Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1393: Soul Tree

"It's that magical power!" When Xiao Yun appeared with swallowing weather on his body, Wushuang and Yuan Tianzhang's eyes flashed.

Just, then they frowned.

"There is a breath of God in this magical power!" No eyes twinkled and murmured, "He still has a magical soldier corresponding to this magical power!"

Thinking of this, he could not help but take a deep breath.

This young man not only has amazing powers, but also has a strong background!


The cyclone agitated, gas swallowed the mountains and rivers, and resolved as much as possible the divine power emanating from the front restraint.

"Fortunately, the power of this restraint has weakened." When that restraint wave was resolved, Xiao Yun was slightly relieved.

If in ancient times, this **** pattern prohibition was by no means what he could resist.

Even half-step deities cannot be destroyed.

When the restraint wave was resisted, the restraint light door was also torn directly by Xiao Yun.

In this way, the house is no longer blocked.

"Go in!" Xiao Yun said to the people behind him.

"Huh!" Xiao Feng and others were all hot.

Xiao Yun took Ren Keying, and Sister Ren Kexin took the lead to enter the house.

Seeing that Xiao Yun was carrying her two daughters, Princess Qilin next to her mouth was pouting, and looked a little unhappy.

Princess Tianlian sighed and didn't say much.

This Xiao Yun didn't even like to say that she liked her, what can she say?

Enter the house and see a medicine garden.

The medicine garden is located under the cliff, you can see a lot of spiritual extracts, the mist is misty, and the refreshing medicine and fragrance are emitted.

Just stepping on the door, Xiao Yun was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of me is a giant tree.

The tree was tall, seemingly thousands of feet, covered with lush foliage.

The branch was swaying and wavy.

It was a divine pattern, exuding the breath of a avenue.

The tree was tall, surrounded by godliness. At first glance, the branch seemed to evolve into a world.

Xiao Yun only looked at the ancient tree, and his heart shuddered, as if to be introduced into the tree.

"So powerful soul power, is this the soul tree?" Xiao Yun was shocked, showing his surprise.

At this moment he was several kilometers away from the ancient tree.

But with just a glance, his mind was almost drawn into the inexplicable illusion.

I can imagine how terrible it would be if we walked under that ancient tree?

The faces of Xiao Keying and Ren Kexin who were beside Xiao Yun also changed slightly.

"This is the spirit tree, please be careful." Xiao Yunzheng said to Xiaoshimei, "there is a spirit tree on this spirit tree.

This is an extremely rare **** fruit.

At this time, looking up, I could see that there were many flickering fruits between the leaves.

At this time, Princess Kirin and others also arrived.

"The spirit tree has a powerful soul power, which can capture people's souls. Everyone enters it with care."

Xiao Yun explained that he was walking forward.

Xiao Feng and others looked with a stunned expression.

After entering it, I felt as if I had entered a spiritual world.

The soul momentum oppressed them to breathe.

Xiao Yun didn't care too much about the situation of others.

It's good that he can bring everyone here.

As for the others, it depends on their respective creations.

"This spirit soul fruit can not only temper the human soul, but also one of the magic drugs for refining Erdan." Xiao Yun walked step by step, his eyes flashed with light.

In the place of condemnation, there are still three people of the Protoss waiting for him to rescue.

However, the medicinal materials used to make Erdan are too rare.

Those are magic drugs.

It's too difficult to get outside.

Now Xiao Yun is just getting a few gods.

But this is simply not enough.

Not to mention there are six other magic pills.

Now there are many soul fruits on this soul tree. If they are obtained, they can at least solve the blindness.

He is also looking forward to going to the place of condemnation

Especially after deeply feeling the beauty of the yin and yang **** pattern, he was full of curiosity about this ancient land.

There, maybe there is a secret of this world.

If you get it yourself, there will be huge benefits.

Of course, when not in absolute certainty, he was not ready to go to the ground of condemnation.

Xiao Yun and the Ren sisters kept moving forward.

The spirit tree is swaying, with the scent of the avenue pervading.

The tree was tall, and the leaves stretched out, covering the square.

Only after entering the canopy, a breath of soul filled the air, immediately making people feel like they have entered another piece of the world.

This is a world of spirits.

You can't see the cliffs here, you can't see the **** tree, there is only a blank world.

At this point, Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and she could no longer see Sister Ren.

"This is the space where the soul tree has evolved?" Xiao Yun murmured as his eyes flashed.

He kept walking, the space was blank, and he couldn't see the end.

This seems to be really a world of spirits.

"If you want to get the soul fruit, you should pass some sort of test!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Today, he has already experienced all kinds of storms, and his mind is extremely firm.

Even though the space is lonely, he still has not lost his heart.

His mind was released, feeling everything.

Phantom Eye!

At the same time, Xiao Yun urged Phantom Eyes.

As soon as the eyes moved, the light pattern of this world changed immediately.

A wave of ripples appeared, and a faint sky appeared in front.

At the end of the day, there was a breath of soul.

"This is a forbidden light curtain?" After seeing the sudden light curtain, Xiao Yun began to walk away.

Xiao Yun walked in front of the light curtain, and the pace was moving.


A ripple rippled, and he passed the light curtain smoothly.

After walking through the light curtain, Xiao Yun saw a giant tree.

The tree is tall and can have thousands of feet, and the branch stretches out, covering the square.

However, at this time, the tree seemed to grow at an independent time.

You can't see the cliffs or the medicine garden.

But you can see every fruit on this spirit tree.

The fruit is very big, and it has a wavy pattern.

"This is the soul tree?" Xiao Yun frowned, and he was skeptical looking forward.

After going through so much, he was naturally a bit more vigilant.

"This should be a tree of spirits!" At this time, inside the Tower of Heaven, the voice of the Supreme Lord of Heaven swallowed.

"Swallowing the Supreme?" Xiao Yun was moved, and after seeing the Swallowing Supreme in the Tower of Swallowing Heaven, he was at ease.

The pagoda was still there, the Supreme said.

This shows that this is not a fantasy.

"If you want to get the soul fruit, you must use the power of the soul to remove the **** fruit." Swallowed Heaven said.

"With the power of the soul!" Xiao Yun stared at the light, and then began to release the power of the soul and began to communicate the fruit of the soul, according to the words of Supreme Devourer.

The soul was permeating, approaching the spirit tree.

When approaching the Soul Tree, Xiao Yun did not feel great fear.

Instead, when the soul power approached the soul tree, Xiao Yun felt as if his soul had entered a soul pool.

Inside, his soul is extremely fulfilling.

The soul is released and passes through the lines of the soul.

"It's coming!" When Xiao Yun's mind moved, there was a soul fruit before this strand of soul.

This is the true soul fruit, which is purer than the soul spirit that Xiao Yun encountered at the beginning.

This is the real soul fruit, with a divine breath.

Xiao Yun's soul approached toward the soul and fruit.

He felt like he was approaching the avenue.

Only when approaching the spirit fruit, the avenue rippled.

That ripple was repelling him.

"This avenue is repelling me?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun froze.

"Is this my soul level not high enough?"

As soon as the mind moved, Xiao Yun simply began to feel the sense of the avenue.

When his mind was quiet, he could clearly feel that repulsion was weakening.

This is because he just wanted to communicate with the soul fruit, but made his own charm disappear.

This is the state of mind blinded by interests.

At this moment calm down, the mentality is naturally different.

Relaxed, Xiao Yun quickly entered the state.

At this time, his state was also very high.

As for Dao Yun's feelings, he is almost ready to step into Zhuntong Heaven.

The lingering lines on the soul fruit.

The pattern seemed to turn into a world, and Xiao Yun's mind gradually entered into it.

"The Sea of ​​Soul Road?" Xiao Yun's heart moved as if she had come to a world of Soul Road.

It's not here at this moment.

There is a flow of Daoyun inside.

The divine pattern squirmed, it seemed to explain the mystery of the soul.

Unfortunately, the avenue is deep and cannot be detected to the end.

But Xiao Yun's soul still has an inexplicable promotion.

The soul flows, as deep as the sea, and has its own heaven and earth.

"Soul, you can open up your own world." Xiao Yun's soul flashed with wisdom.

This divine pattern seems to be evolving into the world and is profound.

Xiao Yun was deeply touched.

The soul can also go against the sky, no worse than the martial arts supernatural powers.

Gradually, Xiao Yun's soul came to a huge fruit through this sea of ​​soul.

This fruit is dazzling with godliness, exuding an extremely strong soul breath.

"Is this the spirit soul fruit?" Xiao Yun felt a joy to feel the pure soulfulness.

Then the soul power was released to try to wrap a huge soul fruit.

When Xiao Yun's soul power was released, the spirit really did not reject it, but was shrouded in his soul power.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and the spirit actually emerged from the tree, wrapped by Xiao Yun's soul power, and flew towards his deity.

"Success!" Xiao Yun was glad when the spirit fruit came.

The next moment, the fruit appeared in front of him.

This is a very large fruit that can be the size of a watermelon.

The fruit is faintly colored, with godliness dazzling on it, and an avenue breath permeates.

That breath ~ ~ is intoxicating.

"Success?" At this point, the voices of Phantom Worm and Longevity Tortoise also spread.

"It's so full of soul. No, the emperor is going to pick one." The Phantom Worm moved and floated in the air.

Then it also released the soul to communicate with the soul fruit.

At the same time, the longevity turtle also shot.

It also wants to elevate its soul.

Although it is destined to become a god, but the spirit of the avenue contained in this soul and soul fruit, it can make its perception of the avenue further progress.

"Condensate this spirit fruit first." Xiao Yun grinned at the corners of the longevity tortoise and phantom insect.

After glancing at the soul fruit, his eyebrows flashed.

Then this soul fruit was directly absorbed into the sea of ​​knowledge. ()

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