Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1395: Secret of the Giant Spirit

Xiao Yun crossed his knees under the spirit tree, and a lot of spirit energy was absorbed by him.

After an hour, his injury had healed.

"Now you can continue to pick the spirit soul fruit." After the injury was healed, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on the spirit soul tree.

This soul and soul fruit is not only the soul and spirit, but also has great benefits to him.

Although after taking each kind of Divine Extract once, the effect will drop by 30%, and the third time will decrease by 70%, but for Xiao Yun, this kind of Divine Extract is naturally more beneficial, the most important thing is that Divine soul fruit is one of the remedies for smashing Erdan, which he collected at this time can also be used in other days to condemn (pig-pig-island) novel .zud.

Xiao Yun released his mind and began to sense the spirit fruit in front of him.

The induction went well this time, and Xiao Yun took a soul-wrapping and took a soul-fruit.

One, two, three ...

In the end, Xiao Yun almost ingested most of the soul tree fruit of this soul tree.

When he ingested fifty-nine, the sacred tree swayed, emitting a force of repulsion.

"The sacred tree has a spirit. I have absorbed too much psychic fruit, and I have already touched its bottom line!" Xiao Yun moved slightly, no longer ingesting the psychic fruit in it.

"Although there are many people in the three major protoss, but the magical power of the divine medicine is amazing, fifty or more soul spirits are enough."

Xiao Yun smiled.

The power of magic medicine is amazing.

If seven kinds of magical medicines come together, you can imagine how bad it is?

In addition, in addition to magic drugs, there are other auxiliary herbs.

Those medicinal materials occupy the bulk.

"Haha, the emperor's soul is also complete." At this time, the phantom yelled, and it also obtained a soul fruit.

Longevity turtles have a transcendent temperament, and the longevity tree behind is already three feet tall.

The evergreen tree is verdant, with wavy lines on it, exuding a breath of longevity.

This breath is fascinating.

Now it quenches the body with the divine fluid, takes the soul fruit, and completes the transformation.

After glancing at Phantom Worm and Longevity Tortoise, Xiao Yun blinked and began to look around.

There is only a soul tree here, and there is no medicine round.

He didn't even see the archway he passed by before entering this place.


Just when Xiao Yun's mind was moving, a ripple appeared.

After Xiao Yun's body flashed, he appeared in another world.

When he looked at it, the spirit tree was still in front of him.

However, at this time, there are still some medicinal materials beside the spirit tree.

This is a spiritual medicine, although it is not as good as the spirit soul fruit, but it is also extremely rare.

"This is the medicine circle!" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a slight smile.

Then, his eyes flashed, and he fell on the medicine in front.

These medicinal materials are located beside the soul tree, and can be said to have been born by absorbing the spirit essence of the soul tree.

However, if you want to pick these herbs, you must approach the soul tree.

But the soulfulness of the soul tree is too strong.

In this atmosphere, many people will fall into the illusion, how can they pick those souls and spiritual extracts?

The faint lines in front flashed, as if a world had been transformed, Xiao Yun walked, but did not see a person.

"It seems that this medicine garden has a unique ban!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

The spirit was so strong that he stepped out one step, and Xiao Yun felt that he really wanted to step into a fantasy.

Even stepping out, he felt as if he was about to step into the abyss.

"Phantom eyes!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, immediately urging the phantom eyes.

In addition, there is an inexplicable Tao Yun permeating him.

The rhyme pervaded, making Xiao Yun seem to be integrated into this world.

In this way, all the illusions became clear and thorough.

The herbs began to appear in his sight.

When Xiao Yun's eyes moved, he started to pick these herbs.

The medicinal materials are very old, and some even reach the level of pseudogods.

"With these spiritual medicines, even if the soul is injured in the future, there will be healing medicine."

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

Soon after, Xiao Yun searched for many herbs.

However, the medicinal materials nearby are also decreasing.

Apparently, some people have obtained medicinal herbs.

Finally, he exited the medicine garden.

When leaving the gate, Ren Kexin was already waiting.

In addition, there are peerless, Yuan Tianzhang and others beside.

Princess Kirin, they have also come out.

They all have gained something.

Originally, Xiao Yun was the first to obtain the soul fruit, but he was Nirvana and reincarnation of 99th century.

Although this did not really live the ninety-ninth century, it also delayed a lot of time.

"Son Xiao!" Prince Kirin and others came one after another.

"How are you?" Xiao Yun greeted everyone.

"I didn't get the soul fruit, but I got the spirit spirit, tempered the soul, and now the anti-chaos god's eyes have some transformation!"

Ren Keying said.

It is not so easy to get the soul fruit, it requires extremely high talent.

This time she can gain the spirit spirit that pervades the **** fruit, and she has already gained a lot.

It's a little girl, she got a soul fruit, and now that god's eyes have become stronger.

Beside, Princess Qilin and Princess Tianlian have gained something.

Of course, too few people can get the soul fruit.

Like Xiao Feng, they didn't get it.

However, their souls still absorbed the spirit spirits overflowing from many souls.

Peerless, they are waiting for their follow.

But from that spirit, he can see that he got the soul fruit.

Today's unique temperament has become more dusty.

But compared to Xiao Yun, he still fell short.

At this time Yuan Tianzhang also showed awe to Xiao Yunshi.

They know that while they are progressing, this young man must also be improving, and it is not as simple as imagined to want to catch up with him.


The longer the time, the wider the gap will be.

A day later, the people in Tiandu gathered outside.

Many people have gained something, but others have fallen into the illusion and sneered at it.

"Let's go!" After getting the soul fruit, Xiao Yun began to take everyone towards other ruins.

Changhezong, there are some remaining monuments.

Such as Wudaoya.

For these people, the insights left by these predecessors are rare opportunities.

Xiao Yun also began to go in and out of various ruins to observe the martial arts upright meaning of ancient repair.

It's just that there are too few relics that Changhezong can keep.

Half a month later, Xiao Yun left Changhezong.

After leaving Changhezong, Xiao Yun and others continued to look for opportunities in this ancient **** continent.

However, chances like Changhe Sect are rarely encountered.

During this, they met Princess Peacock and others.

Kong Qigongzi also participated in the ancient road.

In addition, there is also Chu Tianzhao, a family of swallowing birds.

These people went to another historic site, got the chance, and now they are getting stronger.

In the end, everyone left the ancient **** continent together and returned to the superstar city.

By this time, it had been a whole year since Xiao Yun set foot on the ancient road.

He is now 29 years old.

This time, the ancient **** continent and his party, Xiao Yun can be said to be full.

First, he obtained the blood of the Phoenix, which made his blood grow stronger.

Not only that, he also condensed the phoenix **** fire pattern with the Tianyan God armor formula.

With this, his combat power soared.

Secondly, in Changhe Sect, he quenched the body with divine fluid, making his body immaculate.

Then tempered the soul with the spirit soul fruit.

Now his war martial spirit and phantom eyes are transformed and there is no time left.

Of course, the tree of life also has endless benefits.

At the beginning, the tree of life absorbed a lot of divine fluid.

Then it absorbed the spirit of the soul fruit.

In addition, the tree of life absorbs the yin and yang.

The tree of life today has no time, even a little more mysterious than those ordinary timeless Wuhun souls.

That is naturally a fusion of yin and yang.

It can be said that Xiao Yun's heritage has increased a lot this time.

"It's time to condense the blood of Kirin and Phoenix," Xiao Yun began to retreat after returning to the superstar city.

Ren Keying also began to retreat after several calamities.

Little Shimei has reached Zhuntong Heaven in just one month.

With the pattern of the origin of the god's eyes, she practiced quickly.

Furthermore, she still has the medicinal effect of Jiu Zhuan Shen Dan. The speed of cultivation is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

This time on the ancient **** continent, she obtained the divine fluid and the spirit soul fruit, so how can she not break through?


Time is passing, in the superstar city, the mysterious domain, the spiritual domain, the heavenly domain, the underworld, the demon domain.

The people and horses of the five major areas are gathered in the city.

Because at this time the galaxy storm that hinders the way will weaken.

The road to the sanctuary will be cleared.

So many people retreat in the superstar city after going to many sites.

"The galaxy storm has begun to weaken, and the sea of ​​falling stars will be able to explore!"

This day in the superstar city, Zheng Jing's eyes flashed, and Huo Ran got up.

He then walked out of his residence and headed to a hall in Star City.

"This trip is a rare opportunity. The mixed Yuan Tianshi is related to the secret of the opening of the road. Jinger, this time you must find enough mixed Yuan Yuan spar." In a magnificent hall in the superstar city, that hall Sitting on the throne of the old man, there is an old man measuring five feet tall. His eyes are like a bronze bell flashing with a bright light.

"Grandpa, rest assured, Jinger will definitely get the mixed Yuan Tianshi, open my family ancestor, and look for the door of that day!" Zheng Jing glanced and nodded.

The ancestors of the giant spirit family once found clues to the God of Heaven Gate.

But this is confidential and few people know about it.

With their ancestral array, they can set foot on that ancient road to find God's Way Heaven Gate.

But want to open that ancestral array but need to mix Yuan Tianshi.

But this mixed-yuan sky stone is in the falling star sea.

Falling Xinghai is extremely dangerous, and it is also one of the most mysterious monuments in this starry sky.

But those emperors were unable to enter.

Not only that, to open the seal of Xinghai ~ ~, at least seven geniuses are needed.

These geniuses must have flawless physique.

"Of course, falling stars are extremely dangerous, and you have to be more careful in entering them," said an elder with a giant spirit clan at the right of the hall.

This elder is Zheng Jing's grandpa.

"Grandson knows." Zheng Jing nodded, and then his eyes flashed. "So, Grandson set out to select the people who will go to Xinghai together this time."

"You go!" The elder waved his hand.

"Yes!" Zheng Jing then bowed and exited the hall.

"This time the five domains have a lot of genius. With the people of my superstar city, it is enough to open the seal of the falling sea!" A few elders in the hall looked at each other, and a smile evoked in the corners of their mouths. If the geniuses in their clan enter the falling star sea to get the mixed Yuan Tianshi, they have the opportunity to open the ancient formation!

Once Guzhen was opened, they could use the clues left by Guzu to find the gate of the Divine Way.

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