Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1416: Mixed Yuan Stone [...

Near the Eye of the Hunyuan.

Xiao Yun took Siyuan Bow and struck that Hanoi like a yin and yang.

At this time, the distant practitioner was shocked, completely shocked by Xiao Yun's feat.

"Xunyuan Beast has been dragged by Xiao Yun, can we enter it?" While everyone was still immersed in the shock, Jia Jianfei flashed his eyes and said, at this moment he felt deeply about himself. Insufficient, he wants to improve his strength. Only in this way can he get revenge on Xiao Yun.

Lai Wanli next to her eyes were hot.

& nb Pig Island's novel www .; "Go!" Zheng Jing flashed his eyes, and then sank into his voice.

Immediately, they walked forward.

Although the situation was out of control at this time, he didn't want to miss the chance.

If it is possible to obtain the mixed elements, it is not impossible to cast the **** base.

"They're leaving!" When Zheng Jing left, Yuan Tianchi's eyes flashed and he muttered.

"This guy is so shameless!" Princess Kirin looked dumbfounded.

This Zheng Jing is too despicable.

In the beginning, he asked Duguxing to use them as bait, but now, whenever he has a chance, he will pick up the bargain immediately.

"Let's go too!" Said God Phoenix.

"Huh!" Kong Qigong nodded.

The dudu star and the underworld star glanced coldly at the figure of Zheng Jing.

They were almost killed by this man before!

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's appearance, they would have been ridiculed.

How can this hatred not make them angry?

Hum! Hum!

Suddenly, many geniuses rushed towards the eye of the mixed Yuan together.

By this time, Xiao Yun had crossed the long river and entered the cyclone.

Here is where a mixed cyclone is.

When entering, Xiao Yun seemed to have entered a world.

His feet fell, as if standing in a vain void.

But the footsteps seemed to be on the ground.

In front, there is a huge cyclone.

This cyclone seems to connect the other side of the world.

The mixed beast has entered the cyclone ahead.

There is a scent of avenue pervading there.

That's the eye of the real hybrid.

"This guy has actually entered the eyes of Hunyuan!" Xiao Yun frowned.

"That's the point of this place," muttered Supremely.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

From the eyes of the lunatic, he felt the breath of the avenue.

That kind of breath made him feel respect.


However, Siyuan Bow trembled, and a strong gravitational pull dragged Xiao Yun forward.

"Want to go to the eyes of Siyuan?" Feeling the breath of Siyuan Bow, Xiao Yun's mouth appeared a bitter smile.

In the end, he moved his feet and started to move forward.

Stepping forward, Xiao Yun entered the cyclone.

When entering the cyclone, an altar formed by the dow pattern appeared in front of his eyes.

Said to be an altar, it is better to say that it is a well platform.

There is an abyss on it.

This abyss seems to connect heaven and earth.

Just a moment ago, the mixed beast flew into the middle.

When Xiao Yun approached, there was a strong avenue of repulsion.

The road pattern swept across it, as if a sharp blade was generally cut at Xiao Yun.

Each of these sharp blades is extremely powerful, comparable to the half-step **** strike.

Even stronger than a half-step deity, that horrible might might obliterate everything.


Daowen swept across and cut towards Xiao Yun.

"This mixed beast can control the power here!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Obviously, this is the mixed beast manipulating this power to stop Xiao Yun from advancing.

At present, Xiao Yun's head flashed, and Siyuan Ling appeared.

When the Siyuan order appeared, a Siyuan **** pattern also bloomed.

The flash of the **** pattern seemed to have evolved a heaven and earth, engulfing the blade of that kind of mixed element.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun held the Siyuan bow and began to approach forward.

There is also a **** pattern blooming on the Siyuan bow, so as to obliterate the blade of the Tao pattern swept by the eye of Xunyuan in front.

In this way, Xiao Yun began to draw closer from the previous two kilometers distance to the kilometers near the Eye of Hunyuan.

"What are these?" Xiao Yun blinked when he came to this distance.

There he saw some spar.

These spar are dim, but there are lines on it.

A scent of avenue permeated from it.

"This is a mixed stone!" When Xiao Yun's eyes were astonished, the Supreme Devourer of Heaven also brightened his eyes.

Hunyuan stone, also known as Hunyuan stone.

This is a gem born from the heaven and earth avenue.

"Miscellaneous stone?" After seeing this spar, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

Xunyuan Stone is one of the seven feats needed to make Erdan, and it is also the most rare one.

But at this moment, the air of the mixed yuan in front condenses, and actually gave birth to the stones of mixed yuan.

"It really helps me too!" Xiao Yun felt a joy, and the large volume of one hand swallowed the stone of the mixed yuan into the tower of heaven.

There are many mixed stones.

It's enough for Xiao Yun to make Erdan.

After collecting the Stone of Mixed Yuan, Xiao Yun began to move on.

Under the protection of Siyuan Ling, the condensed attack of the mixed Yuan Dao Wen could not stop him from moving forward.

Soon, he came near the eye of Hunyuan.

"The Xuanyuan Beast should be in the eyes of Xunyuan!" Said Supreme Master Tian with a little excited eyes.

He also hoped that Xiao Yun could win this mixed beast.

"Huh!" Xiao Yun was holding Siyuan Bow, and he swept into the eyes of that lunatic.

It seemed to feel the arrival of Xiao Yun, and the hybrid beast immediately controlled the power of the avenue in the eye of that hybrid to resist.

How much more powerful this avenue is than before.

Hum, hum!

However, the instrumental spirit in Siyuan's bow revived, and the ancient bow buzzed, blooming with a mighty divine power.

Siyuan Shenwen bloomed, resisting the might of the avenue in the eyes of that hybrid.

Not only that, Xiao Yun had already pulled the bowstring at this time.

call out!

The flash of Siyuan's arrow was toward the eye of that lunatic.

The divine power shook and shattered the power of the Yuanyuan.

Under the support of Si Yuanling, Xiao Yun kept going deep into the eyes of Junyuan.


When Xiao Yun entered, the roar of the mixed beast began to ring.

In addition, in the eyes of the hybrid Yuan, horrible waves burst out.

The waves set off a terrifying storm outside.

The void trembled and ripples seemed to be breaking at any moment.

At this point, Zheng Jing and others came here.

Before they could move forward, everyone was shocked by the horrible wave.

"What a powerful wave!" At the side of Zheng Jing, the geniuses of several giant spirit clan Lu Ji ~ ~ The mixed stone should be in front! Zheng Jing's eyes flickered and whispered.

"If you have a mixed stone, we can go and find the secret of the God's Way!"

"Xunyuan Stone can not only open the ancient formation, it can also help people to build the **** base!" Zheng Jing was secretly in the dark.

This is mentioned in the ancient books of the Giant Spirit.

Of course, he did not want to share such confidential information with others.

Even the few people around him.

"This zombie beast seems to be able to control the power in the zombie beast. If I rush forward, I will definitely be affected!" Zheng Jing said with a calm expression in his heart, "Now let Xiao Yun fight with the zombie beast first. When I lose both of them, I'm going to fetch the stone of the mixed Yuan, it is best that they all fall here. "

A smirk smiled from the corner of his mouth.

If so, everything is still under his control.

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