Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1184: Heaven to Heal [...

Over the Blood River, where the fissures of that day lay, there were several lights and shadows bursting out.

"Come out!" When the light burst out, the emperors of the five tribes were all hot.

I only saw the Seven Killing Son, the Kirin Son, the Kong Qi Son, Chu Tianzhao, the Princess Kirin ... Xiao Yun and others appeared one after another.

"Finally came out!" Xiao Yun took a deep breath.

The crowd appeared above the blood river at this time.

When they appeared, there was a cloud of cohesion immediately.

& nbs [猪 ^ 猪 ^ 岛 ^ 小说] [www]. [zhu] []. [] p; This is the power of heaven and earth.

These people went into and out of the forbidden land of ancient times, and were contaminated with the breath of God, so they would fall from the sky.

"The power of the rules of heaven and earth?"

If the power of today's rules still exists, can those **** sons be born?

Demon hearts are full of expectations.

"Should be robbed first!" Then they rushed to the void next to them and started robbing.

The sky robbery is very strong, and the Razer dance has amazing power.

However, at this time, the emperor of various races frowned.

"The rules of heaven and earth are still there. In this way, those **** sons are afraid that they will also be affected by the calamity." An old emperor's eyes frowned.

"It's just that they have taken away the house and wiped away the divinity, but I don't know if they can cover up the opportunity and survive it?" There are also emperors worried. If so, then these gods have an infinite future and can at least become invincible emperors .

Once the Divine Way opens, they will certainly be the most opportunities to become a god.

After all, these **** sons were pseudo gods before their death!

When Xiao Yun and others were crossing the robbery, someone began to appear within the cracks that day.

"Oh, my king wants to come to the world!" This is the godson of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

This statue appears from within the rift of that day.

Its eyes are sharp, and it glances around, and it has the potential to smash the world.

A strong breath permeated.

"This reincarnation of the god, actually reached the level of the emperor in just one month?" Inspired by the breath diffused by Dapeng god, all the emperors were shocked.

When these gods were born, they were at their peak.

But they can use the power of the temple, and they are extremely powerful.

Moreover, these **** sons were originally conceived in the blood of the gods.

Now, after more than a month, the blood of God has gradually merged with the body that robbed the house, and it is normal for the strength to soar.

Looking at the **** son, there is nothing more depressing in his heart than the emperor of the Golden-winged Dapeng family.

That's Peng Aotian's body!

When this godson appeared, the emperors of all races were moved.

You know, there are not many **** sons in it.

If they were all successfully born, what kind of power is this?

By then, the pattern of the demon realm will definitely change dramatically.


That is when the Son of God was encircled, a mighty world of heaven and earth came together.

The majestic shock that day made the sky tremble.

That might make the emperors of all races tremble, as if the calamity of the world is coming!

"Is this a disaster?" Hao Tiantianwei condensed. The golden-winged Dapeng frowned.

That kind of prestige makes it feel dignified.

It vaguely remembers that he felt the power of the calamity that day.

The vast expanse of clouds, like the sea, enveloped the entire void.


Only to see the robbery squirming, a thunder fell.

The thunder light flickered, and there was a blazing looming light.

The catastrophe is pervasive, as if the light of the world is dying, and the Dapeng God Son is drowned in an instant.

That day Ray also fell head to head.

"What a powerful sky thunder!" When thunder fell that day, Dapeng's son was frightened.

But when the lightning flashed that day, it was drowned.


A scream came out.

Then, the calamity disappeared, and the distant practitioners saw that in the void, Peng Aotian's body turned into soot.

The golden-winged Dapeng **** son has been slain by the sky.

"What a strong god!"

"Is this the extermination of the gods?" Tian Jie flashed away, but the power it carried surprised the emperors of the Demon Realm.

The majesty that day was completely annihilable.

"Huh!" Thinking of the prestige that day, many emperors couldn't help but take a deep breath.

At this time, another son appeared.

And there are several in a row.

The Phoenix Godson, the Unicorn Godson, the Peacock Body, and the White Tiger Godson appear one after another in this sky.

When they appeared in this world, they all seemed quite excited.

After waiting 10,000 years, they are looking forward to this moment!

However, before they were happy, the storm on the sky was stirred up by the vastness of Tianwei.

"This is Tianwei!"

"What's going on, I've wiped away the divinity and succeeded in taking away the house, how could it cause such a powerful scourge?"

When the power of the day condensed, the faces of these gods suddenly changed.

They just didn't allow them to react at all, and when they saw the robbery, it turned into a thunderstorm.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four sky mines almost descended together.

The loud noise shook the sky, heaven and earth seemed to be split, the terrible calamity drowned the heaven and earth, and the power of world destruction shook the emperors.

Even Xiao Yun and others in the distance were trembling.

"So horrible!" Xiao Yun looked in horror, looking at the distant void.

Calamity is fleeting.

When the heaven and earth recovered, the four gods were no longer visible above the sky.

The bodies they seized were all ashes.

I can imagine how terrible this day ’s disaster is.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others had successfully completed the robbery.

"It seems that the rules of heaven and earth have not changed, and the Son of God cannot be born!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun muttered.

"Are you all ridiculed?" The Kirin boy, the Seven Killer boy and others were also relieved.

Several godsons stunned, but the gods kept appearing in the rift that day.

Almost instantly, dozens of **** sons came out.

The celestial **** cow, the blue sky white ape, the fighting **** ape, the idol ...

It's simply too much.

boom! boom!

When they appeared, the calamity continued.

Even when someone stepped out, they encountered a calamity.

Almost a breathing room, there were dozens of **** sons falling down.

Of course, there are also geniuses in the demon domain. They were hacked to death after they came out.


Only a moment later, the Son of God stunned.

Many geniuses who came out with the Son of God were also affected.

Of course, many others remain unaffected.

After a long time, Tianwei dissipated over the Blood River, and the geniuses of all races had already come out.

Looking at this void, many people still feel like a dream.

"These gods ~ ~ are ridiculed?" Many young people looked at each other, it seems difficult to believe this fact.

How powerful were these sons of God in that temple?

But at this point stunned!

"The power of the rules of heaven and earth!" Many emperors breathed a sigh of relief.

Previously, they hated the power of this heaven and earth rule to make it impossible to become a god.

But at this time, they were secretly thankful.

If it were not for the power of the rules of heaven and earth, this world would be afraid of chaos.

"Finally fine!" Many youths smiled.

"Perhaps this is the beginning!" Xiao Yun murmured.

Then, his eyes narrowed, his eyes fell on the blood river in the ancient city.

Although the blood river is restrained, it is difficult to guarantee whether it will continue to open next time?

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