Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1344: Revenge snow hate [...

"It's worth helping my father out." Xiao Yun disturbed his head and laughed.

"You won't be worse than your father in the future!" Xiao Zhantian nodded, feeling very satisfied.

He knew how difficult it was for ordinary people to enter the Jiuxiao Palace.

But his son did it, how could he not be satisfied?

How can you be upset?

"We Yuner will naturally not be worse than people." Xiao Muzhen was also satisfied with Xiao Yun.

& nbsp [猪] [猪] [岛] 小说 www.huhu.m; At the same time, in her eyes, there was a pride of pride.

You know, how many emperors dare not enter the forbidden land?

But Xiao Yun dared to go deeper and rescue Xiao Father.

Not to mention others, this courage alone is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Oh, that's it." Seeing Xiao Mu's so happy look, Xiao Zhantian also smiled.

Now he sees the sky again, and he is very happy to see his wife and children.

"This is Linger, your daughter?" At this moment, Xiao mother introduced Xiao Linger next to him and introduced.

When referring to her daughter, she raised her eyelashes and stared at Xiao Zhantian with a ridiculous eye.

There was a kind of light in that eye, and said quickly, that it was the taste of your illegitimate daughter.

Of course, this is a playful eye.

Xiao's mother is a bit confident about Xiao Zhantian.

"Linger?" After hearing the words, Xiao Zhantian stared at Xiao Linger.

"Linger has seen Daddy Xiao!" At the moment, Xiao Linger hurriedly saluted and shouted with a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, Linger is so young, he has set foot on the emperor road, stronger than Yuner, haha, brother Shao Qin, if you know, you will be happy." Xiao Linger has already set foot Xiao Zhantian was extremely happy after he came to Huangdao. The mist in his eyes was hazy, and the color of booing emerged.

Those past events can not help but come to mind.

He had joked with Zuo Shaoqin that year to see who Xiao Yun and Linger would set foot on the peak of martial arts earlier.

At that time, although it was a joke, it also had a contentious contention, obviously it was full of expectations for its juniors.

However, at this time, after seeing Xiao Linger set foot on the emperor's road, Xiao Zhantian was more excited than seeing Xiao Yun step into the magical Nine Kingdoms.

Because he once vowed to give Xiao Linger a good cultivation environment.

Let Xiao Linger become a strong one.

However, when he returned from the forbidden area of ​​the shrine, he was ambushed by Yao and seriously injured.

That time, under the circumstances, he had to send these two juniors to the Xiao Family of Fengyue Kingdom.

From the time they were sent to the Xiao family, Xiao Zhantian knew that these two juniors would only be difficult to become a powerful person in the future.

Even if he left Xiao Yun a swallowing tower.

In order to change the situation, he had to enter the shrine again.

But this time he successfully entered the Jiuxiao Palace.

Because at this time his life pattern gradually awakened and knew many things.

In this way, getting in and out of Jiuxiao Mountain has become easier.

Looking back on these past events, how can Xiao Zhantian not sigh?

Of course, he is also very satisfied with Xiao Yun's achievements.

At that time, he originally wanted to find the magic liquid and build the foundation for Xiao Yun.

Unfortunately, it was not successful at that time.

It is in this situation that Xiao Yun has come to this point.

It can be said that this was something he had never thought of.

The son's achievements made him proud.

"Daddy Xiao, do you know who my parents are?" Seeing Xiao Zhantian's excitement, Xiao Linger blinked and asked.

At this moment, she is full of expectations for her own life.

Not only was she, beside him, Zuo Yanshuang also stared forward with anticipation.

Although she could vaguely guess Xiao Linger's life experience, if it was verified, it would be another matter.

"Your parents?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly, then said, "I'll tell you this afterwards."

"Um." Xiao Linger nodded smartly. Although he didn't get his own life, he was very happy to see this father Xiao Xiao so heroic and worldly, especially her brother Xiao Yun was also at risk. When Ye Batian shot that night, she was about to break her heart!

At this moment, Xiao Zhantian and others are in a quaint mood, pulling home.

But in the distance, the people of all ethnic groups in Tiandu are in the same place.

Hardly anyone dared to leave rashly.

Because they are afraid, afraid of a slight change, they will be hit by thunder.

Especially some of the descendants of those clan are extremely panic.

You know, just now, more than a dozen emperors have been ridiculed!

How can they compete with them?

Today's Xiao's father and son are truly awe-inspiring.

For those younger generations, Xiao Yun didn't go all out.

Such as Zhu Aotian, Zhu Yu.

Although their elders once shot.

But these people can't control the matter at all.

Furthermore, when he was outside the city of Tiandu, he was ambushed by others, who also helped.

Xiao Yunen had clear grudges and did not implicate everyone.

After a little embarrassment, the old emperor Xiao Feng also came.

Today, his breath has recovered.

Their eyes moved and they locked the crowd again.

And Xiao Feng's eyes locked Xiao's.

When Xiao Feng's old emperor came here, Xiao Wuya's eyelids jumped.

"Father, someone from the Xiao family ambushed you back then. Today, these debts should be forgotten?"

Xiao Yun condensed and said.

"Yes, these people also want to cut grass and roots, and have repeatedly shot Brother Xiao Yun. They must be all killed!" Xiao Feng and others spoke beside him.

These juniors have long been breathless one by one.

From the Golden Dragon Tomb, someone ambushed Xiao Yun.

When he arrived at Yao, it was even worse.

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's fate, he wouldn't have known how many times he had died.

"Want to cut the grass and root out?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Zhantian's eyes were completely cold, "Dare to touch my child, there is no pardon!"

Subsequently, Xiao Zhantian stepped forward.

With a big move, he grabbed Xiao Wuya.

Under Xiao Zhantian, this Xiao Wuya had no fighting force at all.

He was lifted like a chick.

Even though he wanted to burn Zhenyuan's shots, it was still a solitude.

Because in Xiao Zhantian's palm, there are mysterious lines, which contain the power of heaven and earth.

This is the power of a half-step god.

"It was you who deliberately bothered this senior Xiao Feng just now?" Xiao Zhantian looked cold.

Although he was still in the mixed coffin of Yuan Dynasty at that time, but the rumors were fluctuating here, as soon as his mind was moving, he could know what had happened before.

"I don't." Xiao Wuya quibbled. "I just worry about the safety of Fenghuang."

"Wu Wang, did you ambush with people?" Xiao Yun didn't want to ask more about what had just happened. He blinked his eyes and stared at Xiao Wuya Road.

"Wang Wang?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Wuya's face turned black.

"Changfeng is down?" At this moment, Xiao Feng's eyes flashed with sadness.

Although previously mentioned.

But at that time, his mind had not recovered, so it was unclear.

"The King of Wu really scorned." Xiao Yun sighed. "I went into a relic and got the inheritance of the King of Wu. At that time, I dreamed back to his life experience and saw the scene where he was ambushed. Among them are clearly Yuwen and Xiao The people of the Shi shot, and then the King of Wars and Xiao Wuya fought. Who else wanted to get rid of him besides Xiao Wuya? "

"Changfeng ..." After hearing the words, Xiao Feng's old emperor's eyes showed sadness, and many past events came to mind.

At that time he had great hopes for this junior.

It is also for his sake that the King of Wu was qualified to compete with Xiao Wuya for the patriarch's successor.

Otherwise, how can a branch child fight with Xiao Wuya without the support of the emperor?

Even if he was absolutely stunning, he had to bow his head.

"Did you kill the wind?" Xiao Feng, the old emperor, stared at Xiao Wuya.

An amazing momentum permeated him.

That momentum, oppressed Xiao Wuya feels that the soul will collapse.

"No ... not me!" Xiao Wuya was frightened.

Even if he has the cultivation of the heaven and the earth, he is still powerless in the face of this Xiao Feng emperor.

Even though the old man has been injured.

This is the gap!

"Do you want the old man to detain your Yuanying out of the soul?" Xiao Feng, the old emperor, said coldly, "said, if there is anyone else besides you, if you are happy, you will be left to your descendants. Otherwise, you are afraid to get rid of Xiao's name in this vein. How can such a black horse stay in my Xiao? "

"I ..." Xiao Wuya sighed and finally spoke, "Yu Wenhao also shot with me!"

"Yu Wenhaotian?" Xiao Feng's eyes flashed. "Is that the boy who also admires Yao Xueyi?"

At this moment, he also knew something.

When Xiao Changfeng was shocked, he was not only beautiful, but also won the favor of the first beauty that day.

It now appears that he apparently made this Xiao Wuya and Yu Wenhao Tian jealous, and thus started to kill.

In the distance, Xuezu sighed, and she also had tears in her eyes when she mentioned Wu Wang.

What a shock that man was then.

It's a pity, because she hated it.

This made her sad and guilty.

"You, you can go on the road." After Xiao Wuya spoke, the emperor Xiao Feng shot it himself and killed it.

In the distance, many emperors were frightened.

This is an emperor who lives in heaven and heaven!

And this excellent talent of Xiao Wuya is a character.

It was such a character, but at this time it was ridiculed.

Or even the resistance.

"Wu Wang, now you can rest in peace, then Yuwen Haotian will also pay for it!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun also took a deep breath and murmured.

Aside, Xiao Zhantian sighed after hearing these things.

Don't want ~ ~ Xiao Wuya's pulse will be like this.

That time ambush the King of Wu, and contemporary still ambushed him.

Two Xiao's geniuses were almost strangled by their own.

Not to mention Xiao Yun.

Speaking of which, it is really sad.

"Xiao's has decayed, and now Fenghuang and the King of War are returning to revive the Xiao's style!" Xiao Yuanqing said beside him.

"Huh!" Xiao Zhantian nodded. "Now, it's time to rectify Xiao's."

"Then ...?" Xiao Xiong asked Huang Lu.

"Enter Xiao first, then go to Tiangong, Yuwen's ..." Xiao Zhantian said.

These forces, he will go again.

"Okay!" Hearing this, Xiao Yuanqing and others beside him were all excited.

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