Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1420: Despair

Dugu Xingchen shot, but was defeated by Zheng Jing.

The strength of the giant deity is beyond everyone's imagination.

At this point Zheng Jing stepped forward, making the Seven Killers and others all look calm.

"This person actually has a god-level maggot!" Yuan Tianxian frowned.

"This god's tattoo is complete!" Wushuang also looked dignified.

This book is made of god-level materials. Adding the complete **** pattern, once it is excited, the combat power is like a **** strong!

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Even though the lonely star has a strong heritage, it is not a **** after all.

In addition, his star core is also incomplete, the road is incomplete, and the repair of other quasi-passage heavens cannot be used to its full potential.

Under such circumstances, how can he compete with Zheng Jing?

In the confrontation just now, it was very difficult for him not to scoff.

"Oh, I didn't expect Zheng Gongzi to have such a god-like puppet!" At this time, Lai Wanli's eyes narrowed, and a sullen smile appeared.

Just now, they have begun to fall behind.

At that time, he felt panic, fearing that Zheng Jing would lose.

Now that Zheng Jing has shown such a powerful background, he has completely relaxed him.

"It's easy to crush these people with this god-like presence!" Jia Jianfei also sneered at the corner of his mouth.

In the first battle, he tried his best to break the sky.

But Kong Qigongzi was more powerful, and the colorful feathers flashed, and a colorful world evolved.

In this colorful world, there is the power of God.

That power contains the power of a rule.

Although weak, it was enough to dissolve his sword.

In this way, he could tear the sword of heaven and earth, but there was no place to use it, but he continued to retreat under the magical power of Kong Qigong.

At this point Zheng Jing defeated Dugu Xing, showing a strong background, but also let him breathe.

"The situation here is completely under control!"

The remaining Genius geniuses evoked a smile.

"Sweep!" Zheng Jing's face was cold, and his tone was cold, and he directly urged the cricket to take a shot.

The trench axe killed with a big hand.

As the tomahawk came out, it turned into several figures.

From a distance, it seems that there are one hundred and ten arms wielding a tomahawk.

This is the magical power of giants.

The tomahawk flickered, not only to kill the lonely star, but also princess unicorn and others.

Suddenly, completely shrouded in a shadow of axe.

"This ..." Seeing this, Yuan Tianzhang and others completely took hold.

This is to deal with all of them with one stroke!

In this case, they can't think too much.

At the moment, everyone shot.

The unicorn growled, the phoenix cracked, and the peacock shot ...

Nine people shot together!

It was just that the axe fell, the momentum was really too strong.

The power of God fell down and wiped out all the attacks.

"Is this the power of God?" When that power fell, everyone felt terrified.

Only then did they understand how rare it was that the Dugu star could resist that attack without dying.


The shadow of the axe fell, the unicorn collapsed, the phoenix mourned, and nine geniuses were shot down.

Blood was also spit from their mouths.

Then, all of them fell into dismay.

After landing, everyone gasped and spit blood.

"This **** is so strong?" After landing, Yuan Tian even showed an incredible look.

"Hehe, this mixed place is like a new world. The restraint on the power of the Shinto is not so strong. I am a puppet, but the top deities left by the strong gods in my tribe. The strength in it is exerted, but it is enough to deal with you. "Zheng Jing stepped forward.

"So you all die!"

The voice of Xun dropped, only to see Zheng Jing's mobile phone move, a blood vein essence injected into Xun.

This mysterious pattern is blooming, and the momentum has become stronger than before.


There was a flash of oracle, and an obscure force fell down.

Under this power, heaven and earth seemed to freeze.

This is the battlefield of giant spirits.

In this battlefield, Princess Kirin and others felt that their bodies were bound by an invisible force.

In desperation, they only tried their best.

All spurred the magic soldiers with spirit.

Suddenly, the power of the gods bloomed, and the sun shone.

There seems to be a unicorn **** in the void.

And the phoenix appeared.

Nine people tried their best to make a shot. The wave made the void tremble and cracks appeared.

"These people are desperately!" The eyes of the giant spirit tribe flashed.

"Huh, let you all fall in here this time!" Jia Jianfei and others were all cold.

They are always ready to start.


The giant spirit **** shot and launched a fierce attack with everyone.

The might of shock shook away and flew Xun Zhenfei.

Only half of the aftermath was smashed down.

In this way, although Zheng Jing was pulled, his deity did not suffer much injuries.

It's just that everyone else is different.

The aftermath raged directly on their bodies, making their bones almost break.

How can they resist such fluctuations without the protection of god-like armor?

Suddenly, the figure flickered and all nine geniuses flew out.

Blood spit out in their mouths, and their breath was weak.


Zheng Jing also vomited blood, but he had divine armor.

Furthermore, he still has a space suit, and when that aftermath raged, he fell into space and avoided a lot of fluctuations.

"Oh, these people have been seriously injured!" At this time, Jia Jianfei and others marched forward.

"Divine soldiers ... even if they are not suitable, they can be used to replace the god-level spirit extract!" Wu Bin and others were all gloomy.

"A group of stupid guys!" Seeing Jia Jianfei and others frown, Zheng Jing's eyes were cold, "However, although these people are seriously injured, they can still work hard. After they shot, I will solve them all. Will I share it with you? "He stared coldly at Jia Jianfei and others.

Those geniuses have more than one magic soldier in their hands. If they get, how much resources will Zheng Jing get?

Will he give Jia Jianfei and others?

"Here is the isolation of the mixed-yuan rule. Outsiders can't deduct everything here!" Zheng Jing sneered, and he was ready to attack Jia Jianfei and others.

Because of the situation here, it's not something ordinary people can do.

Even if it is deduced by blood.

It is not even possible to send messages to the outside world here.

"You guys, die!" Jia Jianfei walked step by step, staring at the genius ahead.

"These two are so beautiful, so ridiculous!" Lai Wanli smiled wickedly, staring at Princess Qilin and Phoenix Girl, and laughed, "Oh, why not leave these two together and play first? "He looked at the people around him.

"This is fine!" Jia Jianfei nodded.

"Abominable!" Princess Kirin roared.

"Hope Xiao Gong can make a shot in time!"

At this time, Princess Tianlian also frowned.

It was just her eyes staring into the distance.

There, a mixed-element cyclone was spinning.

"Kill these men first!" Said a genius of Juling.

"You want to kill me, you have to pay the price!" Dugu Xingchen got up hard.

But as soon as he trembled, he collapsed again.

A spit of blood spit out ~ ~ Now he has no strength to support his body.

The star core of his brows was also dim.

"Still wanting to resist?"

A genius of the giant spirit tribe looked cold and cold, with the palm of his hand, holding a tomahawk to cut it off.

Suddenly, Yuan Tianyi and others beside him frowned.

They want to take a shot, but they have no combat power.

"Don't you be so ridiculed here?" Wushuang showed unwillingness.

The Seven Killer is also frowning.

How proud it was, but at this point it seemed to have fallen into the Jedi.

"The giant spirit tribe is really despicable and shameless!" Just then, a cold voice sounded suddenly.

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