Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1566: The grand occasion

Tianwu City, Yanwutai. ? / p & gt;

At this time, the monks of all ethnic groups gathered, and Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger came to this place together.

When Xiao Yun came, it became a much-anticipated existence.

Many people want to see him play.

Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger settled on a viewing platform.

In an Accord at this viewing platform, Zuo Shaoqin, Xiao Yun and others took their seats.

The observation platform next to it is Qingyun Holy Palace.

These four palaces are tied together.

Later, people from Xiao clan and other clan also came one after another.

"Hey Ji's are here!"

"The people of the Sun and Moon Wu Soul Zhu are here!"


As people of all races rushed, exclamation sounded nearby.

The ancient ten martial arts souls have come to six clan.

As for the first four families, no one was sent here.

It seems that these clans simply disdain to watch this kind of meeting.

Of course, in addition to the clan of the top ten martial spirits of ancient times, there are also many protoss in June Pure Land.

Throughout Wutai, the children of the protoss gathered, and such a grand occasion is rare in the sanctuary.

"Ling Xi didn't come!" Xiao Yunyun was sitting inside the Accord, but his mind was released and felt the Quartet.

However, when his mind fell on the disciples of Jiuqing Holy Palace, his eyes were lost.

Jiuqing Holy Palace also sent some people, but it was not Lingxi.

"After waiting for the Shenxu, I'm looking for Lingxi!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured in his heart, and then collected his mind.

After two quarters of an hour, the monks of all races arrived.

On the martial arts inspection platform like a pyramid in the front, light and shadow flashed, and Dongfang Qingyuan appeared in the sight of everyone.

When Dongfang Qingyuan appeared, the audience was silent.

"You, Sanctuary Heavenly Martial Arts, the finals are about to begin." Dongfang Qingyuan stared at the light, glanced at all directions, and the low voice sounded openly. "Sacred Martial Arts, the exchange meeting for Sanctuary geniuses, in order to reward all races to stand out Geniuses, whoever comes to the top thousand in the realm of Tongtian Triple or higher, will be rewarded accordingly. "

"Furthermore, they are also eligible to enter the Shenxu!"

The low voice sounded like thunder, ringing in all directions.

Every practitioner on the field could hear clearly.

For that reward, everyone is not too expired.

However, as for the place of the god's fair, the practitioners of all races were swollen with eyes and felt that the blood was boiling.

Xiao Yun also had some expectations.

When the discourse fell, Dongfang Qingyuan fell into an elegant home on a viewing platform.

At that test Wutai, a demigod reappeared.

Next, this demigod presides over this comparison.

With the palm of this demigod moving, a huge spar appears in front of him.

All he could see was pulling with both hands, the rune of the spar stone flickered, and a lot of information immediately appeared.

"Heaven is so heavy that there is no one!"

Today, the practitioners participating in the conference have no practitioners who have reached the top of the world.

"Tongtian Erzhong, only eighty are left!" There are very few people connecting Tian Erjing.

"These eighty people will go up first and compare. The top ten can enter the Shenxu!" The demigod said.

It's been a year and a half since the first meeting.

But these people are still in a dual world, indicating that their talents are not very strong.

So not everyone is qualified.

In view of someone's younger age, this place will be granted.

The eighty people heard the words, all of them were the martial arts inspection platform heading forward.

The first match of Tianwu City started.

Not many people are following this game.

In just two quarters of an hour, the game was over.

Next, the beginning of the Tongtian Triple Realm.

Not many people in this realm.


The battle continued until the battle reached the sixth sky, and the day passed.

The crowd left with a little bit of interest.

The next day, the martial arts continued.

When the sky is full of six days, the scene becomes lively.

The genius and supernatural powers of various races have evolved more and more powerful, and that kind of battle has opened many eyes.

Even some of the geniuses with super powers are at war, letting people see their strengths.

Peerless has reached the seventh heaven.

In this match, he rushed to the top fifty.

He is also quite satisfied with this ranking.

He believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will definitely become stronger in the future.

Yuan Tianzhang also rushed into the top 100.

The dust wind reached the sky.

The same is true of fish.

On the third day, it was finally the turn of the Tongtian Jiujing practitioners.

"Next, the comparability of the Tongtian Jiujing Realm practitioners!" Said the demigod.

When the voice came out, there was a silence in the field, and then it boiled.

"Brother, are you going to fight?" When the voice sounded, Xiao Linger blinked and yelled at Xiao Yun.

"Now that you have participated in this martial arts meeting, you naturally have to go to the best." Xiao Yun chuckled.

Then he got up, and when the light of his eyes condensed, he turned to the void ahead.

The next moment, as soon as he moved, he walked forward.

In Yaju, the people in the Ice and Snow Temple did not go out.

There are places to enter Shenxu in the Ice and Snow Holy Palace. They don't need these ordinary practitioners at all.

Xiao Yun strolled and settled in the highest seat of Yanwutai.

At this time, all the young people followed.

Tongtian Jiujing Realm has the most practitioners, with a total of 32,700 people.

Many of them are some super-powerful geniuses, they have a place and directly let people participate in the finals.

Youths of all ethnic groups filled up the Wuwutai.

There is no shortage of genius in the crowd.

The wind and other people release the breath, and can clearly feel the special fluctuations emitted by those geniuses.

This made them a little bit embarrassed.

"The final is a points system. Ten points will be awarded for each victory. Ten points will be deducted for each defeat. As long as you participate in the competition, there will be thirty points automatically. We don't necessarily get eliminated if we meet those geniuses of evil level continuously. "

Peerless fish is calm.

Her eyes were full of war.


The wind nodded, and then his eyes turned to Xiao Yun next to him, his heart darkened, "If there is no accident, he should be able to hit the crown of this field, right?"

The sinking fish also turned to Xiao Yun, and his mood was slightly complicated.

This young man's excellence exceeded her expectations.

She felt far away that in the future their distance would be getting farther and farther, so the slightest feeling in her heart was entangled in her heart.

"That being the case, I set my sights on reaching the top." The sinking fish's heart murmured, no longer thinking about other things.

Xiao Yun also sensed the breath of those practitioners next to him.

"Several people are not weak." A little induction, Xiao Yun locked a few people.

And when his mind fell on those people, the other side also sensed him, and the light of the eyes was far away.

First to Xiao Yun was a man wearing a silver robe.

Sun and moon are embroidered on the man.

This is truly a vein of the Sun and Moon Wuhun, Zhu's children.

In addition, there are geniuses of Yuwen Family, Qingtian Clan, Giant Spirit Clan, etc.

These people turned to Xiao Yun, and there was some hostility in those eyes.

Of course, in addition to Xiao, there were also people who played in the Xiao family, but Xiao Tianxiang did not.

There are also people in Gu Gu, but Gu Langyu did not play.

Not even that glorious sky.

After losing to Xiao Yun in the first World War, Gu Lang had already converged.

Here Xiao Yun also saw an old acquaintance, Shi Feng.

Today's Shi Feng, the breath is deeper, with ancient fluctuations permeating.

Obviously, he became stronger than before.

"Decisive battle, elimination battle begins!"

When the low-pitched voice sounded, there was a rush of light on the platform immediately.

After that, the practitioners of all races were dragged and fell towards the dense battle platform below.

More than 30,000 people.

But there are only 9,000 battle platforms here.

So some people are still on the battlefield.

Xiao Yun is one of them.

In addition, many geniuses are still there.

Obviously, some very powerful people stay on it.

The battle begins.

Lots of people were eliminated.

On this martial arts stage, various supernatural powers bloom, which can be described as extremely wonderful.

This is really a grand event, and it has made countless people see it enthusiastically.

Finally, Xiao Yun also started playing.

"That Xiao Yun is playing!" When Xiao Yun appeared, it immediately caught the attention of countless people.

"Brother Xiao Yun will come to the end and win the championship!" Xiao Linger's eyelashes blinked, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

Sister Ren's is also looking forward.

The sons of Kirin and Seven Killers are envious of Lu.

Once upon a time, they were people on the stage and could compete with Xiao Yun.

But now they can only be reduced to spectators.

In addition, the people of Yuwen's, Optimus and Juling are also paying attention to Xiao Yun.

"This is better than using the magical soldiers and winning with supernatural powers. This is the opportunity to find out the strength of this Xiao Yun." A half-god of Yuwen's eyes was gloomy.

Yuwen was clearly still at this time.

"If he does not have supernatural powers and enters God's Ruins, then we have a chance to kill them."

The demi-god's eyes next to it were bright.

Some people were escorted from the outside world, and the three clans were unable to take action.

But if this Xiao Yun entered Shenxu, it would be different.

Because only the descendants of Shenxu can enter.

Moreover, no magic soldiers can be carried inside the Shenxu. It is obviously easier to deal with this Xiao Yun than outside.

At this time, what they need is to understand the foundation of Xiao Yun.


Xiao Yun flickered and landed on the platform.

Opposite him, light and shadow flashed, and a man in a white robe appeared.

The man's eyes were icy cold ~ ~ There was mist lingering in it, and an extremely cold air filled with it.

"Qi Hanshan!" The young man's eyes were cold and he opened his mouth to Xiao Yun.

His tone was cold, and the sound waves seemed to freeze the world.

On the battlefield, the air was freezing, and ice crystals began to condense.

This is a genius with a cold body.

"Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he faintly opened his mouth. There was an invisible wave shaking on his body, directly blocking the cold air in front.

The two spoke, their breath continually condensed.

The chill on Qi Hanshan continued to spread.

Behind him, the cold sky soared into a cold world.

A powerful world situation began to oppress Xiao Yun ahead.

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