Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1406: What dare not

Above the stage, Jia Jianfei suddenly attacked with a magic sword.

At the moment, the geniuses of the major realms are all shameless and scold this person for shamelessness.

At the same time they are watching this battle.

Now everyone wants to see how Xiao Yun will respond to this sneak attack.

Even when everyone stared forward curiously, there was an obscurity on the battlefield.

However, a ripple of space appeared, and Xiao Yun's body disappeared out of thin air.

& nbsp, pig, pig, island, fiction ww.zhuzhuda; brush!

When Xiao Yun disappeared, the Divine Sword was also cut off in vain.

The sword was cut off, tearing the void directly, leaving a huge space crack.

That fierce sword qi also shocked.


The platform trembled and shook.

On the ground, countless ancient patterns rose and turned into a force of restraint.

This is an ancient battle platform. Not only is the stone hard, but the **** pattern engraved on it is also an abnormal power, which can completely resist this level of attack.

Of course, Jia Jianfei's realm is not enough.

If he reaches the sky, I am afraid that this battle platform will be chopped.

After all, these ancient patterns have been carved for too long, and their power is not as good as before.

The long sword failed, but the battle was almost broken.

Such an attack can really kill the emperors.

But when the sword fell, everyone was suspicious.

Because Xiao Yun has disappeared at this time.

"Where's Xiao Yun?" Many people looked at each other, all eyes were wrong.

Just this shot down, but did not see Xiao Yun beheaded.

"This sword seems to be missing!" Yuan Tianzhang blinked.

"Just now Xiao Yun was surrounded by spatial fluctuations." Wushuang groaned, his eyes staring closely at the front of the stage.

"This guy ..." Zheng Jing's brow froze, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Just now he sensed another obscure breath of God from that platform.

At this point, on the battlefield, Jia Jianfei looked completely astonished.

Just now, he cut it off with a sword. With the help of the heart and the sword, he clearly felt that his sword was cut into a strange space.

Then, in that space, his sharp sword was resisted.

This confrontation was only a moment, but he felt it clearly.

"Sinking into space? Does he have space magic?" Jia Jianfei's face became extremely dignified.

Space magic!

This is the most frightening kind of magical power!

Moreover, being able to resist his sword in that space is enough to show that the opponent has a magic weapon.

So at this time Jia Jianfei looked dignified and was perceiving the Quartet.

The Divine Sword was also flashing, he was in his hands.

"Isn't this Xiao Yun dead?" Seeing Jia Jianfei's solemn look, Lai Wanli's eyes were suspicious.

Wu Bin beside him was also closely watching the front.

At this moment, he also had to look at this young man high.

Suddenly, almost everyone in the field was paying attention to the battlefield.

The air in this world seems to freeze.

Countless youths held their breath.

"Is Xiao Yun still alive?" Many people looked expectantly.


Just then, a ripple appeared.

"Over there!"

"This Xiao Yun is coming out!" When the ripples spread, the exclamation sounded immediately.

The atmosphere in the field became tense.

"Cut!" When the ripples rose, Jia Jianfei's eyes narrowed, he said nothing, his sword was permeated, his palm moved, and he held the Excalibur to the front.

He wanted Xiao Yun to fight back.

"Good method!" Before Xiao Yun got out of the trapped space, he felt the shocking sword.

Now, his eyes were getting colder.


I saw ripples in the void, then Xiao Yun stepped forward and stepped out of the void.

When he stepped out of the void, everyone saw a pair of extremely cold eyes.

The light radiating from these eyes was frightening.

"Swallow me!" Xiao Yun was like a king out of the void, facing Jia Jianfei's sharp sword, he had no intention to avoid it. When he stepped forward, a low voice came from his mouth. Spit it out, and then only saw a ripple of ripples around him, and a mighty blast of shock.

The next moment, the cyclone agitated around him.

A cyclone that connected heaven and earth and communicated with Jiuyou evolved from this.

Xiao Yun stood in this cyclone.


The cyclone advanced with Xiao Yun's pace.

And in front of it, the magic sword swallowed the picture, and a sword rainbow fell.

However, this cyclone is unstoppable, as if it has the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

The crowd watched the cyclone drown the Divine Sword.

Even if the Divine Sword shines through the sky, it still fails to defeat the cyclone.

Within this cyclone, a vast and mighty spirit also permeated.

There is Shinto power permeating in it.

That kind of power, extremely bully, completely suppressed the power of the Excalibur.

"This is a mighty power!"

"This Xiao Yun also spurred the Shenbing?"

"This divine power seems to be stronger than that of Jia Jianfei's divine sword!" When that divine power shook open, an exclamation sounded immediately.

Because this mighty power is too powerful.

The imposing manner made them frightened.

Although they are far away from the battlefield, they still feel that their true Yuan is passing away, and the Yuan Ying who knows the sea seems to be out of the body.

"This Xiao Yun actually has such magical soldiers!" At this time, Zheng Jing was completely dumbfounded.

From that perspective, Xiao Yun has a very high level of magic soldiers.

"This magic soldier ... is not easy!" At this moment, Yuan Tianmao took a breath and was glad at the same time.

If the war with this young man was also used in the war, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"What kind of soldier is this?" No one narrowed his eyes tightly.

At this point the stage was completely shrouded in that terrible cyclone.

Even nearby battlefields were shrouded.

This cyclone is so horrible that it seems to engulf everything.

This makes many people restless.

Even Ming Beichen was silent for a long time.

The light of Du Guxing's eyes flickered, and his mood was very complicated.

From the perspective of that might, the opponent seemed to have extremely powerful soldiers.

"If I urge the incomplete star nucleus and try my best to fight, can I fight with one of them?" Dugu Xing's heart was dark.

At this time, on the battlefield, Jia Jianfei was swallowed up by the swallowing weather.

After being swallowed up, a power of God fell down and bound him.

At the same time, the true elements in his body are flowing at a rapid speed.

He was holding a magic sword, and a large number of true yuan poured into it. Supreme Sword Qi was injected into it, and he tried his best to break the swallowing **** pattern.

Brush, brush!

Jianmang cracked.

Jia Jianfei was holding a sword, and it seemed to merge with the Excalibur.

But this attack does not break the Devouring Heavens Pattern.

Within this cyclone, a wave of ripples rose up, devouring and refining the godly mantis emanating from the Divine Sword.

Although it is a magic sword.

But how can it be comparable to the Tower of Devourer?


The mysterious lines of the **** tower bloomed, but the instant elements in Jia Jianyuan's body lost a third.

The power of his excalibur plummeted.

"Huh, play with me?" Xiao Yun blinked, staring coldly at Jia Jianfei.

This person is too shameless.

He had not previously said that he was attacked by a magic soldier.

After Xiao Yun emerged from the void, he shot directly, so that he had no chance to fight back.

This is no longer the case.

This is destroying the enemy!

It has reached unscrupulous levels.

How can you be so ruthless when you study normally?

Therefore, at this time Xiao Yunzheng's eyes were cold to Jia Jianfei.

All he saw was a big hand turn, and a magic soldier appeared.

This is a spear!

Xiao Yun was acquired by the soldiers who had left in the Jiuxiao Palace for the people in the Ice and Snow Palace.

"No ..." When Jian Yun took out a god-level treasure gun, Jia Jianfei's face changed greatly.

He tried his best to slay the Excalibur.

However, the endless **** pattern blooming on the Tower of Heaven Swallowing God is absorbing the sword energy.

This makes Jia Jianfei's strength diminish sharply.

There are even divine patterns that affect his speed and restrain the power of the Excalibur.

"Huh." Xiao Yun snorted coldly, the spear was like a dragon and snake out of the hole and stabbed forward.

The spear flashed, accompanied by a chill.

Xiao Yun has the Binghuo Wuhun, so he can urge the gun.

The cold air permeated and frozen the sword.

Then the tip of the spear hit the blade of that sword.


The crisp voice sounded, accompanied by an amazing divine power.

The cold is raging and everything needs to be frozen.

Jia Jianfei immediately felt that his wrists seemed to be frozen.

Not only that, there is a horrifying force shaking above the Excalibur.

This made his arm numb.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his bones.


The bones broke, but they were instantly frozen.

And a great force shocked.

"No ..." Jia Jianfei panicked, and he quickly abandoned the sword.

But it was too late, and an extremely cold force froze the sword, then spread towards his arm.

That cold power will freeze the world.

Even if Jia Jianfei wanted to escape, it was difficult.

In a hurry, Jia Jianfei shot decisively and cut himself off.

Then he collapsed.

However, Xiao Yun's spear was like a snake, and there was no intention to stop it.

"Xiao Xiaoyou, please show mercy!" Just then, a deep voice sounded.

Then, a mighty emperor's power appeared.

When this voice appeared, in the void in the distance, several elders appeared.

Headed by an elder with a height of five.

Beside him, there were several men in brocades.

Each of these people has a strong breath.

Even the head of the giant spirit clan already has a great power.

"Half-step spirit state?" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he immediately felt the kind of fluctuation.

"It's my tribe!" When the voice came, Jia Jianfei looked happy.

"Is there a superstar city?"

"They want to intervene in this war?" At present, the geniuses of the Five Domains frowned.

Although at this time many people could not clearly see the situation inside the cyclone ~ ~ anyone can know that Jia Jianfei is going to lose.

"Jia Jianfei has broken his arm!" Even Tian Qingshan saw a blurry picture with his own eyes.

"Unfortunately, there are elderly people coming here, otherwise they can teach this person well." Some people of the Tian family sighed.

Now there are elders coming forward, I'm afraid this war will end there.

"What about the half-step deities?" Xiao Yun frowned, his eyes glared at Jia Jianfei, and the chill was still there.

"You ..." Jia Jianfei chilled, "Dare you!"

"Don't you dare!" Xiao Yun said with a cold face, "You are so fierce that you should kill me and not give you a lesson. Others think that Xiao Yun is weak and deceiveable."

The words fell, Xiao Yun's rifle flickered, and he stabbed at Jia Jianfei.

"Fearless, go forward, everyone's monthly pass? Let's go forward!" Xiao Yun said.

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