Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1383: Changhezong

After learning about the miracles from Princess Kirin's mouth, Xiao Yun was full of expectations.

Xiao Feng is even more excited.

Everyone came to this ancient road for an opportunity to soar.

If you can get this divine spirit, and make your martial spirit transform, then you will undoubtedly have a few more opportunities to set foot on the peak.

The next day, Xiao Yun and others set off and walked towards the monument.

Deep in the ancient **** continent, there is a long river.

The novel ww.zhu. The river is very large, flowing hundreds of thousands of miles.

The river is wide here.

Unfortunately, the river was completely surrounded by fog.

Even among them, ancient spirits appeared.

This area is dangerous within hundreds of thousands of miles.

Near this river, there is an ancient school ruin.

call out!

When Yun Guang crossed the void, Xiao Yun and others appeared on the edge of this ruin.

"This is the ancient ruins in the record." Princess Kirin said.

"This is an ancient school, but now it seems that there should have been a war in ancient times, but there are still many relics in it."

About this ruin, Xiao Yun knew something.

It was mentioned in the giant spirit's materials.

This is an ancient school called Changhezong.

It is also mentioned in the information that there are still monuments and divine fluid here.

However, it is difficult to enter without a waist card.

Moreover, even this ancient river is very dangerous, and it is easy to fall into it when you rush into it.

There are heroic spirits and some Jedi in it, but the ancestors of the giant spirit tribe had come here to sweep away, so they also opened a way.

Of course, some forbidden areas are not intrusive.

That's the restraint of God, can it be broken by ordinary people?

"There are a few safer routes here, and we can use them to enter them." Xiao Yun blinked, and then said.

Everyone nodded.

Then led by Xiao Yun into this monument together.

There is an inexplicable oppression in this world, making it impossible to fly at high altitude.

It's even harder to walk and breathe inside.

The ground fissures spread, and the residual mountains were all over. The water flowed inside the fissures and turned into big rivers.

Suspended ancient corpses can be seen in some rivers, and some ancient beasts can also be seen.

Although the mountains and rivers are broken, there are some places with strong aura and many spiritual extracts.

Xiao Yun and others walked this ancient land carefully.

"That's a swarm!"

Suddenly, the light and shadow flickered ahead, and a swarm of insects appeared.

There was a startling wave in the swarm.

The kind of fluctuations, even the perfect practitioners of the emperor's path, are trembling, which is already comparable to the spirit.

"No, it's just a fantasy, for the afterimage!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he saw the reality.

But he still detoured.

Even if it is only an afterimage, there is no guarantee that there is no strong will left.

If the spirit will shoot, it is difficult to get involved.


In this way, everyone proceeded carefully.

It took ten full days before they came to a river.

The river is wide.

This is the Dahe of the ancient school.

Although the ancient school has been destroyed, the river still hinders the way forward.

In front of the river, there is a forbidden pattern of gods, which has turned into a remnant array, protecting this ancient school.

Although the formation method is disabled, there is a gap in the protective mask.

From a distance, cracks can be seen in the void.

But no one dares to enter this ancient school from within these cracks at this time.

Because on this mask, the divine power is very balanced at this moment.

If it is rushed away, the resulting fluctuations affect the operation of the formations and touch the prohibition, then it will usher in a catastrophic disaster!

At this moment, Xiao Yun was on a broken mountain peak on the river bank.

"The former convenience is Changhe Sect!"

"As long as you cross this ancient river, you can go to those ancient monuments of Changhezong." Looking at the long river ahead, Xiao Feng and everyone looked fiery.

"This **** array seems difficult to survive!" Although the hearts were hot, everyone felt a little tricky.

Because the breath emitted by the mask in front is too amazing.

That kind of divine power is just fluctuation, which makes people frightened.

Even a breezes by the river trembled with the waves.

"According to the data of the giant spirits, this God array has a weak ban once a month, which is the time of the full moon." Xiao Yun said, "It will be the time of the full moon in five days. We can cross this ancient river and enter the Changhe Zongnei, but there is also a spirit in this ancient river. "

Although the ban will be weak.

However, there are heroes in this ancient Hanoi, and most people dare not rush across.

Hearing the words, everyone looked completely.

"As long as there is no god-level hero, you can safely pass by."

Then they started waiting here.

Only when Xiao Yun was waiting, there were people waiting on the other side of Changhe.

Someone even arrived here earlier than Xiao Yun.

People in all major areas are enthusiastic about this ruin.

On the side of the Changhe River, some geniuses in Xuanyu stood.

The first of them was wearing a turquoise robe with a breath of sorrow.

Beside him, there are young people gathering.

He is the genius of Xuan Yu, Yuan Tianyi.

In addition to this, there is another youth.

The young man was wearing a white robe and a crown of white jade.

This young man is exactly the genius of Xuan Yu.

There are many people beside him.

As for Xuan Yu's other talented lonely star, it is not here.

He went to another monument to find a magical material to repair his star stump.

In addition, there are some people in the demon domain on the other side of this ancient river, but only a few.

This ancient river is too long, coupled with the power of restraint and the oppression of spiritual knowledge, the practitioners of various forces have not been able to take into account the situation nearby.

"The restraining power of this mask seems to be weakening."

At the full moon, Xuan Yu's genius eyes brightened.

"This array of gods has existed for too long and has been lacking, but the array is still against the sky, knowing that the essence of the moon is accumulated at the full moon to maintain the array.

Yuan Tianyi looked at the large array in front of him, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

Although the formation method is absorbing the essence of the moon, it has stopped its own operation.

"In a short time, we can cross the river." Yuan Tianzhang said with a dim light.

The geniuses next to Xuan Yu were fiery.

On the other side, Wushuang stared ahead.

He is as rich as a jade, handsome and unusual, with an iron fan in his palm, looking personable and quite a bit elegant.

However, everyone around him knew that the seemingly handsome young man had the power to overpower his contemporaries.

"Wushuang son, the atmosphere of that large array has begun to be restrained."

Beside Wushuang, a young man in a green robe said.

This young man is Tian Qingshan.

At this time, he was full of respect when he looked forward to Peerless.

"Okay, cross the river now!" Wushuang's eyes were very bright, and there was a flash of self-confidence in his eyes. He glanced at the ancient river ahead and opened his mouth.

"You follow me!"

Then he stepped forward and sacrificed a flying boat.

Suddenly, nearly four hundred people set foot on the flying boat.

Wushuang is walking straight ahead.

The flying boat followed him.

After setting foot on the long river, there was a yin sweeping over it, shaking the flying boat.

The river tumbled, a bone claw came out, and it was unparalleled to grab it forward.

When Wu Shou's big hand moved, the flash of the iron fan turned into a sharp blade, and it was chopped towards the bone claw.


When the iron fan passed by, the bone claw was cut off immediately.

Then he moved on.

The flying boat followed closely behind him.

Although there is a restraining force here, it is impossible to fly at high altitudes, but it can also fly at low altitudes within kilometers.

"Wu Shuang Gongzi has a magic soldier, and he will surely be able to enter the ancient clan of Changhe, and even get divine fluid." Above the flying boat, Tian Qingshan's eyes were fiery. "But he got a waist left by Changhezong. "Oh!" When he thought of it, his eyes were hot, and if he got the magic liquid, he would go one step further.

Even his eyes can be compared to flawless.

In this way, he will have a little more confidence in the sanctuary.

"You can even fight with Xiao Yun ..." Tian Qingshan secretly thought in his heart. He thought about fighting with Xiao Yun after getting the Shenye.

But soon, his blood was cooling down.

This Xiao Yun has won seventy-one games in a row, so how much combat power?

Can I compete with God even if I have it?

Thinking of this, his heart was a bit lost.

"Perhaps only Wushuang Gongzi can compete with it?" Tian Qingshan murmured in his heart.

At this point he was looking forward to Wushuang's encounter with Xiao Yun.

At this point, Yuan Tianzhang also left.

He was suffocated with sighs of breath, every single strand was like a sharp blade, which could cut the sky.

At this moment he was very strong.

He has been in the land of ancient gods for a long time. Before that, he obtained a kind of **** spirit, integrated into the body, and was quenched.

Based on this, his strength is greatly improved.


People from all sides started.

However, not everyone in the power can safely cross this ancient river.

Some people were directly attacked by the ancient fish and buried at the bottom of the river.

"Finally, I crossed the river." When the crowd crossed the river, Xiao Yun had led the crowd to the other side of the river.

At this moment, the front mask is still there, but the divine pattern has been restrained.

Vaguely above the earth, we can see that there are **** patterns absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, and moon.

"Now the divine pattern is restrained, so it is just over." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, his eyes fell on the mask in front.

This mask is very bright, as if connected to heaven and earth, to protect this ancient school.

It's just that there are gaps in the mask.

If it was before, any point of space fluctuations would trigger the God array.

But at this time, the divine pattern on the divine array was restrained, and the divine power was absent.

The center of the whole array is absorbing the essence of the moon.

"Go!" Xiao Yun moved, passed through the crack, and entered the large array.

Princess Kirin and others followed.

In the blink of an eye, nearly two hundred people entered.

On the other side, peerless peers also entered the battle.


The peaceful Changhe Sect, the figures flickered, and the monks appeared.

When the crowd appeared in this ancient school, it was a moment.

The ancient land has cracked, mountains have been shattered, and there are endless rivers ahead.

However, the aura on the river is rich, the mist is foggy, and the light is blooming.

Colorful lotus blooms are clearly visible in a river ahead.

The lotus is surrounded by light patterns ~ ~ It looks like the pattern of the road blooms with an inexplicable charm.

"Is this a colorful lotus?" Seeing this, everyone was hot.

This is the only time he entered Changhezong. How can he be unhappy when he encounters such a spirit?

They just looked at each other, but they felt a bit wrong.

"This is a phantom!" Xiao Yun said, condensing.

"Phantom?" Zhao Zhengmu said wrongly, "Is this also fake?"

"No." Xiao Yun shook his head. "This is the real divine spirit, but it is not here. It's just that the ancient prohibition created a wave and left a projection."

With the phantom eyes, he looked at the colorful lotus in front of him.

"So, is this really Divine Essence?" After hearing the words, everyone was happy.

"Even if it is not Divine Extract, it has reached the level of a false god." Xiao Yun said.

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