Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1431: Shot

The winged snake beast had two heads.

Under the attack of two winged snakes and beasts, the elders of the Guming clan tried hard to take the shot, and they could not prevail.

He was beaten up even after a few rounds.

However, just as the elders of the Gu Ming clan bleed blood, Xiao Yun broke through the terrible storm and broke into the battlefield.

When Xiao Yun broke in, the king of the Gu Ming clan was still frightened and worried for the young man.

But when he broke into it unstoppable, everyone looked surprised.

Because Xiao Yun's momentum is too strong.

He was even more powerful than the elders of that ancient Ming tribe.

"This is the might of God?" The eyes of the elders of the Gu Ming tribe showed surprise.


Xiao Yun was seen as a phoenix, and the wings swept away.

Suddenly, the flames bloomed, and the wings of God passed across.

Under the pair of divine wings, the thunderstorm broke up.

The flames annihilated everything.

"The breath of God?" When the wings of God came, the eyes of the two winged snake beasts were surprised.

"Retreat, otherwise, blame me for being ruthless!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and a deep voice spit out of his mouth.

"Hum, how can you give up after you catch my child?" The wings of the snake snake were cold and refused to give up.

They and the Guming family have been deadly opponents since ancient times.

During this period, the two sides did not know how many ethnic groups were ridiculed in the hands of each other.

At this moment, how can we stop?

Two winged snakes shot, one thunder thunder and the other thundered.

Seen from a distance, there is a thunderous world falling down to destroy Xiao Yun.

On the other side, the storm was sweeping, and it was amazing, it could crush everything.

The two heavenly realms existed and shot together, and the combat power was strong enough to destroy the mountain.

At this time, the Gu Ming people were completely shocked by the momentum.

"The two winged snakes and beasts that pass through the heavens together, can Xiao Gongzi resist it?" The kings of the Gu Ming clan all sweated for Xiao Yun.

"Brother Xiao Yun should be fine, right?" Ming Ziyu's hands became fists, his eyes were worried, and even he had some blame in his heart.

If it were not for Xiao Yun's brother to come here, he would not have encountered these dangers.

"Xiao Xiaoyou!" At this time, the elders of the Gu Ming clan were also gloomy.

He palmed his hands and quickly took out a restraint.

This is a pseudo-god-level stop for his defense.

But at this moment, in the thunder sea, the Phoenix spread its wings.

God wings flickered on the wings, as if tearing the sky.

Then, Xiao Yun swept his wings and cut to the front.

That momentum is irresistible.

"Psychedelic!" Not only that, the Phantom Worm shot.

It flickered out from Xiao Yunsi.

The power of psychedelics pervaded.

Suddenly, the world changed, and strange waves shrouded the Quartet.

Under this fluctuation, the wing snake beast was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom worm shot, and two lights flashed in those eyes.


The light penetrates the sea of ​​wing snake beasts.

Then, a muffled noise came out, and the two winged snakes fell off unprepared.

The horrible Emperor's power also suddenly dissipated.

In the void, the thunder dissipated and the storm was absent.

Xiao Yun's body flashed and turned into a human form.

It was just that the two huge winged snakes fell down from the void.

Seeing this, the old emperor of the ancient Ming clan completely stunned.

Just now he was ready to urge the forbidden device to shoot, but in an instant, the young man had ended the battle.

All this is so fast.

When the two ancient beasts fell, Xiao Yun swept his hand and rolled it towards the next king of the Ming family who was responsible for gathering different beasts.

When the ancient beast was rolled in, the king stunned.

Although the ancient beast has fallen, the radiated Huangwei is still so attractive.

He stared at the two ancient beasts, and the whole man froze.

"This is an imperial winged snake!" The big man's eyes flickered and he was very excited.

With a flick of his hand, he rolled two ancient beasts to his side.

<> Feeling the breath of these two ancient beasts, the next few kings are also excited.

"Imperial Winged Snake!"

"How many years haven't hunted the royal beast?"

Gu Ming's king was very excited.

"These two winged snake beasts have cast two geniuses for my tribe!" The old emperor fell, looking at the two ancient beasts, and there was a little excitement in his old eyes.

But after a little while, he quickly recovered.

"Let's go!" The old emperor's face looked blank.

"Huh!" Everyone nodded.

The war just now was too much, and if it caught the attention of other ancient beasts in the depths of Tianmang, it would be troublesome.

Once dozens of ancient beasts at the level of Emperor shot, even if he had a restraint in hand, it was difficult to retreat!

In fact, it is too difficult to kill ancient beasts of the same level.

Unless you have absolute cultivation!

The same is true, the ancient Ming clan rarely cut off the royal beast.

Because they dare not send all the emperors, afraid of being attacked.

It didn't take long for the crowd to leave, and a figure flickered.

But an emperor of the Gu Ming clan came.

"Nothing?" The emperor was surprised when he saw these Enron people.

"Hmm!" Said the old emperor, nodding, "We have learned a lot this time!"

Asked the Emperor's eyes.

"Go back and talk!" Said the old emperor.

Then everyone returned to the clan together.

When returning to the clan, the women and children of the Guming clan came to welcome them.

The ancients seemed festive.

Some old men sprinkled ancient spirits with spiritual water to catch the wind.

Although a thousand years have passed, their customs are still the same.

"How about the harvest this time?"

"Oh, we have learned a lot this time!"

"This time we won three winged snakes!" A king laughed.

"Winged snake beast? This is the king among the ancient beasts!" Suddenly, the Gu Ming clan was boiling.

Many people heard the news.

Some teenagers also want to see the appearance of the winged snake beast.

Finally, the king took out two winged snakes.

"So powerful!" The winged snake beast appeared, and there was still the imperial power spreading.

Those teenagers were shocked.

"Looking at this is the winged snake beast, but it eats a lot of our tribe!" Said a king, "but they are not invincible even if they are strong. No, they are ridiculed at this time, so you all You must practice well and strive to become a strong one. Only then can you deal with ancient beasts and protect my ancient Ming clan! "

This is the younger generation in the encouragement group, let them know that the ancient beast is not invincible.

"Well!" Many teenagers were excited, "I must practice well!"

"Uncle, was this winged snake beast killed by an uncle?" You Ye asked.

"No, you brother Xiao Yun killed!" Said the king.

In this regard, they did not hide.

"Brother Xiao Yun?"

"Brother Xiao Yun is amazing!" Suddenly, the people of the Gu Ming clan adored Xiao Yunshi.

"Your brother Xiao Yun is only about thirty years old, and he can already cut the emperor-level ancient beasts. You all have to work hard!" Said a king.

"Huh!" Those teenagers' eyes glowed fieryly.

Looking at the eyes of these teenagers, Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

Here he really felt like he was a part.

Some uncles and grandma also came and thanked Xiao Yun.

In the end, the two imperial winged snakes were taken away by the old patriarch.

He is also the old man who talked with Xiao Yun about the situation in the sanctuary.

At the same time, he is also the Ming Master of the ancient Ming clan.

"Would you like to watch it?" The old chief said to Xiao Yun.

"Me?" Xiao Yun froze.

"These two ancient beasts were hunted and killed by you, and they can be regarded as benefactors of my clan. I think you are very interested in this inscription, so let you take a look." The old clan laughed.

"Aren't you afraid that I have stolen this Mingshenshu?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Hehe, if only you could be easily stolen!" The old patriarch smiled bitterly.

If so, they would not have only a few Ming Mings.

"That being the case, I'm welcome." Xiao Yun was also welcome.

He was really interested in this inscription.

In an old secret room, there is an ancient tripod.

The tripod is engraved with ancient patterns, with a dim air.

This is like a tripod, which is extremely mysterious.

"This is the ancestor of my clan," said the old man. "If you want to take the blood of high-level ancient beasts, you have to rely on this artifact!"

He then ingested a winged snake.

Immediately after ingesting the mid-wing snake beast, it was bound by a dow pattern.


When the winged snake was ingested into the tripod, a spirit sea appeared above the old man's head.

In the Linghai, a round of roulette flashing with godliness emerged.

This wheel pattern flashes, just like the wheel of the road.

"Is this the magic wheel?" Xiao Yunmu curious.

The appearance of the God Wheel is suspended in that tripod.

Then, under the urging of this old man, a mysterious force was injected into the winged snake beast.

This divine pattern began to ingest blood in the Winged Snake Beast.


Within the winged snake beast, there is a sound like a dragon.

Although the winged snake beast has fallen, the flesh is still there.

Reaching this level, even if the blood is full of imperial power.

Even blood gas can evolve into visions.

However, the divine wheel bloomed with divine patterns, constantly eroding that imperial power.

Xiao Yun was carefully observing the breath of the **** pattern and the ancient beast.

"This is abrading the remaining will of the ancient beast, taking pictures of its bloodline?" Xiao Yun muttered.

"Exactly!" The old man nodded.

With the cooperation of the ancient artifact and the magic wheel, the blood of that wing snake and beast was extracted.

This is an outrageous tactic.

In Dingkong, blood was condensed, and a ghost image of a winged snake beast emerged.

It was only that the consciousness of this ghost had completely dissipated, and only Huangwei remained.

Rao is so, so majestic and powerful, still not ordinary people can control.

"There are lines in this blood, should this be the lines of blood?"

Xiao Yun carefully observed the ghost image of the Winged Snake Beast.

The veins of blood veins are also the most important thing.

If it is fused, you can get the magical power of this strange beast.

"Ming Shenshu is really powerful!" Xiao Yun secretly thought.

He can also fuse various bloodlines ~ ~ However, he is relying on the swallowing tactics.

Moreover, he could not help others to obtain this blood.

"The next step is to imprint this vein into the human body." The old snake said when the blood of the winged snake and beast was taken up.

Next, Ming Ziyu was brought.

This time, he will accept the imprints of the Beast.

Ming Ziyu has tempered the body with the blood of strange beasts since she was a child, making her physique and meridians strong.

Only in this way can we accept the powerful blood of the alien beast.

Of course, it is also a huge risk to imprint the blood of the emperor into him.

At least the imprinter must have great control.

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