoshan, the greater the pressure of Shenwei.

Although Xiao Yun couldn't fly away directly, but that flashing, the speed of flying at low altitude was also amazing.

Xiao Yun moved forward all the way. Although he encountered some market beasts, he could solve many of them by virtue of the patterns of the gods.

The pattern of the gods' fair can only deal with the fairies.

For those experienced, it has no effect.

Three thousand miles away, Xiao Yun arrived soon.

This is a valley.

At this time, five young men of Yuwen's were waiting for Xiao Yun.

"You are waiting for Xiaomou here, but you want to do it?" After entering the valley, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold and swept across the five people.

"Oh, you are not stupid," said the frowning youth of the first Yuwen clan. "You are holding the King of Kings and killing my Yuwen clan, but you are free and free, and we have no way to take you outside But now into the realm of Shenxu, what can you do without a soldier? "

"Less nonsense. Let's go together and see if he weighs a few pounds or two."

The next one was also grinning, lengheng.

Subsequently, five people stepped forward and surrounded Xiao Yun.

At the same time, there is a strong power of eyes in them.

Five people's eyebrows were wrinkled with godliness, and finally gathered into one eye.

"Hands on!" Before Xiao Yun took the shot, the five eyes of the five gods flashed, which is the power of the eyes.


The god's eyes were wide open, and the golden light pattern seemed to have evolved from a heaven and earth.

This golden world flashed down and fell down towards Xiao Yun, in which there was a ray of mang burst out, and went directly towards Xiao Yun.

In addition, two others also evolved the power of the eye, directly Xiao Yun.

The other two made a big move, forming a seal, and suppressed Xiao Yun.

Five people!

They are all powerful men in Tongtian Nine Realms. They shot together, and the golden light bloomed, and the horrible waves immediately enveloped the valley.

This kind of attack is enough to crush the genius who is extremely powerful.

Especially the power of the god's eyes, the golden mang hole penetrates the void, and it really has the power to destroy the world.

Opposite, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed.

"This kind of strength also wants to deal with me?" When the words fell, Xiao Yun's steps hurriedly moved forward.

Then, a huge cyclone evolved out of thin air.

Swallow up!

The deep voice sounded, and the volume of the cyclone was like an abyss cracking in the sky, and directly engulfed the dazzling golden light.

"This ..." Seeing this, Yuwen's five young people were all surprised.

It was just that before they reacted too much, a powerful force of devour came over, and they watched the golden light engulfed.

Even the mansions emanating from the divine eyes began to disintegrate and shatter.

"Reincarnation!" The next moment, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and the reincarnation mystery showed.

As soon as this uprising came out, the void was condensed, and all five of them ate.

The next moment, Xiao Yun shot.

Burning in the sky!

The fire and fire swept across the five men.

Then five people were burned, and they didn't even have the chance to urge the life card, so they sneered.

This was a real ridicule, Yuan Ying was burned.

When these people fell into disappointment, Xiao Yun's supernatural power converged.

Then his eyes lighted up, and he looked towards the distant void.

"Yu Wenshi!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed sharply.

He knew that the trip would certainly not be calm.

These people definitely want to take this shot.

Because this is the best opportunity.

"I'd like to see, what kind of heavenly pride do you have in Yuwen's?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he moved on.

And outside.

On the market platform of Yuwen's that connects to Shenxu.

"Well, the holes where the five are located are dim, and they are ridiculed?" The elders of Yuwen's eyes suddenly jumped.

Because at the front terrace, five of the holes where it was located were dim.

This means that five people are completely ridiculed.

"How can this happen?" Seeing that, the elders were all dignified.

In the realm of Shenxu, everyone will condense the signs of Shenxu. With this, they can completely leave the realm of Shenxu.

But now five people have been ridiculed in a row, making people confused.

However, they could not contact the people in the Shenxu, and at this time they could only be suspicious.

"Within Shenxu, there are Chengtian and Hao'er. Few people should be able to compete with them." Yuwen blinked his eyes and murmured, "Furthermore, other clan members also made good friends with me, and they should be less. Some people can be bad for my clan. Even if they do, they shouldn't play this cruel hand. Is there any danger? But they should be able to urge life cards!

Several demigods felt vaguely awkward.

"You don't need to worry, this time we have already discussed with the Giant Spirit and Optimus, and we will advance and retreat together. Furthermore, there is also the Jiuyang Holy Palace. Who can do anything for my children?" Said an old man next to him. "This time, not only will the kid beheaded and killed, but also a ladder to ensure that I will be able to set foot on God's Terrace when God Road opens!"

"Huh!" Everyone nodded when they heard that.

In the sanctuary they make good friends with many clans, and few people will attack their clans.

Among the clan, even if there is a conflict, they will be afraid of one or two.


In the realm of Shenxu, Xiao Yun went all the way after beheading five Yuwen clan members, but he did not see the Yuwen people.

When approaching Shenxu Daoshan, more and more people appeared nearby.

Finally, Xiao Yun also came to a mountain.

The top of the mountain is very wide, flat and tidy. In front of it is the towering Shenxu Mountain.

The mighty Daowei trembled from the Shenxu Daoshan, making people's hearts shudder.

When he came here, Xiao Yun couldn't help paying respect.

There is an abyss between this mountain top and Shenxu Daoshan.

Beside this Shenxu Daoshan, there are countless such peaks.

In the abyss between the summit and the Shenxu Daoshan ~ ~ there is an ancient road connected by pillars of stone.

This stone road leads to Daoshan, and it is also the only way for everyone to go to Shenxu Daoshan.

Because of the mighty shock and oppression of the avenue rules, almost no one can fly forward.

To come here, you must be honest on the stone road.

It's just that the road to stone is not so good and needs to be tested.

Moreover, the pillar of Tao Stone is an endless abyss, which contains the water of drowning gods. Once it falls, it will die without burial place.

"This is a road of stones. As long as you pass, you can enter the interior of Shenxu Daoshan!"

After Xiao Yun set foot on top of the mountain, he saw the ancient road formed by the stone pillars in front.

"There is another chapter next. Thank you for your support. I will announce a deduction, deduction number, 3455, 77019. You can add me. If I go out and cannot log on to the computer, I will announce it.

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