Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1551: Shocking Battle

Ming Ziyu's eyes flickered, and she looked forward? There was a sense of killing in the eyes in the void.

At the same time, his fists were clenched tightly, and a longing gaze appeared.

He longs for strength!

Wu Mingziyu knows that only when he is strong enough can he protect his relatives and his friends.

Otherwise he can only sigh and regret.

Ming Ziyu stared tightly at this moment, but he was not impulsive.

He now seems more mature than before.

"Brother Xiao Yun said that he wanted to try the fighting power of those demigods, and I just happened to see how strong some of these people are." Ming Ziyu's heart murmured.

Only then can he know how strong these demigods are.

Because only by knowing ourselves and knowing one another can we be proactive.

Xiao Xiaoyun wanted to try these people's combat power.

In the distant void, there are constant ripples, and Xiao Yun's area is suffering from a horrible energy squeeze.

The three demi-gods strolled, and the three forces oppressed.

Under the oppression of this kind of force, the void ripples in which Xiao Yun was located rose up, but in the end it turned into a terrible wave, which made the void creep.

This momentum alone is enough to make ordinary demigods tremble.

"Junior, I won you this seat today to let you know the power of my giant spirit clan!" Zheng Sihai stared at the light of light, holding a tomahawk, and chopped towards Xiao Yun ahead.

"You cut off my Yuwen clan, and today you will make blood and blood for you!" Yuwen also stepped out, the eyebrows of the gods were wide open, and an ancient divine power burst out from it, which contained a hint of divine king power This is a half-step God King imprinted by his fusion.


A golden mang burst forth from his eyes, accompanied by a golden divine pattern, the divine pattern bloomed, rendering the entire sky golden, it seemed that a heaven and earth evolved, when the golden light bloomed, Pierce the void, so that the distant practitioners dare not look at it.

"Kill my tribe, today you will drink and hate it!" The demigod of the Optimus tribe next to him finally shot.

He only saw the spear in the hands of the son of Longshan and stabbed Xiao Yun at the fastest speed.

He has a vast divine power bursting out of him.

The three demigods shot together, and the void was completely filled with terrifying divine power.

Under such attacks, who can resist under the spirit?

Suddenly, all the distant practitioners brought their hearts to their throats.

"That Xiao Yun is dangerous!" Murmured a demigod.

"It's a pity!" Qin Feng sighed lightly.

他 In his opinion, no one can resist such an attack.

Even if this Xiao Yun has a very rich heritage.

But this is the shot of three gods!

Jiechen wind and others tightened their nerves.

"Brother Xiao Yun ..." Ming Ziyu's eyes flashed, a look ready to shoot at any time.

"Did the three demigods shoot together?" Looking at the three powerful demigods, Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and there was almost a frenzy of light flashing. Let me try, can I Xiao Yun fight with you! "When the words fell, the void around him rippled.

I only saw the flash of the **** tower that connected heaven and earth, and Xiao Yun was no longer seen in that heaven and earth.

Alas, a figure appeared when the cyclone stirred.

Xiao Yun stepped forward from Xiao Yun.

When he walked, he went forward like a huge tower.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that Xiao Yun is integrated into this swallowing **** tower, and it seems that he has merged this swallowing **** tower.

This swallowing **** tower is constantly rotating, getting bigger and bigger, turning into an abyss, a rule of gas swallowing mountains and rivers spreads the mystery, engulfing all the attacks from the three demigods. The sharp blades generally began to shred, turning into the power of attack that the three demi-gods evolved.

Cyclone rotation can really swallow the sky.

This is a Shinto mystery that contains the power of rules.

Under this power, the attack power released by the three demigods plummeted.

I was just between the two breaths, and the divine rainbow that Jin Yang's eyes were squinting was resolved.

The axe of the giant deities demigod was smashed.

He was just a giant axe who was aggressive and still chopped down to break the pattern of heavy cyclones and split to the Tower of Devourer.

On the other side, the long gun of the son of Longshan was broken, and he was piercing the devouring pattern, and was going to hit the tower of the devouring god.

Buzz, buzz!

Within the swallowing weather circle, there are various patterns of devouring gods that are broken.

The two demigods are still offensive.

At the same time, Na Yuwen Hao Ran did not succeed in one blow, he also shot another.

He flipped his palm and took out a golden bead.

神 This bead is dazzling, and when the sky flashes, it turns into a huge bead and bombards the cyclone that seems to connect heaven and earth.

珠 This bead bloomed with endless divine power, the light burst into the sky, tearing the engulfing pattern, and a mighty mighty power was suppressed towards the devouring tower **** deity.

What's more, under this heavy attack, the **** pattern that swallowed the weather was also impacted.

The three demi-gods are truly superior to others.

This is not only their own strength, but also the magic soldiers they control.

Puppet soldiers have spirits, and the controllers they follow must also be shocked.

Otherwise, those powerful magic soldiers will not let them control.

From this, you can also see the strength of these people.

Under this attack, the spirit of the **** pattern blooming from the Tower of the God of Pagoda became weaker and weaker.

In the end, the battle axe split into the tower.

The long gun of Jaina Longshan's son flickered, and it was also stabbed on the Tower of Devouring Heaven.

The golden glittering bead hit the Tower of Devourer.

And these three powerful attacks almost hit the Tower of Devourers at the same time.

Of course, the attack power of these attacks has become extremely weak because of the resolution of the swallowing weather.

But the power is still not to be underestimated ~ ~ It's just that ordinary demigods and magic soldiers can resist.


The crisp sound sounded, and the sound wave was soaring.


Following closely, a vast wave of energy also erupted from that heaven and earth.

When the wave broke out, the void was like a world extinction storm sweeping, the terror waves rolled up a thousand meters, the void was crumbling, and the cracks were spreading.

Looking at it from afar, it seems that there is a mad dragon rolling in anger, and it seems that it has the tide sweeping. The amazing Shinto atmosphere makes people feel numb.

"Such a blow, can Xiao Yun bear it?"

The monk in the distance was completely stunned.

At this moment, everyone's heartbeat seems to stop.

In Tianwu City, countless practitioners looked at the distant void.

"Gong Xiao!" Princess Qilin couldn't help covering her hand with Zhu's lips, and she felt sad for a while.

The seventh killer also frowned.

"Brother Xiao Yun!" Ming Ziyu's eyes flashed, looking very tense, he was closely watching the void in front of him, and he looked like he was going to shoot at any time.

Wu Juehong and others were also very anxious, but that kind of fluctuation was too strong for people to approach.

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