Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1568: Momentum as rainbow

The Heavenly Martial Arts Battle of Heaven and the Nine Heavy soon reached the final qualifying battle.

Xiao Yun started fighting with those geniuses.

These people are very strong, and Xiao Yun's shots are not as easy as before.

But he still swept, without a defeat.

During this period, he defeated the people of Yu Wenshi and defeated the people of Qingtian clan.

Soon there were only ten people left.

In this scene, the figure in front flickered, and an acquaintance appeared.

"Shi Feng" looked at the young man in front of him, and Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

"I have heard of your record. Gu Langyu is very strong and Ji Ziyuan is extraordinary, but I still want to fight with you." Shi Feng's eyes were hot.

He knew that he was indeed much stronger than before.

Compared with the youth in front, it is not enough.

But he fought without fear.

Because only through continuous verification can you know your depth.

"I also look forward to fighting with you," Xiao Yun said.

He also has respect for the strong.

The words fell, Shi Feng stepped forward, and behind him a hazy world evolved.

The lines of his body are dazzling and ancient, like a stone man from ancient times stepping out of the ancient world.


He punched toward Xiao Yun.

With a punch, the void in front of him trembled, shrouded in that dim light pattern.

Today, Shi Feng has become more powerful than before.

His bloodline really seems to be going back to his ancestors.

That kind of road pattern is extremely powerful, and it contains road power.


Xiao Yun shot and fisted away.

He punched out with a punch.

The vastness of the heavens and the earth carries the power of the avenue.

This avenue is more pure than Shi Feng, but it is only a little stronger.

Because Xiao Yun didn't understand the real avenue, he just hit the threshold.


Two fists struck together.迸 emit terrible waves.

"This Xiao Yun is indeed stronger than before." Shi Feng's eyes lightened.

Under that mighty power, his body was constantly receding.

Although he has a stone body, his defense is strong. But the power of the impact was still on his body.

Under the force of this shock, he also had to be shaken back.

But the opposite Xiao Yun was different.

Xiao Yun's body evolved into a swallowing spin.

This cyclone rolls. This kind of aftermath will be engulfed and resolved.

In this way, the impact of Xiao Yun's impact plummeted, and his pace was to move on.

I saw Xiao Yun's shot. When that big hand moved, it evolved into a world, suppressing Shi Feng.

Shi Feng stepped back, and has not recovered his momentum. Faced with such a strong attack, he could not help frowning.

But he didn't panic. The body moved, and the ancient patterns dangled around him. He turned into a stone man. When this stone man moved, his hand was split like a knife.


The giant hand struck Xiao Yun's repressed big hand.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's momentum was stopped.

But Shi Feng's body is still retreating.

After retreating from Baizhang, Shi Feng's body moved, and there was a arrogance around him. Void squirms, an ancient world has evolved.

This heaven and earth is with a breath of ancient times, and it seems to be the early days after the world was opened.

An immense amount of Tianwei shocked.

He suddenly tried his best. The stone veins burst out and evolved into their strongest mystery.

He stands in the air, like a source stone from ancient times.

That momentum has made countless people throbbing with inexplicable respect.

"This Shi Feng is good, it's a personal talent." Feeling the ancient Tao Yun sent by Shi Feng, in the distance, the people of the stone clan nodded slightly.

"A branch child can reach this point. It is indeed rare." The demigods from the ancestral land of the Shiren tribe were very satisfied.

The demigods that are "worthy to be cultivated" are all talking, and their paces are outstanding.

of course. More people are concerned about his battle with Xiao Yun, who is strong and who is weak.

Xiao Yun is so famous. Not many people are optimistic about Shi Feng at this time.

At this time, Shi Feng urged the power of the blood source, soaring momentum to the limit, he strode forward, attacking Xiao Yun ahead.

This time, his hands and fists, the void, evolved into meteorites like stars.

The stars crossed the void and rushed towards Xiao Yun.

This is the supernatural mystery that Shi Feng realizes, and it is called Shi Yan

Shi Yan, also called Xing Yan

Because the big stone, like a star, smashed towards Xiao Yun, it was so daunting.

There are many star stones, each of them is aggressive.

Under this star stone, few people can resist.

In the distance of the "Super Powerful Supernatural Power," those practitioners who watched the war were surprised.

"I don't want to have such geniuses in these small forces." Even some geniuses in June Pure Land were shocked by the supernatural power of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's supernatural power is not only imposing, but also the original power he possesses is extremely powerful.

"It's a personal thing" In the distance, even Gu Langyu is slightly moving.

"If his blood is truly returned to his ancestors, he will certainly be stronger." Ji Ziyuan was secretly secretive.

They are all geniuses of June Pure Land, some are descendants of the gods, some are descendants of the king of the false gods.

Their innate conditions are stronger than Shi Feng.

However, if Shi Feng goes further, he can completely compete with them.

"But I don't know how Xiao Yun will resist this attack." Everyone's eyes moved, and they set their sights on the direction of the sky's impact.

There, Xiao Yun also showed a bit of innocence, and dare not care.

As soon as he saw his eyes condense, his steps were taken abruptly.


As Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, a huge devouring cyclone evolved.

This cyclone flashed like a mad dragon, opened its mouth like an abyss, and swallowed away.

Under this cyclone, meteorites were engulfed.

"This Xiao Yun actually wants to devour these meteorites, aren't you afraid of being killed?" See this. The monks in the distance were surprised.

"Is this kid so fearless?" Gu Langtian's eyes were frozen and he was inexplicable.

When he was defeated by Xiao Yun, he felt unhappy in the fierce look of the former.

"He swallowed up all the magical powers. There should be no fear," Gu Langyu said with a clasp of hands.

See "Swallow Heaven Magic Power". But Shi Feng's eyes were condensing, and the power of that bloodline became stronger.


Behind him, the meteorites continued to roar out.

The boulder passed by, and it set off a terrible storm that could destroy the world.

Under this momentum, Xiao Yun's swallowing of magical powers is also a little difficult.

But he didn't mean to stop.


I can only see Xiao Yun's stride stepping forward again, the swallowing weather swirling in front of him constantly stirred, and continued to roll towards the heaven and earth evolved from the front of Shi Feng.

At the same time, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

The deep voice of "Samsara" came from his mouth.

Wait until the voice falls. There was a boulevard in the swallowing weather circle, and then the force of reincarnation swept out of it.

When the force of reincarnation appeared, the void in front seemed to freeze for it.

The meteorite, which was originally aggressive, immediately settled.

"My supernatural power" At the same time, Shi Feng felt his supernatural power inexplicably backwards.

Those meteorites that would have continued to roar have disappeared inexplicably.

His magical patterns are disintegrating.

The feeling of "what is this magical power" made Shi Feng startled.

Before Shi Feng thought about it, a huge cyclone ahead had swallowed up all the meteorites he evolved.

At the same time, within that cyclone, the light patterns flickered, and various magical powers evolved.

First of all. The frozen power swept out, freezing the supernatural power evolved by Shi Feng.

Then, Kirin set sail. The giant unicorn's palm fell, crushing the meteorites.

And fènghuáng spread his wings and came with the fire of God.

Under this fire, the lines on the meteorite were burned and then turned into nothingness.

Xiao Yun's war martial spirit, like a broken bamboo, also directly shattered the magical world.

The distant practitioners looked at the supernatural powers that Shi Feng evolved and collapsed.

And this is just an instant.

"So powerful"

"Is Shi Feng's magical power so broken?" The eyes of young people of all ethnic groups shrank.

At this time, Xiao Yun's deity appeared in front of Shi Feng.

At this moment, the power of reincarnation just dissipated.

"I ..." Xiao Yun appeared suddenly. Shi Feng froze.

"Phantom Divine Power" flashed Xiao Yun's eyes when Shi Feng was stunned. Eyebrows wriggled with godliness.

The power of Phantom's Eyes capsized towards Shi Feng.

The next moment, Shi Feng was completely caught in the illusion.

Xiao Yun's palm when Shi Feng fell into the illusion. He had already appeared in his face.

After falling into the illusion, Shi Feng's body's lines were restrained, and the defense force plummeted.

It's not hard to imagine that if Xiao Yun fell down with one palm, Shi Feng might save his life?

"Shi Feng ..." Seeing this, Shi's demigod was shocked.

Even the Clan of the Pure Land in June tightened their nerves.

However, Xiao Yun's palm was not hit.

The eyebrows of his brows also began to be restrained, and the power of phantoms weakened.

Shi Feng's dull eyes also recovered his mind at this time.

"I lost again" When the mind recovered, Shi Feng's eyes lighted up, and Xiao Yun looked forward, and a bitterness appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Although he knows that the youth in front of him is very strong, but this time his magic power is much stronger than before. He thinks that he still has the power to fight, and he will not be defeated so easily. After all, even if Xiao Yun has the magical power, he is absolutely Under the power of that, the power to swallow the sky will also be limited.

The power of that magic road will also be limited.

But he didn't expect that he still lost so badly

"It's okay to win or lose ~ ~ It's important that you are making progress" Xiao Yun withdrew his hand, the magical power around him was restrained, his eyes moved slightly, and he said to Shi Feng ahead.

"Well" heard that, Shi Feng nodded, and quickly withdrew from that decadence.

As Xiao Yun said, there is no harm in winning or losing. What is important is that you are making progress.

As long as you are progressing, you will have the opportunity to set foot on your own path.

Xiao Yun arched his hands towards Shi Feng.

Shi Feng also returned in court, and then withdrew from this stage.

So, this battle Xiao Yunsheng

"Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun"

"Xiao Gongzi is invincible"

When Shi Feng withdrew, there was an uproar immediately. To be continued

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