Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1577: Divine Realm

On the market platform, the monks of all ethnic groups have sat in the grotto.

Under the market platform, the demigods stared forward with their faces as expected.

For them, this is naturally a worthwhile thing.

If the people in the clan gain something in Shenxu, it will be of great significance to them.

Especially demigods like Juehong.

Their Simon Jue is not strong because of the lack of Gai Dai characters.

&? Pig? Pig? Island? Novel w.uunbsp; If one of the people such as the Dust and the Wind transforms within the God's Fair, it may change everything.

At this moment, Xiao Mu and Xiao Kuanglong and others set down the throne under this market platform and waited quietly for the market platform.

The demigods of other races also took the throne and waited quietly.

Because the Shenxu opened, it was still long before these people came out.

"I hope this Xiao Yun can gain something in it!" Xiao Kuanglong lightly touched the long beard, his eyes rose, and he looked towards the top of the market platform in front.

At this moment, young people of all ethnic groups are beginning to feel the gods.

Xiao Yun is no exception.

Mind released, Xiao Yun began to realize the gods.

Inside the Xutai Grottoes, there are wavy lines, and Xiao Yun sits inside, as if he has entered an independent space.

The ripples seem to communicate another world.

It's just that the traces squirm, it's deep, it seems like the sea, and you can't find the bottom.

Xiao Yun's mind was released at this time, and it penetrated into the unstoppable Daowen Abyss.

Shen Yun was sinking in, Xiao Yun could clearly feel a sense of Shinto.

However, he wanted to follow that breath and feel like an abyss, and he could never find the end.

There was even a sense of Shinto in it beginning to infiltrate into his mind, to assimilate his mind.

Under the breath of Shinto, his mind began to feel blurred.

If it persists for a long time, the mind will sink into nothingness.

Not only Xiao Yun, but almost everyone who sensed this Shenxu encountered a similar situation.

Someone felt confused and quit immediately.

However, when the mind quits and they continue to sense, they find it just as difficult to persist.

Not only that, because it was consumed just now, the power of the mind also began to weaken.

Once the power of the mind diminishes, it becomes even more difficult to sense the gods.

"The power of this God's Ruins will affect people's mind?" Xiao Yun also felt bad when the mind began to blur.

If this continues, his mind will show signs of being melted by that Shinto.

"Quit this?" First of all, Xiao Yun's mind emerged with such an idea.

But he quickly gave up the idea.

"I'm here to sense the power of the God's Ruins, how can I retreat from timidity?"

With clear goals, how can he retreat?

This is the faithful way.

"If my heart is firm, how can this divine power be deceived?" Xiao Yun was firm and kept his mind clear.

Then, his mind continued to move forward.

The depths ahead are really deep.

Xiao Yun's mind continued to stretch out, but still did not feel a touch of the end.

Not to mention the entrance to the Shenxu.

His mind was gradually blurred.

Because the divine power is getting stronger and stronger, it seems to carry the power of rules.

Under this power, the mind of man is assimilated.

"Swallow the sky!"

When he really felt that his mind was difficult to support, Xiao Yun was so moved that he swallowed up the heaven and upheaval.

Those divine powers trying to assimilate him began to be gradually devoured by the swallowing supernatural powers.

After devouring that divine power, Xiao Yun felt his mind became stronger.

Finally, he walked through the hazy road pattern and saw a bright light ahead.

This is a vortex of light, which flows and creeps, such as communicating a world.

"This is the entrance to the Shenxu!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was very happy.

He could clearly feel that if his mind was moving, he could enter this entrance.

When feeling the entrance to the Shenxu, Xiao Yun was out of his mind.

Then his mind fell into the sea of ​​knowledge.

"At this time, I will enter Shenxu, and the outside will be left to you." Within the sea of ​​knowledge, Xiao Yun said to the Longevity Turtle and Phantom Worm.

At this time into the Shenxu, his Yuanying will leave the body, and he does not know how long he will leave.

He didn't know what would happen during the period.

So all this has to be entrusted to the longevity turtle and phantom.

"You can rest assured!" Changsheng turtle said lightly.

"Yes, with us, you don't need to worry." Phantom Worm also said, "The Shinto breath is strong here, I feel, it won't be long before you can set foot in the quasi-God realm." The breath inside the hole makes it I also saw hope. If it goes further, it will not be worse than those so-called geniuses in June Pure Land.

"Um." There are long-lived tortoises and phantoms, and Xiao Yun is also slightly relieved.

Moreover, there are Xiao Mu and Xiao Kuanglong outside, as well as Zuo Shaoqin.

"If there is something, I ask you to deal with it one or two." Similarly, Xiao Yun also spoke to the Supreme Devourer.

"You can rest assured that this seat will not make you ridiculed so easily." Tuntian Supreme said.

With the supreme swallowing of heaven, Xiao Yun was relieved.

After that, he moved his mind and wrapped the dribble.

The Dzi Bead was wrapped out of the sea with his Yuan Ying.

"This bead?" When this bead was pulled out by Xiao Yun, the Supreme Devourer was slightly surprised.

"How do you know this bead?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This should be an artifact." Supreme Supreme said.

Above this bead, he can clearly see the ancient grains that can be printed on it.

Although the ancient patterns are restrained, they are not etched by ordinary people.

"I also feel like it, but it doesn't exude the breath of God." Xiao Yun said with a frown, "I plan to bring it into the Shenxu this time."

"Brought into the god's ruins?" Swallowing the Supreme Slightly groaned, and then murmured, "The god's ruins will repel powerful forces. Now the beads are introverted, like ordinary things, and may be brought into them."

"I think so too." Xiao Yun nodded.

Shenxu is not allowed to bring things in.

It's just a general item, and it will be meaningless to bring it in.

Such as some Wang Bing, Huang Bing.

When these blades enter the God's Ruin, they will be smashed directly.

Same goes for elixir.

If they carry magic soldiers, they will be directly rejected.

"Try it first." Xiao Yun thought secretly.

Although I don't know if the beads will be rejected, it is always good to bring them in.

It is said that within this divine ruins, there is also the heaven and earth divine essence.

Maybe something can be found to unravel the seal of this bead.

As soon as the mind moved, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying embraced the bead and went forward.

Tian Lan swayed, blooming with blue light, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying kept going deep into the cyclone.

I don't know how long before, his Yuanying arrived in the light vortex of the Shenxu.

The light swirled and stirred, giving off a force of rules.

This power was suppressed, and Xiao Yun's baby was shrouded.

Suddenly, he felt completely bound and unable to move.

That power spread throughout his Yuan Ying body.

"Will he be excluded?" At this moment, Xiao Yun was slightly nervous.

If this Dzi Bead has been inspired by the divine power, it will attract the power of heaven and earth!

This power will directly annihilate the bead with him.

It can be said that this is a dangerous move.

Fortunately, the power of that rule shrouded Xiao Yun, and Tianzhu did not respond.

From beginning to end, it is like an ordinary bead.

"There is no divine power, so the power of this heaven and earth rule is not repelled." Xiao Yun's tense heart finally relaxed.

The power of the rules of heaven and earth swept across Xiao Yun and soon dissipated.

Then, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying's body flickered toward the light ahead.


Yuan Ying flashed and took the bead into the cyclone.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun was shrouded in a mighty force with vast power.

This power is so vast that it seems to crush everything.

Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying entered it, but he could barely bear this power.

It's not hard to imagine what those low-level practitioners would enter.

The same is true. Historically, only monks who have access to the heavens can enter this god's market.


That great force oppressed Tian Lan also felt great pressure.

Xiao Yun was connected to Tian Tianlan's mind and spirit, and she clearly felt that the power was beyond the endurance of Tian Tianlan.

"Tian Lan is about to support it!" At the moment, Xiao Yun felt bad.

In the same way, under the pressure of that kind of force, Sky Devourer instinctively wants to resist, and must use the strength of Sky Devourer to resist this pressure.

Although Xiao Yun and Bitan Lan have some connection, they can already be regarded as integrated.

But Tian Lan's instinct reaction is still there.

This is a response to the crisis.

"Not good, if let Tian Tianlan inspire the magic of Tian Zhu, it would be dangerous." Xiao Yun shivered.

If so, it is very likely to attract the oppression of the power of the rules.

At that time, his Yuan Ying will be annihilated.

"Shades of Yin and Yang!" In anxiety, Xiao Yun immediately tried to run the power of Yin and Yang gods.

The yin and yang pattern was branded by him and absorbed into Yuan Ying.

He usually does not show mountains or water, but in times of crisis, he can still pull out.


Under the traction of Xiao Yun, a road pattern bloomed, and the breath of the avenue spurted out.

Suddenly, a cloud of light shrouded Xiao Yun and Tianzhu.

The power of the rules from God's Ruins began to weaken.

It seemed to feel a similar power and was no longer exclusive.

"Okay." Xiao Yun was finally relieved.

Then his Yuan Ying entered the mysterious realm with the power of light swirling.

First of all, it is shrouded in a vast breath of Shinto.

Then Xiao Yun saw that he had come into a hazy world.

In front of him, there was a huge pool.

This pond is suspended in the void ~ ~ with a pattern of drooping on it, like a thunder flash.

In front of the pond, dimly, there is a stone platform faintly visible.

In front of the stone platform is a **** ladder.

The air flow around the ladder is like a galaxy, constantly flowing.

The ladder of God continues to extend and seems to connect one side of the world.

It was just that the mighty road was blocked by a mysterious force, and Xiao Yun could only sense the pool in front.

"Welcome to the realm of Shenxu!" A low voice rang out in Xiao Yun's ears.

The sound was rumbling, indifferent and ruthless, but with a prestige of avenue.

It seems that the avenue is opening.

A sense of awe appeared from Xiao Yun's heart.

"Is there anyone in this realm of God's Ruins?" When this voice came out, Xiao Yun was suspicious.

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