Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1426: Ruthless person

People are ruthless, swords are even more ruthless!

Only in an instant, there were disciples in Jiuyang Holy Palace.

It seems that the woman has no fear of the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

Or maybe she has nothing to fear.

Everyone shuddered!

In particular, the six practitioners of this force that Zhao Zheng and Silently joined.

They are all cold.

After this, they must be unlucky.

"Damn, why did you tell the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace about this Zhao Zheng and the silence!" These people regretted each other.

There were even two emperors shivering tremblingly towards the flying maggot, completely shocked by the momentum of the sword just now.


The flying magpie rushed to the side and hung in the air.

On this flying maggot there is a divine pattern flashing, blooming with horrible waves.

A sword air swept away, with a bit of ruthlessness.

The sword passed, as if to exterminate everything.

Under this momentum, the world is silent.

The remaining three emperors of Jiuyang Holy Palace also shivered, and never dared to use Jiuyang Holy Palace to oppress anyone.

"Who gave you the courage to kill anyone who knew Xiao Yun?" Feiyu stopped, and a cold voice came from within that account.

The voice has an unquestionable taste.

"I ... we are Chu Yunfei, a core disciple of Jiuyang Holy Palace. Brother Chu orders to find someone who has something to do with Xiaoyun, the heavenly capital. None of this matters to us, and I also ask seniors to show mercy!" A young man was so frightened that he immediately recruited all this.

"Chu Yunfei? Xiaodu in the sky!" There was a muttering voice within Fei Yan.

"Heavenly Xiao Yun!"

There was a little surprise in the voice, or the taste of memory.

"Senior, no, Woman, can you let us go?" The disciples of Jiuyang Holy Palace said quickly.

Several other people are also just a promise, they dare not move.

When these people's words came down, there was still no movement in the flying magpie.

"It sounds like a woman to hear the voice!" Zhao Zheng was skeptical at this moment. Wu Xiang silent, and asked, "Do we have kendo training in the sanctuary, and such a powerful woman?"

"It seems not." Silently shook his head.

Looking at the posture of this woman, it seems that it is not comparable to ordinary people.

In the impression they really didn't know such a woman.

Although he was suspicious, no one dared to speak.

Not even the sound of breathing. Because everyone was holding their breath, it seemed that they were afraid of causing the woman's anger.

This woman was too domineering just now.

Just momentarily. Beheaded five people in the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

You know, the Jiuyang Holy Palace in the sanctuary is like the royal family of the mortal kingdom.

Who dares to provoke?

But this person has no scruples.

"I'm Xiao Yun's friend!" This silence lasted for a little while, and then a cold voice sounded.

When this sound sounded, the hearts of several disciples in Jiuyang Holy Palace jumped as if they had fallen into a cold cave, and the whole person became cold from head to toe.

"So you all die!" Then a cold voice sounded.


When that sound sounded. Accompanied by all kinds of sharp sword light.

This sword is too fast, as fast as lightning.

When everyone found it, it had fallen.


There is a smell of smell.

After that, all the three emperors of the Jiuyang Holy Palace were ridiculed.

This made Zhao Zheng stunned.

"She is Xiao Yun's friend?" Silent was also suspicious.

Xiao Yun's friends who entered the sanctuary also knew something.

The only person who has such a big battle is Xiao Linger.

It is only that Xiao Linger is the person of the Holy Palace of Ice and Snow. The momentum is obviously different.

Another person is Ling Xi.

But this woman is not that temperament.

Obviously. The person in front of him was not one of the two.

So Zhao Zhenghe Silent is very strange. In the end, Xiao Yun has any friends in the sanctuary?

And so powerful!

Three Jiuyang holy palaces were chopped instantly.

A few emperors shuddered next to them.

But the woman didn't seem to do anything.

"You have come to the sanctuary too!" A light beamed from Hida.

Although the voice is still indifferent, some people remember it a bit.

"Do you know us?" Wen Zheng was surprised.

"Now meet up, come up!" A voice indifferent came.

With a little suspicion. Zhao Zheng and Ji Wu looked at each other and walked away.

Before appearing in Feiyu, Zhao Zheng felt an immense power.

The two cold scale beasts below are very strong, but they are still not as terrifying as Fei.

"Is this flying maggot god-like?" Zhao Zheng jumped inside.

Because the momentum of this flying puppet is too strong.

"Who is this person?" Silence is also full of misgivings. Even Feiyu is a god.

In the impression, they didn't know such people.

But this woman just spoke. Say you have also come to the sanctuary.

Look at this, obviously you know them!

Even though the strange beast was gentle and did not show its fierce power, they did not dare to act rashly.

"Come in!" The indifferent voice came out again.

The top of Hida was completely covered by Luo Tiao, and a hazy light pattern bloomed, making this Hida a dreamlike dream, not seeing what the woman looked like at all.

Subsequently, the account in front of Hida was swept away.

The light pattern flickered inside, which seemed to contain a world.

Zhao Zheng and Jing Wu were a little surprised, and they were moving forward.

After moving forward, it really looks like a genius.

Within the small flying magpie, there is actually a wide space.

At this point, they were like entering a large hall.

At the center, there is a woman sitting.

This is a beautiful woman.

She was wearing a long white dress, like a queen sitting on the throne of the temple.

She is beautiful, her eyes are very eye-catching, she is fascinating.

However, the eye-catching is not her beautiful face, but her snow-white hair.

"This ..." Zhao Zheng and Silence were shocked.

First, they were stunned by the woman's peerless posture.

Secondly, they took a closer look, but felt that the woman seemed to know each other.

"You ... Are you Yan Shiyan?" After a little surprise, Zhao Zheng said with some uncertainty.

"Well." Above the throne. The white-haired woman nodded slightly, and there was no trace of mood swings above her beautiful face.

"It's you!" Zhao Zheng stunned.

"Aren't you caught in the cracks in space?" Silentness was also confused.

The sisters of the Yan family had stepped into the cracks in the space and fell in love with Xiao Yun.

Even the whole heaven spread.

Many people lamented the sister's infatuation.

At that time, everyone thought they were ridiculed.

But who ever thought she would meet her in Sanctuary!

And she looks very powerful!

It makes people feel dreamy!

And the woman on the throne is naturally Yan Shiyan who practiced the merciless swordsmanship.

But today, not only has she cultivated her foothold in the imperial road, her temperament has become more transcendent.

She sat there. Like a fairy, like a king, it gives a feeling that cannot be climbed.

Looking closely. Beside her, there is a middle-aged hairdresser and an old woman.

These two people are very powerful, and one of them actually has a breath of God.

"Is this a half-step god?" Zhao Zheng murmured secretly.

But he didn't dare to ask more.

Because the change of Yan Shiyan at this time was too great, it was almost judged as two people.

You know, Yan Shiyan was cute and cute, just like a little girl next door.

But at this time, she was like a ruthless king.

It's hard to imagine why a person has changed so much.

"How did you come to the sanctuary?" Yan Shiyan said, still indifferent.

"We have set foot on the ancient road ..." Zhao Zheng was right. Xuan is about to set foot on the ancient road.

"What! Brother Xiao Yun is still alive!" After hearing that Xiao Yun was still alive, Yan Shiyan's body shivered, and she could not help but set off waves in her ruthless eyes. Such waves have not been in many years. Now, it made the two women around her look surprised.

"Brother Xiao Yun was in a crack in space at first, and then returned safely ..." Zhao Zheng said simply.

"Enron is back?" Yan Shiyan murmured. A mist began to appear in those eyes.

This is the person she thinks about day and night.

For whom has she been pale all night?

For whom does she practice relentless Kendo?

Over the years, Yan Shiyan's heart has been frozen, and there is no trace of waves.

Now that Xiao Yun is listening, how can she not be excited?

She felt her blood was boiling, and that frozen heart was slowly unsealing.

"Brother Xiao Yun was shocked and brilliant, and invincible among the younger generation of Tiandu ... Finally. We set foot on the ancient road together, but unfortunately, after he entered an ancient land, his whereabouts are unknown." Zhao Zheng sighed, so genius, but Without Enron entering the sanctuary, if Xiao Yun enters the sanctuary, it can definitely set off a storm.

For him. Witnessing that this youth has reached its peak has become the most meaningful thing in life.

"The whereabouts are unknown!" Previously, Yan Shiyan was full of joy and extremely happy, but after hearing Xiao Yun's whereabouts were unknown, Na Dai frowned and her eyes were worried.

"Miss Yan, don't worry, Brother Xiao is out of luck, shouldn't be so ridiculed!" Zhao Zheng said, "I believe he will live and stand at the top of this world." For Xiao Yun, he was full of With self-confidence, the silence next to him nodded, and he did not believe Xiao Yun would sneer at it.

"Well, you stay with me first and talk to me about things in the sky." After a little while, Yan Shiyan converged her emotions, still speaking indifferently.

"Um." Zhao Zheng nodded.

Although he didn't know Yan Shiyan's situation, he was certainly right to follow the girl himself.

At least better than he was outside.

"These people are ...?" Yan Shiyan blinked and said.

"That was my brother who joined that power in Sanctuary!" Zhao Zheng said, "they betrayed us."

Mentioning this ~ ~ he could not help but be sentimental.

Had it not been for Yan Shiyan, he would have been scoffed.

"People who betrayed themselves should be stunned!" Yan Shiyan's eyes were cold, and when that spit word spit out, she could only see her heart flickering.

Then, the tents covered in front of the hall moved, and Jiandu was cut off in emptiness.

Brush, brush!

With a flash of Jianguang, all six emperors were beheaded, almost resisting.

Then Jian Guang was restrained.

"So fast!"

"A strong sword!" Zhao Zheng and Jing Wumu showed shock.

[On the last day of September, the story of Sanctuary was finally opened, and Yan Shiyan also appeared on schedule. Are you still satisfied? If you are satisfied, everyone will give the last monthly pass to the old demon! If you don't cast your monthly pass, it's a waste. ] To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for a monthly pass for recommendation. Your support is my biggest motivation. ()

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