Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1367: Soulbreaker

Many kings gathered at this time beside the Broken Soul River.

Most of them are King of Xuanyu.

They entered Jufeng City earlier than the King of Tianduyu, and naturally came here earlier.

However, although the people of Xuanyu came here very early, it does not mean that they can cross the Broken Soul Bridge.

In fact, the Soulbreaker is not the only one that can be opened.

As long as you touch the ancient monument in front of Broken Soul Bridge, you can open another battle soul platform.

Just after witnessing the scenes of the kings fighting against the heroes, many kings in Xuanyu have begun to fear.

Because those spirits are too powerful, many people have fallen into their hands.

Only those true geniuses can win a few games in a row and successfully enter the Broken Soul Bridge.

Of course, some people have won more than a dozen games.

It's just that there are very few of them.

At this time, the people in Xuanyu were watching the man's battle on the battlefield.

Xiao Yun was not in a hurry, and began to pay attention to the battle.

On the battlefield, the man shot, and his palm was split open, with silver light flashing.

That big hand is like a blade, and it can tear the sky.

This person is named Yinhua, who is very powerful and possesses the ancient silver essence celestial body, which is extremely strong.

The hero opposite him was a warrior in armor.

He cut it with a long Ge.

The blow was strong enough to crush mountains and rivers.

Although it is a heroic spirit, the power of this blow is enough to crush any powerful person with supernatural powers.

This silver birch is just the magical ninth realm, but he has no intention of evading the spirit.

The big hand struck away, and the silver light bloomed, as if a sharp blade was dancing.


The giant hand, like a blade, directly crushed the heroic battle.

The spirit roared, and a raging, dark air radiated from his body, sweeping towards the silver birch like the sea.

"Yinhua is so good. He has won two games in a row. As long as he wins this game, he can set foot on the Broken Soul Bridge!"

"Take the Broken Soul Bridge and you can enter the superstar city!"

"It's really enviable? At this time, it is said that Dudu, Wushuang and other sons have entered the superstar city and went to some historic sites to look for opportunities."

"I believe that soon after, Dugu son, Wushuang son and others will surely dominate the ancient road!"

"That's natural. But Dugu Boy defeated 37 heroes in a row on this battle soul stage. The Peerless Son is even more powerful, losing 47 people in a row." Among the king of Xuanyu, there were many People are discussing that they seem very satisfied with the performance of this silver birch. Of course, when referring to silver birch, the geniuses who have crossed the broken soul bridge a long time ago have become the objects they worship. That's the world's hero of Xuan Yu!

Rao is still shining brightly on this ancient road.

"That's natural. Both boys have flawless physiques. They came to this ancient road in order to find opportunities and sharpen themselves."

Someone proudly said.

For these two boys, they were full of awe.

"Then Yuan Tianyi, Yuan Gongzi is also very powerful. Although he was not immaculate on that day, he lost 36 heroes in a row. Compared to that dugu son, he was only slightly inferior. Furthermore, it is said that he came here for A kind of heavenly spirit, as long as he obtains this substance, he can make his body perfect, and achieve the true nature of heavenly spirit. At that time, his combat power will soar, even surpass the duke son, and compete with the best son. Famous ancient road! "


Xuan Yu's people talked a lot.

"Some people won forty-seven games in a row?" After hearing these people's discussions, Xiao Yun couldn't help but be surprised.

You know, this kind of battle makes it harder to win as you get behind. The hero will not only become more powerful, but also the magical power. Generally speaking, it is difficult to win ten games in a row, but three people in Xuanyu defeated thirty consecutively. With more than one hero, with such a record, how can we not let people look at them and listen to their deeds?


At this moment, the silver birch shot with all his strength, and his entire body bloomed with dazzling silver light, just like a wandao sharp blade burst out, directly smashing the hero.

So, this battle, he won.

When he took it, on the soul monument in front of the Broken Soul Bridge, there was a flash of light.

Xuan Yu, Yin Hua, winning three games in a row, can pass.

At this time, on the battle platform, the silver birch's eyes were condensed, and a soul force was sucked into him.

That is the soul pattern left after the hero's collapse.

This soul pattern contains the breath of the avenue, which can strengthen human soul.

"Silver Birch has passed!"

"I wonder if he will continue the war?"

"If you continue the war, the spirits will be stronger and there will be some danger."


Many people have expectations.

This silver birch did not retreat.

A moment later, the rune in the Broken Soul River flashed with a smoldering air.

Then inside, a man appeared.

This is a man in a green robe, with his hands on his back, his eyes shining like a blade, it seems that there is a world in it.

As soon as this talent appeared, it gave people a tendency to dominate the world.

This is a strong man, and even though he is ridiculed, the hero still contains the power of the world.

"This hero is so powerful!" When this hero appeared, many people by the broken soul river were jealous.

"These heroes are really not easy!" Even Xiao Feng and others were staring.

A pressure emerged clearly in their eyes.

Obviously, they are also frightened by these spirits.

The man stepped forward and stepped onto the battle soul platform.

Then, the war began.

This is a man with a god's eyes.

His eyes flashed, tearing the void directly, appearing in front of the silver birch.

This divine eye is very strong and contains divine power. It seems that this hero is a character in ancient times.

The prestige of the god's eye is actually like the flawless god's eye.

Just that momentum, oppressed that Yin Hua had to make a full shot.

This is the case, the opponent still shot him by surprise.

Because this heroic spirit is not only powerful in his eyes, he also has a mysterious spirit mark with a big movement of his hands.

The Lingyin fell, containing the heaven and earth, to bind this silver birch.

Under this restraint, Yin Hua's body was uneasy.

The next moment, the god's eyes were cut.

Silver essence celestial body!

In the end, this Yinhua tried his best.

His skin turned into silver, almost like a treasure.

The blade of the god's eye was cut off to emit a dazzling silver light.

There was a crisp sound.

"Skin is like silver!" Seeing this, many people's eyes flickered and they had to admit that the silver birch was powerful.

This is really a treasure.

But Rao is so, he still can't help the hero.

Finally, after a long battle, the hero disappeared.

It's a win.

Because the spirit is not an entity, its continuity is limited.

As long as you can persevere until the soul power of the ghosts dissipates, you will be considered a winner.

However, at this time, this silver birch was also in fear.

If the other party is an entity, he is afraid that he has already scoffed.

After this battle, he no longer continued to challenge, but stepped out of the battle platform and landed on the edge of the broken soul bridge.

When he set foot on the broken soul bridge, he passed the soul monument.


Only saw the soul monument flash, with a soul pattern imprinted on his brows.

"Only with the imprint of the soul monument's eyebrows can we avoid the harassment of the endless heroic spirit of Broken Soul Bridge." Seeing the imprint of the soul imprints on the eyebrows, many people's eyes were envious.

I don't know how many people were ridiculed in the Broken Soul River.

Of course, it is not just as simple as a king.

There are emperors in it, and there are even legends that gods are falling.

Without the masked breath of this soul monument, who can resist once it is attacked by that powerful spirit?

Not to mention the emperor, even the half-step deities may be ridiculed.

So if you want to set foot on the Broken Soul Bridge, you must go to the Broken Soul platform.

At this time, Yinhua had stepped on the Broken Soul Bridge, and his body was gradually shrouded in the dark air surrounding the bridge.

Gradually, everyone could not see his body.

"Yinhua's son also stepped into the Broken Soul Bridge!" Among the Xuanyu crowd, many kings' eyes were envious.

"Who's going to the war?" Someone said at this time.

But few people left.

In fact, people from Xuanyu have been here for a long time.

Many people have already fought and entered the superstar city smoothly.

The rest are just some kings of average combat power.

These people are already sceptic at this time.

Because they saw too many kings falling under those spirits.

It's not that they are not strong, but that those spirits are too bad.

Many are ancient spirits that existed in ancient times.

There is no lack of physical fitness.

And they have almost no time for constitution, how can they compete with them?

"I'm going!" Then, walked out alone.

"This is Chen Tong. He is practicing kendo. He is a genius." When this man set off, someone immediately opened his eyes.

Xiao Yun and others just stared lightly.

Then, from the battlefield, Ying Ling appeared.

This is a hero holding a war halberd.

His eyes were sharp, and he was dressed in ancient armor, looking mighty.

Two people fight.

Chen Tong's sword was so powerful that he was as dreadful as a sword.

It was just that the hero was fierce, and almost a halberd killed the front, breaking the sharp sword energy.

Then he cut off Chen Tong from the platform.

When Chen Tong was chopped down, Broken Soul Hanoi, swallowed Hanoi in one roll.

In this way, a king fell.

"Is this ridiculed?" At this time, the people in Xuanyu were completely stunned.

Only one round, this Chen Tong scorned.

"This hero is really powerful."

At this moment, they were worried.

At this time many people began to fear.

The terror of Broken Soul River is beyond their imagination.

"So, let me?" Seeing no one standing out, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he stepped forward.

Then he walked in front of the Broken Soul Bridge.


Only then set foot on that broken soul bridge, a faint pattern is blooming.

Powerful enough to shock an ordinary king.

Xiao Yun trembled and shattered that strength, and then he walked before the soul monument.

Going to the soul tablet, his palm was stuck on the tablet.

Suddenly, a coldness poured into his mind.

"Tiandu domain, Xiao Yun!" When the cold meaning poured into his heart, Xiao Yun was so moved that he poured this information into this broken soul tablet.

When this information was injected into the soul-breaking monument ~ ~, a light-texture rose immediately on the soul-breaking monument.

A battle soul platform evolved from the void next to it.

This is Xiao Yun's platform.

Only three games in a row can pass.

If it fails, it is death!

This is the War Soul Terrace and also the Soul Soul Terrace.

There is only life and death on the soulbreaking platform.

If you lose, you die, if you win, you live!

"This person is a person from Tianduyu?" When Xiao Yun stepped out, the person from Xuanyu immediately cast a curious eye.

"But I don't know if this person might succeed?"

Many people look forward.

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