Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1546: You are not qualified...

The tribal demigods ridiculed, shocking the practitioners of each tribe. Please search for the most complete! Newer novel

"Is this two God-king soldiers?" A demigod murmured, staring at the ancient bow in Xiao Yun's hand.

"Should be the king of soldiers!" The demi God next to him nodded.

Because the three major clans just urged five heavenly soldiers!

But it was so, they were all destroyed, and the few heavenly soldiers fled.

If Xiao Yun is not in the hands of the God King Soldier, why did the God Soldier that day?

"This Xiao Yun is really invisible!" Juehong smiled, and he was relieved.

This way, he doesn't have to worry too much.

In the past, he was worried about the revenge of the giant spirits.

"Hehe, Xiao Gongzi is a cow!" At this time, Jingchen Feng and others were relieved and couldn't help shouting.

"How many such people are there in the world?" Many young people looked in awe.

Even Lei Mengzi, Ye Fei, also showed respect.

"No wonder he said that the white tiger could not move!" Ji Ziyuan's eyes flashed and murmured.

When Xiao Yun spoke, he also said that the young man was arrogant.

If he really wins Ji Ziyuan, who can take that white tiger under his hands?

He's not vegetarian.

But at this moment, if the two sides fight, things are really hard to say.

After all, although Ji Ji came with a powerful demigod this time, he only came with a **** soldier!

If a real battle can be fought with Xiao Yun?

Ji Ziyuan could not help shaking his head.

"Only those Gai Dai characters in the clan can do it!" Ji Ziyuan thought secretly.

"All ... all ridiculed!" At this moment, the children of the giant spirit clan are all frightened.

Originally they thought that relying on the demigods of the three major races, Xiao Yun would be taken down.

But who would have thought of such a result.

"This Xiao Yun actually has this kind of background!" On the other side, Yu Wen flickered in the wind with his eyes fluttering, revealing the horror in front.

At this time, his mood was difficult to rely on, and he could never imagine that Xiao Yun would be so powerful.

However, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed when he was flustered, but it locked Yuwen Chengfeng.


I saw Xiao Yun step forward, heading towards Yuwen.

"Not good!" Seeing this, Yuwen Chengfeng's face changed.

He moved and was about to leave.

But a powerful machine has locked him in.

Under this kind of air-conditioner, the void in the vicinity is solidified. If Yuwen rides the wind, he will only become a living target.

In this way, he paused on the soles of his feet, leaned in his place, and leaned his head toward Xiao Yun, who was walking.

Xiao Yun walked in the distance, accompanied by a huge cyclone.

The volume of the cyclone shrouded Yu Wen in the wind.

"Give up my friend, White Tiger!" Xiao Yun said coldly, staring at Yuwen Chengfeng, word by word.

In his discourse, there is an unquestionable momentum.

With that kind of momentum, there is a bit of killing gas, which makes people tremble.

"I ..." Yu Wen Chengfeng's heart couldn't help but tremble.

He is also a genius at Uwen's, and is above all others.

As a genius, he has some pride.

If someone had spoken to him this way before, he would certainly not have taken it seriously.

But at this moment he knew that nothing he said was useless.

Because the young people in front of them can't spend it on ordinary people.

This is the existence of a slash of twenty demigods!

Are there such figures?

I'm afraid that if one idea doesn't match, the other will really start.

Even if he inherited the Yuwen family for several times.

"I'll let it go!" In the end Yuwen Chengfeng just uttered such a sentence.

When he saw his big hand, an iron cage emerged in front of him.

"I was also bewitched by the giant spirits. I also asked Xiao Gongzi to show mercy!" After taking out the iron cage, Yu Wen glanced at the wind and said to Xiao Yun, "If you promise to let me go, I will The prohibition on this white tiger was lifted! "Although horrified in his heart, Yuwen Chengfeng also restored peace at this time.

He knew that at this time he still had to negotiate with the youth with his hole cards.

Otherwise, if you surrender the person, the other party will kill you.

"Do you think that you still have the right to negotiate with me now?" However, Xiao Yun turned a deaf ear to Yu Wen Chengfeng's slightly threatening words, he said coldly, "At the beginning you said that the technique is overwhelming. But white tiger, okay, I obey your rules. This is an opportunity for me and an opportunity for you. "

"Even if I knew this martial arts was a trap, I went and obeyed your rules. If you give me the Seven Kills at that time, I can spare your life."

"But after I overpowered the heroes, you went back and forth and brought me here to let the demigods of all races ambush. This is your personal opportunity to bury you."

Xiao Yun said in a cold tone, word by word.

He is a reasoner.

But the other party does not make sense, then he also has an unreasonable way.

"You ..." After hearing the words, Yuwen Chengfeng's face changed. "These seven kills have my restraint in them. As long as my heart moves, he will scorn."

"So if you want it to live, you can swear by your heart that you won't move me, kill me, hurt me, otherwise you don't want to let your friend live, it will die before I die!" Yu Wen took a look on his face and took it with him The threatening tone said that the voice spread across the Quartet, and those who watched the battle knew what was happening at this time.

"Let me swear?" Xiao Yun stared at the light, glancing at the iron cage in front of Yuwen Chengfeng.

There, the Seven Killer was imprisoned.

"Good!" Yu Wen chuckled in the air.

"Oath ... I won't rise! I will save people, at this time you still have the right to control its life and death?"

Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he said coldly.

Then there was a flash of light in his brows, and a cyclone evolved.

"Fantasy domain!" The light pattern flashed, and Phantom Worm emerged from Xiao Yun's knowledge.

Then the next fantasy realm came out.

This is a demigod mystery, as a field appears.

Suddenly, Yu Wen shuddered in the wind, completely lost consciousness, and fell into a magical realm.


When Yu Wen was in the fantasy realm, Xiao Yun swept his hand, and the iron cage imprisoning the Seven Killer was captured by him.

Then swallow the weather to stir and ingest it into the swallow tower.

Inside, the Supreme Devourer began to break the ban.

It was only two breaths away, the iron cage was opened, and the restraint in the Seven Killer was directly swallowed by the Supreme Devourer to give birth to it.

Finally the forbidden pattern was swallowed.

In this way, the Seven Killers restored their freedom.

It evolved into a human body, with a sigh of disgust in those eyes.

At this moment, the Phantom Worm withdrew the Phantom Realm.

Yuwen was stunned by the wind and restored his consciousness.


Only when he recovered his consciousness, a spit of blood spit out.

Then he found that his connection with the Seven Killer was cut off.

"The prohibition has been resolved?" Yu Wen lifted his eyes in the wind, looking at the youth in front of him, with an unbelievable look.

"Yes!" Xiao Yun said indifferently.

"You really want to kill me?" Yuwen Chengfeng said with a grimace, "I won't let you go!"

At this moment, he only stared at Xiao Yun with a vicious look.

"For those who are going to kill me, I have never been afraid of Xiao Yun. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. I have given you a chance, but you missed it, so your blood is destined Dye the sky! "When the words fell, Xiao Yun stepped out, and the tower of swallowing gods behind him followed.

A huge cyclone swept through, and the sky-rocketing power shrouded Yuwen in the wind.

Under this swallowing power, Yuwen Chengfeng couldn't resist at all.

He took out the magic soldier, but found that he could not exert a little strength.

A fear of death poured into his mind.

"Dead!" And the low voice had been spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth. Behind him, Phoenix Divine Wing evolved.


Divine wings flickered, carrying the hot phoenix **** fire wrapping Yuwen Chengfeng.

When Shenyi passed by, the flames rolled, and the breath of Yuwen's wind also gradually dissipated.

Yuwen's ...

Geniuses from June Pure Land stunned!

Yuwen's magical soldiers were taken into the hands of Xiao Yun.

After doing all this, swallowing the weather to converge, Xiao Yun's body appeared in this void again.

"Yu Wen Chengfeng also stunned?" Seeing this, the practitioners of all races were shocked.

"This Yuwen set a trap by the wind, to ambush Xiao Yun, but he did not want to end like this!" Tian Qingshan sighed.

In his opinion, Yuwen Chengfeng was a genius he could not reach. He had a great future, but at this time it turned into ashes and was no longer alive.

This makes people sigh.

Those practitioners who participated in this martial art shook their heads and lamented the impermanence of the world.

When Yu Wen stunned by the wind, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he looked around.

This time, his mind kept pervading.

He is looking, looking for the giant spirit people!

Zheng Jing!

He knew that everything was made by this man.

Because in the giant spirit clan, only Zheng Jing knew that he had a relationship with the Seven Killers.

The mind has passed, but Zheng Jing has disappeared.

"As long as you are in Tianwu City, I will find you!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and his mind was released.

Mindful, but disappeared Zheng Jing.

Even the descendants of Zheng's were gone.

"Gone?" A slight induction, Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

"The people of the Zheng family have fled for a long time!" At this moment, someone seemed to have discovered what Xiao Yun had done and said.

Not only Zheng's, Yuwen's, Optimus, these people fled.

When the soldiers fled that day, Zheng Jing fled.

Zheng's people fled.

The Optimus is the second ~ ~ The last one is Yuwen's.

The sky-strength strongman is flying very fast. If you add the magic soldier, it will be even faster.

They have used the teleportation array and have left Tianwu City.

These clans have a rich heritage, and some of the arrays can be directly urged and transmitted to a distance.

This does not require the use of Tianwu City's teleportation array at all.

Of course, if Xiao Yun had destroyed those demigods at first, it would be a chance to deal with Zheng Jing directly against Zheng.

But in this way, Yu Wen Chengfeng will escape.

In this way, his operation to save the seven kills is also a failure.

"At least, killing the seven sons is not a problem!" Xiao Yun whispered.

This is the goal of his operation. ()

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