Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1571: Qi Tun Shan He


Haohan Weili emerged from the swallowing weather evolved from Xiao Yun's fist.

Under this immense power, the cyclone evolved by Zhou Qiwen continued to collapse.

A force of terror struck him.

Only momentarily, the cyclone collapsed, and the fist banged on his huge palm.


A loud noise came out, fists and palms confronted each other, and in the void on that stage = pig = pig = island = novel = www = zhuua = violent impact.

A gigantic wave of waves burst out, causing a stormy sea.

The distant practitioners watched as Zhou Qiwen ’s giant hand evolved and swallowed.

His big hand trembled and he was retracted.

At the same time, an astonishing aftermath like a mad dragon is raging towards Zhou Qiwen ahead.

"This fist actually has such terrible power!" Zhou Qiwen's body broke out, and there was a certain dignity in his eyes.

However, after his body broke out, the cyclone stirred in front of him, and a swallowing abyss immediately swallowed that vast power.

At the same time, a roll of this cyclone was taking advantage of Xiao Yun's forward.

The advantages of swallowing the magical power of heaven were immediately revealed at this time.

If other practitioners face this situation, they can only passively back away from the aftermath of this horror.

However, Zhou Qiwen, who possesses the magical power of swallowing the heavens, can completely ignore this kind of aftermath, and engulf it strongly.

In this way, he still has the strength to shoot and give himself a chance to fight back.

The swallowing weather swirled, and it swallowed the sky.

This time the cyclone contains a general trend of the heavens and the earth, and it seems that there is a heaven and earth in it that can hold everything.

But this is still just a supernatural world, not a real world.

But Rao is so powerful.

The volume of the cyclone swallowed up this platform with supremacy.

The previous wave of terror that had burst out was completely swallowed.

Such a momentum, the monk watching the distance was frightened.

"This is the magical power of swallowing the heavens!" Many people murmured in their hearts.

The hegemony of swallowing supernatural powers has to be moved.

This cyclone rolled, even Xiao Yun had to be moved.

Originally, he punched out, and after smashing Zhou Qiwen's big hand, he went away.

However, he took his steps, and this week Qiwen evolved the magical power of swallowing heaven. A huge cyclone, like an abyss, has enveloped Xiao Yun.

In this abyss, the cyclone stirs, whistling with engulfing roads.

First of all, within the abyss of swallowing the sky, there are lines flowing and turning into a net of invisible bondage, a mysterious force oppresses Xiao Yun.

This kind of power must not only oppress Xiao Yun, but also restrain his body and the true elements in him.

When this power fell down, it was the engulfing mystery that pervaded.

This uprising is incomparably tyrannical, with the madness devoured by Dao Wen, to pull out the real element in Xiao Yun's body.

Under this kind of power, the true elements of human beings, and even the blood inside the blood vessels, are boiling, rolling, and will be drawn out from the inside.

Even the human soul and body are towed away by the cyclone.

In the cyclone, the dow pattern agitated like a sharp blade, tearing the void.

This power is to resolve the engulfed attack.

It can be said that once caught in the magical power of heaven, the results can be imagined.

It was Xiao Yun who felt a tremendous pressure at this time.

The cyclone evolved from his fist, the power of the true element contained in it disappeared quickly.

His fist had already broken Zhou Qiwen's blow, so his power was sharply reduced.

In this case, it is naturally impossible to maintain the peak state.

"Swallowing Heaven's Magical Power is indeed overbearing!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, deeply feeling the hegemony of the Heaven's Magical Power.

In particular, Qiwen's devastating magical power this week actually carried a momentum.

This potential seems to come from the bloodline, from the heritage.

This is the potential carried by Wuhun.

"It's just that there are no invincible magical powers, only invincible people!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and in the face of the maddening sweep that would engulf him in the refining cyclone, his steps were still a step forward. On his body, a mighty warfare burst out, and the warfare soared, as if the blade would generally tear down the oppressive power of devour.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's oppression disappeared immediately.

Then he took another step.

This time, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and he shot suddenly.


All he saw was a fist punch, and he blasted forward.

This fist did not carry the power of swallowing the sky, but it had a vast combat intention.

In addition, a punch punched out, carrying a mighty power.

This time, he used the magical power of Zhan Wuhun, and also shot from the deity.

After reaching this level, Wu Hun's mystery merged into his own body and turned into a supernatural power.

The fists blasted out, and no world evolved, only infinite warfare burst out.

"The heavens and the earth are not visible, but I am the heavens and the earth!" Xiao Yun whispered, but there was endless warfare in those eyes.

This time, he did not evolve that supernatural world.

But Xiao Yun had an inexplicable understanding.

He stepped forward, and his fist blasted forward with a mighty force.


Infinite warfare erupted, Xiao Yun's long hair fluttered, and the hair was so razor-sharp that the torn pattern that evolved from the devouring cyclone was torn apart.

His body was immediately freed from the oppression from the devouring abyss.

Then his fist blasted out, only to see that the engulfing pattern in front of him collapsed, and the force of swallowing the sky was as if the stormy waves were blasting towards the Quartet, and Xiao Yun's supreme warfare was in the momentum Can collapse the sky, breaking the void in front of him, his steps followed, followed by a warlike warfare.

The war is endless, Xiao Yun's body is as strong as a mountain.

Today, he has a mighty power burst from his fist.

Although this fist has not evolved into a magical world, the power is totally concentrated on this fist.

Because of this attack, Xiao Yun felt inexplicably.

Since he can evolve the magical world.

Since this magical world belongs to him.

So is he the world?

Therefore, a punch, but it contains the power of heaven and earth.

When this power burst forth, the void in front of it collapsed, and the power of the magical power that devoured the cyclone was obviously beyond its power.

In this abyss, the agitated cyclones seemed to collapse.

"Is this the power of Xiao's fighting martial spirit?" Feeling this kind of power, Zhou Qiwen's eyes were astonished. "It's just, how ordinary the fighting martial spirit's power is so strong?" At this moment, his face He was finally moved because he knew that being able to bring the power of the Zhanwu soul to this point was enough to illustrate the extraordinaryness of this young man.

"Swallow!" Zhou Qiwen's eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows were filled with road markings outside, turning into a cyclone into the abyss of swallowing the sky ahead.

Suddenly, the power of the devouring cyclone doubled.


Within the abyss of swallowing the sky, the devouring cyclone is constantly stirred, the road pattern is like a blade, and Xiao Yun's vast war will be swallowed and torn.

"I am invincible, and the power is sky-high!" However, the pattern of swallowing the sky is like a blade, but Xiao Yun's momentum is unabated, and the war is becoming more and more intense. There seems to be a figure in his eyebrows, and it seems to have a battle. The lines are flashing, and the towering warfare bursts out. Under this warfare, the void collapses in front.

The devouring cyclone also burst at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

When the devouring cyclone broke down, Xiao Yun's pace continued.


As he stepped forward, a ripple appeared in the void in front of him, and the mighty war defeated the devouring force.

The war is invisible, yet ubiquitous, tearing up the devouring pattern.

When he took three steps, the fist finally broke the devouring abyss.

Then, Xiao Yun's body appeared on the battle platform.


When Xiao Yun appeared on the battle platform, a vast war was sweeping away toward Zhou Qiwen, like a sea of ​​oceans.

When this warfare came, Zhou Qiwen's face changed suddenly.

He immediately drew with both hands and evolved a light-stripe cyclone in front of him.

This cyclone is like a shield, suspended in the air, devouring that kind of vast warfare for him.

"War will be transformed into heaven!" When Qi Wen evolved the engulfing pattern to resist the vast war, this week Xiao Yun's hands were violently pulling.

The monstrous warfare wriggled and suddenly rolled over, turning it into a world, covering the battlefield.

A general trend began to condense, oppressing forward.

The light pattern that evolved in front of Zhou Qiwen immediately began to shatter.

"This power is not enough!" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly and he muttered to himself.

Although fighting, he was actually verifying.

Verify the mystery of war.

This mystery is very strong, and it has evolved into a supernatural power, but it is not a real world after all.

That kind of prestige is missing.

But this pure warfare was already strong, and Zhou Qiwen was discolored.

The invisible warfare oppressed, making Zhou Qiwen feel that he was impacted and torn by a thousand blades.

This war will destroy the sky and the sky.

"Swallow the heavens and upheaval, devour all things!" Only Zhou Qiwen's eyes were frozen, the lines on his body were diffused, and the momentum of swelling mountains and rivers burst out from him.

All he saw was his stride.

When he stepped forward, he turned into a cyclone.

Suddenly, the distant practitioners saw that Zhou Qi's diploma disappeared and a huge cyclone suddenly appeared.

The cyclone agitated, the twinkling light streaks seemed to be intertwined.

It rolled sharply and swallowed forward.

From a distance, it seems that there is a crazy dragon swallowing the sky, which can be astounding.

When that pattern agitated ~ ~ the force of horrible devour shook all directions.

Throughout the world, the situation began to change color.

On the battlefield, turned into a huge vortex.

Seen from a distance, it is as if the heavens and the earth are changing, as if the end is coming.

Under this engulfing uprising, the power contained in that war heaven and earth began to weaken.

"Is Qiwen going all out this week?"

"This is the real swagger!"

At this moment, the distant practitioners were all moved.

The swallowing weather spin in the distance is really terrifying.

The cyclone stirred, as if submerged.

It extended continuously, merged with that vortex, and finally swallowed towards Xiao Yun.

Such momentum is irresistible.

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